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There are many methods of processing food such as blanching, canning and mailing.

Depending on each type of food, we use different methods. One of the most common methods is,
for example, canning. For vegetables or meat, poultry and seafood, we can use canning which
involves placing foods in jars or similar containers and heating them to a temperature that
destroys microorganisms that cause food to spoil. In food processing, canning has many benefits.
For example, food is heated inside the can to kill any dangerous microorgainsms and extend the
food’s shelf life. Another benefit of canning is that it preserves most of the nutrients in food
including: Proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are unaffected, as are vitamins A,C,D, and B2.
However, there are many negative points of canning such as it can affect the taste, the texture
and decrease amount of vitamin B2 of the food by heat treatment at high temperature. Moreover,
some vitamins and minerals may dissolve into the brine or syrup in a can processing

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