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The diagram below shows the production and processing of milk production for

commercial sale. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The diagram below illustrates different process of how milk was producted, goes through
several steps, before it end up selling to people.

Looking at it from overall, this stage of turning cow milk into some cheese, cream and butter,
and milk was divided into eight distinct process, it initially starts with grazing the cow, until
eventually, sells the milk to the supermarket to be consumed by people.

First thing first, they started with fed the cow with good quality of grass. The second one, the
cows are put into a milking machine before collected it in the storage with low temperature.
Next thing, the tank was supposed to commute the milk to the dairy every single day. The milk
started to be processed in a dairy factory. Then, the dairy which already has two types of
products such as milk, and cheese, cream, and butter; are packed first, before sell it to the
customers in the supermarket.

In the process of separating the dairy product, the milk was divided into cheese, cream and
butter, and milk pasteurized;meanwhile, the milk pasteurized get the packaged process before
distributed to the supermarket.

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