Health Assistant Loksewa Exam

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Questions For Health Assistant Loksewa:

1. Overtime leave will be provided for those staffs who works for more than-------per week
a. 32 hours b. 40 hours
c. 56 hours d. 64 hours
2. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Father of public health is cholera
b. Iatrogenic disease is physician induced
c. First case to come to notice of investigator is index case
d. First vaccine to be discovered is chicken pox
3. Which of the following statements is not true regarding health education?
a. Most effective mass media: Television
b. Fast growing communication media: Internet
c. Most widely disseminated of all forma of literature: Radio
d. A series of speeches/lectures on a selected subject : Symposium
4. Prevention of emergence or development of risk factor is a type of :
a. Primary prevention b. Secondary prevention
c. Tertiary prevention d. Primordial prevention
5. Which is the following is not preventive measure of Hookworm infestation?
a. Health education
b. Prevent soil contamination through construction of latrine
c. Prevent from sharing of food and bed of infected person
d. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
6. What is the dose of residual chlorine to be kept in chemical disinfection during water
purification in small scale?
a. 0.5 mg/litre b. 1 mg/litre
c. 1.5 mg/litre d. 2 mg/litre
7. Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) is related to:
a. Cancer screening b. Laboratory test
c. Health examination d. Quality control measure
8. Disease which are amendable to eradication are all except:
a. Measles b. Polio
c. Diptheria d. Tetanus
9. Which fever of the body temperature rises and falls to normal every day?
a. Constant fever b. Remittent fever
c. Intermittent fever d. Relapsing fever
10. Which bandage is used in clavicle fracture?
a. Figure of 8 typed b. Head and foot bandage
c. Roller d. Triangular
11. Erythematic burn is normally caused by:
a. Fire burn b. Water burn
c. Sun burn d. Acid burn
12. The protrusion of some of the contents of the abdominal through a weakness in the
abdominal wall is called?
a. Hydrocele b. Hematoma
c. GI bleeding d. hernia
13. Which artery does not belongs to external carotid artery in the human body?
a. Occipital artery b. Temporal artery
c. Opthalmic artery d. Facial artery
14. Which of the following reason of mental disease?
a. Change in mind
b. Hereditary and bad impact experience in childhood
c. Poor family relationship and lifestyle
d. All of the above
15. At birth the length of the baby measures about
a. 30 cm b. 40 cm
c. 50 cm d. 60 cm
16. What is the incubation period of scabies?
a. 1-2 weeks b. 2-6 weeks
c. 7-8 weeks d. more than 9 weeks
17. Sharp instrument are sterilized by:
a. Boiling b. Radiation
c. Hot air over d. sun light
18. What is the Neonatal mortality rate as per NDHS-2016?
a. 29 per 1000 live births
b. 33 per 1000 live birth
c. 21 per 1000 live birth
d. 23 per 1000 live birth
19. The type of epidemiology which deals with the risk actor of disease is?
a. Descriptive b. Analytical
c. Experimental d Interventional
20. Which is not health hazards among the following?
a. Potential place of fly breeding
b. Sources of spread of pathogens
c. Dumping of wastage
d. Contamination of food
21. Risk of damage of fetus by maternal rubella is maximum if mother gets rubella is
maximum if mother gets infected in:
a. 6-12 weeks of pregnancy
b. 20-24 weeks of pregnancy
c. 21-25 weeks of pregnancy
d. 30-35 weeks of pregnancy
22. Government of Nepal social health protection Development Committee started the health
sector protection program (Health insurance) from following districts except:
a. Baglung b. Kailali
c. Ilam d. Kanchanpur
23. World AIDS day is observed every year on:
a. January 31 b. May 1
c. December 1 d. October 1
24. Universal precaution means:
a. Taking precaution while handling HIV/AIDS patients
b. Use of gloves and goggles by health workers during surgical procedures
c. Distribution of drugs according to national standards
d. It is a procedure or precautions to prevent from the infections for health professional
and patient
25. Leprosy is considered as a public health problems if the prevalence is more than:
a. 1 per 10,000 b. 5 per 10,000
c. 5 per 10,000 d. 50 per 10000
26. The definition, " The study of the distribution and determination of health of health
related status and events in population and the application of this study to control health
problem" is given by:
a. Last 1983 b. Linfield 1980
c. Mac Mohan 1960 d. Green wood 1934
27. Following are the characteristic features of non-communicable disease except:
a. Well defined Etiological agent
b. Multifactorial causation
c. Long latent period d. Indefinite onset
28. Melena means:
a. Blood vomiting b. Cough out of blood
c. Blood in urine d. Dark blood in stool
29. A common antiseptic solution used to prepare the surgical site is:
a. Betadine b. Alcohol
c. Hydrogen peroxide d. Formaldehyde
30. A person severe head injury is being monitored by a health worker for increasing
intracranial pressure (ICP). Which finding should be most indicative finding sign of
increasing intracranial pressure?
