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5.0 Objectives
5.1 Understanding File Terms
5.1.1 Standard Toolbar
5.2 Creating A Workbook
5.3 To Save A Workbook
5.3.1 To save a new Workbook
5.3.2 To save changes made to an existing workbook

5.4 Opening A Workbook

5.5 Check Your Progress
5.6 To close a Workbook

5.6.1 Naming Worksheets

5.6.2 Inserting Worksheets To insert a new Worksheet Deleting Worksheets To delete one or more Worksheets

5.7 To Exit Microsoft Excel

5.8 Summary
5.9 Answers
5.10 Further readings

After studying this unit, you should be able to:

• Understand various Toolbars

• Creating A Workbook
• To save a Workbook
• Opening a Workbook
• Closing a Workbook


The File menu contains all the operations that we will discuss in this unit:

New, Open, Close, Save and Save As.

5.1.1 Standard Toolbar:

1. New:
Create a new, blank spreadsheet. Used to create a new Workbook.
2. Open:
Used to open an existing file from a floppy disk or hard drive of our computer. Open a previously saved
3. Save:
Used to save a file that has had changes made to it. If we close the work book without saving then any
changes made will be lost. Save the current spreadsheet.
4. Permission:
Gives us permission to handle files.
5. Print: Prints the current document.
6. Print Preview:
Preview the potential print of the current document.
7. Research:
Microsoft has enabled Information Rights Management (IRM) within the new version of Excel, which
can help protect sensitive documents from being
copied or forwarded. Click this for more information and options.
8. Copy:
Copies the current selection to the clipboard, which can then be pasted elsewhere in the document.
9. Paste:
Takes the current clipboard contents and inserts them.
10. Undo:
Undoes the last action in the document, reverting “back” a step in time.
11. Insert Hyperlink:
Inserts a hyperlink to an Internet location.
A drop-down menu of available mathematical operations to perform.
13. Sort Ascending:
Sorts the current selection in ascending order.
14. Chart Wizard:
Opens the “Chart Wizard,” which will walk we through the creation of a chart
/ diagram using the currently selected information.
15. Microsoft Excel Help:
Brings up the Excel Help window, which will allow we to type in a key-word
for more information, or click anything on screen to directly bring up further information on that subject.
16. More Options:
There are a variety of extra options we can call or add to the toolbar, such as
Spell Check, Sort Descending, Cut, Redo, etc. By clicking the triangle, we
can access these options; at the same time, we can drag this toolbar
outwards more to make more available space for these options directly on the toolbar.
17. Close:
Used to close a spread sheet.
18. Save As:
Used when to save a new file for the first time or save an existing file with a different name.


A blank workbook is displayed when Microsoft Excel is first opened. We can type information or design
a layout directly in this blank workbook.

To Create an Excel Workbook:

• Choose File New from the menu bar. OR press Ctrl+N.

• The New Workbook task pane opens on the right side of the screen.

• Choose Blank Workbook under the New category heading.

• A blank workbook opens in the Excel window. The New Workbook task pane is closed.

5.4 TO SAVE A WORKBOOK (Use of Save & Save As)

Every workbook created in Excel must be saved and assigned a name to distinguish it from other
workbooks. The first time we save a workbook, Excel will prompt us to assign a name through the Save
As operation. Once assigned a name, any additional changes made to the text, numbers or formulas need
to be saved using the Save operation.

• From File menu, click Save.

• If it is a new file, the Save As dialog box will appear. If necessary select a different folder that we
may wish to save the file in.
• Enter a name in the File name: text box.
• Click on the Save button.

• OR on the Standard toolbar, click SAVE or

5.3.3 To Save a new Workbook:
5.3.4 Choose File Save As from the menu bar.

The Save As Dialog Box appears.

Click on the Save In: dropdown menu and locate where the file will be saved. Choose 3 1/2 Floppy (A:)
to save the file to a floppy disk or Local Disk (C:) to save the file to our computer. Later, we can open
the file, modify it and print it.

• Type a name for the file in the File Name: box.

• Click the Save button.

5.3.2 To Save Changes Made to an Existing Workbook:

• Choose File Save from the menu bar, or

Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar.

