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20129: Enhancing Electoral Integrity: A Hybrid Blockchain -Based E -Voting System with Deep

Learning and Post-Quantum Cryptography

The research paper presents a procedure to create strides the steadfastness of races by executing an e
voting system based on a blend of blockchain advancement significant learning and advanced
cryptography, secure to quantum attacks. Standard voting systems, such as Electronic Voting Machines
(EVMs) regularly require straightforwardness and security measures. The proposed system, known as
PQHAC-Bchain focuses to handle these issues by utilizing the modify nature and decentralized highlights
of blockchain advancement. It utilizes an understanding (HAC) illustrate that mixes the benefits of open
and private blockchains though tending to their downsides. Facial affirmation advancement like
DeepFace is facilitated for voter recognizing confirmation purposes, coupled with quantum
cryptography to protect against potential perils from quantum computers.

Basic commitments of this ask approximately consolidate an insignificance evaluation of quantum

cryptographic calculations execution of an uncommon multi party computation tradition for secure
token time and commonsense testing to study veritable world execution. The system utilizes Tradition
Buffers, SHA256, Blake2b and Ed25519 for capacities to ensure data judgment and security. Comes
approximately appear execution compared to e voting systems with a trade dealing with capacity of 105
trades per minute (TPS) which can be help scaled through sharding methods.

In substance the proposed framework offers a compelling course of action for electronic voting systems,
by tending to issues related to voter certainty levels, assurance concerns and by and large choice
cleverness. Utilizing advancements and inventive understanding techniques it builds up a foundation, for
organizing open and fair-minded choices in todays progressed time.
20139: Uncovering Bullying on social media platforms: A Comprehensive Study of Machine
Learning Classifiers for Cyberbullying Detection
The paper titled "Uncovering Bullying on Social Media Platforms: A Comprehensive Study of Machine
Learning Classifiers for Cyberbullying Detection" provides a complete study on cyberbullying detection
using machine learning techniques. The authors in particular scrutinized several features such as data
preprocessing, feature extraction, and evaluation of the prominent machine learning models. They
gathered an enormous dataset of more than 47,000 tweets which they later on processed using TF-IDF
and Count Vectorizer for feature extraction. The research conducts an assessment of 13 classifiers in
which Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM) is found to be the best model. This model achieves a
high accuracy of 94.24% accompanied by high precision, recall, and F1 score.

The strong point of a paper is in its systematic approach, thorough assessment and the way the results
have been presented. The research literature review included is good for understanding context and
highlights uniqueness of the proposed approach. Furthermore, the presentation on performance
measures, confusion matrices, and classifier comparison provides important clues as to how good they
are at what they do. The authors recognize strengths and weaknesses of their study and put forward
avenues of future research which is a sign of commitment to the field of cyberbullying detection.

In general, this paper has a great contribution in solving the cyberbullying problems by proposing a
forward thinking approach implemented with a solid machine learning models. They make contributions
which have direct applications for the development of safe online environments and promotion of
positive interactions on social media sites.
20190: Deep Learning Solutions for Deteng Bangla Fake News: A CNN-Based Approach
The paper introduces a novel dataset enhanced in 7,000 genuine and 1,000 synthetic Bangla news for
training neural networks to spot fake news in Bangla. Authors discuss state-of the-art language models
like DistilBERT and RoBERTa demonstrating excellent performance (94.5% and 94.3% respectively) on
the given dataset. Along with the suggestions they have "BFakeNewsCNN", which is the new Deep
Convolutional Neural Network made tailored for Bangla fake news detection. Nevertheless, the CNN
performs with 85.7% accuracy level rather than a language model, which is a good choice for language

Authors present a thorough methodology indicating various ways such as data preprocessing including
cleaning, tokenization, stemming, and stop words removal on the Bangla text data. They state the
architectural details of DistilBERT, RoBERTa and the proposed BFakeNewsCNN model. The CNN model
involves an embedding layer that is followed by a 1D convolutional layer, a max pooling layer, and a
dense layer for binary classification.

Experimental results indicate that DistilBERT and RoBERTa outperform the CNN model with regard to
the performance. Here it may be due to the fact that the transformer models are too complex, have a
lot of training data and the language understanding capabilities in them are good compared to the
CNNs. The authors aim to fine-tune the already good performance of the CNN, add classification models
based on language models, expand the dataset, and explore interpretability and real-time
implementation in the next phase of the project.

To sum up, the paper makes a great contribution to fake news detection in Bangla by providing
benchmarks, architecture of Customized CNN, and an analysis of pros and cons of various CNN level
20196: IoT-Enabled Health Assistance for Post-Disaster Scenarios
The paper presents a strong computer network health monitoring system integrated with the Internet
of Things (IoT) for post-disaster situations where normal communication networks may fail. By making
use of Ad hoc networks for rapid data transferring and IoT concepts for long-term connection, this
system can track vital health indices such as ECG, body temperature, blood pulse rate and the oxygen
level. It uses a set of different sensors, which include the AD8232 for ECG, the MAX30100 for the pulse
rate, and the DS18B20 for the temperature sensing, and they are connected to an Arduino Uno and
NodeMcu ESP8266 module. The system`s infrastructure permits data transmission without existing
network connection, as well as Bluetooth terminal for data storage and passing. The system's efficacy in
helping to obtain real-time health information was demonstrated by measurements that matched
standard parameters closely. As well as that the system is also characterized by the capability of
visualizing data through ThingSpeak servers and local facilities.

Finally, the suggested system tackles the emergency health monitoring deficit that is observed in
emergency situations by giving an effective alternative for prompt enforcement and resource allocation.
Not only that, this infrastructure has the ability to adapt to different connectivity conditions and has
robust sensor integration that offers great value to relief operations after natural disasters. It might save
lives and reduce the impact of such calamities. Other possible researches include security improvements
to guarantee that the system is dependable and adapted for widespread use in natural disasters

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