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Pakistan's weather is diverse and varies greatly depending on the season and region.

Here's a detailed overview:

1. Summer (March to May): Hot and dry, with temperatures often reaching 40°C (104°F) in the plains and deserts.
2. Monsoon (June to September): Humid and rainy, with most of the country's annual rainfall occurring during this period.
3. Autumn (October to November): Mild and pleasant, with average temperatures ranging from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F).
4. Winter (December to February): Cool and dry, with temperatures often dropping below 0°C (32°F) in the northern regions.
Regional Weather Patterns
1. Northern Areas: Cold and snowy in winter, mild in summer.
2. Northwest: Hot in summer, cold in winter.
3. Southeast: Hot and humid in summer, mild in winter.
4. Coastal Areas: Humid and warm in summer, mild in winter.
Climate Change Impacts
Pakistan is vulnerable to climate change, with rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and increased frequency of e
Current Weather
To get the current weather conditions and forecast for a specific city or region in Pakistan, please let me know the name of the c
iled overview:

plains and deserts.

curring during this period.
5°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F).
2°F) in the northern regions.

s, and increased frequency of extreme weather events.

let me know the name of the city or region, and I'll be happy to provide you with the latest information!

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