OL Health Model Papers With Answers English Medium

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North Western Provincial Department Of Education

Practice Test (2022/ 2023)

Health & Physical Education

Grade 11 One Hours

Name : …………………………………………………………………………………..

Part - I
Answer all the questions.
01. Sandeepa is a student who works cooperatively with everyone, and he respects
the teachers and adults. He is active and handsome too, but he is always in a
sad mood.
The factor that he should develop to achieve total health is,
1. Physical wellbeing 3. Social wellbeing
2. Mental wellbeing 4. Spiritual wellbeing

02. The diagram denotes how a cricketer catches the ball coming towards him the
bio mechanical factor related to this is,

1. Force 2. Momentum 3. Direction of the force 4. Agility

03. A - The first referee

B - Two side referees
C - Two time keepers
D - Two line judges
Among the above referees, the referees needed to judge the football game are,
1. A & B 2. A&D 3. B&D 4. A, B & C


Which Running exercise does the picture denote?

1. Skipping A 2. Bounding 3. Ankling 4. Skipping B
05. The Tricuspid valve is located between
1. Left Atrium & left ventricle 2. Right Atrium & right ventricle
3. Left Atrium & Right ventricle 4. Right Atrium & left ventricle

06. The picture denotes

1. Free direct kick

2. Penalty kick
3. Goal kick
4. Indirect free kick

07. Select the correct response,

1. Peripheral nervous system consists of 31 cranial nerves and 12 spinal nerves
2. The sensory neurons carry impulses from the central nervous system to the
motor organ
3. Inter neurone is located in between the sensory and motor neurone
4. The nervous system consists of three parts

The below diagram indicates , the 400m standard running track. Answer the questions
8– 10 based on this,

08. The line depicted by C is,

1. Starting line of 100 m 3. Final line
2. Starting line of 200 m 4. Baton changing zone

09. What is the starting point of 1500 m?

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D

10. The event starts from the letter B is,

1. 400 m 2. 200 m 3. 1500 m 4. 5000 m


The above diagram shows a stage of the technique of Javelin throw. This stage is,
1. Pulling the Javelin backward 3. Power Position
2. Cross over 4. Delivery

12. The fertilization is taken place in,
1.The uterus 2.Ovaries 3.Vagina 4.Fallopian tube

 Inter house sports meet
 Physical Education day
 Special Sports training programs
 Various events organized by the sports societies
The common name used for the above events is,
1. Compulsory physical Education programs
2. Physical Education programs conducted out of the school
3. Co-curricular physical Education programs
4. Extra curricular physical Education programs

14. Look at the diagram and name the A & B muscles respectively

1. A – Biceps B- Triceps 3. A – Radius B - Ulna

2. A – Triceps B – Biceps 4. A - Ulna B – Radius

15. I am a salivary gland which is about 1.5 m long, there is no digestive enzyme
from this. I only absorb water and minerals. Who am I?
1. Oesophagus 2. Stomach 3. Small intestine 4. Large Intestine

16. According to the following fixtures,

A. B.

1. A is correct 2. Both A & B are correct

2. B is correct 4. Both A & B are incorrect

17. Cycling - Climbing stairs

Brisk walking - Swimming
According to the activity pyramid , the above activities should be done,
1. Regularly 2. Rarely 3. 3 – 5 times a weeks 4. 2 – 3 times a week

18. The following diagram shows a shuttle running event.This is used to develop

1. coordination 2. agility 3. strength 4. speed

19. Sudath is in the green range according to his BMI value (18.5 – 22.9).
Accordingly, Sudath‟s nutritional status is,
1. Optimal weight 2. Wasting stage 3. Over weight 4. Obese range
Answer the questions from 20 -21 by studying the following diagram.

20. Write the type of lever the above figure represent to,
1. 1st 2. 2nd 3. 3rd 4. 1st and the 2nd

21. The A, B, C parts in sequence are,

1. Load – Fulcrum – Effort 2. Effort – load – fulcrum
3. Fulcrum – effort – load 4. Effort – fulcrum – load


What is the factor related to maintain the balance of the above diagram
1. The centre of gravity is at a lower level 2. Wider supporting base
3. The body parts move to the opposite direction 4. Body inclined towards an
external force

23. There are 3 main stages in hurdles. Select the inappropriate stage,
1. Take off 2. Clearing the hurdle 3. Flight 4. Landing

24. Select the diagram that denotes the hand signal used to show a toss-up in

25. What do the letters AIDS stand for
1. Human Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
2. Aquired Immuno Deficiency Virus
3. Human Immuno Deficiency Virus
4. Aquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

26. According to the following diagrams

1. B is correct 2. A is correct 3. A & B are correct 4. A & B are incorrect

27. This is not a rule in baton changing methods,

1. Baton change should be done within the baton changing zone.
2. Should carry the baton till the end of the game.
3. The weight of the baton should not be below than 50g.
4. The giver should throw the baton to the receiver.

