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Trắc nghiệm QT nguồn nhân lực

Quản trị học (Trường Đại học Ngân hàng Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)

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Câu 1: Career planning and development is an example of

a. Human process intervention
b. HRM intervention
c. Techno structural intervention
d. Strategic intervention
Câu 2: Providing step by step training and enlisting job of basic tasks is
a. Off the job training
b. Apprenticeship training
c. Job rotation
d. Job instruction training
Câu 3: Which kind of plans that forecast for the immediate HR needs of
an organization?
a. All are correct
b. Intermediate-range plans
c. Short-range plans
d. Long-range plans
Câu 4: Job analysis is must for employees..
a. compensations
b. training
c. all of correct
d. performance appraisal
Câu 5: The process of identifying, assessing and developing leadership is
a. all of correct
b. Succession planning
c. Employment planning
d. Human resource planning
Câu 6: The first step in establishing pay rates is to
a. fine-time pay rates
b. conduct salary survey
c. price each pay grade
d. group similar job

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Câu 7: While writing job description, the job title is written in the section
of ..
a. job summary
b. responsibilities and duties
c. all of incorrect
d. job identification
Câu 8: The first step in training process is..
a. instructional design
b. evaluate
c. need analysis
d. implement
Câu 9: Sources of performance appraisal include. . .
a. Team members rating each other.
b. Supervisors rating their employees.
c. Employees rating themselves.
d. All are correct
Câu 10: A rating scale which enlists traits and performance values is
a. management by objectives
b. alternation ranking method
c. in-house development
d. graphic rating scale method
Câu 11: HR analytics is defined as. . .
a. Specific measures tied to HR performance evaluation.
b. Specific measures tied to HR performance indicators.
c. An evidence-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of qualitative
d. An evidence-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of
quantitative tools and models.
Câu 12: Which factor among the followings is an example of internal
a. All are correct

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b. On-the-job training
c. Educational leave
d. Teleconferencing
Câu 13: Objectives of HRM include. . .
a. Employee satisfaction enhancement.
b. All are correct.
c. Generation of positive motivation.
d. Effective use of HR.
Câu 14: The technique, involving the trainees to act on role of specific
person in real situation is
a. behavior modeling
b. in-house development center
c. all of correct
d. role playing
Câu 15: The importance of human resources management includes...
a. All are correct.
b. Performing human resources work for the remaining departments.
c. Increasing efficiency through work specialization.
d. Solving human resource issues effectively.
Câu 16: Which responsibility an HR manager must be in charge of
regarding interviewing and selection?
a. Train other managers in conducting selection interviews
b. Advise HR department of job openings
c. Do final interviewing and hiring where appropriate
d. Review reference information
Câu 17: In 360-degree feedback, the ratings are collected from
a. subordinates
b. supervisors
c. all of correct
d. peers
Câu 18: The personal qualities and traits required for job is stated in..
a. job specification

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b. job analysis
c. all of incorrect
d. job descriptions
Câu 19: The workflow detailed picture is called
a. Organization chart
b. process management
c. production unit
d. Process chart
Câu 20: The total profit and rate of return is classified as
a. ability of employer to pay
b. ability of employer to hire
c. ability of employer to grow
d. ability of employer to train employees
Câu 21: Which factor among the followings is considered as a weakness
of internal workforce?
a. Technological advances
b. Lack of talent pipeline
c. Global expansion
d. Economic uncertainty
Câu 22: The effective negotiation is included in....
a. personal competencies
b. interpersonal competencies
c. business management
d. all of incorrect
Câu 23: The job analysis information can be collected through..
a. interviews
b. observation
c. all of correct
d. questionnaires
Câu 24: Adding Incentives to the job is included in
a. Extrinsic motivation
b. Intrinsic motivation

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c. Outsourced motivation
d. In-house motivation
Câu 25: The contribution of human resource strategy to business
strategy is expressed via. . .
a. The organisational focus on important business objectives.
b. The effectiveness of performance measurement system.
c. All are correct.
Câu 26: The impact of human resources management is significant in the
aspect of. . .
a. Quality control.
b. Customer service.
c. Cost control.
d. All are correct.
Câu 27: The ranking of all the employees, measuring a specific trait such
as communication is measured in
a. alternation ranking method
b. graphic rating scale method
c. management by objectives
d. paired comparison method
Câu 28: The ranking of all the employees measuring a specific trait by
making pairs of employees is called
a. graphic rating scale method
b. management by objectives
c. alternation ranking method
d. paired comparison method
Câu 29: The human resource department plays/serves as
a. advisory role
b. hiring department only
c. line authority
d. training department only
Câu 30: Re-designing a business process, in getting more efficient and
effective result, known as

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a. reengineering
b. redesigning jobs of workers
c. assigning additional activities to workers
d. moving workers from one job to the other
Câu 31: The advantage of BARS system is
a. simple to use
b. ends up with predetermined rating figures
c. avoids central tendency biases
d. providing behavior anchors
Câu 32: Analyzing and identifying specific skills, needed for specific job
is called
a. all of correct
b. need analysis competency model
c. task analysis
d. competency model
Câu 33: The HR department of company can create advisory relationship
a. Line authority
b. all of correct
c. hiring authority
d. Staff authority
Câu 34: The term job enrichment means:
a. moving workers from one job to the other
b. assigning additional activities to workers
c. reforming and analyzing the job
d. redesigning jobs of workers
Câu 35: The term job enlargement means:
a. redesign jobs of workers
b. assigning additional activities to workers
c. moving workers from one job to the other
d. all of incorrect
Câu 36: A category, testing the learned skilled and principles, known as

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a. measuring behavior
b. measuring results
c. Measuring reaction
d. measuring learning
Câu 37: A method, executive of strengths and weaknesses are being
questioned by external consultant, known as
a. executive coach
b. in-house development center
c. behavior modeling
d. role play
Câu 38: The second step in the HR planning process is .......
a. Evaluation of internal and external workforce
b. HR forecasting
c. Formulation of HR strategies and plans
Câu 39: The strategic role of HR focuses on ......
a. Future business needs.
b. Legal paperwork and policy implementation.
c. Implement needed programs.
d. Clerical administration and record keeping.
Câu 40: The reward of performance must have some value for employee,
an example of
a. de-expectancy
b. valence
c. instrumentality
d. expectancy
Câu 41: The qualitative or quantitative information for maintaining or
changing performance is the part of
a. appraisal feedback
b. performance appraisal
c. performance feedback
d. appraisal system
Câu 42: Factors that affect the effectiveness of recruitment include. . .

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a. All are correct.

b. Labor force population.
c. Recruitment responsibilities and goals.
d. Business strategies.
Câu 43: Which of the following factors is related to internal environment
of an organization?
a. Social factors
b. Political changes
c. Economic climate
d. Organisational culture
Câu 44: Advantages of online training include. . .
a. Frequently updated training content.
b. All are correct
c. High flexibility.
d. Time and cost saving.
Câu 45: One of the advantages of internal recruiting is that:
a. Some managers may resist having employees promoted into their
b. All are correct
c. The process can motivate employees for greater performance.
d. Individuals not promoted may experience morale problems.
Câu 46: The transformation of human resources management (HRM)
since 1990s until now is that. . .
a. HRM acts as a support department for other departments in salary matters,
record keeping, organizing outdoor events, etc.
b. HRM plays a role in linking human resources with the organization's
c. All are correct.
d. HRM performs more professional tasks such as job design and employee
satisfaction research.
Câu 47: The importance of performance appraisal is expressed via some
elements such as. . .

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a. All are correct.

b. Identifying the aspects that the employees need to improve.
c. Providing feedback of work to employees.
d. Clarifying work results that the organization needs.
Câu 48: The first stage of the on-the-job training process is. . .
a. Providing the trainees with practice.
b. Presenting the information.
c. Preparing the trainees.
d. All are correct
Câu 49: Employees abroad supply services or having outside vendors
that the company of own employees previously did in-house is known as
a. alternative staffing
b. all of correct
c. outsourcing
d. offshoring
Câu 50: The advantage of graphic rating scale method is that; it is
a. ends up with predetermined rating figures
b. simple to use
c. avoids central tendency and biases
d. an ongoing basis evaluation
Câu 51: In job classification the group that contains jobs with similar
difficulty level is called
a. classes
b. combine ratings
c. rank jobs
d. grades
Câu 52: One of the advantages of telework is. . .
a. Possibility of working more hours.
b. Perceived lack of control and physical monitoring.
c. Improved productivity and the need for less work space.
d. Income tax laws.

