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Personal Development


Name: Krishia Bhelyn C. Cañezo

Strand, Grade & Section: STEM 11 – A

Date Accomplished: 03/25/22


Angelie Rhea Rhea Krishia
Rose Lyle Lyle Bhelyn

Florisa Johnrell Clerisa Cristina

Apol John Ruel Roel Florisa Vohna Claire

Krishia Krishia
Gerboi Apul John Ruel Kirstie Nicha
Bhelyn Bhelyn

Vohna Claire Kirstie Nicha No one. Rhea Lyle


X being late X parents fighting

X too much homework X getting detention

X speaking in public X your job

X babysitting X taking tests

going to the dentist X video games

X arguments with friends using a computer

X restrictions at home closed-in spaces

chores commercials

X lack of sleep interruptions while busy

no date for a dance getting an injection

pimples X arguments with parents

X physical education class X fight with boyfriend/girlfriend

X math class X losing

X English class X careless drivers

X other class X slow drivers

boredom X loud people

rude people X baby crying

X no money X disrespectful children

X no transportation X a friend betrays you

X playing on a sports team reading Wattpad

not being included in a sports team washing dishes

X losing something valuable X annoying people


Physical Emotional Behavioral

headaches mood changes smoking
✓ stomach aches ✓lack of concentration nail biting
dizziness nightmares ✓ tapping
✓ back pain ✓ panic attacks pulling hair
✓ neck stiffness ✓ anxiety ✓ grinding hair
ulcer sores on mouth anger use of alcohol
✓ jaw pains irritability use of medication
✓ weight loss ✓ crying Compulsive dieting
weight gain thoughts of suicide hair chewing
Twitches (eyelids, face) depression nervous laughter
weakness confusion pacing
nausea feelings of helplessness ✓ lateness
indigestion restlessness putting things off
✓ not caring about
Excessive sleeping ✓ racing thoughts
physical appearance
overeating aggressiveness Compulsive overeating
✓ loss of appetite
inability to sleep
skin problems
constant fatigue
cold hands or feet
✓ Excessive sweating
✓ chest pains
high blood pressure
✓ rapid or difficult breathing

Portfolio Output No. 9: My Stress Signals

Write about your stress signals. Answer the following questions:

1. How do you know that you are stressed?

 I easily get annoyed and I’m having an headache.

2. What stress signals do you have that your partner does not have?
 In my family we are somewhat the same.

3. How much stress do you think you are currently under?

 Maybe 2 out of 10.

4. How are your stress signals different for different types of stressors?

 There is no difference about my stress signal and the different type of


5. What are some ways that you usually remove or reduce the stress that cause you physical,

emotional or behavioral difficulties?

 Reading Wattpad , take a walk and watch some tiktok.


Reading Wattpad
 Reading some Wattpad stories makes me stress relief . In reading Wattpad I realize

a lot , and I learn a lot about the things we always experience and the problem we

face in our life. For me reading Wattpad is the thing I always like it also make me

avoid to talk a lot of people and also it make at peace.

Take a walk

 In taking a walk in a peace surrounding it make me calm and stress free. It feels I

am free in any problems I am facing in just mere of time. Having some sunlight can

also boost our immunity. Just watching the nature it make my mind peace.
Watch some Tiktok

 I watch some tiktok videos if I am pressure or the lesson is hard for me. Sometimes

it make me daydream and dreaming things that is possible to exist .In watching

tiktok sometimes I just prefer to listen the music not the person who is doing


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