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Q.1 1 Mark Question.

1 Define the term Computer.

2 Write the Basic Component of Computer.
3 Write the Name of Input Devices.
4 Write the Name of Output Devices.
5 Who developed first computer.
6 First Generation of computer based on.
7 Second Generation of computer based on.
8. Write the use of memory unit.
9 Define the term primary memory.
10 Define the term Secondary memory.
11 Define the term Software.
12 Define the term Computer Language.
13 Define the term Low-level programming Language.
14 Define the term High-level programming Language.
15 Define the term Operating System.
16 What is Database?
17 What is Computer Network?
18 Define the term Node.
19 Define the term networking topologies.
20 Write the two type Local Area Network (LAN).
21 Write the use of MAN Network.
22 write two type of pan.
23 Define the term Internet.
24 Define the term word wide web.
25Define the term Artificial Intelligence.
26 Define the term IOT.
Q.2 2 Mark Question
1 write the Characteristics of Computer.
2 write the four classification of computer.
3 write the four Application of computer.
4 draw the fundamental block diagram of computer.
5 write the short on ALU.
6 Define the term System software and Application software.
7 write the name of magnetic storage devices.
8 write the name of Flash memory devices.
9 write the type of primary 0memory.
10 Define the term Middle-level programming language.
11 write the key function of operating system.
12 Define the term DBMS.
13 write the element of computer network.
14 write the any four type of physical topology.
15 write the advantage of tree topology.
16 write the Application of PAN.
17 write the features of WWW.
18 write the component of the web.
19 write the features of IOT.
20 Define the term Block Chain.
Q.3 3 Mark Question
1 Explain in detail Fifth Generation of Computer.
2 write short note on Workstation.
3 Explain the Characteristics Of Computer.
4 Explain the Basic application of computer.
5 Explain Fundamental Block Diagram Of Computer.
6 write short note on Storage Devices.
7 Explain key function of an operating system.
8 write benefit from using computer networks.
9 How Does a Computer Network Work?
10 Define the term Star topology. Write its Advantages and Disadvantages.
11 Write short note on LAN.
12 Define the term WWW & write its features.
13 Write Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet.
14 Explain in detail Networking devices with an Example.
15 Write short note on WAN.
16 Write the Features of IOT.
17 Write Classification of Machine Learning.
18 Difference between Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality(VR).
Q.4 4 Mark Question
1 Explain in detail Classification of computer.
2 Explain Characteristics Of Computer.
3 Explain in detail History and Generation of computer.
4 Explain Basic Application Of computer.
5 Describe term memory unit and Types of computer memory.
6 Explain Types of programming language.
7 Explain types of Database Language.
8 Explain Elements of a Computer Network.
9 Explain Any four Networking topologies.
10 Write the difference between wired & wireless networks.
11 Write the Application of Internet.
12 Write the Application of AI.
13 Write the Characteristics of robots.
14 Write the short note on Machine Learning.

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