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Peer Edit Response Form

Your Name: Phạm Diễm Quỳnh

Author’s Name/Number: Nguyễn Phương Thảo

 The writing meets the requirements of the assignment.

Problems: because Starbucks races with the economic race
Reasons: Starbucks has had problems with refreshing its brand and instead of
focusing on keeping the loyal customers the company has focused on growing
Solutions: keep it private and grow at a more controlled pace
 The topic sentence is clearly stated.
COMMENT: I completely agree with this structure

 Supporting information is adequate.

Idea 1 problems
Idea 2 reasons
Idea 3 solutions
 Transitions and other linking devices connect ideas.
- good transitions and linking
 The content is interesting and thoughtful.
Comment: good content
 The conclusion is effective.
Comment: more supporting ideas
 The paper has complete sentences.

 The sentence length and structure vary.

New structures: no
 The paper has correct spelling.
Correct spelling
 All sentences and proper nouns begin with a capital letter.
Mistakes: no

Finish the following statements as best you can. Remember, your job is to help the writer.
1. One thing I really liked about the writing is: The solutions given are very helpful
2. One thing I think the author can improve upon is: the introducing should be shortene

3. Something I would like the author to tell me more about is: the author to tell me more
about is about a more clearly problems
4. One last comment…

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