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Câu 53: The public recognition such as an award in organized function is

the best classified as an example of
a. financial awards
b. non-financial awards
c. fixed award
d. proportional award
Câu 54: Task is defined as .....
a. Work segment composed of several tasks that are performed by an individual.
b. Distinct, identifiable work activity composed of motions.
c. Obligation to perform certain tasks and duties.
d. All are correct.
Câu 55: The quantitative process of job evaluation does not include
a. ranking jobs
b. non of above
c. grading jobs
d. classifying jobs
Câu 56: Which factor among the followings is an example of HR metrics
about staffing?
a. Number of positions filled
b. Total HR staff
c. Average tenure of employees
d. Positions filled internally
Câu 57: The compensation for top executive job is largely based on
a. job complexity
b. all of correct
c. ability of employer to pay
d. human capital executive
Câu 58: The rates are places in percentages in performance categories is
followed in
a. paired comparison method
b. forced distribution method
c. graphic rating scale method

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d. alternation ranking method

Câu 59: The method in which problem to be solved is described for
employees is called
a. action learning
b. case study method
c. job rotation
d. lifelong learning
Câu 60: Determining the type of people, which a company needs for job
is referred as..
a. Job analysis
b. all of correct
c. Job descriptions
d. Job specification
Câu 61: Information that can be used to evaluate applicants for selection
include ....
a. Past achievements.
b. Academic level.
c. All are correct.
d. Average length of time at old companies
Câu 62: The process of classifying, ranking jobs and assigning points to
jobs is called
a. job evaluation
b. job ranking
c. job grading
d. pay grading
Câu 63: The expectancy chart is a graph to show relationship between
a. tasks performance and time utilized
b. test scores and job performance
c. all of correct
d. none of all
Câu 64: A personnel plan requires forecast of ..
a. supply of inside candidates

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b. personnel needs
c. supply of outside candidates
d. all of correct
Câu 65: A job enrichment is a way to..
a. staffing new employees
b. all of correct
c. motivate employees
d. compensation employs
Câu 66: Each unit made by a worker to be paid is considered as
a. salary increments
b. time based pay
c. promotion
d. performance based pay
Câu 67: External recruiting sources include.......
a. Media sources
b. Employment agencies
c. Job fair and creative recruitment
d. All are correct
Câu 68: The management of performance ensures:
a. discontinue improvement
b. performance reviews
c. promoted improvement
d. continuous improvement
Câu 69: In performance management, the main feature of performance
management is to
a. planning incentives
b. comparing performance with goals
c. increase salary
d. comparing sales figures from last year
Câu 70: An evaluation process of employee performance, in comparison
to set standards is called
a. compensation

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b. counselling
c. design of evaluation
d. performance appraisal
Câu 71: While writing job description, the major functions or activities
are written in..
a. all of correct
b. job title
c. Job summary
d. responsibilities and duties
Câu 72: The basic approach in performance of employee compares with
their current performance to
a. performance in last job
b. set standards
c. performance in previous years
d. all of incorrect
Câu 73: The first step in appraising process is
a. feedback session
b. defining the job
c. interview session
d. training session
Câu 74: Determining the duties and characteristics of positions in
staffing, known as..
a. Job descriptions
b. all of correct
c. Job specification
d. Job analysis
Câu 75: The Job rotation means..
a. assigning additional activities to workers
b. redesigning jobs of workers
c. moving workers from one job to the other
d. all of incorrect
Câu 76: An enterprise Incentive Management systems include

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a. planning compensation
b. analyzing compensation
c. managing compensation
d. all of correct
Câu 77: The reporting relationship and working conditions related to a
job is stated in..
a. all of correct
b. Job specification
c. Job description
d. Job analysis
Câu 78: The evaluation of trainee reaction to a training program is
classified as
a. measuring learning
b. measuring results
c. measuring behavior
d. measuring reaction
Câu 79: Human resource management is defined as. . .
a. The establishment of an informal system in an organization for managing
human resources.
b. The establishment of an informal system in an organization for managing
human resources to reach organizational goals.
c. The establishment of a formal system in an organization for managing
human resources to reach organizational goals.
d. The establishment of an informal system in an organization for recruiting
human resources effectively.
Câu 80: The roles of human resources management (HRM) are divided
into the areas of. . .
a. Operation and Employee Advocate.
b. Administration, Operation, Employee Advocate and Strategic
c. Administration and Strategic Management.
d. Property management and Evidence-based management.

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Câu 81: In big five models, agreeableness is the tendency to be ..

a. all of correct
b. sociable
c. trusting
d. complaint
Câu 82: In big five models, extraversion is tendency to be ..
a. assertive
b. autonomous
c. unconventional
d. achievement
Câu 83: In big five models, conscientiousness is tendency to be ..
a. assertive
b. autonomous
c. unconventional
d. achievement
Câu 84: Bonus are the part of
a. Payroll
b. Indirect financial payments
c. Direct financial payment
d. Counseling
Câu 85: Concurrent validity is measured when ....
a. There is a consistency across different interviewers
b. An employer tests current employees and correlates the scores with
their performance ratings
c. Test results of applicants are compared with subsequent job performance
d. There is a consistency within one interviewers
Câu 86: Which responsibility a line manager must be in charge of
regarding interviewing and selection?
a. Check references
b. Provide feedback to HR department on hiring/rejection decisions
c. Train other managers in conducting selection interviews
d. Develop legal and effective interview techniques

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Câu 87: When the rating of employee trait biases its performance on other
traits, it is called
a. all of incorrect
b. narrow effect
c. halo effect
Câu 88: When the rating are collected from supervisors, customers and
peers, considered as
a. 350-degree feedback
b. 360-degree feedback
c. 180-degree feedback
d. 240-degree feedback
Câu 89: Contingent workers are
a. Not full time employees, but temporary or part-time workers for a
specific period of time and type of work
b. Full time workers
c. Part-time workers who are employed permanently
d. Full time employees as well as temporary or part-time workers for a specific
period of time and type of work.
Câu 90: The steps involves in movement of employer for performance
management is
a. total quality
b. appraisal issues
c. all of correct
d. strategic planning
Câu 91: All incentive plans focused on
a. skills
b. tenure
c. particular knowledge
d. performance
Câu 92: The competency-based job analysis means defining the job in
terms of..
a. behavioral competency

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b. measurable competency
c. observable competency
d. all of correct
Câu 93: Which recommendations should be considered when there is a
shortage of manpower?
a. Cut down staff
b. Reduce working hours
c. Voluntary Turnover
d. Create flexibility at work
Câu 94: Which recommendations should be considered when there is
excess manpower?
a. Hire third party employees
b. Increase working hours
c. Ues temporary manpower
d. Do not recruit new employees
Câu 95: Which factor among the followings is an example of HR metrics
about development?
a. Annual turnover rate
b. Cost per hire
c. Positions filled internally
d. HR-to-employee ratio
Câu 96: Providing new employees with the basic information regarding
background is
a. employee training
b. all of correct
c. all of incorrect
d. employee orientation
Câu 97: Realistic job preview is viewed as. . .
a. All are incorrect.
b. A balanced view of advantages, demands, expectations, and
challenges in an organization or a job.

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c. A balanced view of advantages, demands, expectations, and challenges in a

d. A balanced view of advantages, demands, expectations, and challenges in an
Câu 98: Human resource management is the process of .....
a. Acquiring employees
b. Appraising and compensating employees
c. Training employees
d. All are correct
Câu 99: Which functions are performed by HR department?
a. HR strategic planning
b. Benefits package
c. Talent management
d. All are correct
Câu 100: Which workflow detailed picture is called:
a. process management
b. organization chart
c. production unit
d. process chart
Câu 101: The duties of HR manager and staff functions consist of
a. Implementing the policies
b. Assisting line manager
c. Directing the tasks of people
d. All are correct
Câu 102: The HR plans of any organization does not include:
a. Training and development plans
b. Production plans
c. Personnel plans
d. Compensation plans
Câu 103: An aim of performance appraisal is to
a. Counsel the employees
b. Motivate the employees

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c. Hire the employees

d. Fire the employees
Câu 104: Preparing for future means .......
a. Collecting and analyzing information about what has happened to prepare for
the future
b. Collecting and analyzing information about what has happening and what has
happened to produce reports
c. Collecting and analyzing information about what has happening and
what has happened to prepare for the future
d. Collecting and analyzing information about what has happening to make plans
for the future
Câu 105: An advantage of alternation ranking method is that it
a. avoids central tendency and biases
b. ends up with predetermined rating figures
c. provides behavior anchors
d. is simple to use

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Trắc nghiệm HRM tổng hợp

Quan tri hoc (Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)

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A category, testing the learned skilled and principles, known as measuring

A job analysis consists of  job specification & job description

A job enrichment is a way to motivate employees

A method, executive of strengths and weaknesses are being questioned by

external consultant, known as executive coach

A personnel plan requires forecast of  all of correct (supply of inside

candidates; personnel needs; supply of outside candidates)

A plan, offering a 75% based salary along with 25% incentives is classified as 
combination plan

A rating scale which enlists traits and performance values is called graphic
rating scale method

Adding Incentives to the job is included in Extrinsic motivation

Advantages of online training include  All are correct (Frequently updated

training content; High flexibility; Time and cost saving)

All incentive plans focused on performance

An advantage of alternation ranking method is that it avoids central

tendency and biases

An aim of performance appraisal is to Motivate the employees

An enterprise Incentive Management systems include  all of correct (planning

compensation; analyzing compensation; managing compensation)

An evaluation process of employee performance, in comparison to set standards

is called performance appraisal

Analyzing and identifying specific skills, needed for specific job is called task

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Bonus are the part of Indirect financial payments

Career planning and development is an example of HRM intervention

Concurrent validity is measured when An employer tests current employees

and correlates the scores with their performance ratings

Contingent workers are Not full time employees, but temporary or part-
time workers for a specific period of time and type of work

Determining the duties and characteristics of positions in staffing, known as Job

Determining the type of people, which a company needs for job is referred as
Job specification

Each unit made by a worker to be paid is considered as performance based

Employees abroad supply services or having outside vendors that the company of
own employees previously did in-house is known as offshoring

External recruiting sources include  All are correct (Media sources;

Employment agencies; Job fair and creative recruitment)

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Factors that affect the effectiveness of recruitment include  All are correct
(Labor force population; Recruitment responsibilities and goals; Business

HR analytics is defined as An evidence-based approach to making HR
decisions on the basis of quantitative tools and models.

