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Carnival Zombie - FAQ

Q: Captain Terror plays the Orders on the Refuge spaces: must the Characters present follow these Orders or may they choose not
A: They may choose not to follow the Orders.

Q: Can the Captain Terror's Orders be used more than once during the same Night?
A: No, the Orders can be played only once per Night. Each time an Order is played, flip the corresponding marker: it cannot be used
another time during the same Night.

Q: If I have the Braidings Item of Captain Terror, can I play again an Order just after I've used it?
A: No, the Braidings allow you to use again an Order used before during the same Night. If you have the Braidings, don't flip the
Order marker once you've used the Order. You will be able to use it another time during the same Night, but always only once each

Q: Can I accumulate 1 Stress to perform an additional Action even if this makes my Character Incapacitated?
A: No, a Character may not voluntarily Incapacitate himself.

Q: Brighell's Day Ability says that he must accumulate 1 Stress to copy the Ability of another Character: must this Character have
already used it this turn?
A: No, you may copy any Ability, whether it was used or not.

Q: Brighell's Day Ability says that he must accumulate 1 Stress to use the Ability of another Character: can I do it even if this Stress
makes Brighell Incapacitated?
A: No, Characters may not voluntarily Incapacitate themselves.

Q: Brighell's Day Ability says that he must accumulate 1 Stress to use the Ability of another Character: can I also copy the Ability of
an Incapacitated Character?
A: Yes, you can.

Q: I didn't quite understand Hellequin's Ability: he ignores the Infected result only when he performs a Search Action for others?
A: No, he ignores the Infected result whenever he performs the Search Action, be it for him or for others. Consider “Ignore the
Stress” as the passive part of his Ability, which is always on during a Search Action. This means that should the negative event
Fatigue occur, he does not incur the penalty if he performs the Search Action for himself.

Q: Regarding the Day Ability of Hellequin, an Infected result means that he doesn't accumulate Stress and doesn't choose between
Item and Survivor?
A: He simply ignores the Stress and then he chooses between Item and Survivor.

Q: When is the right time to play the Day Items? Is there a cost in Actions or something else to play them?
A: The time when you can play Items is usually indicated in the card text itself. If that's not the case, the Items may be considered as
instantaneous in the Player's turn. The exceptions are “Leviathan's Horn” and “Gondola” which are played, always instantaneously,
during the Movement Phase.

Q: How then “Leviathan's Horn” and “Gondola” work?

A: The Horn allows you to move a Sunken marker and may be played instantaneously while the Group is moving, thereby removing
immediately the impediment.
The Gondola allows you to move the Group marker to an adjacent Location, not Sunken, still instantaneously during the Movement.
This means that the Gondole may be used to move, for example, to the San Michele Cemetery without spending additional Hours.

Q: Can the Characters Fire at the Infected trapped in Pantalion's “Barbed Wire” Item, thus freeing the space for others?
A: No, it's not allowed: even as “dead again”, they'll stay trapped there once they entered it.
Q: Does a Character have a maximum number of Items?
R: No, there is no limit.

Q: Is there a maximum number of Items a Character can use within the rules during his turn?
R: No, he can use as many as he wants.

Q: Brighell's Bipod allows an extra Fire Action when he performs a Movement Action: when happens the extra Fire? In the start
space or the destination space?
A: The extra Fire Action depends on the Movement, hence it means that you must complete a Movement Action to get the bonus
Action, therefore Fire will occur in the destination Space.

Q: In the case of the Bestiarius Boss, if an Incubus is already in a Barricade box, does it move anyway towards the Boss or does it
remain there?
A: It remains there.

Q: It is still unclear to me how to deploy Bosses in the Finales.

A: The 2nd point (Infected Entrance) of the Finale setup provides the changes for Bosses and Infected. This means that you must
place the same Bosses as for the Night Setup, as indicated on the third Day Ticket, taking into account the changes indicated.
Example: the Holy Bomb Finale indicates to place the Doge in addition to the other Bosses. Therefore you take first the Doge and
place it on the Tactical Map by the rules, then you draw and place all the other Bosses indicated on the Ticket according to the level
of difficulty of your game.

Q: During the Freedom Bridge Finale, I must draw 4 Infected for each space of the West Ditch, a total of 24 then. I discard Survivors
but what happens if I draw Paranoia?
R: Put aside any Paranoia cubes drawn, finish the setup of the 24 and then put back in the Abyss the Paranoia cubes, ready to be
drawn during the Night!

Q: What happens if I must add Survivors in the Abyss but there are no available cubes? And if I must draw another Item card of a
Character and there are not any left?
R: In both cases, the action is not performed: there are simply no Survivors to rescue or available Items for this Character.

Q: How do you drop the cubes on the Pile of Corpses : one at a time or all at once?
A: The cubes are dropped all at once for each performed Action. This means that if you kill 4 Infected during a Fire Action, you drop
all at once on the Pile, if then you accumulate Stress and kill 3 others, these are once again dropped all at once on the Pile, but with
a positioning different from the previous one.

Q: When is a cube considered outside the Pile?

A: If a cube touches the support surface on which you have placed the Tombstone, however little it touches it, the cube is
considered outside.

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