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Code of Business Practices

Ethics Guide



1 Introduction from Robert B Polet, President

and C.E.O. of Gucci Group 3
2 Business Ethics in Practice 4
Shared principles
Shared responsibilities
3 Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct 6
Colleagues and Employees 7
Customers and Consumers 9
Shareholders 10
Business Partners 12
Environment and the Communities 15
4 Implementation and Follow-up 16
5 Applying the Code of Business Practices 17
6 Contacts 18


Gucci Group, the third largest luxury group
in the world, provides excitement and glamour
that attracts a broad-based audience –

thanks of course, to its young, creative, and
edgy designers. Its appeal is spread across ages,
genders and nationalities.


Robert B Polet As Gucci Group Employees, we are all aware Each one of us has a responsibility to ensure
President, Chief Executive Officer and of our duty to protect the legacy of our the growth and prosperity of the Group by
Chairman of the Management Board heritage brands such as Gucci, Yves Saint operating in an ethical manner with each
Laurent, Boucheron and Balenciaga, while other, our partners and our shareholders.
fostering the growth of our brands such as
Bottega Veneta, Stella McCartney, Alexander Our Commitment
McQueen, Sergio Rossi, BEDAT&CO and I hope that this Code of Conduct will answer
YSL Beauté. your questions on ethical business practices.
This Code outlines the rules of conduct that
Our Reputation we all have to follow in our daily business
Our brands deserve their reputations for practices.
excellence not only because of their
contributions to the world of fashion and It clearly expresses our wish to combine
luxury goods, but also because of their long-term economic performance with fair
respect for sound business practices. To and honest business practices towards our
honor the strength and history of Gucci partners and the environment in which we
Group, it is critical that each of us acts with operate.
the utmost integrity, honesty and fairness in
all we do. Only by acting consistently with I know you will join me in making a
each of these principles will we be able to commitment to ethical behavior in order to
protect the unique reputation which encourage even greater growth and respect
distinguishes our Group today. for our Group.

Our Code of Business Practices

PPR, our parent company, has developed a All the Best,
Business Code of Conduct to provide
guidelines to everyone working within the
Group. At Gucci Group we have decided to
implement the PPR Business Code of
Conduct, and to adapt it to reflect our
Robert Polet


Gucci Group is committed to behaving
responsibly and with integrity in all circumstances.
An unswerving ethical approach to conducting

business is critical to ensure a company’s
long-term survival.

Business Ethics in Practice

Shared principles These shared principles are as follows: Our Code of Business Practices is based
Success and long-term growth in our on a number of international standards:
Behave with integrity and responsibility.
markets depend on the confidence of
The United Nations Universal Declaration of
our customers, employees, shareholders, Respect applicable laws and regulations.
Human Rights and the European Convention
business partners and local communities.
Respect the dignity and the rights of our on Human Rights
Such confidence is built up gradually.
employees, customers, business partners
It has to be earned day after day. International Labour Organisation
and shareholders.
conventions 29, 105, 138 and 182 (child
In the business world, ethics may take Respect the environment. labour and forced labour), 155 and 120
numerous and even contradictory (occupational safety and health, and hygiene),
Treat corporate assets and resources in the
appearances. This is especially true for a 111 (discrimination), 183 (maternity
interest of Gucci Group and its shareholders.
company such as ours that operates in protection), 100 (equal remuneration),
virtually all the continents of the world, Support our employees and business units 87 and 98 (freedom of association and the
in countries with different cultures and at in social solidarity initiatives. right to organise and collective bargaining)
different stages of economic development.
Do not disclose information about The OECD guidelines for multinational
customers or about the business dealings enterprises
We believe that a small number of simple
of the Group and its companies.
but powerful shared principles can serve as a The United Nations Convention on the
guideline for resolving dilemmas and conflicts, Rights of Children
assuming that we act in a responsible manner
and use our common sense. Gucci Group shares the general philosophy
and the principles contained in the above texts


