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Calculate the area of each parallelogram.

a b

\16~~ 8em 7em

Q4 hint Find the base "'rs:
perpendicular to the base

Calculate the perimeter and arec C: ~=:'"" ~-

'/!3smm 7 LE:
All lengths are in centimetres.
b ...

61mm 4.3m
7 a

Calculate the perimeter and area of each

shape. AI/lengths are in centimetres.

a fE] \147 9.6

6 A triangle has base length S.6cm and
3 R a Work out the area height 9cm.
of this parallelogram.
Calculate its area.
7 P Sam makes place mats from-rrta=gies c
from a wooden board.
Each place mat has a border _£
4em around the whole triangle.
b Trace the parallelogram. Join opposite
vertices with a straight line to make two
c What fraction of the parallelogram is each

d Write down the area of one of the triangles.

Calculate the area I Example

of each triangle. ~ •

•~b '.'
1:1 . '"
4em 7em •

Bem ~~~ nave

R = Reasoning P = Problem-solving
9 ~:~~~:I:~:;,~~~~~!~~~~~~'
~- 2 <, -; ~ ~~- I.
Calculate the area
and oerimeter of
These shapes are drawn on centimetre
tl',-,is 30sceles
squared paper. ,


An isoscelestrapezium has one line of

~"""_rnetry. Its two sloping sides are equal.

'3 P TIiiS trapezium has area 36 ern'.


/ 11an

a s,~~-t_e ~hevalues for A, a and b into

!'3 -t. =l(a+ b)h
:- 3!151:oerto part a.
c~ 'Equation from part b to find h.
ts wit" ,'our answer.
4 P Thistran.;.tiumhas area 21 m2.
rectang-..Jla" '"OCY'1 measures l.5 m b) 5.1 m,
and is 2..!. m "ig'"'_
a Sketch fo....r rectangles to represent the
four walls. .abet their lengths and widths.
u Calculate the total area of the walls.
c A tin of paint costs £8.99 and covers 5 rn'.
Work out its height
Estimate the cost of the paint for the watls.
S Convert
a 1850 mrn' to cm2 b 29.2cm2 to rnrn'
6 a Calculate the area of
this square in ern'.
b Convert your answer
Calculate the areas of these Example to rnrn-.
. ,
All lengths are in centimetres.
Round answers to 1 decimal
place where necessary.
a 7 b
I!J .
7 R a Use these diagrams to help you work out
the number of em' in 4 rn'.


2m 200cm

c ·

2m 200cm
d 9.4

L6.s ~
b Copy and complete the double number line.

m2 0 1 2 34m2

xD(cm2 ~ rllrllrllrll cm2)+D
60 R = Reasoning P = Problem-solving 8.1 Rectanglu, parallelograms ancitriangles
(f> Convert
a 5.Sm2 to cm2 b 12500cm2:to m2 m; -.~
. ~r:-,-"
~ -
, .! ~

9 a Choose four decimal measures between

~w",~~. ,
. .for;_.-; ft-
~\~l~:i'"--' ~:
3 m2 and 4m2•
Convert each measure to em',
1 Convert tnese =_:-=~ --
b Choose four measures between 18000cm2
a 5 ha to m2
and 20000cml.
( SO000 m2 to na
Convert each measure to m2•
2 a Use these dlagra-rs z
10 The diagram shows a
1.2m the number of rr2
paving stone.
a Work out the area
of the stone in m2• 2

b Convert your answer 1.6m

to part a to ern'. 2km

( Convert the length and b Copy and,complete the dove e ,_

the width of the -~: km2 0 1 2 3 4 kW", _
paving stone to cm. xD(m 2 h r±lrllr±lr±l m2 ')+i_
d Use these measurements to work out the
area of the paving stone i~ em'. 3 R lona and Oronsay are islands of tne InJ1,::,
P Work out these areas in em'. Hebrides.
The area of lona is S.77krn-.

6.5cm 28mm
The area of Oronsay is 519 ha. •
a Which is larger, lona or Oronsay?
b What is the difference in area?

4 The diagram shows a shape Example

split into two rectangles,
A and B.


Work out the 8

area of this
rectangle 10m:a
a in cnf L4cm Worko..rt:
b in mm'. (3 marks) a tne arEaS-of ~"ar.:::3 :"!.2.~,=,~a
an: t..

13 P Aisha is doing a wildlife survey.

In field A she finds 40 speciesin an areaof1.4ro? j_
In field B she finds 25 species in an area 0
Which field has more species per scusre
Show working to explain.