a. Intermittent tachycardia b. Polydipsia
c. Tachypnea d. Increased restlessness
31. A nurse is monitoring for signs of dehydration in a 1-year-old child who has been
hospitalized for diarrhea. The health workers prepares to take the child's temperature
and avoids which method of measurement?
a. Tympanic b. Axillary
c. Rectal d. Electronic
32. Which is the suitable temperature to keep vaccine before administration?
a. (+2 to+8)°C b. (-20-2).0
c. (+ 1 0-+1 5)°C d. At room temperature
33. Phrynoderma occurs due to:
a. Deficiency of essential fatty acids
b. Kwashiorkor
c. Vitamin A deficiency d. Arsenic poisoning
34. A old man came to you with complain of cough for 5 days, chest pain, fever associated
with chills and difficulty in breathing. On examination, patient is breathing fast,
temperature is 103°F, The most probable diagnosis is:
a. Bronchial Asthma b. Pneumonia
c. TB d. COPD
35. The heart is the four-chambered muscular organ. Its function is to maintain a constant
circulation of blood throughout the body. Thus the heart:
a. Filters blood b. Pumps blood
c. Secretes blood d. Stores blood
36. Which hormones in female bring about the development of the secondary sex
characteristics in puberty?
a. FSH d. Oestrogen
c. Progesterone d. HCG
37. After fertilization, the zygote gradually migrates from the Ampulla of the uterine tube and
reaches the uterine cavity at about:
a. 12 hours b. 24 hours
c. 48 hours d. 72 hours
38. A married lady complaining cessation of menstruation for 2 months came to your clinic.
After her physical examination, you suspect pregnancy and advised her for urine test.
Which hormone will you found in her urine?
a. Prolactin b. Oestrogen
c. Progesterone d. Chorionic gonadotropin
39. A mother with breast engorgement should be supported by...
a. Give analgesic & antibiotic
b. Giving breast support & putting the baby to breast regularly.
c. Incision and drainage under GA
d. Giving more fluid intake to me mother.
40. What are the presumptive signs (mostly subjective) of pregnancy?
a. Amenorrhea & fetal movement felt by examiner.
b. Amenorrhea & Pregnancy test to detect HCG
c. Breast changes and Goodell's sign
d. Amenorrhea & quickening
41. Women in active labour developed symptoms like sweating; dry tongue and dehydration
with decrease urinary output and presence of acetone in urine. What may be the cause?
a. Foetal distress b. Maternal distress
c. Active labour d. Uterine Tetany
42. When you were palpating the abdomen of a pregnant woman you found the fundal height
of the uterus midway between the umbilicus and the pubis during
a. 4 months b. 5 months
c. 6 months d. 7 months
43. A full term pregnant woman came with the history of repeated painless vaginal bleeding.
She was anaemic, there was no uterine contraction or tenderness, presenting part was
not engaged. What is your diagnosis?
a. First stage of labour b. Placenta previa
c. Poly hydraminios d. incomplete abortion
44. Which of the suitable time to take Depo-Provera first?
a. Within five days of menstrual period
b. Within seven days of menstrual period
c. After seven days of menstrual period
d. Anytime she wants
45. The mechanism of action of oral contraceptives include all of the following except
a. Inhibition of progression of follicular growth
b. Abolition of mid cycle surge of LH and FSH
c. Direct effect on ovary with decreased nos. of primary follicles
d. None of above
46. How much extra calorie is needed for lactating mother after six-month period of delivery?
a. 300 Kcal b. 600 Kcal
c. 600 Kcal d. 520 Kcal
47. The following symptoms are related to ectopic pregnancy except
a. Acute abdominal pain with history of amenorrhoea
b. Abdominal pain and bleeding per vagina
c. Fainting attack and shoulder tip pain.
d. Painless continued vaginal bleeding.
