Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

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 Some floral parts like calyx and various

Sexual Reproduction in modifications in ovaries help the dispersal of fruits

and seeds.
STRUCTURE OF FLOWER According to Goethe, flower is a modified shoot, which is
adapted for reproductive process. This is evident from the
NON-ESSENTIAL / ACCESSORY WHORLS fact, that the thalamus (base) of many flowers bear small
nodes and internodes.
 Calyx: Formed of green sepals ; (Outermost)
 Corolla: Formed of colored or white petals ; (Inner In some plants when an internode between corolla and
to calyx) androecium become longer in size, it is called androphore.
Ex- Passiflora
In some plants when an internode between androecium and
 Androecium: The male reproductive whorl formed Gynoecium becomes longer in size. This is called
of stamens (microsporophylls) ; (Between Corolla gynophore. Ex- Capparis
and Gynoecium).
 Gynoecium: The female reproductive whorl In some other plants when an internode between calyx and
formed of carpels (megasporophylls) ;( Innermost). corolla becomes longer in size. This is called anthophore.

Essential and non-essential whorls- Gynoecium and
androecium are called essential whorls because these are
directly involved in the process of sexual reproduction. A
flower must contain at least one of the two whorls. The
calyx and the corolla are referred to as the non-essential
whorls, because they are not responsible for the formation of
gametes and seeds.

Unisexual (Imperfect)- When only one whorl is present.

Sexual reproduction is the process of development of new (When only androecium is present, flower is called
organisms from two parents through fusion of male and staminate, and when only Gynoecium is present, the flower
female gametes. is called pistillate.)

The sporophylls (reproductive organs) are of two types- Bisexual or Hermaphrodite (Perfect)- When both
essential whorls are present in the same flower.
 Megasporophylls (Carpel) is distinguished as
ovary bearing ovule, style and stigma. Monoecious- An individual plant, bearing unisexual flower
 Microsporophylls (Stamen) is distinguished as of both sexes separately i.e., staminate and pistillate flowers
filament, anther and connective. are present on same plant.

In flowering plants, the reproductive phase is marked by the Dioecious- A plant containing flowers of only one sex. The
initiation of flower development. term, dioecious, is used when a species has separate
staminate-flowered plants and pistillate-flowered plants.
During the reproductive season, several hormonal and
structural changes in the apices of twigs initiate Complete flower- When all the four whorls are present in
development of floral primordia. the flower, it is called complete flower.

Soon, inflorescences with floral primordia are formed. Incomplete flower- If any of the non-essential whorls is not
Floral primordia develop first into floral buds and then into present, the flower is incomplete.
Neuter flower- When both of the essential whorls are
Floriculture is the branch of ornamental horticulture related absent.
with growing and marketing of flowers and ornamental
plants. Isomerous flower- When each whorl of a flower has equal
number of units.
Heteromerous flower- When each whorl of a flower has
 Modified shoot meant to perform the function of unequal number of units.
sexual reproduction.
Hypogynous flower- When the ovary of the pistil is above
 Shaped variously to assist in pollination, the
the site of attachment of other floral parts (stamens, sepals,
prerequisite for reproduction.
petals), it is called a superior ovary. Flower with such
 The ovary gets transformed into fruit and ovules
ovary are called hypogynous flower.
into seeds after fertilization.
Perigynous flower- These are flowers show varying Lower plants like Bryophytes-Gametophytic phase is
degrees of ovary positions from partially superior to dominant.
partially inferior.
Higher plants like pteridophytes, gymnosperms and
Epigynous flower- When the ovary of the pistil is below the angiosperms- sporophytic phase is dominant and chief.
site of attachment of other floral parts (stamens, sepals,
petals), it is called a inferior ovary. Flower with such ovary . In angiosperms Gametophytic phase is highly reduced and
are called epigynous flower. microscopic.

 It is the diploid phase (always).
 It is developed from diploid zygote. Therefore
zygote represents the first cell of sporophytic phase
as it gives rise to spores.
 Spores are haploid cells but not gametes.
 A sporophyte (since it is diploid) produces haploid
spores with the help of meiosis (also called
reductional division).
Anthesis is the term used for the time when a flower comes
into full bloom. It is a time when the flower is fully In higher plants, like angiosperms, spores are of two types.
Male plants produce small sized spores, called microspores
No specialized structures are Specialized structures called Whereas the female plant (part) produces larger spores,
used. gametes are used. called megaspores (macrospores).
No fertilization. Fertilization essentially occurs.
 In angiosperms, the entire standing plant body is
The ploidy of the cells The ploidy of the cells changes sporophytic (diploid).
remains same throughout the alternatively from diploidy to  Gametophytic tissues are highly reduced and
process. haploidy and again to diploidy. develop inside the small part of flower.
 Microspores are developed inside microsporangia
(anthers), while megaspores develop inside
Megasporangium (ovule), within ovaries.
Offspring are similar to Offspring differ in some of
parents (natural clones). their characters from their GAMETOPHYTIC PHASE
parent plants. (Hybrids).
 It is the haploid phase of the plant.
 It is a very reduced phase in higher plants like
The whole process of sexual reproduction in flowering angiosperms, but is very important.
plants can be divided into three steps:-  It develops from spores (which are haploid
structures). Therefore, spores represent the first
cells of gametophytic phase.

Since there are two types of spores — microspores (pollen

1. Pre-fertilization Events grains or male spores) and megaspores (or female spores),
 Gametogenesis the gametophytes are also of two types — male
→ Microsporangium and gametophyte (it develops from microspore) and female
microsporogenesis (Pollen Grain gametophyte (it develops from megaspore).
formation) (male gametes)
→Megasporangium and  Gametophytes on development give rise to
megasporogenesis (Embryo sac gametes.
formation) (female gametes  Male gametophyte produces male gametes
 Pollination (sperms), while female gametophyte produces
2. Fertilisation female gametes (egg cell or ovum).
3. Post-fertilization Events  In angiosperms, the mature male gametophyte
 Endosperm formation consists only of 3 cells (It contains one tube cells
 Embryogenesis and 2 sperms).
 Development of seed and fruit  Its development starts when the microspores are
within the anther but gets completed only when it is
In all categories of higher plants, 2 distinct phases are found transferred to the stigma of the flower (through
in the life cycle which regularly alternate with each other. pollination).
 The mature female gametophyte in angiosperms is
 Sporophytic phase mostly 7 celled (but having 8 nuclei).
 Gametophytic phase
 It is also called as embryo sac. It contains, an egg Exceptions- Malvaceae (Hibiscus) & Euphorbiaceae
cell, 2 synergid cells, 3 antipodal cells and one (Euphorbia). Here each anther has only one lobe
large embryo sac cell. (monothecous).
 The gametes from two types of gametophytes unite
(fertilise) to produce a diploid cell, called zygote, Each anther lobe has two pollen sacs or pollen chambers
which sets seeds and again starts the sporophytic which are demarcated by a longitudinal groove on the
phase. ventral surface. This denotes the line of dehiscence of anther
 In this way, a regular alternation between lobes to liberate pollen grains formed in the pollen sacs.
sporophytic and gametophytic stage is clearly
A dithecous anther, therefore, has four pollen sacs and is
apparent in angiosperms.
called tetrasporangiate, while monothecous anther is
C. Connective: Extension of a filament between two anther
lobes to join them together.
1. Outermost whorl of a flower.
2. Consists of sepals which are usually green. In some plants, one
3. Sepals may be free from each other (polysepalous) or more stamens are
or fused (gamosepalous). nonfunctional and
4. Encloses and protects the inner whorls in the bud without anther, as in
stage. roses. Such
5. Since sepals contain chlorophyll, they can also nonfunctional
synthesize food. stamens are called

1. Found on the inside of the calyx and is the most

conspicuous part.
2. Usually white or brightly colored.
3. The brightly colored corolla attracts agents of
pollination such as birds and insects.
4. Units are called petals (much larger than sepals). 2. MICROSPORANGIA (SING.
The petals may be separate from each other MICROSPORANGIUM) / POLLEN SACS
(polypetalous) or become partly or completely
fused (gamopetalous). The pollen chambers represent microsporangia. Thus, each
5. If the petals are completely fused, they form corolla anther consists of four microsporangia, two in each anther
tube. lobe. These are covered by the common epidermis of anther
6. Calyx and corolla together-Perianth which contain pollen grains or microspores.
7. Units of Perianth- Tepals
MALE REPRODUCTIVE A very young anther consists of a group of actively dividing
parenchymatous cells surrounded by layer of epidermis.
It soon becomes two-lobed. Each anther lobe develops into
1. STAMENS / ANDROECIUM two microsporangia as rounded mass of archegonial cells.
1. Found inner to the corolla and are attached either to The four microsporangia of an anther finally develop into
the thalamus or to the petals. four pollen sacs. Development of microsporangia is
2. The stamens or microsporophylls collectively form eusporangiate type (from a group of initial cells).
the male whorl or androecium.
3. The number, length and arrangement of stamens Archegonial cells of each microsporangium divide by
vary in flowers of different species. Each stamen periclinal divisions to give rise to an outer primary parietal
has following three parts- layer and an inner primary sporogenous layer. The primary
parietal layer divides to form concentric layers of pollen sac
A. Filament: It is the stalk-like part of a stamen that wall and the primary sporogenous layer divides to produce a
supports anther terminally in the most suitable position for mass of sporogenous cells or microspore mother cells.
pollen transfer to take place, and is attached to the thalamus They are initially connected by plasmodesmata. They are
by its basal end. broken by the formation of callose layers inner to cell wall
and microspore mother cells separate from each other.
B. Anther: (Microsporangia) produce microspores (pollen
grains) which produce male gametophyte. It is the swollen
bilobed structure at the terminal end of a filament which STRUCTURE OF MICROSPORANGIUM
consists of two anther lobes (theca). Hence are called
dithecous. 1. Few cells in the hypodermal region become differentiated
as archesporial cells. In Boerhaavia and Dionaea, there is
An anther with two anther lobes is said to be dithecous. only one archesporial cell.
Majority Of plants have dithecous anthers.
2. The archesporial cell divides periclinally (along the
periphery) to form outer-primary parietal layer and inner-
sporogenous layer.