Human capital refers to  all of correct

Human resource management is defined as The establishment of a formal

system in an organization for managing human resources to reach
organizational goals.

Human resource management is the process of All are correct (Acquiring

employees; Appraising and compensating employees; Training employees)

In 360-degree feedback, the ratings are collected from subordinates;
supervisors; peers

In big five models, agreeableness is the tendency to be  all of correct

(sociable; trusting; complaint)

In big five models, conscientiousness is tendency to be achievement

In big five models, extraversion is tendency to be assertive

In job classification the group that contains jobs with similar difficulty level is
called grades

In performance management, the main feature of performance management is to

comparing performance with goals

In the new approach of jobs pay rates, the employers are focusing on
employee’s competency

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Information that can be used to evaluate applicants for selection include  All
are correct (Past achievements; Academic level; Average length of time at old

Job analysis is must for employees  all of correct (compensations; training;
performance appraisal)

Objectives of HRM include  All are correct (Employee satisfaction
enhancement; Generation of positive motivation; Effective use of HR)

One of the advantage of Management by Objectives (MBO) is that  it jointly

agreed performance objectives

One of the advantages of internal recruiting is that The process can motivate
employees for greater performance.

One of the advantages of telework is Improved productivity and the need

for less work space.

One of the positive views about HR deparment is that  HR deparment

protects corporate assets against the many legal issues

Organisation culture has the influence on  All are correct (Service quality; HR
strategic planning)

Preparing for future means Collecting and analyzing information about
what has happening and what has happened to prepare for the future

Providing continuous learning, training and help to employees for expansion of

horizon is  lifelong learning

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Providing new employees with the basic information regarding background is

employee orientation

Providing step by step training and enlisting job of basic tasks is Job
instruction training

Realistic job preview is viewed as A balanced view of advantages,
demands, expectations, and challenges in an organization or a job

Re-designing a business process, in getting more efficient and effective result,

known as reengineering

Responsibilities of functional departments in recruitment include Make the

final decision based on the advice of the human resources department

Sources of performance appraisal include  All are correct (Team members
rating each other; Supervisors rating their employees; Employees rating

Task is defined as  Distinct, identifiable work activity composed of

The advantage of BARS system is  providing behavior anchors

The advantage of BARS system is providing behavior anchors

The advantage of graphic rating scale method is that; it is simple to use

The basic approach in performance of employee compares with their current

performance to set standards

The compensation for top executive job is largely based on  all of correct (job
complexity; ability of employer to pay; human capital executive)

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The competency-based job analysis means defining the job in terms of  all of
correct (behavioral competency; measurable competency; observable

The contribution of human resource strategy to business strategy is expressed via

 All are correct (The organisational focus on important business objectives;
The effectiveness of performance measurement system)

The duties of HR manager and staff functions consist of Assisting line


The educational level of executive is classified as  human capital

The effective negotiation is included in interpersonal competencies

The evaluation of trainee reaction to a training program is classified as

measuring reaction

The expectancy chart is a graph to show relationship between test scores and
job performance

The first stage of the on-the-job training process is Preparing the trainees.

The first step in appraising process is defining the job

The first step in establishing pay rates is to conduct salary survey

The first step in training process is need analysis

The first step of the performance appraisal process is  Building performance

criteria and standards for each position

The HR department of company can create advisory relationship through Staff


The HR plans of any organization does not include Production plans

The human resource department plays/serves as advisory role

The impact of human resources management is significant in the aspect of

Quality control; Customer service; Cost control.

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The importance of human resources management includes all in correct

(Performing human resources work for the remaining departments; Increasing
efficiency through work specialization; Solving human resource issues effectively)

The importance of performance appraisal is expressed via some elements such as

 All are correct (Identifying the aspects that the employees need to improve;
Providing feedback of work to employees; Clarifying work results that the
organization needs)

The job analysis information can be collected through all in correct

(interviews; observation; questionnaires)

The Job rotation means moving workers from one job to the other

The management of performance ensures continuous improvement

The method in which problem to be solved is described for employees is called

case study method

The package of salary, incentives and figure benefits designed in a way to

motived the employees is known as aligned reward strategy

The performance management is always  goal oriented

The personal qualities and traits required for job is stated in job specification

The process of classifying, ranking jobs and assigning points to jobs is called job

The process of identifying, assessing and developing leadership is called

Succession planning

The public recognition such as an award in organized function is the best

classified as an example of non-financial awards

The qualitative or quantitative information for maintaining or changing

performance is the part of performance feedback

The quantitative process of job evaluation does not include non of above

The ranking of all the employees measuring a specific trait by making pairs of
employees is called paired comparison method

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The ranking of all the employees, measuring a specific trait such as

communication is measured in alternation ranking method

The rates are places in percentages in performance categories is followed in

forced distribution method

The relationship section of job description defines whom would you  all of
correct (supervise; report; work with)

The reporting relationship and working conditions related to a job is stated in

Job description

The reward of performance must have some value for employee, an example of

The role of human resources management in the current era can be viewed as 
all are correct (collaborator; data analysis; brand builder)

The roles of human resources management (HRM) are divided into the areas of
Administration, Operation, Employee Advocate and Strategic

The second step in the HR planning process is Evaluation of internal and

external workforce

The steps involves in movement of employer for performance management is 

all of correct (total quality; appraisal issues; strategic planning)

The strategic role of HR focuses on Future business needs.

The technique, involving the trainees to act on role of specific person in real
situation is role playing

The term job enlargement means assigning additional activities to workers

The term job enrichment means reforming and analyzing the job

The total profit and rate of return is classified as ability of employer to pay

The transformation of human resources management (HRM) since 1990s until now
is that HRM plays a role in linking human resources with the
organization's strategy.

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The workflow detailed picture is called Process chart

When the rating are collected from supervisors, customers and peers, considered
as 360-degree feedback

When the rating of employee trait biases its performance on other traits, it is
called . all of incorrect

Which factor among the followings is an example of HR metrics about staffing?

Number of positions filled

Which factor among the followings is an example of HR metrics about

development? HR-to-employee ratio

Which factor among the followings is an example of internal training? On-the-

job training

Which factor among the followings is considered as a weakness of internal

workforce? Lack of talent pipeline

Which functions are performed by HR department?  All are correct (HR

strategic planning; Benefits package; Talent management)

Which kind of plans that forecast for the immediate HR needs of an organization
short-range plans

Which kind of plans that forecast for the immediate HR needs of an organization?
All are correct (Intermediate-range plans; Short-range plans; Long-range

Which of the following factors is related to internal environment of an

organization? Organisational culture

Which recommendations should be considered when there is a shortage of

manpower? Create flexibility at work

Which recommendations should be considered when there is excess manpower?

Do not recruit new employees

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Which responsibility a line manager must be in charge of regarding interviewing

and selection? Provide feedback to HR department on hiring/rejection

Which responsibility an HR manager must be in charge of regarding interviewing

and selection? Train other managers in conducting selection interviews

Which workflow detailed picture is called process chart

While writing job description, the job title is written in the section of  job

While writing job description, the major functions or activities are written in Job

Labor force population is defined as  All individuals who are available for
selection if all possible recruiment strategies are used

Unemployment rate is affected by  all are correct (decresed need for new
employees due to developments in technology; increased business competition;
decreased consumer spending)

Questions that can be used to identify challenges of training include some
examples such as  All are correct (Is there a need for training?; How to assess
the effectiveness of training programs?; Who needs training?)

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Trắc nghiệm - HRM

Human resource management (Đại học Hoa Sen)

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1. In order to enable an organization to compete in the 21st century, human resource

management needs to focus on .......
A. Developing production planning
B. Rationalizing scientific management principles
C. Developing a skillful and flexible workforce
D. Recruiting as many as possible employees
2. Below are the main activities of the HR Department EXCEPT.....
A. Directing operations manager
B. Giving services, advice and counseling
C. Developing and implementing organization policy
D. Administer recruitment and training programs
3. The key to quality product and services for an organization depends on how it
A. Budget
B. Project
C. Labor union strictly
D. Employees
4. The HR owned by an organization can be used to compete if the resource is .....
A. Paid special attention
B. Well looked after
C. Well managed
D. Given attractive rewards
5. Which of these is Not one of the main technological effects towards human resource
A. Technology has changed the methods used to gather information of
employee transfer
B. Technology has sped up the employee intake data processing
C. Technology has eliminated supervising roles in employee management

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D. Technology has improved internal and external communications process

6. Which of the following is NOT considered one of the line supervisor's
responsibilities for effective human resources management under the general headings
outlined by a major company discussed in the textbook?
A. protecting employees' health and physical condition
B. changing employees' attitudes regarding work
C. developing the abilities of each person
D. interpreting the company policies and procedures
7. A line manager's human resource responsibilities most likely include all of the
following EXCEPT ______.
A. maintaining department morale
B. controlling labor costs
C. protecting employees' health
D. marketing new products and services
8. Which of the following refers to the authority a manager has to advise other
managers or employees?
A. staff authority
B. line authority
C. functional authority
D. corporate authority
Explanation: Functional authority refers to the authority exerted by an HR manager
ascoordinator of personnel activities. An HR manager ensures that line managers are
implementingthe firm's HR policies and practices. Line authority is a a manager's right
to issue orders to othermanagers or employees, which creates a superior-subordinate
relationship. Staff authority refersto a manager's right to advise other managers or
employees, which creates an advisoryrelationship.
1. Which term refers to a procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements
for a specific job and the kind of person most suitable for a position?
Thuật ngữ nào đề cập đến quy trình xác định các nhiệm vụ và yêu cầu kỹ năng cho
một công việc cụ thể và loại người phù hợp nhất cho một vị trí?