48. The pregnant client is admitted to the emergency room with a prolapsed umbilical cord.
Which action is most appropriate?
a. Cover the cord with dry, sterile gauze.
b. Place the client in high Fowler's position.
c. Push up on the presenting part with an examining finger.
d. Begin an IV of normal saline at keep-open rate.
49. Ductus arteriosus is a connection between
a. Pulmonary trunk and left ventricle.
b. Pulmonary trunk and right ventricle.
c. Aorta and ascending venacava
d. Pulmonary trunk and aorta
50. When you were examining a mother at the second day of delivery, you found the uterine
fundus at the level of the umbilicus and tilted right side. What do you suspect?
a. Delay involution rate of the uterus
b. Retained placenta
c. Full and distended bladder
d. Rupture of the uterus
51. Which of the following is not true Regarding Aama and Newborn Programme:
(a) Transport incentive for institutional delivery (3000-mountain, 2000- hill, 1000-Terai)
(b) NPR 800 to 4 ANC Visits
(c) NPR 5000 to Anti-D administration fro Rh negative
(d) NPR 500 to health worker to provide sick born care
52. In line with SDG, Nepal has targeted to decrease under five mortality rate to by 2030 as
proposed by National Planning Commission (NPC) :
(a) 12 per 1000 live births (b) 20 per 1000 live births
(c) 22 per 1000 five births (d) 25 per 1000 live births
53. A successful Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine demonstration project was
implemented in which of the following two districts:
(a) Kavre and Chitwan
(b) Kaski and Chitwan
(c) Kapilbastu and Kanchanpur
(d) Sinduli and Ramechap
54. According to Annual Report of DoHS FY 2076/77, Coverage of Pentavalent (DPT+Hepatitis
B +Haemophilus Influenza type B) 3rd dose is:
(a) 82 % (b) 78 %
(c) 91 % (d) 92%
55. Iron Folic Acid (WA) tablets supplied to pregnant women contains ………… Folic Acid:
(a) 300 mg (b) 400 mg
(c) 500 mg (d) None of the above
56. First Nepal Demographic Health survey (NDHS-I) was carried out in:
(a) 1995 AD (b) 1997 AD
(c) 1999 AD (d) 2001 AD
57. National Malaria strategic Plan targeted to reduce the number of VDCs having indigenous
malaria 2018 (compared to 2012)
(a) 60 (b) 70
(c) 80 (d) 90
58. The national strategy for kala-azar elimination envisions that the diagnostic test kit rK 39
will be made available up to ---------in program districts
(a) Ward level (b) Health post level
(c) PHCC level (d) Hospital level
59. Which of the following is not the objective of Health education program?
(a) To increase the awareness on health issues.
(b) To develop negative attitudes towards health care
(c) To promote healthy behaviour
(d) To increase community Participation in health intervention.
60. Every subordinate should receive orders from and be accountable to only one superior is
(a) Unity of direction. (b) Unity of command
(c) Centralization. (d) Scalar chain.
61 the ability of individuals or groups to induce or influence the beliefs or action of
other person or groups:
(a) Authority (b) Responsibility
(c) Power (d) Decentralization
62. Which of the following is not the purpose of planning:
(a) To mach the limited resources with many problems.
(b) To eliminate wasteful expenditure or duplication of expenditure
(c) To develop the best course of action for accomplish the goal.
(d) To coordinate the all stoke holder for better achievement.
63. A 30 minutes lecture was organized to the 10 mothers about importance of personal
hygiene. Which method you would prefer.