3. The primary parietal layer lies just beneath the epidermis

and divides again periclinally to form 3-5 concentric layers.
These layers give rise to the wall of the sporangium, along
with epidermis. In a transverse section, a typical
microsporangium appears circular in outline. Its wall has
four layers-

1. Epidermis: It is the outermost and one-cell thick layer.

2. Endothecium: It lies inside the epidermis. It is a single

layer of radially elongated cells with fibrous thickenings
which help dehiscence of anther. The cells of endothecium
in the shallow groove between two microsporangia remain
Formation of Microspores or Pollen Grains
thin-walled and form stomium.
Formation of microspores or pollen grains from the
microspore mother cells or pollen mother cells (PMC) or
3. Middle Layers: These are three to four layers of thin- primary sporogenous cells occurs inside microsporangia and
walled cells which disintegrate in mature anthers.These is called microsporogenesis.
three layers protect sporogenous cells and help in
dehiscence of anther to release pollen. (i) The sporogenous layer, formed by archesporial cells
divides many times to form pollen mother cells (or
4. Tapetum: This is the innermost layer of cells with dense microspore mother cells). These are diploid cells.
cytoplasm. Tapetum nourishes the developing pollen grains (ii) The microspore mother cells remain surrounded by a
(microspores) and secretes both enzymes and hormones. Its wall of callose while they are dividing by meiosis. Because
cells have more than one nuclei. These cells are of following of its highly impermeable nature, callose provides an
two types: isolation barrier separating the microspore mother cells from
each other. It prevents the microspores from sticking with
Amoeboid or Invasive or Periplasmodial cells grow and each other.
form a periplasmodium that provides nourishment and other (iii) Each such cell divides by meiosis and forms four
materials to spore mother cells, e.g., Lily, Tradescantia, haploid microspores or pollen grains.
Typha, Alisma, etc. (iv) The division is of two types in various angiosperms -
simultaneous type and successive type.
Secretory or Glandular or Parietal cells provide (v) In simultaneous division, the M1 of meiosis is not
nourishment to sporogenous cells, e.g., Symphoricapus. followed by cytokinesis. Wall formation takes place only
after the completion of both M1 and M2.
In the end, both the cell types of tapetum degenerate. (vi) While in successive type of division, cytokinesis occurs
after both divisions M1 as well as M2.
Each microspore mother cell undergoes meiosis and gives
1. Provides nourishment to the growing sporogenous rise to four haploid microspores. The microspores are
cells, microspore mother cells and growing arranged in a cluster of four cells and form the microspore
microspores. tetrad. There are five types of tetrads-
2. Secretes enzymes and hormones (IAA) that are
stored in pollen grains for their early growth.
3. Secretes enzyme callase for the dissolution of
callose binding the microspores.
4. Produces Ubisch granules that provide
sporopollenin and other materials for exine part of
pollen grain covering. As the anthers mature and dehydrate, microspores dissociate
5. Provides sporopollenin covering around from each other and form pollen grains.
entomophilous pollen grains which provide
resistance against physical and biological
destructive forces, therefore, pollen can be
In Typha, Drosera, Juncus, etc., all the four pollen grains of
preserved for a long time.
tetrad do not separate but together form compound pollen
6. Pollenkitt and tryphine are transferred by tapetum grains. In Mimosoideae, 8-64 pollen grains may remain
to pollen surface. united.
7. Secretes special proteins for pollen grains to
recognize compatibility-incompatibility. In Calotropis and many orchids, all the pollen grains of a
sporangium form a single mass called pollinium. The two
adjacent pollinia are connected to a sticky corpusculum to
form a translator.
is called sporoderm. It consists two layers, the outer exine
and inner intine.


It is thick and ornamented. It is chiefly composed of

sporopollenin, the most resistant organic material known. It
can withstand high temperature, strong acids and alkali and
cannot be degraded by any known enzyme. Pollen grains are
well preserved in nature as fossils because of the presence of
sporopollenin. Exine also possesses proteins for enzymatic
and compatibility reactions.
The exine consists of two layers - outer ektexine (sexine)
As the anther matures, it dries up. The strip between the two
and inner endexine (nexine). The ektexine further
pollen sacs of each anther lobe disintegrates and a single
comprises an inner continuous foot layer, a middle
cavity is formed. With the loss of water, the dead cells of
discontinuous baculate layer and an outermost
endothecium contract from their outer thin walls. As the
discontinuous tectum. Tectum has characteristic
outer radial walls come nearer, endothecium shortens and
sculpturing. It helps in identifying the pollen grains and
the anther lobe wall ruptures in the region of stomium. The
referring them to their family, genus or species.
exposed spores are dispersed by various agencies of
The study of external morphology of mature pollen grains is
called palynology.


It is thin and uniform. It is made up of pecto-cellulose

(pectin+cellulose). At the time of pollen germination, intine
comes out of the germ pore in the form of a pollen tube. At
places, intine contains enzymatic proteins.


In some people, the exposure to pollen grains cause severe

allergies and bronchial afflictions often leading to chronic
respiratory disorders, such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. This
type of allergic reaction occurs mainly due to anemophilous
STRUCTURE OF MICROSPORES OR POLLEN pollens, which fly with wind current. One best example of
GRAINS pollen allergy occurs with the pollen of Parthenium or
carrot grass. It is not a native plant, but was imported
 They are male gametophytes. earlier along with wheat varieties.
 They are usually unicellular, spherical, Now, it has spread to several places and causes pollen
and haploid measuring about 25-50 allergy and hay fever, which are caused by a poisonous
micrometers in diameter. substance, tryphine. This is composed of poisonous
 They may be oval, ellipsoidal, triangular, proteins and hydrophilic substances.
lobed or even crescent-shaped.
 The outer surface of pollen grains may POLLEN PRODUCTS
have spines, ridges or furrows which may
vary in different species. Pollen grains are rich in nutrients. They are given as tablets
or syrups to athletes and race horses to enhance their
The germ pores are the points from where the pollen tube performance.
emerges out.
Monocolpate pollen grains have single furrow or pore for
the emergence of pollen tube. They are found in family It is the period, during which pollen retains its ability to
liliaceae and monocots. germinate. After dehiscence (shedding), pollen must be
landed over the compatible stigma, before they lose their
viability. Viability of pollens varies greatly in different
Tricolpate pollen grains have three furrows or three rows of plants. For example it is about 30 minutes in wheat and rice,
pores through which pollen content comes out. They are but months and years in many other (members of families
found in true dicots.
Rosaceae, Leguminoseae and Solanaceae). Environmental
conditions and temperature play an important role in
Each pollen grain (Microspore) represents the first cell of maintaining viability of the pollen grains.
male gametophyte. The wall or covering of the pollen grain
POLLEN BANKS (ix) In about 60% angiosperms, the pollens are shed (fall) at
two-cell stage (vegetative and generative cell stage), and
These days pollen grains of a large number of species can be further development of the male gametophyte takes place on
stored for years in liquid nitrogen (−196∘C). Such stored
the stigma, after pollination. In some cases, the pollen are
pollen can be used as pollen banks like the seed banks stored
shed at three celled stage (vegetative cell and two male
for crop breeding experiments.
gametes). Thus, in these plants, the gamete formation takes
DEVELOPMENT OF MALE GAMETOPHYTE place before pollination.