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A. HR management
B. job description
C. job analysis (phân tích công việc)
D. talent management
Explanation: Job analysis is the process of determining the duties of a specific job and
the characteristics of the people who would be most appropriate for the job. A job
analysis produces the necessary information to develop job descriptions and job
2. The information resulting from a job analysis is primarily used for writing ______.
Thông tin thu được từ phân tích công việc chủ yếu được sử dụng để viết
A. job descriptions (mô tả công việc)
B. corporate objectives
C. training requirements
D. performance standards
Explanation: A job description is a list of what a job entails, and it is derived from a
job analysis. Job analysis is the procedure through which you determine the duties of
job positions and the characteristics of the people that should be hired for the
3. During a job analysis, a human resources specialist will most likely collect
information about all of the following EXCEPT ______.
A. human behaviors
B. physical working conditions
C. responsibilities of the position
D. employee benefits options
4. Job analysis is most important because managers use it to ______.
A. apply talent management
B. support all HRM activities
C. comply with ADA requirements
D. provide employment data to the government

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5. Maria, an HR manager at ATX Manufacturing, needs to know what sorts of people

to recruit for a process engineering job at the firm. Which of the following would be
most useful for Maria's task?
A. job analysis
B. organization chart
C. industry standards
D. performance appraisal
6. What is the first step in conducting a job analysis?
A. developing a job description
B. collecting data on job activities
C. deciding what information to collect
D. selecting representative positions to observe
7. Which of the following would LEAST likely involve the use of job analysis
A. recruiting decisions
B. training requirements
C. performance appraisal
D. diversification oversight
8. Anna, a new employee at Concord Electronics, wants to make sure she understands
who to report to at the firm and the title of various positions. Which of the following
would most likely help Anna?
A. organization chart
B. workflow analysis
C. process chart
D. position analysis
9. Anita, an HR manager, is in the process of conducting a job analysis. She has just
finished selecting a sample of representative positions. What should Anita do next?
A. develop a job description that includes working conditions and

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B. contact supervisors to verify employees' tasks, responsibilities, and working

C. interview employees to gather information about the job's duties and
D. conduct a workflow analysis and develop a diagrammatic process chart for
each job
10. What is the final step of the job analysis process?
A. creating a process chart
B. writing a job description
C. determining a sample group
D. verifying data with supervisors
1. ______ is the process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill and how
to fill them.
A. Employee selection
B. Talent management
C. Personnel planning
D. Trend analysis
Explanation: Personnel or employment planning is the process of deciding what
positions the firm will have to fill and how to fill them. The process considers all
future positions from maintenance workers to executives, and flows from the firm's
strategic plans.
2. What is the purpose of recruiting?
A. forecasting the supply of candidates
B. developing an applicant pool
C. establishing a strategic plan
D. developing qualifications inventories
3. Steve, an HR manager for IBM, must decide what positions the firm should fill in
the next 6 months, which means Steve is currently working on ______.
A. candidate screening

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B. workforce planning
C. employee contracting
D. department training
4. A firm's ______ should guide employment planning and determine the types of
skills and competencies the firm needs.
A. organizational chart
B. recruitment process
C. marketing plan
D. strategic plan
Explanation: Employment planning should flow from the firm's strategic plans. For
example, plans to enter new businesses or reduce costs all influence the types of
positions a firm will need to fill or eliminate.
5. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be considered by employers during the
process of workforce planning?
A. personnel needs
B. organizational culture
C. supply of inside candidates
D. supply of outside candidates
6. Which of the following refers to studying variations in a firm's past employment
levels to predict future needs?
A. ratio analysis
B. trend analysis
C. job analysis
D. graphical analysis
7. The process of making forecasts based on the relationship between some causal
factor like sales volume and the number of employees required is called ______.
A. ratio analysis
B. trend analysis
C. graphical analysis

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D. computer analysis
8. Newton Building Supplies hopes to generate an extra $4 million in sales next year.
A salesperson traditionally generates $800,000 in sales each year. Using ratio analysis,
how many new salespeople should Newton hire?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 10
D. 12
9. A ______ shows graphically how two variables are related.
A. trend analysis
B. ratio analysis
C. scatter plot
D. correlation analysis
Explanation: A scatter plot graphically illustrates the relationship between two
variables such
as sales and your firm's staffing levels.
10. ______ contain data on employees' performance records, educational backgrounds,
and promotion recommendations.
A. Computerized forecasting tools
B. Replacement charts
C. Qualifications inventories (kiểm kê trình độ)
D. HR scorecards (bản đồ chiến lược nhân sự)
11. What is the primary goal of the recruitment and selection process?
A. filling top executive positions
B. forecasting future personnel needs
C. hiring the best candidates for positions
D. increasing the retention of key employees

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12. Theresa, an HR manager, works for a firm that is planning to expand overseas.
Theresa is in the process of workforce planning and has already forecasted the firm's
labor demand. What should Theresa do next?
A. create a job competencies matrix of all positions
B. establish training and development plans
C. identify labor supply-demand gaps
D. determine recruitment methods
1. Hiring workers who have criminal backgrounds without proper safeguards is
considered ______.
A. improper screening
B. negligent hiring
C. unreliable testing
D. improper hiring
2. What is the primary goal of employee selection?
A. achieving person-job fit
B. avoiding negligent hiring
C. developing a diverse workforce
D. maintaining valid test scores
3. As a manager, what is the most important reason to select employees carefully?
A. meet industry and organizational standards
B. comply with federal and state labor laws
C. improve personal and organizational performance
D. establish a high-performing work system
4. Effective employee screening will most likely ______.
A. improve team management skills
B. eliminate negative office politics
C. identify valid and reliable test procedures

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D. reduce dysfunctional workplace behaviors

5. If a person scores a 70 on an intelligence test on one day and scores 110 when
retested on another day, you might conclude that this test is ______.
A. Valid
B. reliable
C. unreliable
D. inconsistent
6. If a person scores a 78 on a test on one day and scores a 79 when retested on
another day, you would most likely conclude that the test is ______.
A. Valid
B. invalid
C. reliable
D. unreliable
7. Which assessment method has a high development cost?
A. cognitive ability tests
B. job knowledge tests
C. structured interviews
D. integrity tests
8. What is the purpose of recruiting?
A. forecasting the supply of candidates
B. developing an applicant pool
C. establishing a strategic plan
D. developing qualifications inventories
9. What type of screening device is designed to measure attitudes regarding tolerance
of others who steal?
A. personality tests
B. interest inventories
C. paper-and-pencil honesty tests

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D. graphology
10. All of the following are guidelines for conducting an effective interview EXCEPT
A. asking the candidate questions that require yes or no answers
B. showing courtesy and friendliness towards the candidate
C. scheduling a private room for the interview
D. taking brief notes during the interview
11. Which of the following is the most likely outcome of using the same questions
with all candidates being interviewed?
A. revealing weaknesses
B. managing time
C. expressing interest
D. reducing bias
12. Which question below is an example of a background question?
A. "Can you provide an example of a time when you developed a highly
effective ad campaign?"
B. "What experience and training have you had with drafting designs for
commercial buildings?"
C. "What is the procedure you would follow when examining a patient
complaining of chest pain?"
D. "What steps would you follow to conduct a brainstorming session with a
group of employees on safety?"
1. ______ provides new employees with the basic background information required to
perform their jobs satisfactorily.
A. Employee recruitment
B. Employee selection
C. Employee orientation
D. Employee development
2. Which of the following would perform the initial orientation in most firms?