(a) Lecture (b) Group discussion
(c) Demonstration (d) Exhibition
64. ASL and EOP are related to :
(a) HMIS (b) LMIS
(c) FMIS (d) HURIC
65. National Tuberculosis center (NTC) is present at:
(a) Kathmandu (b) Pokhara
(c) Bhaktapur (d) Lalitpur
66. Who is majorly responsible for the safe motherhood program in District level:
(a) Family planning supervisor
(b) Public health Nurse
(c) Staff Nurse
(d) Immunization supervisor
67. FCHV day is celebrated in :
(a) Dec 1 (b) August 1
(c) October 1 (d) December 5
68. The minimum gap between PHC/ORC and EP1/ORC should be :
(a) 5 days (b) 10 days
(c) 15 days (d) 20 days
69. Graphic representation of variations in the manifestations of disease is:
(a) Spectrum of disease
(b) Natural history of disease
(c) Epidemiological history (d) Disease ecology
70. Analytical studies are undertaken to:
(a) Determine the occurrence and distribution of disease
(b) Screening of new cases in the community
(c) Test the etiological hypothesis
(d) None of the above
71. Infection maintained in both man and lower vertebrate animals that can be transmitted
in either direction is:
(a) Epiornithic (b) Anthropozoonoses
(c) Zooanthroponoses (d) Amphixenoses
72. Contraindications to pertussis vaccine are all EXCEPT:
(a) Family history of epilepsy
(b) Any febrile upset until fully recovered
(c) Reaction to previously given triple vaccine
(d) Children below 2 years of age
73. Most effective method for vector control is:
(a) Anti-adult measures
(b) Minor environmental measures
(c) Removal of pistia plant
(d) Anti-larval measures with larvicides
74. All of the following may be TRUE for slow and filters EXCEPT:
(a) Occupies large areas
(b) Filters are washed by scraping the sand bed
(c) Removal of bacteria is better achieved than rapid sand filters
(d) Operation is highly skilled
75. The best indicators for determining general level of air pollution are all EXCEPT:
(a) Sulfur dioxide (b) Smoke index
(c) Suspended particles (d) Carbon monoxide
76. Which is NOT TRUE of Aedes aegypti?
(a) Also known as tiger mosquitoes
(b) Bite chiefly during day
(c) Do not fly long distances
(d) Not found in Nepal
77. A child who has had diarrhea for 14 days but has no sign of dehydration is classified as:
(a) severe persistent diarrhea
(b) dysentery
(c) severe dysentery (d) persistent diarrhea
78. Pradip a 4-month old infant was brought by her mother to the health center because of
cough. Her respiratory rate is 49/minute. Using the Integrated Management of Child
Illness (IMCI) guidelines of assessment, her breathing is considered as:
(a) Fast (b) Slow
(c) Normal (d) Insignificant
79. Prophylactic treatment for prevention of vitamin A deficiency to preschool children (1-6
year) consists the administration of:
(a) 200,000 IU of retinol palmitate in oil by mouth every 6 months
(b) 200,000 IU of retinol palmitate in oil by intramuscular (IM) injection every 6 months
(c) 30,000 IU of retinol palmitate in oil by mouth once in 6 months
(d) 30,000 IU of retinol palmitate in oil by IM injection once in 6 months
80. A old man came to you with complain of cough for 5 days, chest pain, fever associated
with chills and difficulty in breathing. On examination, patient is breathing fast,
temperature is 103°F, The most probable diagnosis is:
(a) Bronchial Asthma (b) Pneumonia
(c) TB (d) COPD
81. Patient with Rheumatic fever, acute arthritis or acute carditis should be managed..
(a) Benzathine penicillin and physiotherapy simultaneously.
(b) Rest in bed and Benzathine or oral therapy.
(c) Only high-dose Aspirin
(d) Only Prednisolone.
82. What should not be done in case of shock?
(a) Prevent the body heat loss
(b) Check ABC
(c) Raise the victims leg 8-12 inches
(d) Keep the head injured patient on his back
83. The most important action of first aider in the case of burn is
(a) Arrange IV fluid & stand for infusion
(b) Remove victim from fire
(c) Call ambulance & doctor immediately
(d) Give liquid diet to prevent dehydration
84. Cardiac compression is done only if there is no circulation & only reliable way of
establishing lack of circulation is to check the pulse at:
(a) Carotid pulse (b) Radial pulse
(c) Femoral pulse (d) All of the above
85. Which of the following statements is not true regarding anatomy of skin?
(a) Skin is also called Jack of all trades.