28. The following diagrams show the hand signals used by the referees in

Select the correct statement,

1. A - Fault in spiking B - The ball was touched by

the player
2. A - Ball not released at the service hit B - Giving permission for the
3. A - Ball not released at the service hit B - The ball was touched by
the player
4. A - The net was touched by the player B - Denotes the side of the

29. The formula used to calculate the number of matches according to league method

1. 2. 3. 2 (n-1) 4. n (n-1)2

30. The game that Sri Lanka won the Gold medal at the Asian game held in 2018 is,
1. Volleyball 2. Football 3. Cricket 4. Netball

31. Lakmini felt bad due to her friend met with an accident so she helped her friend
with the Support of her family. The quality of Lakmini can be identified as,
1. Effective communication 2. Empathy 3. Self realization 4. Taking correct

32. I am a joint located in the ankles and wrists of human beings, I can move front,
back and Side ways, who am I ?
1. Hinge joint 2. Ball and socket joint 3. Gliding joint 4. Pivot
33. Nipun is in Grade 11. His height and weight are 150 cm and 60 kg respectively.
The BMI value Of Nipun is,
1. 22.22 2. 26.67 3. 29.35 4. 27.22

34. This is not a technique in long jump

1. Hang 2. Flop 3. Sail 4. Hitch kick

35. Freezed vegetables and pasteurized milk are examples for
1. Natural food 2. Processed food 3. Instant food 4. Junk food

36. The stages in triple jump are,

1. Step Jump Hop
2. Step Hop Jump
3. Hop Jump Step
4. Hop Step Jump

 Discharge of secretion from penis or vagina
 Burning sensation and pain during urination
 Inflammation in cervix
 Swelling of the genital area of male‟s
The above symptoms are related to,
1. Gonorrhea 2. Genital Herpes 3. Chlamydia 4. Syphilis

38. This is not a change in the muscular system during exercising,

1. Increase in the number of Mitocondria
2. Through exercise formation of lactic acid get delays
3. Number of capillaries in the muscles decrease
4. Removal of lactic acid

39. Which rule is depicted by the diagram in race walking?

1. Rule of hip and the leg

2. Rule of bending the knee
3. Rule of land, hip and the leg
4. Rule of no contact with the land

40. The first aid given during a snake bite is given below.Select the correct order of
the steps,
A. Avoid giving drinks consists of potassium such as fruit drinks , king
coconut etc.
B. Alley the fear
C. Taking the patient immediately to the hospital
D. Giving paracetamol to relief the pain
E. Washing the bitten area with soap using clean flowing water
F. Leaving the bitten area immobilized

North Western Provincial Department Of Education
Practice Test (2022/ 2023)
Health & Physical Education

Grade 11 Two Hours

Part II
The first question is compulsory.answer two other questions from part I and II all
togethers answer 5 questions.

01. The past pupils association of Ruwanpura Vidyalaya has organized a program
to develop the competancies of the students.
They limited junk and instant food , and provided a balanced diel for them.all the
participants were given herbal porriage ( kolakenda ) in the morning.They destroyed
the stagnant areas where water collected.the students were made compulsory to do
exercises according to a rhythm.During the evening they organized games such as
volley ball, netball, and fun games too.
They trained the first aid method “PRICES” to treat the students during
accidents.in the evening they organized religious programs and concluded the event
by a meditational program.

1. Write the four aspects related to health promotion.

2. Write two other programs that can be conducted under community


3. Write 2 non – communicable diseases that can be avoided according to the

advices gained.

4. Write two types of nutrients that should be included in a balanced diet with


5. Write two ways of avoiding non communicable diseases.

6. Write the steps of “PRICES” method.

7. Write the suitable tournament type that could be implimented in this program

and write two benefits of that tournament type.

8. Write 2 activities that can be introduced to develop the spiritual well being.

9. Apart from the organized games mentioned in the paragraph, write two other

organized games played with a ball.