Development of male gametophyte starts when the pollens (B) DEHISCENCE OF ANTHER AND LIBERATION
are within the anther lobes. Thus initial development of OF DEVELOPING POLLENS
male gametophyte takes place inside the anther lobes
When pollens get matured (usually at 2 celled stage), they
(microsporangia). But when half of the germination (i.e.,
exert some pressure on anther wall. Consequently, the wall
upto 2-3 cell stage) gets completed, the anther dehisces and
of the anther bursts and the germinating pollen grains are
the germinating pollen (male gametophytes) are shed. Now
released. This is called dehiscence of anther.
pollination takes place (ie., these pollens are transferred to
the stigma of the carpel of a flower). Further development of (C) POLLINATION
male gametophyte takes place on the stigma.
Transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma (of a
In this way the development of the male gametophyte pistil) is called pollination. It is of two main types- (i)
involves following steps: Self-pollination (autogamy and geitonogamy) (ii)
Cross-pollination (Xenogamy).
 Development of male gametophyte before
pollination. 1. SELF POLLINATION
 Dehiscence of anther and liberation of
developing pollens Transfer of pollen from anther of a flower to the stigma of
 Pollination the same flower (or flower of same plant) is called self
 Development after pollination. pollination.

Self-pollination can be of two types, autogamy and


(A) AUTOGAMY: It is a type of self-pollination that is

(A) DEVELOPMENT OF MALE GAMETOPHYTE found only in bisexual flower. In this case, the stigma of a
BEFORE POLLINATION flower is pollinated by its own pollen. Autogamy occurs by
three methods.
(i) Development of male gametophyte before pollination (i) Homogamy: The anthers and stigmas of open
occurs inside the anthers (microsporangia). flowers mature at the same time, e.g., Catharanthus (Vinca),
Mirabilis (Four O'Clock plant).
(ii) During germination, the nucleus of the microspore is (ii) Cleistogamy: The flowers remain closed
during pollination (with the help of its petals). Thus, stigma
displaced from centre to one side. This displacement is
receives only the pollen of its own flower, e.g., Oxalis,
always in a particular direction and marks the position of the Viola etc.
germinative cell. (iii) Bud Pollination: In this case the pollination
occurs in the bud stage. The sex organs develop before the
(iii) The cytoplasm becomes highly vacuolated. opening of bud, thus internal pollination takes place, e.g.,
Pea, Wheat, Rice etc.
(iv) Now microspore undergoes mitotic division and forms (B) GEITONOGAMY : In this type of pollination, the
two unequal cells (1) the larger cell, called vegetative cell pollen grains of one flower are transferred to the stigma of
and (ii) the smaller cell, called generative cell. another flower belonging to either the same plant or
genetically similar plant. This type of pollination looks
(v) The vegetative cell is bigger, has a large amount food similar Lo a cross pollination as it involves a pollinating
reserve and a large irregularly shaped nucleus. agency. But in fact, it is treated as self pollination because,
pollen and stigma belong to the same plant and therefore
(vi) The generative cell is small. It floats in the cytoplasm of there is no genetic differentiation.
the vegetative cell. It is spindle shaped with dense So, geitonogamy is functionally a cross-pollination
involving a pollinating agent, but genetically it is similar to
cytoplasm and a nucleus. autogamy since the pollen grains come from the same plant.
(vii) The vegetative cell on germination gives rise to pollen FLOWERS
tube (after pollination, on stigma). Some plants like Viola (common pansy), Oxalis and
Commelina produce two types of flowers - (a)
(viii) The generative cell produces two male gametes by one Chasmogamous and (b) Cleistogamous.
more mitosis (after pollination).
In Chasmogamous flowers, the anther and stigma are fully Most of the plants are chasmogamous type (i.e., they
exposed to the external pollinating agencies, so, always expose their anthers and stigma to the pollinating agencies).
cross pollination occurs. As the pollen grains do not have locomotory structures, they
But cleistogamous flowers, remain closed and do not open are transferred from anther to the stigma, with the help of
at all. So, always self pollination occurs. certain agencies, called as pollinating agencies. Some of
ADVANTAGES OF SELF POLLINATION them are wind (air), water, insects, bats, birds and even man.
(1) It maintains purity of the species, by preserving all the Pollinating agencies may be biotic or abiotic. Two important
parental characters. abiotic agencies are wind and water. Pollen grains coming in
(ii) It is used to obtain pure-line characters (homozygosity) contact with wind/water is a chance factor. So, such plants
during breeding experiments. which depend upon wind/water, produce enormous amount
(ii) Plant does not have to depend on pollinating agencies. of pollens.
(iv) Only a small number of pollen grains are required. Further, majority of the plants use biotic agencies. Of all the
(v) Self-pollination strengthens the better characters of the biotic agencies insects are the most important.
plant. 1. ANEMOPHILY
DISADVANTAGES OF SELF POLLINATION Anemophily refers to the pollination by wind. Wind
(i) It does not eliminate bad characters from the race. pollinated flowers (a primitive feature) show following
(ii) Vigour and vitality of the race decreases, as there is no characters :
hybrid vigour.  Flowers are inconspicuous and not showy. They
(iii) Immunity to diseases decreases. are devoid of fragrance and nectar.
(iv) Ability to adapt according to changing environment  They produce a very large amount of pollen grains,
decreases. as considerable amount of pollen never reaches the
proper stigma.
2. CROSS POLLINATION (XENOGAMY OR  Anthers are versatile, hanging freely in air.
ALLOGAMY)  Pollen grains are dry, light and smooth walled.
Transfer of pollen from the anther of a flower to the stigma For effective wind pollination pollen grains should be
of another flower, belonging to a different plant is called light and non-sticky so that they can easily be
cross-pollination. It is usually found in unisexual flowers. transported by wind currents. These pollen grains have
However, it may also occur in bisexual plants as well. This well-exposed stamens (so that the pollens are easily
type of pollination helps in the formation of genetically dispersed into wind currents).
different plants, e.g., Hemp, Willow etc.  The flowers in wind pollinated plants have large
and feathery stigma to easily trap air-borne pollen
(i) It helps to eliminate bad characters from the race.  Wind pollinated flowers often have a single ovule
(ii) It helps in the development of new characters due to in each of their ovaries. Many flowers remain
recombination of genes. packed together in an inflorescence. A good
(iii) Vigour and vitality of the race increases, due to example of such inflorescence is found in corn cob.
heterosis. It is found commonly in grasses, most of the
(iv) Immunity to diseases increases. cereals and palms etc.
(v) Ability to adapt according to changing environment 2. HYDROPHILY
increases. Pollination through water current. Water pollinated flowers
show following characters- Aquatic nature of the plant is no
identification of its being pollinated through water. Many
It refers to self It also refers to It refers to cross
hydrophytes are pollinated through wind or insects (water
pollination. self pollination. pollination,
hyacinth and water lily). When it is with the help of water, it
Flower is always Flower may be
may take place completely under water (hypohydrophily) or
bisexual. unisexual or
may takes place on the water surface (epihydrophily).
Only one flower bisexual.
Pollination by water is not very common. It is found in
is used.
about 30 genera only, mostly monocots.
Transfer of Transfer of Transfer of pollen
Hydrophilous plants, like anemophilous flowers are
pollen from pollen from from anther to the
characterised by floral envelopes which are highly reduced
anther to the anther to the stigma of different
or even absent. It is commonly found in plants like Hydrilla,
stigma of same stigma of flower of different
Zostera (marine grass), Ceratophyllum and Vallisneria. In
flower. different flowers plant.
Vallisneria, the female flower reaches the surface of the
of same
water by its long stalk. The pollen grains from the male
flower are released into the water current and they finally
Flower is always Flower may be Flower may be reach the female flower. Water pollinated flowers show
bisexual. unisexual or unisexual of following features: → Water pollinated flowers are not very
bisexual. bisexual. colourful or bright.
Only one flower Two different Two different Also they have no fragrance (nectar).
is used. flowers of same flowers are used, Their pollen grains are buoyant, so that they can easily float.
plant which are ISC Biology-XII
are used which genetically Fig. 2.13: Water pollinated plant
are genetically different. • The pollen grains are coated with mucilage to protect
similar. themselves from getting wet. The stigma is large and
VARIOUS AGENCIES OF POLLINATION feathery to trap the pollen grains.
3. Entomophily
• Insects are the chief pollinators and it has been noted that 2. Herkogamy :Self-pollination is avoided by development
the evolution of flowering plant has gone hand-in-hand with of some kind of physical barrier between stamen and pistil.
the evolution of the insects. Insects helping in pollination This may be achieved by placement of stamen and pistil at
are bees, flies, beetles, wasp, butterflies, ants and moths. Of some distance from each other in the same flower or by
these, the first three are diurnal visiting flowers which opens inserting the anther within the corolla tube and extending the