(b) Its surface area is 1.5-2 m2.
(c) Horney layer is outermost layer consists of keratin.
(d) Finger prints are due to Epidermis of skin.
86. False about scabies is:
(a) Caused by Sarcoptes scabies
(b) Counselling play an important role.
(c) Severely itchy papulovesicle, worse at night
(d) Treatment of choice is oral drug
87. A patient complains of pain in the right hypochrondrium after fatty meal which radiates
to the right shoulder she might be suffering from:
(a) Acute appendicitis (b) Acute peritonitis
(c) Acute cholecystitis (d) Acute intestinal obstruction
88. Normally in which condition do the primary piles remain?
(a) 8, 7, 9 O'clock position
(b) 3, 7, 11, O'clock position
(c) 4, 7, 10' clock position
(d) 3, 7, 8 O'clock position
89. What causes neonatal conjunctivitis?
(a) Candida albicans
(b) Trichomonal vaginalis
(c) Treponema Pallidum
(d) Chlamydia trachomatis
90. The cones in the retina:
(a) Are responsible for colour vision
(b) Are more sensitive to light than the rods
(c) Have their function more impaired than the rods by vitamin A deficiency
(d) Are not associated with higher visual acuity than the rods
91. Waldeyer's ring is found in:
(a) Pharynx (b) Larynx
(c) Trachea (d) All of the above
92. Mental Health is defined as:
(a) No sense of optimism
(b) A psychological well being or adequate adjustment
(c) Dependent on other
(d) Community on accepted standards of behavior
93. What is the consequence of periodontitis?
(a) Mobility of teeth (b) Dental caries
(c) Foul smelling (d) Non of the above
94. After fertilization, the zygote gradually migrates from the Ampulla of the uterine tube and
reaches the uterine cavity at about:
(a) 12 hours (b) 24 hours
(c) 48 hours (d) 72 hours
95. Late in pregnancy, the fetal head descends into the pelvis and the contour of the abdomen
changes. This referred to as
(a) False descent (b) Lightening
(c) Braxton hicks labor (d) effacement
96. A full term pregnant woman came with the history of repeated painless vaginal bleeding.
She was anaemic there was no uterine contraction or tenderness, presenting part was not
engage(d) What is your diagnosis?
(a) First stage of labour (b) Placenta previa
(c) Polyhydramnios (d) Incomplete abortion
97. At primary health center (PHC) level, a woman who complains of spotting following IUCD
insertion should be advised:
(a) Analgesic and observation
(b) Antibiotic and observation
(c) Iron supplements and observation
(d) Removal of IUCD
98. The best of cancer prevention at present is:
(a) dietary modification (b) Mass screening
(c) Health education (d) legislation
99. The most important components of healthful school environment is:
(a) Safe drinking water, immunization
(b) Latrine construction
(c) Personal hygiene, distribution of medicine
(d) Health check up
100. All of the following are the objective of free essential health services programme except:
(a) To secure the right of citizens to the health services
(b) To reduce the wealth gap between poor and wealthy people
(c) To provide the equity of health services
(d) To provide the quality essential health services effectively
Short Question of Karnali Province
1. List and describe any five common problems in newborn.
2. Define supervision and the discuss the importance of supervision.
3. State the step by step procedure of resuscitation on of patient cardiac arrest.
4. Write down the causative agent, clinical features and management of Cholera.
5. Define epidemiology. Write short note in model of transmission of disease.
6. Define Gastritis. Write short note on management of peptic ulcer disease.
Solutions For Health Assistant Loksewa:
1. Ans (b)
Overtime is one of the special leval provided to the health service as different shift duties
should be done in health sector. If a health worker works for more than 40 hours a
week, then he/she will be provided leave as per the additional hour he/she has
2. Ans (d)
- First vaccine to be discovered is small pox.
