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Volume 64, number 6 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 15 December 1987



Engineering Design Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 600 036. India

Received 29 July 1987; revised manuscript received 15September 1987

A comparative Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometric technique which allows compensation of fringes is presented in this
paper. The technique employs two identical objects, the master and the test, that are identically loaded to detect the difference in
their displacement profiles. The advantage of using DSPI is that real-time compensation of fringes can be achieved precisely and
defect detection becomes much easier. Theory and experimental results are presented.

1. Introduction in real-time. The technique uses two identical ob-

jects, a master and a test. Both the objects are loaded
Electronic speckle pattern interferometry ( ESPI), identically, thereby the phase change brought in by
which is an outgrowth of holography and speckle in- the loading of the test object are fully compensated
terferometry, is a technique by which speckle pat- by the master. However, if the test object has a de-
terns are processed electronically using analog fect, then the deflection profiles do not match at the
circuits. It has a variety of applications such as mea- defect site and fringes are formed around that re-
surements of small displacements, vibration analy- gion. In fact, if the loading is not identical for both
sis, shape measurements, non-destructive testing the objects, then fringes corresponding to the differ-
(NDT), etc. They have been covered in detail in ence in the deflection profiles are formed. This tech-
various articles [ l-3 1. The use of digital speckle pat- nique is especially suited for detecting small defects,
tern interferometry (DSPI) [4-81, where the pro- where a heavy loading might be required for the de-
cessing of speckle patterns is done digitally on a fect to show up. Moreover if Leendertz [ 111 ar-
computer, to generate high contrast fringes by em- rangement is used, it is shown that fringe
ploying non-linear processing [ 61 has also been re- compensation is not applicable to all types of object.
ported. Inspite of getting such high contrast fringes
in DSPI, information about large displacements is
lost for larger loadings due to low resolution. This 2. ESPUDSPI
limits the ease with which it can be implemented for
practical problems, especially for NDT where defect ESPI is a technique by which the speckle patterns
detection becomes impossible as the object under test are processed electronically using analog circuits,
is stressed heavily to bring about an anomaly in the whereas in DSPI the speckle patterns are processed
fringe pattern. A fringe compensation technique to digitally on a host computer. The stored digital in-
overcome this problem in speckle interferometry was formation after the required modifications is dis-
reported by us [ 91. Another comparative method us- played on a TV monitor. Since the data is in a digital
ing speckle interferometry to obtain the difference in form, we have more flexibility in handling the data.
deflection profiles of two similar objects has also been The two images of the speckle patterns formed due
reported in an earlier paper [ lo]. to the interference of the beams from the test and the
In this paper, we report a modified compensation master objects are stored, one before and the other
technique suitable for any type of object using DSPI. after loading. The difference between the two images
The advantage is that compensation can be effected is obtained pixel by pixel and subjected to non-linear

0 030-401g/87/$03.50 0 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 501

(North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)
Volume 64. number 6 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 15December 1987

processing such as level slicing and level windowing. process since the transfer of data is a relatively slow
This results in high contrast fringes. The advantage process.
of DSPI is that measurements can be made even if
the average speckle size is less than the spatial res- 2.2. Real-time method
olution of the camera [ 61. This is because of the fact
that non-linear operations such as level-slicing and In this method, the speckle objects in their initial
level-windowing enhance the speckle contrast to yield state are stored in the odd pixels of the framestore
high contrast fringes. and only the even pixels are updated by a memory
The advantage of using DSPI for our purpose is update controller. These two frames are subtracted
that (a) double-exposure as well as (b) real-time and the difference is fed to the monitor at TV rate.
compensation of fringes can be observed. Level-slicing is achieved by redefining the output
look-up table.
2.1. Double exposure method

In this method, the two frames of data i.e. speckle 3. Theory

patterns corresponding to the objects in their initial
state and the deformed state are stored on the hard The fringes observed in DSPUESPI are correlation
disc and are subsequently processed pixel by pixel fringes. These fringes depict the change in the de-
and fed to the TV monitor. This is a time consuming flection profiles of the two objects. Fig.1 shows the






Fig. 1. Schematic of the experimental arrangement with the lay-out ofthe image processing system