• If we are saving the file for the first time and we do not choose a file name, Microsoft Excel will
assign a file name for us.

• It is a good idea to Save frequently when working in a spreadsheet. Losing information is never
fun! We can quickly save our spreadsheet by using the quick-key combination Ctrl + S.

To specify the location where we want to save the worksheet.

Specify the location where we want to save the worksheet in the Save in box. The previously
selected My Documents folder is displayed here."Book1" is entered in the File name box for us.

To change the file name, type in a new file name.

Click Save.

1. The worksheet is saved as a "file".

The file name in the Title Bar changes from "Book1" to the saved file name.
2. Check the location where the file was saved.

Click the (Start button), and then click My Documents.

Let's check that the saved file is in the My Documents folder.

Tip: Characters that cannot be used in file names

Please note that the following characters cannot be used in a file name.
/ Slash

* Asterisk

| Hyphen

\ Back slash

? Question

: Colon

>< Less than or

greater than

" Double


• From the File menu, click Open. OR press Ctrl+O.

• From the Open dialog box as displayed, use the Look in: drop down menu to select the drive or
folder that contains the file we want.
• To open the file we can either double-click on the file name
OR select the file name by clicking on it, and then click on the Open button.

We can open any workbook that has previously been saved and given a name.

To Open an Existing Excel 2003 Workbook:

• Choose File Open from the menu bar.

• The Open dialog box opens.

• In the Look in list, click the drive, folder, or Internet location that contains the file we
want to open.
• In the folder list, open the folder that contains the file. Once the file is displayed, click on
the file we want to open.
• Click the Open button.

Tip: We can also open worksheets without using file popup menu.

Let's open the file we saved. Opening the file let we resume our work.

Let's open the worksheet file using the following steps.

1. Click the (Start button), and then click My Documents.

The saved file is in the My Documents folder.

2. Double-click the file.

The Excel startup screen appears, and the worksheet is displayed.

Tip: we can also use the Office Button's Open

When we click Excel's (Office Button), the Open command is in the

menu that appears. We can use Open to open a worksheet.

1. Click the (Office Button), and then click Open.

2. Select the worksheet we want to open, and then click Open.

Tip: We can also open worksheets we have saved recently from "History"

When we click Excel's (Office Button), a list of recently saved files

appears in the lower part of the displayed menu as "History". We can select a file
from this "History" list, and open it.

Click (Office Button), and then select the worksheet file that we want to
open from the "History" list.


• From the File menu, click Close. OR press Ctrl+S.

• We will be asked if we wish to save any changes we have made to the file.
• Select Yes to save or No to ignore the changes.
• If we are saving a new file, the Save As dialog box will display.
• In the File name text box, enter a name and click on the Save button.

To close an existing Excel 2003 Workbook:

• Choose File Close from the menu bar. The workbook in the Excel window is closed.

• Excel 2003 will prompt us to save information if any has been typed between the last save and the
time we close the file.

5.6.1 Naming Worksheets

At the beginning, we learned that the tabs displayed at the bottom of the screen are named Sheet1, Sheet2
and Sheet3. These are not very informative names. Excel 2003 allows us to define a meaningful name for
each worksheet in a workbook-Checkbook, Reports, Accounts-so we can quickly locate information.

To Name a Worksheet:

• Double-click the sheet tab to select it. The text is highlighted by a black box.

• Type a new name for the worksheet.

• Press the Enter key.

• The worksheet now assumes the descriptive name defined.

5.6.2 Inserting Worksheets

• Click the sheet tab to select the worksheet where we want to insert a new one. The new worksheet
will be inserted before this worksheet.
• From the Insert menu, click Worksheet.

By default, each new workbook in Excel 2003 defaults to three worksheets named Sheet1, Sheet2 and
Sheet3. We have the ability to insert new worksheets if needed or delete others we no longer want. To Insert a New Worksheet:

• Choose Insert Worksheet from the menu bar.

• A new worksheet tab is added to the bottom of the screen. It will be named Sheet4, Sheet5 or
whatever the next sequential sheet number may be in the workbook. Deleting Worksheets

• Click on the sheet tab to select the worksheet we wish to delete.

• From the Edit menu, click Delete Sheet.
• Select OK to permanently delete the selected sheet.