- Life expectancy is mortality indicator (postivit health indicator)
3. Ans (c)
- Most effective mass media: Television
- Fast growing communication media: Internet
- Most widely disseminated of all forma of literature: Newspaper
- A series of speeches/lectures on a selected subject : Symposium
- Skill transfer is achieved in: Demonstration
4. Ans (d)
- Prevention of emergence of risk factor is primordial prevention
- Risk factor is presence but disease is not present in primary prevention
- Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is secondary prevention.
Ans (c)
6. Ans (a)
7. Ans (a)
- VIA is used to screening of cervical cancer screening.
8. Ans (d)
Eradication refers to termination of all the transmission of infection by extermination of the
infectious agent. till date, only one disease, small pox has been eradiated.
In the state of present knowledge disease which are amenable to eradication are measles,
diphtheria, polio and guinea worm.
9. Ans (c)
fever is the condition when the body temperature of more than normal. It is of different
types as given above.
10. Ans (a)
Figure of 8 typed bandage is applied alternately to two part, usually two segments of a limb
above and below the joint, in such a way that the turns describe the figure 8; it is used
primarily for the tr eatmet of fracture of clavicle.
- Fist degree superficial burn is usually caused by the UV light exposure and mintor
thermal injury. Sunburn causes skin erythema which is painful and blanches.
12. Ans (d)
- Hydrocele is accumulation of excessive fluid in the tunica vaginalis testis is called
- Hernia: A hernia is the exist of an organ, such as the bowel, through the wall of the
cavity in which normally resides.
13. Ans (c)
14. Ans (d)
15. Ans (c)
16. Ans (b)
- 2-6 weeks is incaubation period of scabies.
17. Ans (c) 18. Ans (c)
19. Ans (b) 20. Ans (c)
21. Ans (a) 22. Ans (d)
23. Ans (c)
world AIDS day celebrated every year on December 1
Ans (d)
Universal precaution means a procedure or precautions to prevent form the infections for
health professions and patient.
25. Ans (a)
Prevalence of leprosy more than 1 per 10000 is regarded as public health concerns (problems)
26. Ans (a)
27. Ans (a)
Characteristics of non-communicable disease:
- Absence of a known agent
- Multifactorial causation
- Long latent period
- Indefinite onset
- Are caused by non-reversible pathologicalalteration
28. Ans (d)
29. Ans (a)
30. Ans (d)
31. Ans: (c)
32. Ans: (a)
33. Ans: (a)
34. Ans: (b)
35. Ans: (b)
36. Ans: (b)
37. Ans: (d)
38. Ans: (d)
39. Ans: (b)
40. Ans: (d)
41. Ans: (b)
42. Ans: (b)
43. Ans: (b)
44. Ans: (b)
45. Ans: (a)
46. Ans: (d)
47. Ans: (d)
48. Ans: (c)
49. Ans: (d)
50. Ans: (c)
51. Ans: (d)
52. Ans: (b)
53. Ans: (b)
54. Ans: (a)
55. Ans: (d)
56. Ans (d) PSC of PHO 2074
57. Ans: (b)
58. Ans: (c)
59. Ans: (b)
60. Ans: (b)
61. Ans: (c)
62. Ans: (d)
63. Ans: (b)
64. Ans: (b)
65.Ans: (c)
66.Ans: (b)
67. Ans: (d)
68. Ans: (b)
69. Ans: (a)
70. Ans: (c)
71. Ans: (d)
72. Ans: (d)
73. Ans: (b)
74. Ans: (d)
75. Ans: (d)
76 Ans: (d)
77. Ans: (d)
78. Ans: (c)
79. Ans: (a)
80. Ans: (b)
81. Ans: (b)
82. Ans: (d)
83. Ans: (b)
84. Ans: (a)
85. Ans: (d)
86.Ans: (d)
87. Ans: (c)
88. Ans: (b)
89. Ans: (d)
90. Ans: (a)
91. Ans: (a)
92. Ans: (b)
93. Ans: (a)
94. Ans: (d)
95.Ans: (b)
96. Ans: (b)
97. Ans: (c)
98. Ans: (b)
99. Ans: (b)
Latrine construction is most important components of healthful school environment.
100.Ans: (b)

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