Volume 64. number 6 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 15December 1987

schematic arrangement to superpose the two objects In this case, 6 = S , - a2, where 6, and d2 are the in-
A and B at the image plane i.e. at the surface of the dividual phase changes introduced by the loading of
vidicon. If I, and Z2are the resultant intensities at a the objects A and B respectively and n is an integer.
point on the face plate of the detector before and after With identical objects and identical loading, 6, =6,
deformation respectively, then I, and Z2are given by and hence 6 = 0. This results in a dark fringe over the
entire object. If the test object has a defect, the de-
I, =a:+4 +2a,a* cos (4) , flection profiles do not match at that site and we see
z,=a:+a:+2u,u, cos (@+6), fringes centred around the defect on the object. To
observe a weak defect, both objects are loaded heav-
where a, and a2 are the amplitudes of the scattered ily and phase compensation provides a fringe-free
light at the image plane from the objects A and B re- field except at the defect site.
spectively, @is the random phase between the two The limitation of the modified Michelson’s inter-
beams and 6 is the phase change due to deformation. ferometer arrangement is that the image of A is su-
The output of the camera will have voltages pro- perposed on the mirror image of B, and hence the
portional to the intensities, as V, al, and V2aZz. technique can be applied only to objects that have a
The difference between these two voltages is ex- folding symmetry about the y-axis as shown in fig. 1.
pressed as This problem can be overcome by using the geom-
dV=( VI - V2)a2u,uz [co@-cos (@+S)] , etry of fig. 2 in which both the mirror images of A
a?YdB are superposed so that it can be applied to any
A Vrnaxaha2, when6=(2n+ 1)x, type of identical objects.
AVmi”=O, when 6=2n~ .

n 1.


Fig. 2. Schematic of the modified optical arrangement for fringe compensation.

Volume 64, number 6 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 15 December 1987

4. Experimental setup 5. Results and discussion

The schematic diagram of the experimental setup Different defective diaphragms were fabricated and
is shown in fig. 2. A and B are two identical objects tested using DSPI. Fig. 3a shows the photograph of
(A is the master and B is the test). By careful ad- the fringes for a diaphragm with a large defect. The
justment the images of the objects are exactly su- defect is about 60°& The out-of-plane displacement
perposed on the faceplate of the vidicon. A 7mW He- fringes for such a diaphragm show a bit of eccen-
Ne Laser (1=0.6328 urn) was used for the experi- tricity, orienting towards the defect site. Figs. 3b, c,
ments. The framestore is a 512x 512x 8 bit mem- d are the different stages of compensation attempted
ory. This means the electric video signal is sampled by deforming the master. Initially the test object was
at 5 12 x 5 12 pixels and the intensity at each pixel is deformed to 15 urn at the centre. With compensa-
quantized to 256 gray levels. The input processor tion, fringes over only the defect site (fig. 3c) have
serves as a memory update controller. Real-time dif- been obtained. Fig. 3d is the photograph of the fringes
ferencing is achieved by the recursive processor. A obtained when the master was deformed little more
PDP-1 l/23 computer incorporated with an Intellect than the test object. Fig. 4a is the photograph of the
100 image processor was used in this study. out-of-plane displacement fringes for a 20% defect in
The objects of study were two circular perspex dia- the diaphragm which was loaded to 10 urn. The
phragms of diameter 60 mm, clamped along the edges fringes do not show any eccentricity nor can the de-
and loaded at the centre. The observation area was fect site be located. The diaphragm was again loaded
at the centre of about 40 mm diameter. The defects to 30 urn and then compensation was attempted by
in the objects were created by milling away a small loading the master. Fig. 4b and c shows the different
portion on the back surface of the diaphragm. stages of compensation and in fig. 4c the defect site
appears as a bright spot in the otherwise zero fringe

Fig. 3. Photographs of the sequence of fringe compensation for a test object with a 609b defect, (a) the test object was deformed to 6 Km,
(b,c,d) the master was deformed to I5 pm initially and the test object was loaded to 13 Frn, 15 pm and 17 pm respectively.

Volume 64. number 6 15 December 1987

Fig. 4. Photographs of compensated fringes for a test object with a 20% defect, (a) the test object was deformed to 10 pm, (b,c) the test
object was again loaded to 30 urn and the master was loaded to 38 pm and 40 urn respectively.

Usually, for location of the defect site the change tion profiles of the images are exactly superposed.
around the area of the defect should be at least a few Otherwise, a resultant fringe pattern due to the mis-
orders of wavelength. As loading the objects to 30 to match of the two deflection profiles will be obtained
40 urn simultaneously to bring out an anomaly would rather than full compensation.
introduce decorrelation, preloading the objects to
about 60 to 80 urn would be better, especially in the
case of weak defects. Fig. 5 shows one such photo- 6. Conclusion
graph where the objects were pre-stressed to 60 pm.
They were further stressed to 30 urn and 28 urn be- A comparative technique which allows compen-
tween exposures. It is very essential that the deflec- sation of fringes in real-time has been introduced in
DSPI. The advantage of this technique is that proper
superposition of the two images of the objects can be
done with ease. Moreover a modified arrangement
has been proposed for fringe compensation to in-
coporate any type of object. As the technique is real-
time, it will find applications as a tool for NDT in


The financial support from the Department of Sci-

Fig. 5. Photograph of the fringes obtained when the master and ence and Technology (DST), is gratefully
the test objects were pre-loaded to 60 pm and then loaded to 30 acknowledged.
pm and 28 urn respectively.

Volume 64, number 6 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS 15 December I987

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