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A. HR specialist
B. mid-level manager
C. administrative assistant
D. immediate supervisor
3. Maria was recently hired as an accountant with a large marketing firm. Today is
Maria's first day of work, and she will be attending an employee orientation session.
Which of the following is LEAST likely to be addressed during Maria's orientation?
A. employee benefits
B. daily routine
C. safety measures
D. sales methods
4. Which of the following is NOT one of the primary purposes of employee
A. The employee should become skilled with the firm's software.
B. The employee should understand the organization in a broad sense.
C. The employee should have a clear understanding of what is expected.
D. The employee should begin the process of learning the firm's preferences.
5) What is an alternative term for employee orientation?
A. development
B. acculturation
C. recruiting
D. onboarding
6) Which of the following terms refers to the methods used to give new or present
employees the skills they need to perform their jobs?
A. orientation
B. training
C. development
D. appraisal

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7. Lucas, an HR manager, has been assigned the task of creating a training and
development program for his firm's employees. According to the ADDIE training
process model, what is the first step that Lucas should take?
A. assess the program's successes or failures
B. design the program content
C. conduct a needs analysis
D. train the targeted group of employees
8. Anna, an HR manager, wants to determine the training needs of a new employee in
the shipping department. Which of the following would most likely help Anna?
A. needs analysis
B. task analysis
C. performance analysis
D. training analysis
9. In the ADDIE training process model, which of the following occurs immediately
after a needs analysis has been conducted?
A. assessing the program's successes or failures
B. presenting the program to a test audience
C. designing the overall training program
D. training a targeted employee group
10) Which of the following would most likely occur during the implementation stage
of a training program?
A. presenting the program to a small test audience
B. designing the program content for different learners
C. conducting a needs analysis of newly hired workers
D. providing on-the-job training to the targeted group of employees
11. A performance analysis is primarily used to assess the training needs of ______.
A. new employees
B. prospective employees
C. current employees

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D. former employees
1. The process of evaluating an employee's current and/or past performance relative to
his or her performance standards is called ______.
A. Recruitment
B. Employee selection
C. Performance appraisal
D. Organizational development
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended guidelines for setting
effective employee goals?
A. assigning specific goals
B. assigning measurable goals
C. administering consequences for poor performance
D. encouraging employees to participate in setting goals
3. SMART goals are best described as ______.
A. specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely
B. strategic, moderate, achievable, relevant, and timely
C. specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and tested
D. straightforward, meaningful, accessible, real, and tested
4. All of the following are reasons for appraising an employee's performance EXCEPT
A. assisting with career planning
B. making decisions about promotions
C. creating an organizational strategy map
D. determining appropriate salary and bonuses
5. In most organizations, which of the following is primarily responsible for
appraising an employee's performance?
A. employee's direct supervisor
B. human resources manager

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C. EEO representative
D. employee's peers
6. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be used by firms as an alternative source
of performance appraisal information?
A. Peers
B. Rating committees
C. The employee
D. Outside experts
7. Setting work standards, assessing an employee's performance against those
standards, and providing employee feedback are the three steps of the ______.
A. orientation process
B. development analysis
C. ratio analysis method
D. performance appraisal cycle
8. In order to be the most effective, the performance management process should
occur ______.
A. Occasionally
B. continuously
C. Periodically
D. annually
9. Which performance appraisal technique lists traits and a range of performance for
A. alternation ranking
B. graphic rating scale
C. paired comparison
D. constant sum rating scale
10. Which performance appraisal method involves distinguishing between the worst
and best employees based on a trait or traits?
A. alternation ranking

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B. graphic rating scale

C. forced distribution
D. constant sum rating scale
11. Suppose you have five employees to rate. You make a chart of all possible pairs of
employees for each trait being evaluated. Then, you indicate the better employee of
the pair for each pair. Finally, you add up the number of positives for each employee.
In this case, you have used the ______ method of performance appraisal.
A. graphic ranking scale
B. alternation ranking
C. paired comparison
D. forced distribution
12. Which performance appraisal tool is being used by a supervisor who places
predetermined percentages of rates into various performance categories?
A. graphic ranking scale
B. alternation ranking
C. forced distribution
D. paired comparison
13. Which of the following is one of the primary complaints regarding the use of the
forced distribution method for performance appraisals?
A. harm to employee morale
B. high cost of administration
C. standardization of group sizes
D. time consuming to administer
14. Which performance appraisal tool involves a supervisor maintaining a log of
positive and negative examples of a subordinate's work-related behavior?
A. alternation ranking
B. constant sums rating
C. narrative forms
D. critical incident

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15. At M&M Enterprises, subordinates rate supervisor performances anonymously.

Which of the following refers to the process used at M&M?
A. downward feedback
B. upward feedback
C. paired evaluation
D. peer evaluation
1. Which of the following terms refers to any salary increase the firm awards to an
individual employee based on his or her individual performance?
A. merit pay
B. variable pay
C. competency-based pay
D. incentive pay
2. How does merit pay differ from a bonus?
A. Merit pay becomes part of an employee's base pay, but a bonus does not.
B. A bonus becomes part of an employee's base pay, but merit pay does not.
C. Merit pay is linked to individual performance, while a bonus is linked to
D. A bonus is linked to individual performance, while merit pay is linked to
3. Which term refers to any plan that ties pay to productivity or profitability?
A. piecework
B. variable pay
C. merit pay
D. overtime pay
4. Workers at a t-shirt shop are paid a sum for each t-shirt they produce. Which
incentive plan is most likely used by the employer?
A. merit pay
B. piecework

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C. standard hour
D. variable pay
5. What is the main benefit of paying salespeople a combination of salary and
A. limiting the firm's risk of overly high commissions
B. aligning employee goals and company strategy
C. providing simple salary administration
D. clearly linking pay with performance
6. According to research, most firms use ______ to motivate the short- term
performance of managers.
A. work-life benefits
B. annual bonuses
C. variable pay
D. training
7. Which of the following involves setting a production standard for a specific work
group and then paying incentives to the group members if they exceed the standard?
A. team incentive plan
B. group profit-sharing plan
C. employee stock ownership plan
D. organization-wide incentive plan
1. The primary purpose of ______ is to enable employees to balance work and family
A. automated benefits systems
B. work-life benefits
C. cafeteria plans
D. pooled paid leave banks
2. Which of the following provides services such as financial counseling, child care
referrals, and adoption assistance?

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A. long-term pension plan

B. work-life benefit service
C. benefit management system
D. employee assistance program
3. Which condition must be met for an injured employee to receive workers'
compensation benefits?
A. The injury occurred during an overtime or nighttime shift.
B. The employee was wearing adequate protection.
C. The injury was not the fault of the employee.
D. The employee was injured while on the job.
4. Health insurance, life insurance, pensions, and child care assistance are best
categorized as ______.
A. compensation
B. incentives
C. benefits
D. rewards
5. Keith works as a construction foreman, and he is viewed as a reliable, competent
employee. Keith was recently injured in a car accident while on vacation, and his
injuries are so severe that he will not be able to return to work. Which of the following
would most likely provide Keith with benefits?
A. supplemental unemployment benefits
B. workers' compensation insurance
C. unemployment insurance
D. group life insurance
6. Which of the following terms refers to benefits for time not worked such as
unemployment insurance, vacation and holiday pay, and sick pay?
A. supplemental pay benefits
B. employee assistance
C. financial incentives

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D. merit pay
7. The indirect financial and nonfinancial payments employees receive for continuing
employment with the company are called ______.
A. reimbursement
B. employee compensation
C. salary
D. benefits
8. Kim works a 4-day workweek that consists of 10-hour days. Kim's employer most
likely offers ______.
A. job sharing
B. flextime schedules
C. telecommuting options
D. compressed workweeks
9. All of the following are Social Security benefits EXCEPT ______.
A. death benefits
B. disability payments
C. retirement benefits
D. defined contribution benefits
10. Athena, a sales representative, was terminated from her position at Ross
Manufacturing. On Athena's last day of work, she was given a check for $5,000. What
did Athena most likely receive from Ross Manufacturing?
A. disability pay
B. annual bonus
C. severance pay
D. unemployment insurance
11. Elizabeth works at an auto firm, which recently shut down for five weeks to
change machinery. However, during the shutdown, Elizabeth was able to maintain her
standard of living because of the firm's ______.
A. supplemental unemployment benefits

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B. workers' compensation insurance

C. supplemental health benefits
D. disability insurance
12. Which of the following benefits is required by federal or state law?
A. disability insurance
B. workers' compensation
C. paid time off
D. pensions

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Trắc-nghiệm-HRM - ôn tập bài làm

Quản trị nhân sự (Trường Đại Học Duy Tân)

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Trắc nghiệm môn HRM – Quản Trị Nhân Lực PSU

1.Strategic HR Management includes all but the following: planning. and development.
c.performance management.
d.recruiting talent.
2.What statement is true regarding HR roles and skills?
a.analytical skills are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of HR practices. (kỹ
năng phân tích là cần thiết để đánh giá hiệu quả của các hoạt động nhân sự)
b.focus should be on current operations.
c.benefits and payroll administration is an increasing responsibility.
d.none of the above are true.
3.In the next decade all of the following competitive challenges that companies face
will increase the importance of human resource management except challenge – thách thức toàn cầu
b.meeting stakeholders needs – đem lại lợi nhuận cho các bên liên quan
c.quality challenge
d.high-performance work system challenge – thay đổi hệ thống làm việc có năng suất
4.Quality is defined as’s quality department
b.the extent to which a product or service satisfies standards established by the
company’s management team
c.the extent to which a product or service satisfies standards established by the
company’s engineering function
d. the extent to which a product or service satisfies the customer’s requirements.
5.Traditionally, U.S. companies have attempted to ensure quality by
a.designing quality into a product as it is produced
b. motivating employees to produce quality products through the use of bonus plans
c.inspecting products following their production (kiểm tra sản phẩm sau quá trình
sản xuất của họ)
d. measuring the number sold divided by the number of customer returns
6.The goal of strategic management in an organization is to deploy and allocate
resources in a way that provides it with a competitive advantage (True)
7. Strategic human resource management involves a pattern of planned activities
designed to enable an organization to achieve its goal (True)

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8.The strategic management process includes two independent phases: strategy

formulation and strategy implementation (False – interdependent)
9.During strategy formulation, the organization follows through on the strategy
that has been chosen (False)
10.External analysis is used to identify the firm’s strengths and weaknesses (False
– internal)
11.Internal analysis attempts to define strategic opportunities and threats facing
the organization (False – external)
12.Strategic choice is the way an organization attempts to fulfill its mission and
achieve long-term goals (True)
13.Job analysis involves the gathering of detailed information about jobs (True)
14.Job design is the process of deciding which tasks should be grouped into a
particular job (True)
15.Recruitment is the process of seeking applicants for potential employment
16.Selection is the process through which an organization seeks applicants for
employment (False – recruitment)
17.Training is the planned effort to facilitate the learning of job-related
knowledge, skills, and behavior by employees (True)
18.Through development, employees acquire skills and behavior that improve
their ability to meet the challenges of a variety of jobs (True)
19.Performance management can help ensure that employees’ activities conform
to the organization’s objectives (True)
20.What is the name of the process in which the goal is to allocate an organization’s
resources in order to provide competitive advantage?
a.Strategy formulation
b. Strategy implementation
c.Strategic planning
d. Strategic management
21.The process of defining the firm’s mission and goals, its external opportunities and
threats, and its internal strengths and weaknesses in an effort to generate various
strategic alternatives is known as
a.strategy formulation.
b. strategy implementation.
c.strategic planning.
d. strategic management.