R = Reasoning P = Problem.solving 8.3 Area of compound shapes

6 Here is a compound shape. t,.::re are .. 9· a. Sketch this isosceles trapezium.
ways of working out its area. 10cm

/_ 18cm
Divide it into two triangles and a rectangle
c Work out the area of each part, then add
".0 find the total area.

-'';JW could you work out the area of a

MethOd 1
2pez.;.JJJ1 if you forget the area formula?
... R:-~= .",:",c·:es
this photo frame by cutting
---=-:-:'5 e 20an by 15cm out of a larger
_~:-~2e 0: card


7 Cc: (.,..!1a:ethe area ano oerimeter of each shape.
Q:. ". Work out me area of the larger
a ~~cn 4cm .L=Jl0;:m6mm
b rectangle then subtract the area of the cut
out rectangle.
San 9cm 17mm

. 14cm 24mm

c of a wooden frame with

two panes of glass.
Work out the area of
wood used.
EJ m

8 Work out the area of each shape.

~2em~. b /\j42mm
(3 marks)

EJ m


LJ7em 17mmLJ
(!8'~4-; f' r"fr:. y ,.
gem 35mm •

10em 15em

I~ this :U:B.=
Work out the surface area of


R=" Reasoning P = Problem-solving 8.3 Area of compound shapes

Look at this diagram of a cuboid. ~~ Ca ~CL!~=:::

What is the-area of-the top of the cuboid?
ii Which other face of the cuboid is
identical to this one? 14cm

b i What is the area of the front of this cuboid? 6 P The stand for a modei .s in th~ ~~
ii Which other face of the cuboid is ~ cuboid.
It is 65 mm long, 52~mmwide ,,-,0 ~r-
identical to this one?
c i What is the area of the side of this cuboid? Ellie varnishes all the faces eXCED,t~;:
ii Which other face of the cuboid is bottom.
identical to this one? a Work out the total area she var'" st"1~,
d Copy and complete this calculation to work square centimetres.
out the total surface area of the cuboid. b One tin of varnish covers 120cm'.
2 x 0 + 2 x 0 + 2 x 0 = Dcm2 How many tins of varnish does Elue neec
,"'-) to varnish 5 model stands?
I 3 /alculate the surface area of each cuboid.
'-- . a b 7 These stools are covered with fabric.
2cm c::J
10mm DOD


3cm 16mm

40 em

c !~2.5m
a Work out how many square metres of
fabric you will need to cover them both.
The fabric costs £7.49 per square metre.
Sketch a net of this triangular prism. b Estimate the cost of the fabric needed to
cover them both.
Label the lengths.
l( 8\ P / RThis cube has surface
(\ __.) area 726cm2.
L What is the length of one
side of the cube?
,Q~.~int First work out th
~:;; ,'...
• .-. > .<J ~~~:i:
j_:~'I~: A_~' ~~• fh~!f~in

Storage bOXI
1 all faces.
5cm a Workout the
- 'area to be painted on one bex,
b Work out b One tina.f paint covers an area of 25 m2•
the area of each face How many whole boxes can be painted
ii the total surface area. with one tin of naint?
. (4 marks)

R = Reasoning P = Problem-solving 8.4 surface area of 3D solids

s ~r I r 6 P IF.."he cross-section of a prism is a
per-tagon with area 8.4 ern'.
~t41:k~~,i~" -'," e prism is 5.3 cm long.
This cuboid is made of centimetre Wor., out the volume of the prism.
.'~~""("'-'~' ,,' "-~",,_"~m:"-,"c
// 7/ 7/ 7/ ~!fl '.--'
... ~~~~~~"., ~... :.:~*"~.~..
%%'U>'">~ ~'7.'I

[ I ~ , , i:S'
The diagram shows a
ater tank in the
Each cube has volume 1
shape of a cuboid.
Workout the L8m

~ere are some


-"'J cubic metres of water are in

, Give your answer to 2 decimal
(3 marks)

Ell • ::S.59 per cubic metre.
it cost to fill the rest of
~, . (3 marks)

a / 7~ /-=<11.5 ::tlepth of the water on the

I U, CYm
! start your working out,
cnecs wn:! t!:''';3 you l'1eed to use for your
:, aos, Do yc:.: neeo to change any-units

c d
I I before you do the <a.c~:ation?

~; A cube has volume 729cm3.

~ow long is one side of the cube?

em I~ P Sketch and label the dimensions of three

35cm 12mm : cuboids with volume 36cm3.

