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Writing a report of group member contributions is essential for fair assessment

and grading in group projects. Here's a structured approach you can follow:

1. Introduction
Provide a brief overview of the project and its objectives.
State the purpose of the report, which is to evaluate the contributions of each
group member.
2. Group Member List
List the names of all group members.
3. Criteria for Evaluation
Define the criteria used to assess each group member's contribution.
Common criteria may include:
Attendance and participation in group meetings
Quality and quantity of work completed
Contribution to group discussions and decision-making
Timeliness and reliability in meeting deadlines
Special skills or expertise brought to the project
4. Evaluation Process
Describe how the evaluation was conducted.
Specify whether it was self-assessment, peer assessment, or a combination of
Mention any tools or rubrics used for assessment.
5. Individual Member Contributions
Evaluate each group member individually based on the predetermined criteria.
Provide specific examples or evidence to support your assessments.
Be objective and avoid personal biases.
6. Overall Group Dynamics
Reflect on the overall dynamics of the group.
Discuss how well the group collaborated, communicated, and resolved conflicts.
Address any challenges or obstacles faced during the project.
7. Recommendations for Improvement
Offer constructive feedback for each group member based on their strengths and
areas for improvement.
Suggest strategies for better collaboration and productivity in future projects.
8. Conclusion
Summarize the main points of the report.
Emphasize the importance of fair evaluation and accountability in group work.
9. Signatures
Include a section for group members to sign, indicating that they have reviewed
the report and agree with its contents.
Be honest and fair in your evaluations.
Provide specific examples to support your assessments.
Focus on behaviors and actions rather than personalities.
Encourage open communication and feedback among group members.
By following this structure, you can create a comprehensive report that fairly
evaluates each group member's contribution to the project.

How to write a report of group member contribution for marking. No yapping

Sure, here's a concise structure:

Introduction: Brief overview of the project and the purpose of the report.
Group Member List: Names of all group members.
Criteria for Evaluation: Clear criteria for assessment.
Evaluation Process: Methodology used for evaluation (self-assessment, peer
assessment, etc.).
Individual Member Contributions: Assessment of each member based on criteria
with evidence.
Overall Group Dynamics: Evaluation of group collaboration, communication,
and problem-solving.
Recommendations for Improvement: Constructive feedback for each member.
Conclusion: Summary of key points.
Signatures: Confirmation of review and agreement from group members.
what is vietnam's market structure ?
Vietnam's market structure can be characterized as follows:

Mixed Economy: Vietnam has a mixed economy with elements of both

socialism and capitalism. While the government retains significant control over
key sectors such as banking, telecommunications, and energy, there has been a
gradual shift towards a more market-oriented economy since the introduction of
economic reforms in the late 1980s.
State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs): State-owned enterprises play a dominant role
in Vietnam's economy, particularly in strategic sectors such as banking, oil and
gas, and telecommunications. These enterprises are often large and influential
players in the market, enjoying preferential treatment and government support.
Private Sector: The private sector in Vietnam has been growing rapidly in recent
years, fueled by economic reforms and liberalization measures. Private
enterprises, ranging from small family-owned businesses to large
conglomerates, contribute significantly to the country's economic growth and
Foreign Investment: Vietnam has attracted significant foreign investment,
particularly in sectors such as manufacturing, export-oriented industries, and
services. Foreign-invested enterprises operate alongside domestic firms,
contributing to competition and market diversity.
Competitive Markets: In many sectors, Vietnam's market is characterized by
intense competition, driven by both domestic and foreign players. This
competition has led to improvements in efficiency, product quality, and
Emerging Markets: Vietnam is considered an emerging market with vast
potential for growth. Rapid urbanization, a young and growing population, and
increasing consumer spending power are driving demand for goods and services
across various sectors.
Challenges: Despite significant progress, Vietnam's market structure still faces
challenges such as bureaucratic hurdles, corruption, and uneven enforcement of
regulations. These challenges can affect market competition and hinder the
growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Overall, Vietnam's market structure is evolving, with a mix of state-controlled
enterprises, a growing private sector, and significant foreign investment
contributing to economic development and competitiveness.

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