in day time and moths are nocturnal i.e. they visit flowers style to the exterior of the flower, e.g., Gloriosa.
which open after sunset. 3. Heterostyly:It is a unique form of herkogamy in which
Insect pollinated flowers show following characters: the lengths of stamen and pistil in a flower differ in
* Flowers are brightly coloured. different plants of the same species, e.g., Primula.
◆ Pollen grains are sticky with a rough surface, so that 4. Self-incompatibility: This is a genetically governed
they may easily stick to Fig. 2.14: Pollination by insect mechanism to prevent self-pollination. In these cases, the
insect limbs. pollens of a flower are unable to germinate over the
→ Stigma is also sticky. stigma of the same flower.
• A sugary fluid called nectar or honey is secreted in many 5. Production of unisexual flowers :This is an important
plants. In fact, insects visit flowers for nectar. Nectar glands mechanism to check self fertilisation. If both male and
may be situated on thalamus, sepals, petals, carpels. female flowers are present on the same plant such as castor
→ In some entomophilous flowers, special mechanisms are and maize (monoecious), it prevents autogamy but not
seen. Night blooming flowers have white colour and geitonogamy. In many other species (as in papaya), male
fragrance (so that they may be visible to insects). and female flowers are present on different plants, that is
In Centaurea (compositae), pistil bends and exposes the each plant is either male or female (dioecious). This
stigma on being touched by insects. In Salvia, versatile condition prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy.
anthers and other balancing features, help in dusting of Artificial Methods
insects with pollen. Emasculation To carry out cross-pollination artificially, in a
• In case of Amorphophallus (tallest flower, about 6 feet), bisexual plant (which does not show above adaptation), its
insect lay their egg in the flowers and eventually carry out stamens are removed (cut off). This is called emasculation.
pollination. In Yucca, also, the pollination is carried out by Emasculated flowers are covered with a suitable sized bags
a moth. Moth lays its egg in the locules of the ovary and (of butter paper) to prevent any contamination by unwanted
eventually the flower gets pollinated. pollens. This process is called bagging.
4. Ornithophily Artificial Hybridisation
Bird pollination is not so common. Humming bird, Sun The process of artificial pollination, that leads to fertilisation
birds and honey eaters are some of the birds which visit and formation of desired fruits is called artificial
flowers and bring about pollination. Such flowers are hybridisation. It is one of the major approaches of crop
tubular, cup- shaped or urn shaped, bright in colour and improvement programme.
produce large quantities of pollen and plenty of nectar. Artificial Hybridisation in Bisexual Flowers
5. Chiropterophily If the plant bears bisexual flowers, removal of anthers from
In this case the pollination is carried out by bats. the flower bud before the anther dehisces using a pair of
Chiropterophilous plants have flowers borne singly or in forceps is necessary. This is called emasculation. To prevent
clusters quite away from branches and leaves due to their any contamination, bagging is also required. When the
long stalk. These flowers open only at or after dusk. On flower attains receptivity, bags are removed off and mature
blooming, flowers emit an odour and produce large pollen grains (collected from anthers of the male parent) are
quantities of nectar. Flowers are dull in colour. Bats, being dusted on the stigma (artificial pollination). Now the flowers
nocturnal are attracted by the odour of the flowers. are re-bagged, until the formation of fruit.
6. Malacophily Artificial Hybridisation in Unisexual Flowers
Fig. 2.15: Pollination by bird If the plant produces unisexual flowers, there is no need for
Snails and slugs visit certain flowers and may be playing a emasculation. The female flower buds are bagged before the
role in their pollination. This is generally observed in plants flowers open (this is to avoid any unwanted pollination).
like Arisaema (cobra plant) and also in arum lilies. When the stigma becomes receptive, pollination is carried
Outbreeding Devices (Efforts to Avoid Self Fertilisation) out using the desired pollen and the flower is re-bagged as
35 above.
Majority of flowering plants produce bisexual Pollen-pistil Interaction
(hermaphrodite) flowers. Due to this, the pollen grains have ISC Biology-XII
more chances to come in contact with the stigma of the same Pollination does not ensure that the right type of pollen are
flower (This is called self pollination as discussed earlier). reaching the right type of stigma. It is purely a matter of
Repeated and continued self-pollination results in chance. Stigma can receive pollen of its own species or of
inbreeding depression (i.e., vigour and vitality of the plant other species. But pollen of wrong type do not germinate on
decreases). the stigma. Only right type of pollen (.e., pollen of same
To overcome this problem, flowering plants have developed species) germinates on the stigma.
many devices to discourage self-pollination and to The pistil has the ability to recognise the type of pollen,
encourage cross-pollination. whether it is of the right type (compatible) or of the
Some of the important devices are discussed below : wrong type (incompatible). If it is of the right type, the
1. Dichogamy :This involves the maturation of male and pistil accepts the pollen and promotes post-pollination
female organs at different time. In these cases, pollen release events that lead to fertilisation.
and stigma receptivity do not occur at the same time. Either If the pollen is of the wrong type, the pistil rejects the pollen
the pollen is released before the stigma becomes receptive or by preventing pollen germination on the stigma or the pollen
stigma becomes receptive much before the pollen release. tube growth in the style.
The ability of the pistil to recognise the pollen depends upon (ii) Pollen tube at the apex contains tube nucleus (which is,
pollen-pistil interaction, which is genetically decided. This in fact, the nucleus of vegetative cell).
interaction occurs with the help of certain chemical (iii) Behind the tube nucleus, there are 2 male gametes.
substances. (iv) The tube grows towards the ovule (megasporangium),
Sexual Incompatibility making its way through the style.
Stigma receives a variety of pollen grain but not all (v) Usually, a single pollen tube arises from one pollen.
pollen grains succeed to germinate and bring about Such pollen grains are called monosiphonous. However
fertilisation. Stigma is so equipped as to allow only right in some plants, pollen grains give rise to many pollen
kind of mating types (pollen grains) to germinate over it. tubes. Such pollens are called polysiphonous.
The other pollen grains, which fail to germinate on a Now pollen tube makes its way through the style (of
stigma are said to be incompatible to it (stigma). This carpel) and moves towards the mature ovule, containing
phenomenon is known as 'sexual incompatibility'. female gametophyte (embyo sac).
It can be of two types - Interspecific and intraspecific Haploid Vegetative
incompatibility (or self-incompatibility). nucleus
1. Interspecific Incompatibility cell
In this type of incompatibility, the pollen grains and the 2 Male gametes (sperms)
stigma, belong to two different species. It is thus heterogenic Vegetative or tube nucleus
incompatibility. It is controlled by more than one (different) Pollen tube
gene, located at different loci on chromosomes. Vegetative or tube nucleus
→ It prevents the cross-pollination. Microspore
In incompatible interspecific crosses, successful fertilisation Generative cell 2-celled
does not occur. If it occurs, it is followed by abortion of 2 Male gametes (sperms)
hybrid embryo (due to inadequate development of 3-celled, mature
endosperm). Emergence of pollen tube
2. Intraspecific (Self) Incompatibility (pollen grain) male gametophyte male gametophyte
In this type of incompatibility, the pollen grains and the Fig. 2.16: Development of male gametophyte from a
stigma belong to same species, i.e., the pollen grains of a microspore
species fail to germinate on the stigma of the same species. (Note: Mature male gametophyte is 3-celled)
✦ In nature, different floral adaptations such as B. DEVELOPMENTS THAT LEAD TO THE
dichogamy, herkogamy, unisexuality, etc. are found, FORMATION OF
which prevent self-pollination. FEMALE GAMETE (EGG CELL)
→ But the most effective natural device is the self The female reproductive whorl of the flower (i.e,
incompatibility, which refers to the inability of the plant, gynoecium) consists of megasporophylls (carpel or pistil).
producing functional male and female gametes to let seeds, Each pistil further consists of three parts:
when self pollinated. Stigma
If the incompatibility is due to the genotypes of the (a) Stigma: It is a terminal disc shaped portion, which
sporophyte (or stigma tissues), it is known as sporophytic serves to receive pollens after their pollination.
incompatibility. Style
→ On the other hand, if the incompatibility is due to the (b) Style: It is slender, hollow elongated tube, which
genotype of pollen (or gametophyte), it is known as provides path to the pollen tube, for fertilisation.
gametophytic incompatibility. (c) Ovary : It is a basal swollen part that internally contains
✦ It has been noted that the main cause of sexual one or more ovules (or megasporangium).
incompatibility is the gene, called S. It shows multiple Ovary
allelism. The various alleles are designated as S1, S2, S3 Fig. 2.17: Parts of pistil
and so on. Ovule internally produces megaspore (haploid cell), which