4 This prism is made from centimetre cubes.

Work out the volume of the prism.

1 Convert
a 17 ern' to rnm' b 25 000 rnrn' to ern'
c 6.1 ern' to rnrn' d 12870 rnrn' to ern'

.® Calculate the volume of

eaeh prism.
Ql hint x1000

a.. ~ +1000

z a Work out the volume of this euboid in em3,
7em c:J
then convert it to mrn'.


3.2 em .

~em .acrn

b Convert the measurements of the euboid

to mm, then work out the volume in mrn'.
8.5 Volume of prisms
3 Convert
a 7.2 rn' into em)
b 1.65 m3 into em-
c 2500000cmlintom!
d 785 000 ern' into m)

4 Convert
a 0.8 litres into ern) b 6600cm3 into litres
c 12 m3 into ern' d 4m3 into litres
e 1.9 m3 into titres f 8000 litres into m3
g 5.3 titres into em) ~
h Copy and complete: a What volume.of wax c:::-=sb': ~<!=--.
1 m3 = 0 litres each candle?
Alex melts this cube of Iva"
5 This measuring cylinder can
hold 100mt.
What is the capacity of this
measuring cylinder in ern'?

b How many candles can he make HI--
6 A raised bed for growing vegetables is in the this wax?
shape of a cuboid.
10 Work out the missing
measurements in these
30 an ~"----0---"70cm cuboids.


Phoebe wants to fitt it with compost.

How ~any titres of compost does she need?
Work out the capacity
"Bt • 8cm
Volume = 120em3
[!J L'

of this carton
a in ml b L/14em
b in litres.

LV 6em
Volume = 336 em3

P Here is the designfor a garden pond. 11




a How much water witl the pond contain?
Work out its surface area,
Give your answer in titres.
The bottom and sides of the pond are
covered with a plastic lining.
b How many square metres of lining are
needed? -,
W1~,,:~,,;~ , 6 In the shape below all lengths are in em::

Solve problems using these t~

strategies where appropriate: y

• Use pictures 15
• Use smaller numbers 4 x
• Use bar models
• Use x for the unknown
• Use a flow diagram.
a Write the down the perimeter of this share
1 RA square is cut in half to form two identical in terms of x and y.
rectangles. The rectangles have one side that b Show that x =9
is 6cm long. c If x = 2y, what is the area of the shape?
a What could the length of the other side r
7 At an athletics event, ~ of the crowd are
be? (There is more than one possible
adults. 75% of the remaining crowd are
girls. There are 4500 girls in the crowd.
b What could the area of the square be? How many people intotal are in the crowd a:
2 Nicola buys a new pair of running shoes and the athletics event?
a T-shirt. She spent £86 on the shoes. This
Q7 hint Draw a bar to represent all the
is £23 more than three times the cost of the
crowd. Split the bar into 10 equal sections
and work out what 1 section represents.
How much did the T-shirt cost?

3 R This trapezium is made up of a square and 8 R Casey has 60 jewellery boxes of dimensions
a triangle of the same area. 6 cm by 4.5 cm by 2 cm. She packs all of therr
neatly into a crate. There is no space left in
the crate.
a What is the capacity of the crate?
b Suggest the dimensions of a suitable crate
What s the height of the trapezium if its area
is-Z42cnY? 9 R A butter manufacturer wants to sell butter
• .I.r_-:-_
_J :.

in .48cml portions. A manager chooses to

4 A small field has a r..;dtl-a that \ ~t.2m
package 't in 2cm by 4cm by 6cm slabs.
than its length. The per'meter .s 75.6m.
Suggest different dimensions so that less
What are the dimensions of the field?
rnaterial is needed to wrap each slab of
5 ~~~~-:"::-,c,,
" b...

Jenny is redecorating her bathroom, which 10 R A C}1:'1dricattank of height 0.8 m and

is 2.8m wide by 3.5m long and 3m high. cross-sectional area 0.12 mZ is full of oil. t
She tiles one of the smaller walls and paints Is there enough oil in the tank to fill
the other 3 walls. 85 half-litre bottles of oil?
The tiles are 35 em by 70cm and are sold in How can you tell?
boxes of 10. 11 The cross-sectional area of shape A is 28 em'.
Each box costs £ 15. It has a volume that is Ii
times that of shape E
Paint is sold in tins which cost £8.99 and What is the length x of shape A?
cover 4.5 square metres.
Which wil~ cost her more, the tiles or
the paint?
How much more?
(6 marks)

l.easorWlq P = Problem.solving 8 Problem-80Mng

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