Any worksheet can be deleted from a workbook, including those that have data in it. Remember, a
workbook must contain at least one worksheet. To Delete One or More Worksheets:

• Click on the sheet(s) we want to delete.

• Choose Edit Delete Sheet from the menu bar.

• The following dialog box appears if the sheet being deleted contains information on it.

• Click the Delete button to remove the worksheet and all the data in it.

Another way to delete or insert a worksheet is to right-click on the sheet to be deleted and then select
Delete or Insert from the shortcut menu.

• From the File menu, click Exit.

• If we have saved all the changes made in the active workbook files, Microsoft Excel will close.
• If we have not saved all the changes, the Save confirmation box will be displayed.
• To save the current workbook file before exiting, select Yes.
• To exit without saving the file, select No.
• To cancel the exit command, select Cancel or press Esc.


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application used to create and manage business transactions that deal
with accounting. To make this possible, it can assist you with creating lists of transactions, then using
those lists to create charts and other analysis tools.
To start Microsoft Excel, from the Taskbar, click
Start -> (All) Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office Excel.

1.Check Your Progress

1 Write the function of permission option in the toolbar?
2 irm stands for_____________________________
3 What is autosum?
4 To open the drop down list,click on the ______ option.
5 Write 3 steps to enter the data into the spreadsheet?
6 What is the use of esc key ?
7 Write two ways to create a excel workbook?
8 Write the list of keys that can b used to quickly enter the data?

2.Check Your Progress


i. If a user do not give the file name while saving the file,then excel will assign the file name

ii. We cannot also open worksheets without using file popup menu.

1 _____is the shortcut key to quickly save the file.

2 List the characters that cannot be used in the file name?

3 _____ is the shortcut key to open an excel workbook.

4 _____ is the shortcut key for opening tha new file.

5 List of recently saved files can be seen by clicking the ______ option .

6 What are excel headers and footers?

7 Can we change the colour of worksheet tabs in the workbook?

8 In excel the no of rows are _____and coloumns are______.

3.Check Your Progress


1. No warning appears before closing the file.

2. Delete option is present in the file menu.
3. Save as option is used to save the file.
4. If we have saved all the changes made in the active workbook files, Microsoft Excel will close.
5. If we are saving a new file, the Save As dialog box will display.


1. Click on the sheet tab to ________ the worksheet we wish to delete.

2. Select _____ to save or ____ to ignore the changes.
3. To cancel the exit command, select _______ or press Esc.
4. To exit without saving the file, select ______.
5. To exit a file click ______ from the File menu.


1 Gives user a permission to handle files.

3 A drop-down menu of available mathematical operations to perform.

1. Click on the cell where you want the data to go.

2. Type your data into the cell.

3. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard or click on another cell with the mouse.

6 cancels ths current data enrty.


1.choose file->new from menu bar.

2.OR press ctrl+N.


• Enter key: enters the data and moves the active cell highlight down to the next cell in the current

• Tab key: enters the data and moves the active cell highlight to the next cell in the current row.

• Arrow keys: enters the data and moves the active cell highlight to the next cell in the direction of
the specific arrow key pressed. For example, if the up arrow is pressed, the active cell highlight
moves up to the next cell in the current column.

• Esc key: cancels the current data entry.


2 Ctrl+S
3 /, *, | , \ , ? , : , <> , “.
4 Ctrl+O
5 Ctrl+N
7 In Microsoft Excel, headers and footers are lines of text that print at the top (header) and bottom
(footer) of each page in the spreadsheet.
8 NO
9 65536, 255




1. Select
2. YES, NO
3. Cancel
4. NO


1.Introduction to Information Technology, V. Raja Raman, 1st Edition, 2007, Prentice Hall of India.

2.Introduction to Information Technology, 1st Edition, 2007, Pearson Education.

3.Fundamentals of Information Technology, Deepak Bharioke, 3/e, excel Books, 2005.

4.Case Studies in Information Technology Ethics, Richard A. Spinello Second Edition, Prentice-Hall,

5.Introduction to Information Technology, Second Edition, Efraim Turban, R. Kelly Rainer, Jr.,
Richard E. Potter, Wiley India, 2006.

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