(d) Development of Male Gametophyte after Pollination represents the first cell of the female gametophyte. The
It involves following steps: megaspore on development produces mature female
(i) Formation of Male Gametes gametophyte, (or embryo sac). This developmental process
(i) Only a right kind of spore germinates on the right kind of can be studied in following steps:
stigma (i.e. for germination, both pollen and the stigma must 1. Development of Ovule (Megasporangium)
be of the plants, that belong to the same species). Ovules or megasporangia are developed within the cavity of
(ii) After pollination, the male gametophyte (germinating ovary (locule) and remain attached through a placenta with
pollen) is usually at two cell stage. It contains a vegetative the ovarian wall. Ovule arises as a small mound of
cell and a generative cell. homogeneous tissue on the inner wall of the ovary. This
(iii) The generative cell contains a large amount of mound develops to form the inner central part of the ovule,
protoplasm. It acquires a characteristic vermiform called nucellus. This mound becomes covered with two
appearance. It now divides mitotically, to form two integumentary processes.
elongated, haploid male gametes. (note: there is no meiosis, Structure of Ovule (Megasporangium)
because the dividing cell is already haploid). Antipodals
(iv) Both these male gametes are genetically similar and Chalaza pole
remain in pair for a considerable period of time. (ii) (i) Each ovule is attached to the inner wall of the ovary
Formation and Growth of Pollen Tube (placenta), by a slender stalk, called funicle. (ii) The point of
(i) The exine (outer wall) of the pollen now ruptures and the attachment of ovule to its funicle is calledhilum. (iii) Main
cytoplasm of the vegetative cell bulges out through germ body of the ovule is formed by inner central mass i.e., Inner
pore, in the form of a tube, called pollen tube. nucellus. Nucellus consists of living parenchymatous cells.
(iv) In mature ovules, the nucellus serves to cover and and has a larger size. (ii) This cell divides periclinally, to
provide nutrition to the embryo sac (female gametophyte). form primary parietal cell and primary sporogenous cell.
- (iii) The parietal cell may either remain undivided or
(v) Each ovule has two distinct ends (a) micropyle end (it is undergoes a few periclinal and anticlinal divisions, so that
also called opening of ovule. It is the end wherefrom the the sporogenous cell gets embedded in the nucellar mass.
pollen tube usually enters the ovule during fertilisation) and Consequently, the sporogenous cell becomes sub-
(b). chalaza end (the posterior end, opposite to micropylar hypodermal in position. Ovules with such a hypodermal
end)... (vi) Externally the nucellus is covered by one or two sporogenous cell are called
protective crassinucellate.
-Outer integument (iv) The sporogenous cell now acts as megaspore mother
Embryo sac cell (MMC). It undergoes reductional division (meiosis)
Synergids and forms four haploid megaspores. This process is
integument called megasporogenesis. (v) In most of the angiosperms,
Secondary nucleus Nucellus out of these 4 megaspores, 3 get degenerated (to provide
Egg more nourishment to the remaining one). Thus, only one
- Hilum megaspore remains functional in the ovule. This gives
-Funicle rise to female gametophyte on development. Such female
Micropyle gametophyte (embryo sac) which develops from a single
Fig. 2.19: Structure of ovule megaspore, is called monosporic embryo sac. This
covers, called integuments. These integuments arise from development is called monosporic development (In some
the chalazal end. (vii) When only one integument is angiosperms bisporic or even tetrasporic embryo sac
present, the ovule is called unitegmic, and if the ovule may also be present). (vi) A megaspore is a haploid
consists of two integuments, it is calledbitegmic. In some structure and represents the first cell of the female
plants such as Santalum, Olax etc,ategmic (no gametophyte. It develops to form fully matured
integument) condition may be present. gametophyte. (Megaspore should not be considered as a
(viii) In mature ovules, the female gametophyte or embryo female gamete).
sac is present in the centre. The embryo sac consists of egg Megaspore mother cells
cell (female gamete), synergid cells, antipodal cells and Nucellus
polar nuclei (This is described a little later). M1
Types of Ovules (Not in syllabus) Meiosis
On the basis of position of micropyle, with respect to the M2
funiculus, ovules are of 6 types: 4 Megaspores
1. Orthrotropous Ovule 3 spores degenerate
It is atropous or straight, where the micropyle, chalaza and Functional megaspore
the funiculus, all are in the same line, e.g., Cycas, Family Fig. 2.21: Formation of megaspore (Megasporogenesis)
Polygonaceae and Piperaceae. 3. Formation of Female Gametophyte (Embryo sac)
2. Anatropous Ovule Female gametophyte is also called embryo sac. It develops
It is of the most common occurrence. In this ovule, the from megaspore. There are great variations in the
funicle is long and whole body of the ovule is inverted, development of embryo sac. Some are monosporic, some
through 180°. As a result the micropyle comes close to others are bisporic and rest others are tetrasporic, as
the funicle, e.g., Most common in dicots and monocots. 3. discussed above (We are describing here the development of
Hemianatropous or Hemitropous Ovule a typical embryo sac, which is monosporic and is of the
In this case the body of the ovule is inverted only through most common occurrence in angiosperms).
90°. As a result the funicle comes to lie at right angle to the (i) The remaining megaspore in the ovule is given sufficient
nucellus. Micropyle and chalaza, lie in the same plane, e.g., nourishment, so that it becomes larger in size. (ii) This
Ranunculus. megaspore now divides by three successive mitotic divisions
4. Campylotropous Ovule and forms 8 nuclei. All these nuclei are haploid. These
When body of the ovule is not completely inverted, but it is mitotic divisions are strictly free nuclear, that is, nuclear
bent like 'horse shoe'. The micropyle and chalaza do not lie divisions are not followed immediately by cell wall
in the same plane (however the nucellus/embryo-sac remain formation.
straight), e.g., Family Capparidaceae, Cruciferae etc. Haploid megaspore
5. Amphitropous Ovule → 2 nuclei
It is similar to campylotropous, but in this case the (iii) Out of these 8 nuclei, 3 nuclei (at micropylar end),
nucellus/embryo sac is also bent like 'horse shoe', e.g.,. undergo cytokinesis (forming cell wall) and form egg
Family Alismaceae. apparatus. (iv) The egg apparatus contains 2 synergid
6. Circinotropous Ovule cells and one egg
It is of a very rare occurrence. Here the body of the cell.
ovule is bent through 360°, so that it takes a one 4 nuclei
complete turn. (Micropyle, chalaza and the nucellus are 8 nuclei
all in same plane), e.g., Opuntia. Egg apparatus
2. Formation of Megaspore (Megasporogenesis) The three cells at micropylar end, i.e., egg cell along with
Circinotropous two synergids, together, are called egg apparatus.
(i) In the micropylar region of the nucellus, usually a single (v) The egg cell represents the female gamete.
cell gets differentiated from other cells. It is called primary (vi) The other three nuclei (at chalazal end) also undergo
archesporial cell. It contains a big nucleus, dense cytoplasm cytokinesis and form three antipodal cells.
(vii) Remaining two nuclei are present in the centre (they do (Female gametophyte)
not follow cytokinesis). These are called central or polar Table 2.4: Differences between Male and Female
nuclei. Gametophytes in Angiosperm
(viii) This entire structure is called embryo sac, which S.No.
represents the mature female gametophyte. Thus, Male Gametophyte
normally it contains 3+2+3 arrangement of nuclei in a It is derived from a pollen grain or microspore.
typical embryo sac. Female Gametophyte
ISC Biology-XII It is derived from a megaspore.
3 Antipodals 41
2 polar nuclei 2
Synergids 3.
Egg cell (female gamete) 5.
(ix) The mature female gametophyte (embryo sac) 6.
consists of 8 nuclei, but only 7 cells (one egg cell, 2 7.
synergids, 3 antipodal cell and one Fig. 2.22: Mature It does not remain permanently embedded inside the The
embryo sac remaining cell, in which 2 polar nuclei are female gametophyte remains permanently microsporangium.
present). embedded in the megasporangium or nucellus.
Structure of Mature Embryo sac (Female Gametophyte) The male gametophyte comes out of the pollen grain by The
As said earlier, the mature female gametophyte or embryo female gametophyte remains surrounded by the forming a
sac in a typical angiosperm is 7 celled and 8 nucleate. It pollen tube.
contains one egg cell, 2 synergids, 3 antipodal cells and 1 The male gametophyte is only 3-celled.
largest central cell with 2 polar nuclei. synergids All the cells of the male gametophyte are functional. The
These are 2 elongated cells, present at the micropylar end of tube cell is required to carry the two male gametes, both of
the ovule, one on each side of the ovule. The characteristic which take part in fertilization.
feature of the synergid cells is the presence of a filiform membrane of the megaspore.
apparatus. The female gametophyte is 7-celled.
Filiform apparatus The antipodal cells do not seem to perform any function
It is a mass of finger like projections, which are present in except absorption of nourishment from nucellus in certain
the synergid cells. These projections are the in growths of cases. Out of two synergids only one is required for
the cell wall. These are rich in polysaccharides. Each receiving the pollen tube.
projection is provided with a set of microfibrils. It is The remains of male gametophyte disintegrate after After
supposed to be developed due to some chemotactic stimulus. fertilization two new structures are produced both
