Anger Class 1

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The building products sold by
Harvey's company were priced at a 20
percent discount for contractors, who
homeowners, and the homeowners in then installed the products for
price. Retail customers were also free turn paid the contractors the retail
to purchase products on
paying full price. their own.
When one of Harvey's employees made an
do with pricing and delivery dates. For error, it usually had to
salesperson would mistakenly charge aexample,
from time to time a
customer the
price, or salespeople sometimes
instock. promised to deliver goods wholesale
that weren't
It was this second type of
error that had triggered the anger
Harvey chose to examine with the Anger episode
Not for the first time, Maria, a Episode Record (see fig. 2.1).
customer some roof member of the sales staf, had
that were out of stock, and she promised a
Would be delivered inshingles
three days. When Harvey heard had sald they
and when he recalled that Maria about the error,
customers, he angrily confronted had previously made false promises to
"How could youmake such astupid
understand how you could do thisl Didn't mistake?" he screamed, "l don't
warehouse? You've been with us for five check the stock in the
better! You've really made a mess. You should have known


Place a check mark next to the word indicating the area of

which your life in
your anger was triggered.

--Work uy uoudinate to
-School pae

In one simple sentence, report the event that led to your anger.
"My son forgot again to clean his room.")
For the third time, Maria promised that we would deliver
unavailable roofing shingles in three days.

Part 2. Thoughts
Place a check mark next to any and all
Episode. statements that apply to this anger

O Awfulizing: At the time, Ithought this was one of the worst

things that could be happening.
a Low frustration tolerance: Ithought | could not handle or deal
with the situation.
Lo Demandingness: I thought the other person(s) should have acted differently.
O Rating others: Isaw the other person(s) as
O Rating myself: Deep down, IthoughtIwas less important or
Distortion or misinterpretation: My thinking became distorted, and Ididn't see
things clearly.


Intensity of Your Extent of How You Felt

Anger Your Anger

1 Almost no Calm, indifferent

Jarred, moved, stirred, ruffled, challenged
2 Slight anger
Mild anger Annoved, bothered, irritated, perturbed,flustered, uneasy,
provoked, impelled, cranky, crotchety, distressed.
Mad, agitated, pissed of, irked, aggravated,fired up, riled
anger up, allworked up, peeved,indignant
7 Strong anger Irate, inflamed, exasperated, fuming, burned
up, incensed, infuriated, enraged, hysterical
Extreme in arms, rabid.
Frenzied, vicious, unhinged, up demented
10 anger crazed, maniacal, wild, violent,

Part 5. Anger Expression

Place a check mark next to any and all behavior you
anger episode.
engaged in during this
No expression (kept things in, boiled inside, held grudges and didn't tell
Indirect expression (secretly did something to harm the other person, spread rumors,
ignored what the other person wanted)
Outward verbal expression (yelled, screamed, argued, threatened; made sarcastic, nasty,
or abusive remarks)
Outward expression against an object (broke, threw, slammed,or destroyed an object)
Outward expression against a person (fought, hit, kicked, or shoved someone)
D Outward expression through bodily gestures (rolled eyes, crossed arms,glared, frowned,
gave a stern look)
Avoidance (escapedor walked away from the ituation; distracted myself by reading,
watching TV, listening to music)

Substance use (drank alcohol; took medications; used other drugs, such as marijuana or
Attempt at resolution (compromised, discussed, or came to some agreement with the other


Part 6. Outcomes

What ws a positiv short-term outcome of this anger episode?

Ex: Inoticed that the salespeople seemed to be more on their toes for

a while. They made fewer errors.(/ Syeas

What was apositive long-term outcome of this anger episode? Fle c o r a is
Ex! None that Ican think of.
ugamoad'on feuwm Syeas, adeue oßeeppn'kilts e
O Wha was a negative shoM-term outcom of this anger episode?
Ex: Inoticed that the salespeople seenmed to avaid me after Ihad one
of my angry blowups.
What was a negative long-term outcome of this anger episode?

Part 4.Action Urge

Place a check mark next to the word(s)or phrase(s) corresponding to your
action urge(s) in this situation, and briefly describe the impulse that arose
for you. (Examples: " just wanted to get in his face" or "l couldn't wait to get
away from her.")
I wanted to confront and verbally blast her.

--.-With draw:
----Resolve the problem : -


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