Business Ethics in Practice 2
Shared responsibilities The following text details the shared Group managers
Being a manager implies specific responsibilities of the employees and Create and maintain health and safety in
responsibilities in addition to those we managers of Gucci Group. the workplace and the professional and
all have as Gucci Group employees personal well-being of team members.
Group employees
Lead by example.
The first requires us to provide an example Contribute to maintaining health and safety
by our own behaviour towards our team in the workplace and to ensuring the Act in a responsible and fair manner.
members; this is a fundamental condition to professional and personal well-being of
Encourage discussion of the Code of
succeed in the implementation of this Code. colleagues.
Business Practices.
Act in a responsible and fair manner.
The second concerns our role as active Promote and introduce the Code of Business
supporters to explain both to our Ensure that our individual actions reflect Practices within the company.
teams and to our external partners the the philosophy of Gucci Group and its
Encourage employees to seek advice and
importance of the principles outlined in Code of Business Practices.
help to answer their questions; respect
this Code and how we can put them into
Exchange views on the implementation their judgment.
of the Code of Business Practices with
Take appropriate measures should actions
colleagues and managers and suggest
Finally, we have to be vigilant in having the deviate from the principles outlined
Code principles respected by our team. in our Code of Business Practices.


In addition to the Principles described on previous
pages we have defined a set of rules that all our
employees should use to guide their decisions

and conduct with respect to the various people
they may be in contact with, be it on a regular or
occasional basis.

Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct

Obligations and Responsibilities Shareholders Local communities and countries in

with regards to: We are committed to winning the which we have a local presence
confidence and support of our shareholders We are fully committed to Human Rights
Ourselves by using Gucci Group’s resources responsibly standards and we intend to act as a socially
We owe it to ourselves to act with and efficiently. responsible company in all the countries
integrity and loyalty. where we operate.
The Financial Markets
Colleagues and Employees We aim to provide timely statements of Competitors
We believe in dealing respectfully and our financial results and to communicate We support free, fair and loyal competition,
fairly with colleagues and employees and information accurately and efficiently. both where prices and the quality and choice
in doing our best to foster motivation in of products are concerned. We believe this is
the workplace and to develop employee Economic and Social Partners a factor of economic and social progress and
potential. We believe in nurturing and maintaining that such a policy is in the interest of both
loyal and equitable long-term relationships. consumers and final customers.
Customers and Consumers
We aim to provide customers and The Environment
consumers with our very best professional We are committed to environmental
service and to earn their confidence. stewardship and to the sustainable
development of our businesses.


Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct

Colleagues and Employees

Our employees are a core asset of
Gucci Group and play a key role in
the Group’s performance. 3
Our human resources policy aims to We ensure the health and safety We ensure equal opportunities
contribute to the professionalism, of employees ­We support equal employment
motivation and satisfaction of each of our ­One of our top priorities is the health and opportunities, and we are committed to the
employees. It provides opportunities for well-being of our employees. We make sure successful integration of all Group employees.
training, mobility and internal career that the work environment of our employees One of management’s missions is to
promotion. meets health and safety regulations, and we familiarise new recruits with their work
firmly believe in prevention. environment and guide their career
We ensure that working conditions conform development.
to Human Rights standards and labour Each manager has the following obligations
We treat employees in a respectful and fair
legislation, as well as to the regulations concerning his/her area of responsibility:
manner, and this applies equally to wages and
governing environmental protection and Respect applicable legislation.
­­ benefits. We do not tolerate discrimination,
health and safety matters. We do not tolerate
Implement all necessary protection and intimidation, or harassment. Individual
discrimination, intimidation, harassment, child
prevention measures. managers and employees are required to
labour or forced labour. ­
act on these principles.
Train staff on the different aspects of safety, ­
We encourage the freedom of speech of rules and procedures and familiarise them Where career development is concerned,
employees. We also encourage dialogue and with the use of safety equipment. selection and promotion are made uniquely
respect freedom of association and trade on the basis of experience and skills and
Analyse accidents and incidents to find out
union rights within the legal framework of take no account of such criteria as gender,
the causes and take preventive action.
the different countries in which we operate. ­ race, ethnic origin, nationality, political
Supervise the application of health and safety opinions, religion, physical handicap or
rules and procedures. sexual orientation.
All employees must respect the applicable
health and safety rules.


Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct

Colleagues and Employees 3

We optimise employee satisfaction We promote freedom of speech by Notwithstanding the existing procedures in
We are committed to empowering employees and social dialogue place within each division, if the rules are
employees and enhancing their skills, as we We respect the freedom of association and infringed or are simply not applied, or if they
believe this will develop their potential and support a process of consultation through give rise to conflict, employees are
contribute to the growth of our businesses. the various employee representative bodies encouraged to discuss the matter among
As part of this philosophy, we evaluate skills within the legislative framework of the themselves and/or to inform either their
and performance on a regular basis. countries where we operate. immediate superiors or an HR manager, an
employee representative, or a representative
We inform employees about career We encourage information sharing and of the worker health and safety committee
prospects and mobility within Gucci Group’s dialogue as a way to understand, share and when it does exist.
companies and brands. address the aspirations and constraints of all
parties. In particular, we keep employees At all times, employees may inform the
Each manager is responsible for ensuring a informed of our business performance and of Gucci Group representative for the PPR
positive climate in the workplace. This is key events affecting them collectively or Committee for Ethics and Social and
achieved by mutual respect, the right to make individually. Environmental Responsibility. He/she will
mistakes, a team spirit and respect for privacy. listen to them impartially and fairly and will
In line with Gucci Group’s 'speak honestly' ensure that the situation is dealt with in an
We believe that job satisfaction goes hand- policy, all employees should feel free to appropriate manner. In addition, he/she will
in-hand with personal satisfaction. express their views and defend their ideas ensure that their discussions remain
We therefore respect employees’ personal when speaking with managers or colleagues. confidential and will take into account the
engagements in the political, associative, In addition, employees should take care legitimate interests of both the employee
cultural and educational spheres insofar as to respect the opinions of others when and Gucci Group.
these do not interfere with their expressing their views.
performance of their professional In all cases, employees will be informed of the
responsibilities or harm the good reputation What happens if the rules are not respected? measures taken as a result of their action.
of Gucci Group. Non-respect of the above rules may
adversely affect the climate in the workplace
as well as employee satisfaction and health
and safety. Breach of the rules may include
harassment, discrimination, and disregard of
safety regulations.


Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct

Customers and Consumers
Gucci Group is active in the luxury goods sector
through a range of brand names. We place our
customers at the heart of our business, and we firmly
believe that customer satisfaction and confidence are
the keys to our continuing business success.

To win and preserve the confidence of We ensure that information about What code of conduct should we follow
customers, our companies market products customers is kept strictly confidential with our customers?
and services that conform to applicable We conform to applicable laws and A satisfied customer is a faithful client.
quality and safety standards. They provide regulations to collect, protect, use and This simple rule should be kept in mind
accurate and reliable information on communicate information provided to us when dealing with past, present and
services and products, and they ensure that by customers. future clients. We can demonstrate our
personal information supplied to them by professionalism by paying attention to
We are determined to prevent any breach
their customers is kept strictly confidential. quality in such areas as customer service
of confidentiality and to ensure that no
and customer greeting, and in the way in
improper use is made of personal
We provide customers with accurate which we listen to and inform customers
information provided to us by our customers.
information on group products and services and manage our after-sales service.
Our professionalism and commitment to Each customer is free to decide on the
customer service means that we seek to nature of the information that he/she gives In the event of discrepancies with our
provide guarantees of quality and safety. to us. No information will be given to third standards of conduct, employees can inform
parties outside Gucci Group if this has their manager, their company’s customer
Our commercial and advertising
not first been approved by the customer, relations department, or their Gucci Group
communication reflects our commitment to
in compliance with the applicable laws representative for the PPR Committee for
honesty and to consumer safety. In this way,
and regulations. Ethics and Social and Environmental
we help our clients become informed
Responsibility. The name of Gucci Group
We respect the laws and regulations representative can be found on the last page
Our commercial and advertising applicable in all our business areas of this Code or through your Human
communication conforms to recognised We ensure that all our products and services Resources office.
professional practice. conform to the relevant standards and
regulations in respect of quality, safety and
industrial ownership.


Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct

PPR, our parent company, is listed
on the stock market and is therefore
owned by its shareholders 3
We are dedicated to winning the We organise checks and controls so that We comply with accounting and
confidence of shareholders through the we can be reasonably sure that: financial regulations
responsible use of Gucci Group’s resources Transactions are executed with the We respect relevant accounting rules and
aimed at securing a long-term return on appropriate authorisation by the managers principles.
investment. Gucci Group provides full, of the businesses concerned.
We implement security measures designed
accurate and sincere information to our
Transactions are recorded in compliance with to protect the confidentiality, availability
shareholders. As necessary, we comply
the applicable accounting principles. and integrity of the accounting and financial
with applicable financial regulations.
­ information pertaining to Gucci Group and
The assets of individual companies are used its companies.
We publish regular and reliable
only in the interest of the company that
financial results
owns the assets. We prevent insider trading or the misuse
We carefully manage all registers, books, and
of privileged information
financial and reporting documents so that Balance sheet assets and liabilities are
PPR, our parent company, is listed on the
they provide a regular and accurate view regularly compared with current asset values
main Euronext Paris market.
of Gucci Group’s assets and liabilities and and with the value of current and potential
its operating profits and losses. future liabilities. Any differences that may Because of the nature of their jobs, some
arise are investigated and adjustments are of our employees may have access to
We do not undertake transactions with a made if necessary. confidential or privileged information
view to recording them in an irregular or concerning Gucci Group and/or its business
We communicate on accounting and financial
misleading manner. partners. Disclosure of such information
matters in a reliable and trustworthy manner.
could influence PPR’s share price or the
share price of one of our business partners.
Employees with access to such information
are subject to the existing law on insider
trading until the information has officially
been made public by PPR, Gucci Group or
by the company concerned.


Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct

Shareholders 3
While PPR encourages employees to How can I avoid being involved in What should I do?
purchase its shares, we remind you that insider trading? To purchase or sell PPR shares related to the
employees are strictly forbidden to disclose What is insider trading? exercise of PPR options, beneficiaries should
confidential or privileged information about You would be guilty of insider trading if you refer to the procedures described in the
Gucci Group to friends or relatives or to passed privileged information that had not option plan document that was included with
use it themselves for unfair advantage. This yet been made public on to your friends or the letter informing you that you had been
particularly applies to using such information relatives or if you used it personally for unfair granted options. If you have additional
directly or via a third party in order to carry advantage. The use of such information can questions, you can contact your advisory staff
out unauthorised and generally speculative affect the share price of listed companies. or the PPR Legal Department. They will help
transactions on the stock market, in the Insider trading also applies when those you clarify any doubts you may have as to a
interest of personal gain or for the benefit responsible for ensuring that information is possible conflict with the rule that employees
of a third party. confidential, or for communicating such with privileged information may not trade
information, do not take all the necessary PPR shares on the stock market. The advice
On the basis of recommendations made by
steps to protect this information until it is they give you in no way alters the fact that
the 'Autorité des Marchés Financiers’ (the
officially published by PPR or Gucci Group. employees are responsible for ensuring that
French Market Authority), a Stock Market
they are not involved in insider trading.
Rules Compliance Committee within PPR
What are the risks?
designates blackout periods prior to the
If you are accused of insider trading, you
publication of the annual and interim results,
risk legal, financial and administrative penalties
during which time, certain managers and
that vary from one country to another.
selected employees are legally prohibited
In addition, you would be damaging Gucci
from trading in PPR’s shares.
Group’s financial reputation.


Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct

Business Partners
Gucci Group firmly believes in conducting
its business with integrity and in ensuring that
the principles of loyalty and equal treatment
are mutually respected in our dealings with
suppliers and service providers.

We expect our employees to act according We respect the relevant laws concerning the We are working to communicate our
to these principles and to ensure the cancellation of contracts, product or supplier principles to all our partners, which we
success of our business. We categorically delistings, price dumping and other require them to share and respect.
prohibit the use of child labour or forced prohibited pricing strategies.
To ensure that these principles are effectively
labour. We do not knowingly work with any
shared and implemented, we reserve the
partner that disregards our standards of We respect industrial ownership and ensure
right to carry out controls, notably via the
conduct. that our products and services do not violate
intermediary of private organisations. In the
industrial ownership rights or the ownership
event that suppliers do not comply with our
We treat suppliers fairly rights of third parties.
codes of business practice, we will encourage
We treat suppliers with courtesy and
them to do so and help them determine
respect. We adhere to the principles of We actively dissuade child labour and
what actions need to be taken so that we
loyalty, impartiality and fair treatment when forced labour and seek to ensure that our
can continue working with them.
putting contracts out to bid, notably with suppliers adhere to these principles
respect to specifications, price negotiations, We are profoundly attached to respecting
and service and product quality. Our We do not work with suppliers if we know the guidelines drawn up by International
procedures in awarding contracts are or discover that they: Labour Organisation and to the conventions
designed to ensure economic objectivity and on child labour, safe working conditions and
Infringe the economic, commercial, tax or
transparency. We avoid transactions with human rights.
social laws and regulations applicable in the
companies not owned by the Group
countries where they operate,
whenever there is a lack of mutual interest or
a risk of economic abuse. Employ children under the age of 15, in
conformity with International Labour
Organisation conventions.
Use forced labour of any sort,
­Infringe health and safety rules,
Infringe environmental protection laws and


Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct

Business Partners 3
We seek to prevent corruption by acting The Group prohibits the financing of political We believe that free, fair and loyal
in strict conformity with the law in respect parties, trade unions, and cultural and social competition where prices and product
of the financing of political parties, conflicts solidarity organisations in exchange for quality and choice are concerned drives
of interest, gifts or other inducements material benefits, whether these benefits are economic and social progress and is in
from suppliers commercial or personal or obtained directly the interest of both consumers and final
Gucci Group requires its employees to or indirectly. customers
comply with applicable laws and avoid all
situations giving rise to real or potential Gucci Group prohibits its employees, officers, We ensure that we do not infringe fair
conflict between their personal interests and directors from offering or giving illegal competition rules by engaging in defamatory
and those of Gucci Group and its companies bribes, ‘kickbacks’, or other payments or advertising or making misleading claims.
or brands, whether directly or indirectly. gifts designed to improperly influence or
compromise the conduct of the recipient, We apply the laws regarding competitor
To avoid conflict with Gucci Group’s and no Gucci Group employee is permitted and consumer rights. In particular:
interests, employees should make sure to accept such improper payments or gifts We do not enter formal or informal
that they: for assisting the payer in obtaining business agreements with competitors when these
Do not own shares in a company belonging or for securing special concessions from would prevent prices from being determined
to a supplier, customer or competitor, other Gucci Group. by standard competitive practice.
than minority holdings in a listed company ­
We do not enter agreements with
that are part of a personal investment Most countries in which we do business have
customers and/or suppliers when these
portfolio, laws that prohibit making payments or giving
would improperly fix the sales or cost price
gifts to government officials, and countries also
Do not act as a director, associate, consultant, of products, illegally restrict a customer’s
have laws prohibiting payments or gifts to union
agency, manager or employee for a company rights to sell the product, or improperly
officials, business partners, or customers. If you
belonging to a supplier, customer or influence the way a product is packaged and
have questions as to whether a payment or gift
competitor, marketed.
might violate the law in the country in which
Do not trade stocks or assets in the Group, you are working, you should consult with your
or in companies owned by customers or superior, Human Resources, the Legal
competitors, when they have confidential Department, or your Gucci Group representative
information on the said stocks or assets. for the PPR Committee for Ethics and Social
and Environmental Responsibility.


Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct

Business Partners 3
What should I do about gifts? What should I do if there is a conflict of interest? What should I do if I find that a supplier
In many countries and fields of business, Anyone worried about a conflict of interest, is neglecting principles that we believe are
gifts and invitations are used to strengthen current or potential, should ask his/her important?
a commercial relationship. Gucci Group’s manager for instructions on how to deal If specific factors give you reason to believe
position on the issue is very clear. No gift, with the matter. If necessary, the manager can that our codes of conduct are not being
favour or invitation should be offered or consult with senior management and should complied with, you should immediately
accepted if it implies or appears to imply give the employee concerned a timely and prepare a detailed report on them and pass
that the person receiving it is under an confidential reply. this on to the purchasing manager of your
obligation to do something in return. company. He/she will take the necessary
How does Gucci Group ensure that suppliers steps to deal with the situation with the
The Company reconizes that in certain respect the rules of conduct? approval of our executive management.
cultures, there may be an occasion when We conduct internal and external audits A copy of the file will be sent to the PPR
gift-giving of a more substantial nature is of supplier practices which can lead to Committee for Ethics and Social and
expected and/or customary. Decisions corrective action plans and in some cases to Environmental Responsibility for information.
about these situations must be carefully supplier delisting.
weighed, and discussed with your supervisor. If this happens, how should I behave toward
In addition, there may occasionally be times What should I do if I have information that the supplier?
when refusing a gift would be embarrassing suggests that a supplier is breaking our Code Depending on the situation, we could ask for
or impractical. In those rare instances where of Business Practices? additional information, engage in a corrective
the gift is of substantial value, accept the Any information or eyewitness accounts action plan to remedy the situation or cease
gift on behalf of the Company, report it to according to which a supplier is not working with the supplier. These decisions
your supervisor, and turn the gift over to complying with our codes of conduct will be passed down the management line
your local finance director who will handle should be communicated in writing to to you. Unless told otherwise, you should
its disposition. the purchasing manager of your company, not discuss the matter any further with your
who will decide whether the supplier is in counterparts at the supplier involved.
Only invitations or gifts that conform infringement. If this is the case, your manager
to recognised commercial practice are will take the necessary steps to deal with the
authorised by Gucci Group and must in situation with the approval of the executive
all cases conform to relevant legislation management, and a copy of the file will be
and jurisprudence. sent to the PPR Committee for Ethics and
Social and Environmental Responsibility for


Group Commitments
Rules of Conduct

The Environment and Communities

Gucci Group is present in many countries
around the world and is dedicated to making
a positive contribution in all the regions
where it operates 3
This contribution is expressed in our We are committed to the Principles We respect the culture of the countries
respect and defence of such fundamental of Human Rights where we operate.
principles as the universality of Human We seek to ensure that Human Rights
Rights and the respect of laws and are respected in our spheres of business We favour initiatives taken by our
regulations, notably as regards the and influence. companies and employees with respect
environment, competition and social to sustainable development and social
legislation. We combat the use of child labour and solidarity, when possible.
forced labour as defined by International
Our businesses contribute positively through Labour Organisation conventions. We are seeking to minimise the
their participation in the economic and social environmental impact of our businesses
development of the countries where they We are attentive to the concerns expressed We are extremely careful to respect the
operate. We listen to the concerns expressed by international and nongovernmental environmental regulations and standards
by institutions, organisations and international organisations as well as by the elected applicable in each of the countries we
and local community associations concerned representatives of local communities. operate in.
by our businesses.
We constantly strive to improve our We attempt to minimise the impact of
We respect the culture of the countries in contribution to the economic and our businesses on the environment.
which we operate, and we seek to minimise social conditions of the countries where
the environmental impact of our businesses. we operate We encourage discussion and
Through our businesses, we contribute to implementation of best practices and
the economic and social development of consider this to be an extremely positive
the countries where we operate, but as feature of our management procedures.
a corporate entity, we do not seek to
influence or get involved in national politics.


This Code of Business Practices is intended for
and concerns all managers and employees of
Gucci Group. Every employee will receive an

electronic or hard copy version of this Code.

and follow-up

Managers will be available to explain In view of PPR’s decentralised structure, Please note that the existence of the
the philosophy behind the Code, why it is PPR has asked Gucci Group to choose PPR Committee and the Gucci Group
important and how it should be applied. a representative who will liaise with the representative does not change existing
PPR Committee for Ethics and Social and grievance or disciplinary procedures already
Employees should use their copy of the Environmental Responsibility. This person’s in place for various divisions, countries
Code to familiarise themselves with the mission is to help ensure that our Code of or workplaces.
commitments and principles that shape our Business Practices is properly implemented.
Code of Business Practices. In addition, our He/she will deal with any questions you may A list of representatives can be obtained
parent company, PPR, has set up a special have concerning its application. Companies from the Human Resources Department
organisation to advise employees on may also set up additional support structures, of Gucci Group or downloaded from
business ethics and to determine ways and for example by appointing assistant PPR’s website (, and contact
means of improving the implementation of representatives to liaise with employees in information for Gucci Group representative
our code of practice. overseas markets or businesses. is on the last page of this Code.