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22.The process that involves structuring the organization, allocating resources, hiring
skilled employees, and developing appropriate reward systems is known as
a.strategy formulation
b. strategy implementation
c.strategic planning.
d.strategic management.
23.Information about human resource capabilities allows the organization’s managers
a. choose the best strategy.
b. consider the downside of each strategic alternative.
c. realign HR practices.
d. gain a competitive advantage.
24.Which of the following is not related to an organization’s mission statement?
a. It specifies the customers served.
b. It identifies the technology to be used.
c. It recognizes the values received by the customer.
d. It attempts to maximize stockholder wealth.
25. An example of an organizational “opportunity” is
a. technological advances that can aid the firm. (tiến bộ công nghệ có thể hỗ trợ
công ty)
b. customer markets that are being served. (thị trường khách hàng đang được phục vụ)
c. training current employees.
d. new competitors entering the market. (các đối thủ mới tham gia thị trường)
26. Which of the following illustrates a “threat” facing an organization?
a. Customer markets not being served
b. Pending legislation that might help the firm
c. New competitors entering the market
d. Labor pools that have not been tapped

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26.What term describes the way the firm will attain (đạt được) its mission and long-
term goals?
a. Strategic implementation
b. Strategic management
c. Strategic formulation
d. Strategic choice
27.Which of the following is not a level of integration that can exist between the HR
and strategic management functions?
a. Administrative linkage
b. Two-way linkage
c. Integrative linkage
d. Executive linkage
28.HR focuses attention on day-to-day activities of the organization in which level
of integration?
a. Administrative linkage
b. One-way linkage
c. Two-way linkage
d. Integrative linkage
29. Which level of integration often leads to strategic plans that the firm cannot
successfully implement?
a. Administrative linkage
b. One-way linkage
c. Two-way linkage
d. Integrative linkage
30. What level of integration involves consideration of HR issues in the strategy
formulation process?
a. Administrative linkage

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b. One-way linkage
c. Two-way linkage
d. Integrative linkage
31.Integrative linkage is
a. dynamic and multifaceted, based on continuing rather than sequential
interaction. (liên tục hơn tuần tự)
b. dynamic and multifaceted, based on sequential rather than continuing interaction.
c. simple, based on a single rather than continuing interaction.
d. simple, based on a continuing rather than single interaction.
32.In which level of integration do strategic planners consider people-related business
issues when making a strategic decision?
a. Administrative linkage
b. One-way linkage
c. Two-way linkage
d. Integrative linkage
33.Research has indicated that few companies exist (có rất ít công ty tồn tại ở cấp độ
tích hợp)
a. at the one-way linkage level, with many companies existing at the two-way,
administrative, or integrative level.
b. at either the one-way or two-way linkage levels.
c. at the administrative level.
d. at the integrative linkage level.
34.Which of the following is not one of the five important variables used to determine
success in strategy implementation?
a. Organizational structure
b. Task design
c. Reward systems

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d. Customer awareness
35.The process by which the firm attempts to identify applicants with the knowledge,
skills, abilities, and other characteristics necessary to help the firm achieve its goals is
known as
a. selection.
b. recruitment.
c. interviewing.
d. testing.
36.The process that allows employees to improve their ability to meet the challenges of
a variety of new jobs is
a. training.
b. development.
c. learning.
d. acquisition.
37.What type of strategy is used by a firm that focuses on what it does best within
established markets?
a. Concentration
b. Internal growth
c. External growth
d. Divestment
38.Firms that focus on innovation and joint ventures are following a(n)
a. concentration strategy.
b. internal growth strategy.
c. external growth strategy.
d. divestment strategy.
39.The HR area most heavily depended on by firms following an internal growth
strategy is

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a. compensation.
b. recruitment.
c. training.
d. performance appraisal.
40. When a firm wants to strengthen its market position through the acquisition of new
businesses, the firm is following a(n)
a. concentration strategy.
b. internal growth strategy.
c. external growth strategy.
d. divestment strategy.
41. Firms that seek to scale down their operations are following a(n)
a. concentration strategy.
b. internal growth strategy.
c. external growth strategy.
d. downsizing strategy
42. Selection systems ensure that
a. applicants chosen for employment have the necessary knowledge, skills, and
abilities to provide value to the organization.
b. the needs of both line managers and employees are met by providing employees with
development opportunities so they are constantly increasing their human capital.
c. it is clear to employees what is expected of them and ensure line managers and
strategic planners that employee behavior will be in line with the company’s goals.
d. employees are provided with an equitable return for their investment of skills and
43. Training and development systems ensure that
a. applicants chosen for employment have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities
to provide value to the organization.

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b. the needs of both line managers and employees are met by providing employees
with development opportunities so they are constantly increasing their human
c. it is clear to employees what is expected of them and ensure line managers and
strategic planners that employee behavior will be in line with the company’s goals.
d. employees are provided with an equitable return for their investment of skills and
44. Performance management systems ensure that
a. applicants chosen for employment have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities
to provide value to the organization.
b. the needs of both line managers and employees are met by providing employees with
development opportunities so they are constantly increasing their human capital.
c. it is clear to employees what is expected of them and ensure line managers and
strategic planners that employee behavior will be in line with the company’s goals.
d. employees are provided with an equitable return for their investment of skills and
45. Reward systems ensure that
a. applicants chosen for employment have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities
to provide value to the organization.
b. the needs of both line managers and employees are met by providing employees with
development opportunities so that they are constantly increasing their human capital.
c. it is clear to employees what is expected of them and ensure line managers and
strategic planners that employee behavior will be in line with the company’s goals.
d. employees are provided with an equitable return for their investment of skills
and effort.
46. Strategy formulation involves all of the following except
a. external analysis.
b. firm performance.
c. internal analysis.

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d. strategic choice.
47. What specifies the customers served by an organization, the values received by
customers, and the technology to be used?
a. Contracts
b. Goals
c. Internal analysis
d. Mission
48. Successful strategy implementation relies on all of the following except
a. job analysis.
b. organizational structure.
c. reward systems.
d. training.
49. Which of the following involves a pattern of planned activities designed to enable
an organization to achieve its goals?
a. A vision statement
b. Strategic human resource management
c. Strategy formulation
d. Strategy implementation
50. In what process are tasks grouped into particular jobs?
a. Job analysis
b. Internal analysis
c. External analysis
d. Job design
51. Job design is more related to changing the nature of jobs than job analysis
52. Workflow design is the process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the
production of a product or service (True)

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53. Errors in the job analysis process is most likely to result form outdated job
descriptions (True)
54. Analyzing work processes consists of identifying the tasks that must be
performed in the production of the product. (True)
55. Raw materials, equipment, and human skills are all inputs in a workflow
process. (True)
56. Job analysis refers to the process of getting detailed information about jobs.
57. Job analysis is an activity that has little importance to line managers. (False)
58. A job specification is a list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that the job
entails. (False - description)
59. A job description is a list of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other
characteristics that an individual must have to perform the job. (False -
60. Functional structures tend to be more flexible and innovative than divisional
structures. (False – ngược lại)
61. The Position Analysis Questionnaire is based on a taxonomy of 52 cognitive,
psychomotor, physical, and sensory abilities. (False – Fleishman Job Analysis System
62. An advantage of the Position Analysis Questionnaire is that it can be filled out
by almost anyone. (False)
63. Job design is a process that defines how work is performed and the tasks
required to do the job. (True)
64. Scientific management was one of the earliest and best-known statements of
the mechanistic approach to job design. (True)
65. The choice of various job design approaches depends on the trade-off between
the motivational value of jobs and the efficiency with which the jobs are
performed (True)
66. Jobs in functional organizations tend to
a. have much decision-making authority.