It helps in the short distance transport of nutrients across the fertilization. of which show active growth.
synergid wall. The gamete produced by male gametophytes are The gamete
(i) Synergids play an important role in directing the pollen produced by female gametophyte is egg
tube growth, by secreting some chemotropically active sperms.
substances. cell.
(ii) The degenerating synergids help pollen tube to discharge C. FERTILISATION
and release its contents, in the embryo sac. Some workers Fertilisation in angiosperms, is unique. It is called double
have suggested its haustorial or nutritive function. fertilisation. This is because there are two sperms per pollen
Antipodals tube. One of the sperms fertilises the egg cell to form
(i) These are usually 3 in number, present at the chalazal end zygote, while remaining sperm fertilises two polar nuclei,
of the embryo sac. resulting in the formation of a triploid endosperm nucleus.
(ii) These exhibit the great variation in size, structure, life Important events in fertilisation are following:
span and biochemistry. 1. Entry of Pollen Tube into Ovule and Embryo sac
(iii) Usually, these cells degenerate before/soon after (i) After arriving in the ovary, the pollen tube finds its way
fertilisation (But in Caltha pulustris the antipodals persist through style and enters the ovule.
upto the octant stage of the pro-embryo). (ii) In majority of the cases, the pollen tube, enters the
(iv) Antipodal cells serve to provide nutrition to the pro- ovule through the micropyle and then enters one of the
embryo. Egg Cell synergids through the filiform apparatus. The entry of
(i) It is a single haploid cell, lies at the micropylar end, pollen tube through micropyle is called porogamy.
between two synergids. (iii) Filiform apparatus present at the micropylar part of the
(ii) It represents the female gamete. synergids guides the entry of pollen tube.
Chalazal end (iv) All these events from pollen deposition on the stigma
-3 Antipodal cells until pollen tubes enter the ovule, are together referred
Micropylar end to as pollen-pistil interaction.
2 polar nuclei Pollen grains
Central cell Signa
-1 Egg cell Style
Egg Polen tube
apparatus Embryo sac
2 Synergids -Antipodal
Filiform apparatus Polar nudei
Fig. 2.23: A typical embryo sac in angiosperms Egg cell
(iii) It when fertilised by sperm (male gamete), forms Synergid
diploid zygote. Micropyle
Ovule ✦ Endosperm (which is formed by the triple fusion) is
Fig. 2.24: Longitudinal section of a flower showing growth essential for the proper growth of the embryo, as it
of pollen tube (endosperm) provides nourishment to the embryo.
(v) In some plants, the pollen tube enters the ovule through D. POST-FERTILISATION STRUCTURES AND
chalazal end, however the entry into the embryo sac occurs EVENTS
through micropyle, e.g., Casuarina. This is called 45
chalazogamy. In a few plants, the pollen tube enters the After double fertilisation, the ovule undergoes further
ovule through the funiculus or integuments. This is called development. Internally there is endosperm formation,
mesogamy. However the final entry into the embryo sac development of the embryo (sporophyte). The ovule
occurs through micropyle. gradually becomes the seed and ovary becomes the fruit.
2. Discharge of Male Gametes All these events are collectively known as post-
(i) The pollen tube contains two (haploid male gamete). fertilisation events.
(ii) When pollen tube enters the embryo sac (inside the ENDOSPERM
ovule), it bursts to release its contents i.e., two sperms Endosperm development occurs before the development of
along with certain amount of protoplasm. the proper embryo, this is because the development of the
(iii) Now the sperms are ready for fertilisation. embryo requires heavy nutrition, which is supplied by the
(iv) In angiosperms, the fertilization involves (a) syngamy endosperm. So, endosperm is a sterile but nutritive tissues.
and (b) triple fusion. Hence it is also called as After fertilisation, the primary endosperm cell (containing
double fertilisation. PEN) divides repeatedly and forms a triploid endosperm
3. Double Fertilization tissue. The cells of endosperm contains large amount of
Double fertilization is the characteristic feature of reserve food, which is utilized by the cells of embryo for
angiosperms. It was first observed by Nawaschin (1898) in their development.
Fritilaria and Lilium. It involves two types of fusion (a) Endosperm depending upon the mode of its formation,
syngamy (fusion of egg cell and one sperm) endosperm in angiosperms is of three types-nuclear, cellular
and (b) triple fusion (fusion of remaining sperm and two and helobial.
polar nuclei). 1. Nuclear endosperm: it is most common type of
(1) Syngamy endosperm. The primary endosperm nucleus divides
One of the two sperms goes to fertilise the egg cell. This repeatedly without wall formation to produce a large
fusion is called syngamy. It results in the formation of number of free nuclei. Now cell walls are laid by
zygote, which gives rise to proper embryo. simultaneous cytokinesis to form a multicellular endosperm.
(ii) Triple fusion This type of endosperm is found in wheat, rice, maize,
The remaining sperm now fuses with the two haploid polar sunflower etc.
nuclei (present in the centre of embryo sac). This fusion is 2. Cellular endosperm: Every division of the primary
called as triple fusion (as three nuclei i.e., one sperm and 2 endosperm nucleus is followed by cytokinesis. Thus, cell
polar nuclei, are fused). It results in the formation of triploid walls are laid successively. In this way, endosperm remains
Primary endosperm nucleus (PEN), which on development cellular right from the beginning. This type of endosperm is
gives rise to Primary endospermal cell (PEC) and then found in Datura, Petunia and Balsam.
endosperm. Endosperm is therefore, triploid in angiosperms 3. Helobial endosperm: It is of intermediate type between
(It is a characteristic feature of angiosperms). Endosperm cellular and nuclear endosperms. The first division of
serves to provide nutrition to the developing embryo. primary endosperm nucleus is followed by transverse
1 Sperm + Egg cell 1 Sperm + 2 polar nuclei cytokinesis to form two unequal cells, one larger cell
Zygote (2x) towards micropylar end and one smaller cell towards
= Syngamy chalazal end. Further development of both the cells occurs
Double fertilisation like that of nuclear endosperm. The chalazal chamber often
Pri. Endosperm nucleus (3x) remains smaller and may degenerate. This type of
= Triple fusion endosperm is found in order helobiales of monocots.
Sperms Points to remember
Polar nuclei Primary
Egg cell endosperm
Pollen tube bursts and releases 2 sperms nucleus
Sperms (a) Nuclear endosperm
Triple fusion Free nuclei
(2 fused polar nuclei + Primary endosperm nucleus
Sperm) (b) Cellular endosperm
Double fertilisation Primary endosperm nucleus
Antipodal and synergids degenerate (c) Helobial endosperm
Primary endosperm -Micropylar chamber
nucleus (3x) -Free nuclei
Syngamy (Egg cell + Sperm) Endosperm
Zygote (2x) Chalazal chamber
Fig. 2.25: Release of sperms and double fertilisation Cell wall formation
Significance of Double Fertilization Endosperm
Double fertilisation is necessary for the formation of Fig. 2.27 (a): Types of endosperm
viable seeds, as it ensures the formation of endosperm, (i) The endosperm in angiosperms is the result of triple
together with the embryo. fusion (sperm + 2 polar nuclei) and has 3x nature (triploid).
Since it is triploid, it is sterile in nature. Triploid nature of (vii) In dicots, two cotyledons are formed, but in monocots
endosperm makes it genetically useless. only
(ii) The endosperm provides the essential food to the Hypocotyl
developing embryo. Epicotyl
(iii) Thus the highly nutritive nature of endosperm in Cotyledons
angiosperms makes them highly successful plants as they one cotyledon develops.
can provide a good deal of nutrition to their embryo. (viii) By the time, the integuments of the ovule, become
(iv) In some families of angiosperms (order - Helobiales), a hard and are called as seed coat and the
special type of endosperm is found. This type of endosperm entire ovule is now called as seed.
development is intermediate between nuclear and cellular (ix) When seed germinates, the
type of endosperm development. It is called helobial type of Pro-embryo (1)
endosperm. Heart-shaped stage (g)
After double fertilization, each ovule develops into a seed. Cotyledons
Seed is therefore a ripend ovule. It contains an embryo. Fig. 2.28: Various stages of the development of embryo
Embryo develops from the zygote, so it is diploid (in dicots)
(sporophytic) in nature. Embryo is developed at the cotyledons are used up in providing nourishment. The
micropylar end, where the zygote is situated. radicle gives rise to root system, while plumule gives rise
to shoot system.
Basic structure of embryo
The development of the zygote into an embryo takes place An embryo consists of an embryonal axis. In the middle
only after certain amount of endosperm is formed. This is an of the embryonal axis, cotyledons are present (one in
adaptation to provide assured nutrition to the developing monocots and two in dicots). The part of embryonal axis,
embryo. above the level of cotyledons is called epicotyl, whereas
The early stages of embryo development (embryogeny) are the part, below the level of the cotyledons is called
similar in both monocotyledons and Dicotyledons, however hypocotyl. The tip of epicotyl is called plumule, which on
their seed structure differs greatly. development gives rise to shoot of the plant. Hypocotyl
The zygote gives rise to the proembryo and subsequently to ends into radicle, which on development, gives rise to
the globular, heart-shaped and mature roots.
embryo. A typical dicotyledonous embryo
