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 Staff: “…………….” = Staff question / affirmation

 Customer: “…………….” = Customer’s answers
 …………. = Staff actions
1. Welcoming, Seating & handing the menu:

A. Welcome guest
 Hostess: “Good afternoon / evening, sir/madam (Mr/Mrs)”
 Hostess: “Welcome to Au Lac Do Brazil Phung Khac Khoan”
 Hostess: “May I know if you have any reservation with us?”
 Customer: “Yes”
 Hostess: “May I know your name sir/madam??”
 Customer: “My name is Mr/Ms ABCDE”
 Hostess: “Ah!!! Mr/Ms ABCDE. Your table is ready, please follow me to your seats”
 Customer: “No, I don’t have any reservation”
 Hostess: “No problem”
 Hostess: “How many people are there in your group?”
 Customer: “ Can I have a table for 6? ”
 Hostess (if table not ready): “Please wait for a moment, we are arranging / preparing your
 Hostess: “Your table is ready, please follow me this way! ”
B. Seat guest
 Hostess: “This is your table”
 Provide customers with support of carry belongings.
 Pull chair (kids/lady first)
 Hostess: “Please, have a seat!”
2. Approach a table & take order :
A. Present Menu (Giới thiệu menu):
 Buffet
 Server: “Good afternoon / evening, sir/madam (Mr/Mrs)”
 Server: “Have you ever been to our restaurant before?”
 Customer: “Yes, I have”
 Server: “ Awesome, so the price of our Churrasco buffet is 850k(eight fifty / eight hundred
fifty) not included/ excluded Service Charge, VAT and drink”.
 Server: “ Would you like to have any drink today?”
 Show a drink menu then put a wine list on the top of the menu.
 Customer: “No I haven’t”
 Server: “So may I present / Allow me to present our menu. We are ALDB and our signature
is Churrasco buffet.”
 Server: “The price For adult is 850k (eight fifty / eight hundred fifty)
For children is 595k, we base on the chidlren’s height from 1 metre
to 1,3 metre. (Over 1,3 metre => Adult / Under 1 metre => Free).
 Not included / excluded Service Charge, VAT and Drink.
 Server: “Our Churrasco Buffet have 12th/twelve kinds of charcoal grilled meat and
12th/twelve salad & side-dish. All will be served order follow by the order/step by step on
your table.”
 Server: “ After the 1st/first round, If you want to eat/ have anythings again. Please, let we
know/ When you have done, you can order to have any of your favorite again. We will be
serving again for you ”
 Server: “At the end of the meal, we will have a desert which is a Passion fruit mousse”
 Server: “ Our buffet not included/ excluded the drink. We have a drink menu at the back of
the menu. And we also have a wine list.”
 Show a drink menu then put a wine list on the top of the menu.
 Server: “Take your time/ Take a look/ If you need any advice I will gladly to help you”
 A la carte
 Server: “ Beside the Churrasco buffet, we also have a A la carte menu”.
 Server: “ Which has 2 dishes Lamp Chops: 890.000VND/ 250gr
Rip Eye Steak: 850.000VND/ 250gr
 Server: “ You can choose one side-dish and one sause with any main course of A la
carte menu”. (+80.000VND for a second side-dish and sauce).
B. Taking order :
 Buffet
 Customer: “Can I have the buffet for six?
 Server: “Absolutely yes, We are going to serve within 3-5 minutes. Please, let me know if you
need anything/ if I can be of any assistance.”
 A la carte
 Customer: “Can I get 2 lamb chops, please?”
 Server: “Certainly, How would you like your steak to be cooked/ done?”
 Customer: “Medium, please.”
 Server: “Great choice, Would you like to have anything else?”
C. Asking for a bottle or a glass of wine :
 Server: “Here’s the wine list, if you need any advice I will gladly to help you”
 Server: “Would you like to order a bottle of still or sparkling water?“
 Repeat the order.
D. Make sure to check customer’s voucher :
 Server: “May I know if you have/would use any voucher or promotion?”
 Remember to say thank you before leaving.
 Staff: “By the way, my name is ……., I will be around if you need anything else, please let me
know if I can be of any assistance”
3. Serving Bar & Food items :

 Serve drink & side-dish

 Server: “Here is your ……. (name of drink)”
 Server: “Please have some Pão de queijo(Cheese bread), Garlic bread while you’re
waiting for your food to be served”
 Serve drink & Appertizer
 Serve food
 Server: “ Here we have a …../ Would you like to have a…..”
 Passador have to introduce the name of food and suggest sauce serving with.
 Passador: “Here is Picanha, Rump Cap, please enjoy with pepper/ mushroom sauce.”
 Passador: “Here is Costelão, Prime 7th Rib, we smoked it for 5 hours to create a surprisingly
tender and flavor. Please enjoy with pepper/ mushroom sauce.”
 Mention that Farofa, Tabasco, hot sauce …are available on request.

4. Following up the costumer :

 Server: “How’s everything so far, such as food tasting?”

 Server should look at glasses level (all drinks) and fill up glasses of water/ wines
 If drinks are finished (or nearly finished), Server must ask if the costumer would like
some more or not.
 Server: “Your glasses/ bottle is empty, Would you like to have another drink/ glass/ bottle?”
5. Following up the dishes :
 Double check with a Passador/ Food runner if any dishes left.
 Server: “We have finished 1 round of the meal, so would you like to have anythings again?
/ Let me know if you want to have anything again!”
 Costumer: “ No, thanks. I’m totally full!”
 Server:“ We have a dessert which is a Passion fruit mousse, would you like to try/ have it?”
 Present dessert menu if the costumer want to have an ice-cream or seasonal fresh fruit.
 Server: “Would you like to try our selection ice-cream from New Zealand?”
 Clear everything on the table before serve a dessert.
6. Present the bill:

 Server must double check all the information on the bill (table number, items, total amount)
 The total bill must be provided within 3 minutes after the request.
 Staff: “Here is your bill/ check , Sir/Madam ”
 Check costumer’s satisfaction when present the bill.
 Staff: “It would be highly appreciated if you could give us a few minutes of your time to rate
us and leave comments so that we can improve our quality of service and product.”
 Check a payment/ money if the costumer pays by cash before leaving.
7. Taking a resevation on the phone:
 Pick up the phone within 3 rings with pickup line

A: This is ALDB PKK, How may I help you/ How could I be your assistance?

B: Hi, I would like to make a reservation.

A: Absolutely Yes, May I have your name, please?

B: Sure. My name is Harry.

A: When would you like to have a reservation on us Mr.Harry?

B: We will need the reservation for Tuesday night.

A: What time would you arrived ?

B: We would prefer 7:00 or 7:30.

A: How many people are there in your group Mr.Harry?

B: There will be 4.

A: We noted Mr.Harry. Anything else could I assist you?

B: That’s all.

A: Thank you, Mr.Harry. See you on Tuesday.

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