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I thought I had managed to seduce my

son-in-law but the reality was

completely different this is my story my

name is Emily and I am a devoted

housewife even though I am 58 years old

my life has been the same since I was 20

when I married Benjamin I usually stay

at home cooking and doing chores while

my husband spends all day at work or

drinking with his friends on the

weekends we have three adult children

who for for several years no longer live

with us that being the case it was

normal for me to feel lonely to the

point where I didn't feel like doing my


activities I even began to notice that I

was getting sick often even though I was

a strong woman who almost never had even

cold however everything changed when my

oldest daughter Sophie moved near our

house with her new boyfriend Oliver they

were both 26 years old and had an energy

that was contag aous so for me it was

like a blessing that they frequented me

during the weekends and even some

lunches on

workday but as the months passed I began

to experience something that undoubtedly

put me in an uncomfortable

situation I didn't know how or when but

it was clear that I was enthralled by my

son-in-law who was not only a handsome

and athletic man but also had impeccable

manners and always had a good topic of

conversation I love talking to you Emily

he had told me one day when we were

having lunch together since Sophie had

to go out for work reasons and I loved

serving him I love your company I

responded smiling as I continued serving


plate you are identical to your daughter

or should I say that she is identical to

you I blushed at the comment what things

do you say Oliver it's serious he

exclaimed they are both equal fully

dedicated loving helpful and they cooked

delicious then when I went to hand him

his plate he took my hand my heart

skipped a beat when I felt the contact

of his skin with mine something so

innocent that it seemed to me since we

were alone that day I cried as I watched

him leave for his house with Sophie and

I was left alone in my home again I knew

that my daughter was in love with Oliver

because as her mother I knew her like

the back of my hand hand but the more I

thought about it the more jealous I

became that she could get the attention

I wanted from H it even bothered me to

sleep with my husband Benjamin with whom

i' had not been intimate for several

years in any case Benjamin did not seem

to want to be intimate with me so in my

nights of desire which had returned

after sharing with Oliver often I had to

solve it alone I had so much desire that

I didn't mind doing it with my husband

falling from the ground even though my

mind kept thinking about the young man

who had conquered my daughter's heart up

until that point my attraction to Oliver

was something innocent and personal that

I kept to myself however everything

would change on my birthday that day

Sophie had taken me to a spa and beauty

salon as a gift it had been a

considerable amount of time since we

last had a motherdaughter outing so we

decided to take that moment to share

together the treatment they did on our

hair face and body made me feel younger

and empowered capable of seducing anyone

who was in front of me but all that

feeling would go to waste when she

confessed one of her secrets to me I'm

trying to get pregnant she said that hit

me like a bucket of cold water because

although I should have been happy

because my daughter would give me my

first grandchild it was the last thing I

wanted at that moment I'm very happy to

hear it

those were the only words that came out

of my mouth she knew they weren't like a

mother who was happy that her daughter

would follow the cycle of life but it

was the most honest thing she could

express at that moment however Sophie

seemed not to notice and instead

continued the

conversation but I have a problem my

daughter's remorseful face made me

suspect that not everything was rosy

with the news she told me which one I

said interested Oliver doesn't know what

exclaimed Oliver doesn't really want to

be a dad he confessed to me but you know

how much I want to start a family with

him I decided to stop taking care of

myself so when I get pregnant I will say

it was a


Sophie mom promise me you won't tell

Oliver anything about

this at that moment I felt my breath

stop I knew that the promise I had made

to Sophie was worth a lot since she was

my daughter but I also had powerful

information in my hands to get what I

wanted that was going around in my head

throughout my birthday evening where my

husband and my two remaining children

dedicated themselves to getting drunk

while Sophie and Oliver attended to the

other guests delivering the food and

other things they had

prepared but when night fell Sophie told

me that she felt tired so she would go

to bed early after organizing everything

my children and my husband continued

drinking to the loud music and Oliver

didn't seem to want to join them so I

went to where he was alone to sit next

to him did you have a good time today he

asked me I smiled it was a good evening

that day I had decided to wear a short

black suit very close to my Silhouette

that made me look 10 years younger as

Sophie's advice she had made me wear it

without an interior because according to

her it was

fashionable so at that moment when the

blizzard was was blowing hard I felt

Frozen in my little black dress that

covered absolutely

nothing Emily you're shivering he told

me covering me with his body instantly

but that didn't matter to me at all

instead a torrent of emotions began to

engulf me instantly as my senses

heightened capturing every detail of

this moment the comforting Aroma of H

lotion the rhythmic beat of her heart

merging with mine the Sens ation

comforting from his warm firm body

against mine at that moment I decided to

