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In the context of bullying cases in educational environments, we are often reminded of the legal
adage "Salus populi suprema lex esto," which means the safety of the public is the supreme law.
Currently, the challenges faced in addressing bullying issues have reached a worrying level, with
many cases resulting in serious consequences for both victims and perpetrators. Therefore, it is
urgent to advocate for the introduction of more stringent legal sanctions as an effective measure
in dealing with bullying cases in educational settings.

According to the latest data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), bullying cases among
students in Indonesia have increased by 15% from the previous year. This reflects the urgent
need to take more serious action in addressing this issue. Through the introduction of more
stringent legal sanctions, we can demonstrate to the public that bullying is not only morally
prohibited but also subject to strict legal consequences.

Surveys conducted by the Ministry of Health also indicate that bullying victims often experience
serious negative impacts on their mental well-being. More than 40% of bullying victims have
reported significant symptoms of depression, while over 30% have experienced anxiety requiring
professional intervention. With the implementation of stricter legal sanctions, it is hoped that
bullying behavior can be curbed, thereby reducing the risk of detrimental psychological impacts.

Moreover, it is important to remember that unaddressed bullying cases can lead to more serious
consequences in the future. Several studies indicate that bullying perpetrators are at a higher risk
of engaging in criminal activities later on. By enforcing more stringent legal sanctions, we can
impart a strong lesson to perpetrators that their actions cannot be tolerated and that they are
accountable for their actions.

In the legal context, Article 28G of the 1945 Constitution guarantees the right of every citizen to
be protected from acts of violence, including bullying. Therefore, it is crucial for the government
and authorities to enact regulations that acknowledge this right and impose appropriate sanctions
for violations of this right.

Stronger legal sanctions can also be a primary focus in providing comprehensive education to the
community about the importance of respecting human rights and dignity. Through this approach,
we can enhance collective awareness of the dangers and consequences of bullying behavior,
enabling the entire community to actively participate in preventing detrimental incidents in the
However, it is important to remember that the imposed legal sanctions must be balanced and
proportional, especially when involving perpetrators who are still under the law's age limit. In
this regard, there is a need for a balanced approach between appropriate punishment and
effective rehabilitation efforts to help perpetrators acknowledge their mistakes and prevent the
recurrence of detrimental behavior in the future.

The introduction of stronger legal sanctions should also be accompanied by efforts to enhance
the role of schools and educational institutions in teaching students about the values of empathy,
tolerance, and respect for differences. By integrating a comprehensive education approach, we
can cultivate a younger generation that is aware of the importance of respecting others and
avoiding harmful behavior.

With the active involvement of schools, families, and the community as a whole, the
implementation of stricter legal sanctions can be part of a comprehensive strategy in creating a
safe, inclusive, and supportive educational environment for all individuals. Thus, we can shape a
more caring and responsive society to social issues that threaten public welfare and security.

In concluding this perspective, the introduction of stricter legal sanctions is a crucial step in
addressing the serious issues related to bullying cases in educational environments. Recognizing
that the safety of the public is the supreme law, we need to collectively support progressive and
effective measures to prevent and address bullying cases seriously and comprehensively.
Through collaboration between the government, educational institutions, and the community as a
whole, we can build a safer and more inclusive environment for future generations. Thank you.

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