Development of embryo: Dicot embryogenesis (1) A typical dicotyledonous embryo consists of an
- embryonal axis and two cotyledons.
(i) Zygote divides by a transverse division, forming two (ii) The portion of embryonal axis above the level of
cells (i) Basal cell and (ii) Terminal cell. (ii) The basal cell cotyledons is the epicotyl, which terminates into plumule or
divides by transverse division to form many cells, arranged stem tip. It gives rise to shoot of the plant and it is
in a row. This structure is called suspensor. The function of negatively geotropic.
suspensor is to push the proembryo into the embryo sac (iii) The cylindrical portion below the level of cotyledons is
cavity and to absorb and transfer nutrients to the proembryo. hypocotyl that terminates at its lower end in the radicle or
(iii) The lower most cell of the row is differentiated as root tip. It gives rise to root of the plant and it is positively
hypophysis, which gives rise to radicle. (iv) The terminal geotropic.
cell divides by 2 (iv) The root tip is covered with a root cap.
vertical and one transverse divisions to form eight cells. Development of embryo in monocots: Monocot
These are arranged in two tiers of 4 cells each. embryogenesis (in corn, Zea mays)
(v) Upper tier (just below the suspensor) gives rise to (i) Monocots have a more complex embryo structure in the
hypocotyl. The lower tier gives rise to epicotyl, cotyledons mature seed compared to dicots, but early embryonic
and plumule. development is similar to that of dicots.
(vi) This entire structure is called pro-embryo. (ii) In the zygote, the first cell
Now, division is transverse and asymmetrical. It leads to
this formation of an apical cell and a basal cell.
structure grows further and becomes heart shaped. (iii) The basal cell is larger and lies towards the micropylar
Zygote end. It does not divide divide again but becomes
Basal cell transformed directly into a large vesicular cell.
Haustorial cell (iv) The
Suspensor apical cell divides transversely forming two cells, of these,
(a) the lower cell divides vertically forming two cells. These
Terminal cell cells once again divide vertically forming a group of four
Hypophysis cells (quadrant stage).
(b) Basal cell
(c) Apical cell
Tetrad Zygote
Octant F
(d) Vesicular cell
(e) 60
Reduced suspensor E
Mature embryo R
Suspensor L
Vesicular cell 4.
Suspensor Style and stigma
R 5.
R Ovary
Radicle 6.
Cotyledon Ovary wall
H 7.
Fig. 2.30: Stages in the development of a typical monocot Ovule
embryo in Sagittaria 8.
(v) The cell next to the quadrants also divides vertically and Funicle
the cell next to the upper vesicular cell divides several times 9.
transversely. Hilum
(vi) The quadrants now divide transversely giving rise to an 10.
eight-celled embryo (octant stage), in which the cells are Nucellus
arranged in two tiers of 4 cells each. 11.
(vii) Each cell of the octant stage divide periclinally, giving Outer integument
rise to the dermatogen. 12.
(viii) Later the periblem and plerome are also differentiated. Inner integument
All these regions, derived from the octant stage, later give 13.
rise to a single terminal cotyledon. Micropyle
A typical monocotyledonous embryo 14.
(i) Embryos of monocots possess only one It is generally Synergids
called 15.
cotyledon. scutellum. Egg cell
(ii) The cotyledon is situated towards one side (lateral) of 16.
the embryonal axis. (iii) At its lower end, the embryonal Antipodal cells
axis has the radicle and root cap. 17.
(iv) The radicle and root cap remain packed in a protective Secondary nucleus
undifferentiated sheath (cover) called coleorhiza. SEED
(v) The portion of the embryonal axis above the level of Seed can be defined as a mature ovule. It is the final product
attachment of cotyledon (scutellum) is called epicotyl. of sexual reproduction in an angiospermic plant.
(vi) Epicotyl has a a Structure of a Typical Dicot Seed (Bean Seed)
plumule. (i) The bean seed is kidney shape. (ii) The outer seed coat,
coleoptile. called testa is smooth and brown or red. The inner seed coat,
shoot apex, called called tegmen, is thin and white. It is very difficult to
2 Cotyledons separate the testa from the tegmen.
(a) (iii) An oval scar on the concave side marks the hilum. It
Shoot apex (plumule) represents the place where the seed was attached to the
Embryonal axis fruit-wall. Near one end of the hilum is a tiny pore, the
Radicle micropyle.
Root cap Fall off
Scutellum (cotyledon) Fall off
Coleoptile Fall after dehiscence of anthers
Shoot apex (plumule) Fall off
Epiblast Formation of fruit
Embryonal axis Pericarp
Radicle Seed
Root cap Stalk of the seed
Coleorhiza Hilum
(b) Perisperm
Fig. 2.31: (a) Dicot embryo, (b) Monocot embryo Testa
(vii) The plumule bears a few leaf primordia (early leaves) Tegmen
enclosed in a hollow foliar structure, called Micropyle
Table 2.5: Fate of different floral parts after fertilization Degenerate
(Changes in the ovary and ovule for fruit and seed Embryo
formation) Degenerate
Before fertilization Endosperm
After fertilization Seed coat
S.No. Apical meristem Epicotyl
1. First leaves
Sepals -Hypocotyl
234 Embryonic root
2. Apical meristem
Petals Cotyledons
3. Embryo
Stamens Fig. 2.32 Structure of a typical dicot (Bean) seed
(iv) Below the seed coat, two thick and fleshy cotyledons Most of the seeds do not germinate soon after their
are present. The cotyledons contain stored food in the form formation. This period during which they do not germinate,
of starch, protein and oil. is called dormancy period. This phenomenon is called seed
(v) The embryo is present between the cotyledons. Its dormancy. This is mainly due to, hard seed coats
narrow end is called the radicle which gives rise to the root (integuments), lack of water contents, lack of growth
on germination. The small feathery structure at the opposite promoting hormones, small size of micropyle due to which
end is the plumule which gives rise to oxygen availability is poor. In most of the seeds, dormancy
the shoot. can be broken by providing optimum conditions for
(vi) The region situated below the point of attachment of the germination.
cotyledons, is called hypocotyl, and the region above it is Dormancy is beneficial for the plant in two ways:
called the epicotyl. (a) Dormancy is a mechanism to prevent germination
Structure of a Typical Monocot Seed (Maize Seed) during unsuitable ecological conditions, when the
Each maize grain is actually a one-seeded fruit in which the probability of seedling survival is low.
testa is inseparably fused with the fruit wall (pericarp). (b) One important function of dormancy is to delay
The outermost layer is formed by the fusion of the fruit-wall germination process, which allows enough time for
and seed-coat. In a longitudinal section, the upper one-third dispersal and spread of seeds to different areas.
region constitutes the endosperm. It stores reserve food in Dormancy and Seed Viability
the form of starch. The endosperm is surrounded by a thin ISC Biology-XII
aleurone layer. The aleurone layer stores proteins and fats. During dormancy period, the immature embryo remains
the alive and seed remains viable. However, the period of this
endosperm viability varies greatly in different plants. Some seeds loose
The area below represents the single cotyledon. It is known their viability in just few days or months, while other
Endosperm remains viable for many years. We have several records of
Embryo very old but viable seeds. The oldest record is that of a
External view lupine plant (Lupinus arcticus). The seeds were excavated
Seed coat from Arctic Tundra and they germinated and flowered after
& fruit-wall Aleurone - layer an estimated time of 10,000 years of dormancy. One more
49 notable record is that of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera),
Endosperm showing about 2000 years of dormancy.
Scutellum Some Important Terms, Related to Seeds and Fruits
Coleoptile Carpophore-Floral axis extension between adjacent
Plumule carpels, as in the Apiaceae. Ectocarp or Exocarp -
Radicle Coleorhiza Outermost layer of pericarp.
Longitudinal section Endocarp-Innermost differentiated layer of pericarp.
Fig. 2.33: Structure of a monocotyledonous seed (Maize) Funiculus - Seed stalk.
as the scutellum. It is separated from the endosperm by Mericarp - A portion of fruit that seemingly matured as a
the epithelial layer. The embryo is embedded in the separate fruit. Mesocarp - Middle layer of pericarp.
scutellum. Its plumule is covered by a sheath called the Pericarp - Fruit wall.
coleoptile and the radicle by the coleorhiza. Placenta Thalamus
Endospermic/Non-endospermic Seed -
(1) Endospermic (or albuminous) seeds: The endosperm is -
present in the mature seed and serves as food storage organ. Region of attachment of seeds on inner fruit wall.
Examples: Castor, maize, onion. Base of the flower.
(ii) Non-endospermic (exalbuminous) seeds: The cotyledons Replum - Persistent septum after dehiscence of fruits, as in
serve as the only food storage organs. During embryo the Brassicaceae.
development the cotyledons absorb the food reserves from Retinaculum, Jaculator or Echma - A persistent indurated,
the endosperm. The endosperm is almost absent in the hook-like funiculus in the fruits of family Acanthaceae.
mature seed. Examples: gram, pea, mustard. Rostellum or Beak - Persistent stylar base on fruit.
Perisperm Seed - A matured ovule.
In seeds of some plants, the nucellus persists after Septum or Dissepiment - A partition.
fertilization. This persistent nucellus is called perisperm. It FRUITS
provides nutrition to the seed. Examples: Castor, cotton, Fruits are formed as a result of development of the ovary
beet, black pepper, coffee, etc. wall and other flower parts. In simple words, a fruit is a
Function of seed (Significance of seed formation) ripened (mature) ovary. As seeds mature, they release the
Seed serves two important purposes - hormones (mainly cytokinin), which stimulates the wall of