do what I wanted because if my daughter

was able to use Oliver to get something

she wanted I could also do the same I

think I should go inside I told him

testing his reaction I'll accompany you

he said without saying a word then he

took me by the hand leading me with him

towards the warmth of my house I felt in

heaven because I I was receiving the

treatment I wanted so much even without

realizing that we were alone in my room

when I closed the door I made sure it

was locked because I knew perfectly well

that I would not leave there until I was

able to enjoy the only preferential

treatment that my daughter had and I did

not I think this might look good on you

he told me showing me a jumpsuit that

practically covered my body I bit my lip

it was at that moment or it would never


I have something to tell you Oliver I

said what happened are you okay Emily he

asked frowning I'm fine I responded

approaching him

slowly my legs felt like jelly but I

pretended to be safe as I moveed

forward but not my

daughter what do you mean he didn't move

instead he seemed Paralyzed by my Sudden

Change in

Attitude she will stop taking care of

herself so that they both have a child

his bulging eyes did not surprise me and

even made me feel sorry for him Oliver

seemed confused and upset by what he

said so he took a couple of seconds to

respond to what he had

said how do you know he told you clear

I'm his mother after all I said with a

shrug he also told me that you don't

want to be a dad for nothing in the

world he said shaking his head why would

Sophie do something like that to

me sometimes women must look for

desperate measures to get what we want I

said almost as if the voice of

experience was speaking even though it

was my first time breaking out of the

mold of the perfect woman and

housewife at that moment I sat on the

bed stretching my skin and sighing

deeply I slowly opened my legs revealing

that I was not wearing the underwear as

he was standing in front of me his eyes

were bulging again but this time it was

different his cheeks were painted a pink

tone that made him look younger while he

could notice his Adams Apple go up and

down several times when he swallowed

thickly you have nothing to fear with me

I said as time passed his gaze darkened

as he remained fixed there where my

Center was shamelessly

exposed I decided to lift my dress a

little higher while slowly touching my

legs he licked his lips still without

moving from the spot are you sure

completely I said without saying a word

with each passing second I felt my

Center contract becoming wet and ready

to be used by

Oliver suddenly he knelt in front of me

and taking one of my legs he raised it

to his shoulder then I felt his hot

mouth on my leg going up with Butterfly

Kisses over every inch of my skin my

mind was spinning as I felt the moisture

growing in my crotch at the same time as

my upright chest begged to be touched

but my mind exploded when his tongue

first explored my opening it was so soft

but cold that it was impossible for me

to cover the sobs that came out of my

mouth much less when both hands grabbed

my hips and pressed me to their face

while following a pattern that was

leading me to No Heaven it wasn't long

before I finally exploded filling his

face with my juices contrary to what I

thought he decided to clean his mouth

with his tongue tasting my fluids

without any shame but that was far from

over because my dress flew over my body

at the same time that my four limbs

landed on the softness of the mattress

furthermore Oliver put pressure on my

back causing my chest to also touch him

so the only thing that was in the air

was my butt he did not hesitate to enter

quickly because he already knew she was

ready one of his legs was on the bed

which made me feel it deeper and deeper

while the sheet helped me camouflage the

screams of pleasure that came out of my

mouth but that didn't last for long

because Oliver grabbed my hair tightly

and lifted my face leaving it in the air

let them hear you he said between his

own moans let them know that I'm making

you mine and I obeyed when we had

finished the fourth round Oliver leaned

me on his chest and Drew on my back I

felt happy and satisfied because I had

what I had wanted so much for several

months and the experience had surpassed

any imagination I had had in the past I

had done it I told myself congratulating

myself for bringing into bed a younger

boy who had taught me what it meant to


intimacy however when we were changing

Oliver said something that made me

realize that my plan wasn't really my

own I already knew it he said I frowned

what are you saying I already knew

Sophie had done that I stopped my hand

who was adjusting my dress why didn't

you tell me anything I asked you offered

yourself to me on a silver platter and I

wasn't going to waste the

opportunity Oliver's comment would have

seemed Shameless to me if it were anyone

else but coming from him it seemed like

having an accomplice in a forbidden


I laughed softly almost as if I were a

little girl who had committed a prank as

I took off my clothes in front of him

again and let him do whatever he wanted

with my body all night Oliver and I said

goodbye in the morning as if nothing had

happened while Sophie thanked him for

taking care of me when she had gone to

sleep I'm not going to lie and say I was

remorseful when I wasn't on the contrary

it was as if we both had a new inside

joke to laugh about when we were alone

he would continue to take care of his

mother-in-law when my daughter couldn't

and I couldn't be more grateful to have

such a diligent son-in-law who would

bring the Stars down to bed for me on

nights when I was cold and now tell me

would you take advantage of the

opportunity to feel this way thanks to

your son-in-law comment and don't forget

to subscribe to my channel until next


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