This organisation, known as the PPR Application of the Code of Business Practices Representatives undertake to reply to all
Committee for Ethics and Social and may sometimes raise questions of a sensitive employees who contact them and to inform
Environmental Responsibility, reports to the nature. As a result, any information that them of the decisions made in the respect
PPR Board. It is composed of at least one employees provide to the PPR Committee of their questions and comments.
representative from the companies, functional for Ethics and Social and Environmental
managers and external experts. The Responsibility, or to one of its representatives,
Committee’s primary mission is to help PPR will be treated in a confidential manner,
companies implement the Code of Business taking into account the legitimate interests
Practices and formulate recommendations of Gucci Group and its companies.
based on questions that may arise during this Employees with questions concerning
task and on questions asked by PPR and its the application of the Code of Business
companies. Practices should contact Gucci Group
representative or address directly the
PPR Committee for Ethics and Social
and Environmental responsibility at PPR’s
corporate headquarters.


Below are some questions that you can ask yourself.
They will help you ensure that you comply with our
Code of Business Practices and enable you to

participate actively in its implementation.

Applying the
Code of Business Practices

Is it legal? What should I do if I can’t speak freely What should I do if I disapprove of

You should not decide or do anything unless about the matter to my manager? someone’s conduct?
the answer is YES with respect to the Whether or not the action has been You can do several things. You can speak
relevant laws and regulations. You should take performed, it is recommended that you talk directly to the person concerned or to your
no action if the answer is NO or if you to the Gucci Group representative of the manager. Depending on the situation, you can
strongly suspect that it is NO. In any case, PPR Committee for Ethics and Social and also contact your human resources manager,
you should either contact the Gucci Group Environmental Responsibility, who will advise employee representatives, or your Health
representative for the PPR Committee for you on how to proceed. Our Code of and Safety Committee representative.
Ethics and Social and Environmental Business Practices requires that what you say In every situation, you can contact the Gucci
Responsibility, or the Human Resources or is carefully listened to and that the relevant Group representative for the PPR
Legal Department of your company. issues are dealt with in an appropriate Committee for Ethics and Social and
confidential manner, in the legitimate interest Environmental Responsibility. He/she must
Could my conduct or conduct that I know of both the employee and Gucci Group. ensure that what employees say is kept
about damage the group’s interests in the confidential, in the legitimate interest of
short, medium or long term? Do I feel guilty? employees and Gucci Group.
Take for example environmental practices If doing something or not doing something
that could result in a serious health and/or makes you feel guilty, you can decide to stop In all cases, he/she shall inform you of what
financial crisis. In such a case, you should put doing it or stop not doing it, or you can decision has been made. With respect to
a stop to these practices and ask either your discuss the matter before making a decision. some legal issues in our Code of Business
manager or your Ethical Committee You can either talk to your manager or to Practices, you can directly contact the Legal
representative for advice. the Gucci Group representative for the PPR or Internal Audit Departments of Gucci
Committee for Ethics and Social and Group and/or one of the Group’s companies.
Can I speak freely about the matter? Environmental Responsibility.
If, barring confidentiality rules, you find it
difficult to speak freely about what you have How can I make up my mind?
done (or might do) or of actions that you If you have any doubts whatsoever
know about, it is highly probable that the concerning what to do or what not to do,
practice does not comply with our Code of you can contact the Committee for Ethics
Business Practices. and Social and Environmental Responsibility
or talk to your committee representative.


Gucci Group
Contacts 6
Gucci Group Internal Audit This document is published by the Gucci
The Gucci Group representative for the The Internal Audit Department can Group Communications Department
PPR Committee for Ethics and Social be reached through the Director of Internal
Gucci Group
and Environmental Responsibility is Audit Stefano Comotti, or his successor, at
Rembrandt Tower
Cheryl Solomon, General Counsel
T +39 055 7592 2439 or Amstelplein I
and can be reached at
E 1096 HA Amsterdam
Gucci Group The Netherlands
Rembrandt Tower Or you can send a confidential email to
Amstelplein I E
1096 HA Amsterdam
The Netherlands Security
T +44 20 7898 3015 or The Security Department can be
E reached through the Director of Security,
Carlo Del Bo, or his successor, at
T +39 02 8800 5530
The Legal Department can be
reached through the General Counsel
Cheryl Solomon, or her successor, at
If you wish to contact the PPR
T +44 20 7898 3015 Committee directly, you can write to
The Committee Secretary
10 avenue Hoche
75381 Paris Cedex 08
Send a confidential email to


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