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Oil and Gas Taxation Under

the Petroleum Industry Act


SO&C Compliance Services

SO&C Compliance Services


Published Oct 24, 2023
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The Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) of 2021 is a landmark piece of

legislation that has introduced a number of significant changes to
the oil and gas sector in Nigeria. One of the most important
changes is the new oil and gas taxation regime, which is designed
to attract investment in the sector and to ensure that the
government receives a fair share of the revenue from oil and gas
The PIA introduces a two-tiered tax system for oil and gas
· Hydrocarbon Tax (HT): The HT is a tax on the profits of oil and
gas companies. The rate of the HT is 50%.
· Royalty: A royalty is a payment made by oil and gas companies
to the government for the right to extract oil and gas from the
ground. The royalty rate is 10% for onshore oil and gas production
and 7.5% for offshore oil and gas production.
In addition to the HT and royalty, oil and gas companies may also
be subject to other taxes, such as value-added tax (VAT) and
company income tax.
The PIA also introduces a number of new tax incentives for oil and
gas companies, such as:
· A deduction for exploration and production costs
· A deduction for infrastructure costs
· A deduction for training costs
· A deduction for environmental remediation costs
The PIA also sets out a number of new rules for the taxation of oil
and gas companies, such as:
· The requirement to use transfer pricing to determine the arm's
length price of transactions between related parties
· The requirement to maintain accurate records of all oil and gas
· The requirement to submit annual tax returns to the
The PIA is a significant development in the oil and gas taxation
regime in Nigeria. The new tax regime is designed to attract
investment in the oil and gas sector and to ensure that the
government receives a fair share of the revenue from oil and gas
How does the PIA affect oil and gas companies?
The PIA has a number of implications for oil and gas companies
operating in Nigeria.
· Increased taxes: The introduction of the HT is a significant
increase in the tax burden for oil and gas companies. The rate of the
HT is 50%, which is higher than the rate of company income tax,
which is currently 30%.
· Reduced royalties: The royalty rate for offshore oil and gas
production has been reduced from 12.5% to 7.5%. This is a
significant reduction in the cost of doing business for oil and gas
companies operating in the offshore sector.
· New tax incentives: The PIA introduces a number of new tax
incentives for oil and gas companies, such as deductions for
exploration and production costs, infrastructure costs, training
costs, and environmental remediation costs. These incentives can
help to reduce the tax burden for oil and gas companies and make
it more attractive to invest in the sector.
· New rules and regulations: The PIA sets out a number of new
rules and regulations for the taxation of oil and gas companies.
These rules and regulations are designed to ensure that oil and gas
companies pay their fair share of taxes and that the government
receives a fair return on its investment in the oil and gas sector.
What are the challenges of complying with the PIA?
The PIA is a complex piece of legislation and it can be challenging
for oil and gas companies to comply with all of the requirements.
Some of the challenges of complying with the PIA include:
· The complexity of the tax regime
· The frequent changes to the tax regime
· The lack of clarity in some of the provisions of the PIA
· The lack of resources and expertise to comply with the PIA
How can oil and gas companies comply with the PIA?
There are a number of ways for oil and gas companies to comply
with the PIA. These include:
· Seeking professional advice from a tax advisor who is familiar
with the PIA
· Investing in training for employees on the PIA
· Maintaining accurate records of all oil and gas activities
· Submitting annual tax returns to the government on time
The PIA is a significant piece of legislation that has the potential to
have a major impact on the oil and gas sector in Nigeria. Oil and
gas companies need to be aware of the implications of the PIA and
take steps to comply with its requirements.

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