(i) Dispersal of the species to new locations (aided in the ovary to develop into the fruit.
angiosperms by the fruit). It avoids over-crowding and intra- Development of Fruit
specific competition. After an ovule is fertilized, the ovary begins to expand. The
(1) Survival of the species during unfavorable dimatic petals of the flower, fall off and the ovule develops into a
conditions (winter and excessive summer). Annual plants seed.
such as beans, cereal grains, many weeds etc., can survive The wall of the ovary surrounding the seed develops rapidly,
through colder periods, only as seeds. When conditions under the effect of hormones like cytokinin and becomes
become favorable, germination occurs and a new generation enlarged in size. Fruit development continues until the seeds
of plants develops. have matured. The extent of development of the flesh of the
Seed Dormancy fruit is proportional to the number of fertilized ovules.
The wall of the fruit, developed from the ovary wall of fruit without the seed. Parthenocarpic fruit do not have
the flower, is called the pericarp. The pericarp is seeds, so they can not be used to raise viable offspring.
differentiated into three distinct layers : Structure of Some Fruits
(a) Exocarp (the outermost layer - also called epicarp), Mango and coconut belong to the category of drupe fruits.
(b) Mesocarp (middle layer), and 1. Mango
(c) Endocarp (inner layer). Exocarp
Some fruits, especially simple fruits, are derived from an Mango is a common example of a simple fleshy drupe fruit.
inferior ovary, so that other parts of the flower (such as It is the national fruit of India. Let us consider the structure
petals, sepals, and stamens), fuse with the ovary and ripe of a mango fruit.
with it. When such floral parts are a significant part of the -Mesocarp
fruit, it is called false fruit. -Endocarp
So, a false fruit is that which do not develop from the ovary (i) Epicarp: It is thin and leathery.
or in which the significant part is derived from floral parts, (ii) Mesocarp: When the epicarp is peeled off, the thick and
other than ovary, e.g., Apple, cashewnut. fleshy mesocarp is exposed. This is the edible part of mango
In apple and pear, thalamus is modified to form fruit. In fruit.
strawberry, the receptacles become fleshy and forms the (iii) Endocarp: It is hard and stony. It forms a covering
main part of the fruit. around the seed. (iv) Seed: Mango has a single seed, which
True and False Fruits is elongated and laterally compressed.
If the fruit is developed from the ovary, it is called true fruit. Fig. 2.36:Fleshy drupe of mango
But when it develops from any other floral parts (such as 2. Coconut
thalamus, receptacle or even calyx) then such a fruit is Coconut is a type of fibrous drupe.
called a false fruit, e.g., in apple and pear, thalamus is (i) Epicarp: It is thin but tough.
modified to form fruit. The structures actually derived from (ii) Mesocarp: It is thick and fibrous.
the ovary, are not edible. Similarly in cashewnut, the (iii) Endocarp: It is thick and woody. This layer forms a
peduncle is modified to form fruit. covering around the seed.
Seed (iv) Seed: The seed is large in size. It is composed of a very
Thalamus thin testa, lined by a thick layer of white endosperm which
Fig. 2.34:False fruit of apple (edible part consists of is edible.
thalamus) Dispersal of Fruits and Seeds
FRUITS Shoot- (stem & leaves) Mesocarp (fibrous husk) Root-
True fruits (Develop from ovary ISC Biology-XII
of a flower) Coconut "apple
Simple fruits (Develop from A sweet, spongy mass (cotyledon) that dissolves &
single ovary absorbs the endosperm Coconut "meat" (endosperm)
of single flower) Endocarp
Dry fruits (Surrounding seed)
(Pericarp is dried, Exocarp
e.g., Guava, orange, (outer layer)
Fleshy fruits Mesocarp
False fruits (fibrous husk)
(Develop from floral parts, Fig. 2.37: Fibrous drupe of coconut
other than ovary, e.g., Apple strawberry, Cashewnut) Plants are fixed to a substratum and are unable to move. All
Aggregate fruits or etaerio (Develop from multicarpellary their life activities such as growth, production of flowers
gynoecium, where and fruit etc, occur at the same place. Consequently, the
carpels are fused together), e.g., Raspberry fruits and seeds usually fall directly under the mother plant.
(Pericarp is fleshy, moist or fibrous), Such seeds and fruits have to germinate and develop under
e.g., Groundnut, mustard limited food supply and space. But to solve this problem,
Fig. 2.35: Classification of various types of fruits there are many devices to disperse fruits and seeds to distant
Parthenocarpic Fruits areas. Some important devices are wind, water and animals
Parthenocarpic fruits (Develop without fertilization), e.g., (insects and birds etc.).
Banana Enormous reproductive capacity of flowering plants
Multiple fruits (Develop from flowers of whole Flowering plants reproduce at a very high rate in order to
inflorescence), e.g., Mulberry disperse and spread their species. Some, plants have
(Development of fruit without fertilisation is called enormous reproductive capacity. This is achieved by
parthenocarpy and such fruits are called parthenocarpic producing large number of flowers, ovules, embryo sacs and
fruits. The fruit resembles a normally produced fruit but is seeds.
seedless i.e., a parthenocarpic fruit does not have an embryo Orchid fruits contain thousands of tiny seeds. Similarly
and endosperm. Banana is an important example of such some parasitic species such as Orobanche and Striga also
fruits. produce large number of tiny seeds. A single Ficus tree can
Certain varieties of the pineapple, cucumber, grape, orange, produce billions of seed.
grapefruit, persimmon and breadfruit are also good SPECIAL MODES OF REPRODUCTION
examples of naturally occurring parthenocarpic fruits. (Reproduction without normal fertilisation)
Parthenocarpy can be induced in non-parthenocarpic In the above text we discussed the normal reproduction
varieties also. Several edible fruits, such as seedless grapes, pattern in a typical angiosperm. But there are many
oranges etc., have been developed to afford the taste of the cases where new plants can be produced in an unusual
manner. Three important methods by which new plants
can be produced unusually are - Apomixis, feature is only the presence of more than one embryo, per
polyembryony and parthenogenesis. ovule (seed)].
Apomixis Polyembryony is very common in conifers. Many dicot
Vegetative reproduction (e.g., orange, lemon, jamfolan, mango, groundnut) and
Agamospermy monocot (e.g., onion) species also exhibit this feature.
Unusual modes of reproduction Polyembryony may be due to following reasons:
Polyembryony (i) Presence of more than one egg cells in the embryo sac.
Tissue culture (ii)(Synergids or antipodals start acting as egg cell.)
methods (iii) Normal zygote may divide into too many fragments,
Diplospory each acting as a fresh zygote.
Parthenogenesis (iv) Presence of more than one embryo sac in an ovule.
Apospory Polyembryony may also be induced in normal plants by
Adventive embryony artificial methods, e.g., treatment of freshly harvested seeds
Fig. 2.38: Classification of various unusual modes of with chemical like 2,4 dichloro phenoxy acetic acid may
reproduction induce polyembryony.
1. Apomixis
(Formation of new plants without fertilisation)
Almost all plants show clear alternation of generation from
gametophyte (haploid) to sporophyte (2x) and vice-versa. In
angiosperms, the sporophytic (2x) stage is highly dominant,
while the gametophytic stage is very short. Sometimes, the
deviation may occur in the life cycle of a plant from clear
alternation of generation. This deviation is referred to as
(Apomixis may be defined as 'the substitution of normal
sexual reproduction by another form of reproduction, that
does not involve meiosis and syngamy (fertilisation). Plants
showing this phenomenon are called apomictic) 2.
(The direct formation of embryo from female gamete (egg)
without any fertilisation is known as parthenogenesis.)
Parthenogenetic products may be haploid, diploid or
polyploid. Parthenogenesis involves following subtypes :
(1) Diplospory: In this case, the megaspore mother cell (2x)
does not undergo meiosis and directly starts behaving as
megaspore. Thus, megaspore is diploid and it gives rise to
diploid embryo sac (female gametophyte). The diploid egg
cell of embryo sac starts germination (without fertilisation)
as zygote and gives rise to diploid embryo.
It refers to the development of fruit in an unfertilised flower.
It results in a seedless fruit. It may occur naturally (as in
banana, some varieties of apple, pear, pineapple etc) or may
be induced artificially by the application of hormones (as in
(ii) Apospory: It involves the development of diploid
embryo sac from a normal diploid cell of plant (somatic cell,
other than megaspore mother cell). These sporophytic
tissues may be of nucellus or of integument etc. The diploid
egg cell of embryo sac starts germination (without
fertilisation) as zygote and gives rise to diploid embryo.
In both these cases, the embryo sac (of female gametophyte
is diploid, which is an unusual feature). Adventive
embryony : In this case the embryo develops inside the
ovule from any tissue (2x) directly, but not from the embryo
sac. Thus in other words, sporophytic generation directly
gives rise to new sporophytic generation. The sporophytic
tissue forms a bud like structure that directly starts behaving
as an embryo. (This is called sporophytic budding). Embryo
sac (female gametophyte) does not form in this condition.
3. Polyembryony
(The occurrence of more than one embryo in a seed is called
polyembryony) It was discovered by Leeuwenhoek (1917).
[Students should note that in polyembryony, normal gamete
formation and fertilisation are involved, but the unusual

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