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b. be broad based and rapidly changing.

c. be more holistic with workers involved with teams.
d. be narrow and specialized. (hẹp và chuyên biệt)
67. A company that competes via an innovation strategy would
a. emphasize the need for flexibility.
b. use functional approach to job design.
c. centralize decision-making.
d. all of the above.
68. Divisional structures are most appropriate
a. when flexibility is required.
b. when dealing with rapidly changing environments.
c. to support organizations that compete on differentiation.
d. all of the above.
69. The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
a. requires trained job analysts to complete it.
b. covers work context as well as inputs, outputs and processes.
c. describes specific task activities that comprise the actual job.
d. a and b only
70. Which of the following refers to the process of analyzing the tasks necessary
for the production of a product or service and allocating these tasks to particular
work units or individuals?
a. Job design
b. Job analysis
c. Job evaluation
d. Workflow design

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71. Assume that you go to the local fast food restaurant to get a hamburger. A few
hours later, you are sick as a dog and conclude that you ate some spoiled meat. In
which part of the workflow process was the deficiency in this case?
a. Raw inputs
b. Equipment
c. Human resources
d. Activity
72. Inputs used in the development of a work unit’s output include
a. equipment.
b. raw materials.
c. human skills.
d. all of the above.
73. Which of the following refers to the process of getting detailed information
about jobs?
a. Job specification
b. Job description
c. Job analysis
d. Job design
74. Job analysis information is often used to identify the behaviors and results that
distinguish effective performance from ineffective performance. This is most
relevant to which HR activity?
a. Performance appraisal
b. Training and development
c. Job evaluation
d. Work redesign
75. Job analysis information is used to judge the relative worth of different jobs in
an organization. This HR activity is

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a. performance appraisal.
b. training and development.
c. job evaluation.
d. work redesign.
76. Which of the following is not a reason that job analysis is important to line
a. It provides them with an understanding of the workflow process.
b. It provides them with job requirements to make more accurate hiring decisions.
c. It provides them with knowledge of what is required in a job so that they can make
more accurate evaluations of subordinates.
d. It provides an avenue for communicating policy information.
77. Which of the following refers to the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other
characteristics that an individual must have to perform the job?
a. Job specification
b. Job description
c. Job analysis
d. Job design
78. Which of the following refers to a list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities
that a job entails?
a. Job specification
b. Job description
c. Job analysis
d. Job design
79. A person’s level of proficiency at performing a particular task is called
a. knowledge.
b. ability.
c. skill.

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d. responsibility.
80. Job analysis information usually is obtained from
a. job incumbents. (cấp trên)
b. supervisors. (người giám sát)
c. co-workers.
d. both a and b.
81. Which job analysis method entails rating the job in terms of the extent to
which it requires each of 52 cognitive, psychomotor, physical, and sensory
a. Job Element Method
b. Task Analysis
c. Fleishman Job Analysis Method
d. Position Analysis Questionnaire
82. Assume that you are thinking of developing a career planning system based on
the skills that are required in the jobs you are examining. Which job analysis
method would be the most useful to you?
a. Job Element Method
b. Task Analysis
c. Fleishman Job Analysis Method
d. Position Analysis Questionnaire
83. Which of the following refers to the process of defining the way work will be
performed and the tasks that will be required in a given job?
a. Job specification
b. Job description
c. Job analysis
d. Job design

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84. Which of the following refers to changing the tasks or the way work is
performed in an existing job?
a. Job redesign
b. Job description
c. Job specification
d. Job design
85. Which of the following approaches to job design has its roots in the
organizational psychology and management literatures?
a. Motivational approach
b. Mechanistic approach
c. Biological approach
d. Perceptual-motor approach
86. As a manager, you want to redesign a job because your most recent attitude
survey indicated that individuals were very bored with the monotony of their job.
Which job design approach would be most helpful to you?
a. Motivational approach
b. Mechanistic approach
c. Biological approach
d. Perceptual-motor approach
87. Which of the following approaches to job design has its roots in the industrial
engineering literature?
a. Motivational approach
b. Mechanistic approach
c. Biological approach
d. Perceptual-motor approach
88. Which of the following approaches to job design focuses on efficiency as the
major outcome of interest?

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a. Motivational approach
b. Mechanistic approach
c. Biological approach
d. Perceptual-motor approach
89. Functional structures tend to be less flexible, but more innovative than
divisional structure (False)
90. Job analysis refers to the process of getting detailed information about jobs
91. A job description is a list of the knowledge, skills, abilities and other
characteristics than an individual must have to perform the job (False – a job
specification )
92. Although we tend to view jobs as changing and evolving over time, jobs are
static and stable (False)
93. In _______, planners analyze an organization’s human resources needs in
dynamic environment and develop activities that enable a firm to adapt to change
a. human resources planning
b. work-flow analysis
c. selection
d. recruitment

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Chapter 02 - Human Resource Strategy and Planning

1. Which of the following is the guiding force behind the strategic planning process for an organization?

a. The organizational mission

b. The organizational design

c. The organizational hierarchy

d. The organizational culture

2. Which of the following is typically the last step in the strategic planning process for an organization?

a. Formulating supporting functional


b. Evaluating and reassessing strategy

c. Establishing goals and objectives

d. Stating the organizational mission

3. Maria, a Brand Manager at MediaDay Inc., is formulating a strategic plan for her organization. She has
identified the organizational mission and conducted a SWOT analysis of the business. Which of the
following is most likely to be Maria's next step in the strategic planning process?

a. Evaluating and reassessing strategies

b. Implementing strategies

c. Establishing goals and objectives

d. Formulating supporting functional


4. Jantee, a Senior Manager at LionShare Inc., is responsible for the strategic planning process in his
organization. He is

currently implementing a strategy. Which of the following stages of the strategic planning process is
Jantee most likely to

have completed immediately before the implementation stage?

a. Stating the organizational mission

b. Conducting a SWOT analysis

c. Establishing goals and objectives

d. Formulating supporting functional


5. Which of the following best defines a multinational corporation?

a. An organization that has facilities and other assets in at least one country other than its

home country

b. An organization that imports goods from other countries to its home country

c. An organization that exports goods from its home country to other countries

d. An organization that outsources at least one of its functions or operations to another


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Chapter 02 - Human Resource Strategy and Planning

6. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates offshoring?

a. Octagon Inc., an American smartphone company, has moved its manufacturing

operations to China.

b. Hexagon Inc. entices its employees to volunteer to leave the organization by offering

severance benefits.

c. Crimson Inc., an American HR consulting company, processes payroll for the

employees of Oasis Inc., an American publishing company.

d.Eagle Inc. rehires retirees on a part-time or temporary basis to fill talent gaps in the


7. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates outsourcing?

a. Octagon Inc., an American smartphone company, exports its products to different

countries in Europe and North America.

b.Hexagon Corp. entices its employees to volunteer to leave the organization by offering

severance benefits.

c. Oasis Inc., an American publishing company, transfers the task of payroll processing

to Crimson Inc., an American HR consulting company.

d.Eagle Inc. rehires retirees on a part-time or temporary basis to fill talent gaps in the


8. Trevor, an HR Manager at Maple Inc., wants to use the balanced scorecard to assess whether the
organization is managing its bottom line effectively. In this scenario, which of the following is a financial
measure that Trevor should consider?

a. The company's succession planning

b. The company's conformance with standards

c. The company's operating margins

d. The company's training and development


9. Sadie, an HR manager at Olive Inc., is measuring the wealth created by each employee of the
company. She uses an approach that requires that all policies, procedures, measures, and methods use
cost of capital as a benchmark against which their return is judged. Which of the following financial
measures is Sadie using in this scenario?

a. Human capital return on investment


b. Human economic value added (HEVA)

c. Human capital value added (HCVA)

d. Return on investment (ROI)

10. Jack, an HR Manager at Helium Inc., is starting the HR planning process. Which of the following
should be his first step?

a. Reviewing the organization's strategic plans

b. Developing HR staffing plans and actions

c. Compiling HR planning forecasts

d. Assessing the external and the internal


11. LuChen, an HR Manager at Sunny Day, is completing the HR planning process. Which of the following
should be her

last step?

a. Reviewing the organization's strategic plans

b. Developing HR staffing plans and actions

c. Compiling HR planning forecasts

d. Assessing the external and the internal


12. Mark, an HR Manager at Pyramid Inc., is responsible for the HR planning process in his organization.
He has

reviewed the organization's strategic plans. Which of the following is most likely to be Mark's next step in
the planning


a. Developing HR staffing plans and actions

b. Compiling HR planning forecasts

c. Implementing HR staffing plans and actions

d. Assessing the external and the internal

13. Which of the following is a factor of the external environment of an organization?

a. The organization's technological capabilities

b. The organization's objectives

c. The organization's human resources

d. The organization's competitors

14. Which of the following is a factor of the internal environment of an organization?

a. The quality of talent in the organization

b. The company's customers

c. The political forces affecting the organization

d. The company's competitors

15. The term _____ refers to the process of identifying a plan for the orderly replacement of key
employees in an organization.

a. outplacement

b. succession planning

c. job enrichment

d. benchmarking

16. Which of the following is a qualitative method of HR forecasting?

a. Simulation models

b. Estimates

c. Staffing ratios

d. Productivity ratios

17. Which of the following is a quantitative method of HR forecasting?

a. The rule of thumb method

b. The Delphi technique

c. Staffing ratios
d. Nominal groups

18. _____ is a quantitative HR forecasting method that involves making a comparison of past
relationships among various factors.

a. Statistical regression


b. The rule of thumb method

c. Ratio analysis

d. The Delphi technique

19. _____ is a qualitative method of HR forecasting that relies on general guidelines applied to a specific
situation within an organization.

a. Statistical regression


b. The rule of thumb method

c. The Delphi technique

d. Ratio analysis

20. In the context of qualitative methods of HR forecasting, _____ requires experts to meet face-to-face.

a. a simulation model

b. the Delphi technique

c. a nominal group

d. statistical regression

21. Which of the following equations represents how internal supply can be calculated for a specific

a. Internal Supply for Next Year = Current Staffing Level + Projected Outflows This Year

+ Projected Inflows This Year

b.Internal Supply for Next Year = Current Staffing Level – Projected Outflows This Year

– Projected Inflows This Year

c. Internal Supply for Next Year = Current Staffing Level + Projected Outflows This Year

– Projected Inflows This Year

d.Internal Supply for Next Year = Current Staffing Level – Projected Outflows This Year

+ Projected Inflows This Year

22. In the context of estimating the internal labor supply for a given unit, which of the following is a
source of inflows?

a. Demotions

b. Layoffs

c. Terminations

d. Retirements

23. In the context of estimating the internal labor supply for a given unit, which of the following is a
source of outflows?

a. External hires

b. Layoffs

c. Recalls

d. Internal transfers

24. Jefferson, a Senior Manager at Gold Storage Vaults Inc., has determined that the company has a
talent surplus. Which of the following methods should he use to manage the talent surplus?

a. He should outsource work to a third party.

b. He should use contingent workers.

c. He should reduce employee work hours.

d. He should reduce employee turnover.

