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Name: Apple INC

2. History
- 1976-1984: established company
- 1984-1991: success with macintosh
- 1991-1997: recession and restructuring
- 1997-2007: profitable again
- 2007-2011: success with mobile devices
- 2011- to present: The post-Jobs era, the leadership of Tim Cook
3. Achievements
- CEO Tim Cook led Apple to the trillion dollar milestone
+ August 2018: Apple is a company worth trillions of dollars
+ Increase revenue up to 30%
- Iphone 5 – a breakthrough in design
+ Was the first Iphone when under Cook
+ Much changed compared to Iphone 4
+ Lightning – the big change of the industry
- Strategies to promote accessories segment
+ Increase profit from selling accessories: apple watch, apple pencil,…
+ Starting the “wireless” revolution – AirPods
- Iphone X - opens the future of smartphones
+ Face ID security, "rabbit ears" screen
+ Best Seller 2018
4. Target market
- Age group
+ Compact smart devices: 20-45
+ App Stores like iTunes, Apple Pay,..: 18-30
+ Apple watch, macbook, etc users: 18-40
- Sex
+ Until 2011, the ratio of male to female users was close to 1:1 (53/48)
+ Currently the ratio of male to female users is 60.8% and 39.2% spontaneously expanded in
the male market
- Geographic market
+ There are 25 stores across the country
+ Supply products in 155 countries
5. Problems
- The iPhone lacks breakthrough
- Mac Pro is back but hard to reach
- Lightning port has not been removed yet
- Upgrade all products but not significantly
6. Reasons
- Design, battery life, software, etc
- The price is "heavenly" but the hardware does not upgrade much
- Inconvenience for users
- All upgrades are just tweaks of the old product
7. Solutions
- Change the "rabbit ears" design, upgrade the battery life
- Upgrade more software to be compatible with the amount
- Listen to users' opinions to change the charging port
- Focus on upgrading less to create a new highlight for the product

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