10. Write 2 benefits of engaging in sports and exercises.

(2 X10 = 20)

Part – I
02) Thakshila accompained her mother to go to the market, she noticed her mother
was checking the gills of the fish, but the gills were not red, when she pressed her
finger on the fish, she could feel tenderness.
Mother prepared dinner by peeling and washing potatoes which were turned
1. According to the health lesson taught in the school, what‟s wrong with the fish?
(01 marks)
2. Write two features that can be identified during such condition you mentioned
above ? (02 marks)
3. What are the consequences they have to face by consuming the potatoes
prepared by mother. (02 marks)
Write two other food items that subjected to change like this.
(02 marks)

4. (a) Write 4 food items that cause allegies. (02 marks)

(b) Explain with two examples, how to prevent the nutritional value of food.
(03 marks)

03) Answer the following questions based on the descriptions about the x and y
X- Removing the wastes from the anus after absorbing the nutrients from
the food which were consumed by the mouth.
Y- Transporting oxygen from the lungs to the cells and bringing back
carbondioxide from the cells to the lungs.
I Name the two systems X & Y.

II Write two types of diseases that directly affect the above mentioned

III Write 2 ways of protecting the fascination of the above systems.

04) How do you face the following challenging situations.

1. Mahesh who is the best spiker in the volleyball team, says that his mother wants
him to quit from the game as she thinks Mahesh would distrupt his education.

2. You come to know your friend is going to attack the class teacher along with a
group of students , who has punished him in the class.

3. While engaging in sports Nuwan was dehydrated due to high temperature in the
body, you were asked to provide first aid.

4. Your sister asks you to provide some information about Dengue.

5. You notice your friend spends more time on her mobile phone. (2x5 = 10 marks)


Running direction

Exalaration zone

Exchanging zone

1. The above diagram shows the baton changing zone.The third and the fourth
athlets changed the baton in the BC zone.Explain your idea regarding this.

2. Write two activities to train an under 14 putshot thrower who was selected for
the first time from the inter house sport meet.

3. By using the following words , classify the athletic games.

( track events, long distance , jumps, short distance, track and field events,
middle distance , field events )

06. Answer the questions based on the following table.

Athletic Events Features Type of Muscles
Number M N
40 200m, 400m, Speed of More Less
Long Jump contraction
25 10,000m, Number of Less More
5000m, steeple capillaries
02 100 x 4 , put shot Fat content Less More
36 Javelin throw Aerobic (O2) Less More
High jump Colour of the White Red

1. Write the Athletes who have slow twitched fibers and fast twitched fibers
separately. (2 Marks)

2. Write the starting method of Athlete number 40 and write 2 features of that
starting method. (2 Marks)

3. (a). Write 3 energy generating methods for 200m, 400m, 10,000m . Write the
formula of those methods and explain them breefly, (3 Marks)

07. Select one Question from A , B and C.

Part – A
1. Write two ways of setting in volleyball. (2 Marks)

2. (a).Write two methods of blocking in volleyball. (2 Marks)

(b).Write the board of referees to a judge volleyball matches. (2 Marks)

3 (I). As a referee how do you judge the following instances. (2 .5Marks)
(a). The server of the Parakum team touched the service line, and the player
positions were changed in Mahasen team .(the front row middle player and the
back row middle player)
(2 Marks)
(b). A back row player from the Parakum team spiked standing behind the
attack line. (2 Marks)

(II) Explain an activity to train volleyball the skill blocking in volley ball for
the new under 14 Volleyball team. (1.5 Marks)

Part – B
I. Write two ball passing methods in Netball and give examples. (2 Marks)
II. (a) – Write the player names according to the player positions in Netball
(2 Marks)
(b) -

Position the players according to the places using the above diagram.
III. Write your decision as a referee during the following instances.

(a) – The goal defender of Sadu team defended the goal shooter of the Hiru
team by covering goal circle.

(b) - The ball thrown by the centre of the Hiru team, touched the goal post and
the goal defender of the same team caught the ball and shoot.

(c) Explain an activity with diagram to train the skill defending for the new
netball players of your school.

Part – C

I. Write 2 skills in Football. (2 Marks)

II. (a) – Write two instances of kick off in football. (2 Marks)

(b) - Write two instances where off side rule is not practiced in football

III. Write your decision in the following instances as a referee.

(a). Number 9 player of the Bloomfield team got the chance of „Throw-in‟ ,
after delivering the ball, the thrower himself touched the ball, before the player
of Little Lion team touching the ball. (2 Marks)

(b). Number 10 player of Little Lion team tackled the player number 07 of the
opponent team in the penalty area.what is your decision. (2 Marks)

(c). Explain an activity with a diagram to train the skill of controlling the ball
for new football Players. (2 Marks)


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