25. When Retronics Inc. began to grow and its business improved, Tasha, a Senior Manager, determined
that the company had a talent shortage. Which of the following methods should she use to manage the
talent shortage?

a. She should reduce employee work hours.

b. She should encourage attrition.

c. She should implement voluntary separation programs.

d. She should outsource work to a third party.

26. Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, _____.

a. displaced workers can retain their group medical coverage for up to 18 months for

themselves and for up to 36 months for their dependents, if they pay the premiums


b. displaced workers can use the Medicare program sponsored by the government for up

to 18 months after the termination of their employment

c. displaced workers can use the Medicare program sponsored by the federal government

for up to 36 months after the termination of their employment

d.displaced workers can retain their group medical coverage for up to 12 months for

themselves and for up to 24 months for their dependents, if they pay the premiums


27. Which of the following is true of the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act?

a. It requires employers to disclose the ethnicities of both terminated and retained

employees in layoff situations.

b. It requires employers to disclose the ages of both terminated and retained employees in

layoff situations.

c. It requires that laid-off employees over age 60 be granted 45 days in which to consider

accepting severance benefits.

d. It requires that employers provide an 80-day notice to all employees before

implementing a layoff.

28. Which of the following is true of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act?

a. It requires private and commercial organizations that employ 20 or more full-time

workers who have worked more than a year with the organization to give an 80-day
notice before implementing a layoff or facility closing that involves more than 10


b.It requires private and commercial organizations that employ 50 or more full-time

employees who have worked more than three months in the previous year to give a 60-

day notice before implementing a layoff or facility closing that involves more than 30


c. It requires private and commercial organizations that employ 100 or more full-time

workers who have worked more than six months in the previous year to give a 60-day

notice before implementing a layoff or facility closing that involves more than 50


d.It requires private and commercial organizations that employ 50 or more full-time

workers who have worked more than a year with the organization to give an 80-day

notice before implementing a layoff or facility closing that involves more than 20


29. Olive Inc. failed to give adequate notice to its employees before closing one of its facilities. In this
scenario, Olive Inc.

has most likely _____.

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Chapter 02 - Human Resource Strategy and Planning

a. violated the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act and will be delisted
from the stock exchange

b. violated the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act and will have its trade

licenses revoked

c. violated the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act and will have to face a

trade embargo

d. violated the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act and will have to pay

heavy fines

30. Herald Inc. is planning to acquire Pyramid Inc. Before the acquisition, the HR manager of Herald Inc.

a. conduct due diligence.

b. retain key talent.

c. optimize the workforce of Pyramid Inc.

d. recognize the cultural differences between the two companies.

31. Fish Fleet, a chain of small seafood restaurants, is being acquired by Savoranc Inc. Which of the
following activities should Celia, Savoranc's HR Manager, perform during the integration process?

a. She should assess the risks involved with the acquisition.

b. She should retain key talent.

c. She should identify possible conflicts.

d. She should conduct due diligence.

32. Yum Foods recently merged with Clean Plates. Which of the following activities should HR perform
after the integration process?

a. It should assess the risks involved with the merger.

b. It should retain key talent.

c. It should identify and establish a new culture.

d. It should conduct due diligence.

33. In the context of mergers and acquisitions, risks must be assessed _____.
a. after the integration process

b. after making the deal

c. before making the deal

d. during the integration


34. In the context of mergers and acquisitions, the workforces of two merging companies must be
optimized _____.

a. after integration

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Chapter 02 - Human Resource Strategy and Planning

b. before integration

c. before making the


d. during integration

35. Which of the following best defines the term effectiveness?

a. The degree to which operations are carried out in an economical manner

b. The ability of a program, project, or task to produce a specific desired effect or result

that can be measured

c. The degree to which operations are carried out in the least possible time
d. The ability of a program, project, or task to withstand and overcome harsh or

unforeseen conditions

36. Benefit costs as a percentage of payroll are classified as a _____ of human resources.

a. training metric

b. development metric

c. staffing metric

d. compensation metric

37. Cost per hire is classified as a _____ of human resources.

a. development metric

b. training metric

c. compensation


d. staffing metric

38. Annual wage and salary increases are classified as a _____ of human resources.

a. compensation


b. training metric

c. development metric

d. staffing metric

39. The average tenure of employees is classified as a(n) _____ of human resources.

a. compensation metric

b. HR staff and expenses metric

c. retention and quality metric

d. development metric

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Chapter 02 - Human Resource Strategy and Planning

40. Which of the following key HR metrics includes positions filled internally?

a. Compensation

b. Training

c. Retention and


d. Development

41. Which of the following best defines the term HR analytics?

a. An evidence-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of quantitative tools

and models

b. An assumption-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of quantitative

tools and models

c. An evidence-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of qualitative tools

and models

d. An assumption-based approach to making HR decisions on the basis of qualitative

tools and models

42. In the balanced scorecard framework, operational effectiveness is classified under _____.

a. financial measures
b. internal business processes

c. customer relations

d. learning and growth activities

43. In the context of the balanced scorecard framework, which of the following would most likely be
used by an organization to ensure that its operations run smoothly and efficiently?

a. Profit and loss

b. Product and service quality

c. Customer satisfaction

d. Utilization of capital

44. In the balanced scorecard framework, employee capabilities are classified under _____.

a. financial measures

b. internal business processes

c. customer relations

d. learning and growth


45. In the balanced scorecard framework, utilization of capital is classified under _____.

a. financial measures

b. internal business processes

c. customer relations

d. learning and growth


46. Which of the following is a function of a compliance audit?

a. To review regulatory compliance, benefits administration, and reporting

b. To check recordkeeping on state and federal documentation requirements

c. To check specific HR subareas such as compensation, equal employment opportunity,

or training

d. To review compliance with immigration regulations and the I-9 form requirement

47. Which of the following is a function of a benefit programs audit?

a. To review regulatory compliance and reporting

b. To check recordkeeping on state and federal documentation requirements

c. To review specific HR subareas such as compensation and training

d. To review compliance with immigration regulations and the I-9 form requirement

48. Which of the following is a function of an I-9 audit?

a. To review regulatory compliance, benefits administration, and reporting

b. To check recordkeeping on state and federal documentation requirements

c. To review specific HR subareas such as compensation and training

d. To review compliance with immigration regulations

49. Which of the following is a function of a specific program audit?

a. To review regulatory compliance, benefits administration, and reporting

b. To check recordkeeping on state and federal documentation requirements

c. To review particular HR subareas such as compensation, equal employment

opportunity, or training

d. To review compliance with immigration regulations and the I-9 form requirement

1. Which of the following statements defines the labor force participation rate?

a. It is the percentage of the population working or seeking work.

b. It is the percentage of the population that is eligible to work legally.

c. It is the percentage of the population that is constantly changing jobs.

d. It is the percentage of the population with a bachelor's degree.

2. Which of the following is a flow into the U.S. population?

a. Graduation

b. Immigration

c. Retirement

d. Death

3. Individuals who belong to the generational group of Generation Y are called _____.

a. iGen'ers

b. Baby Boomers

c. Millennials

d. Traditionalists

4. In the United States, which of the following age groups is estimated to have the highest labor force
participation rate by the year 2020?

a. 16- to 24-year-olds

b. 25- to 54-year-olds

c. 55- to 64-year-olds

d. 65- to 74-year-olds

5. An individual born in 1967 belongs to the generational group called _____.

a. Generation Y

b. Traditionalists

c. Baby Boomers

d. Generation X

6. Which of the following is true of work?

a. It is effort directed toward accomplishing results.

b. It is the output achieved through various activities.

c. It is a group of tasks assigned to an employee.

d. It is the output that comes from organizational design.

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Chapter 04 - Workforce, Jobs, and Job Analysis

7. Which of the following statements is true of a job?

a. It is the output that comes from the accomplishment of tasks.

b. It is a grouping of tasks, duties, and responsibilities that constitutes the total work

assignment for an employee.

c. It seldom changes until the accomplishment of tasks.

d. It refers to the intrinsic motivation necessary for task completion.

8. _____ is the study of the way work moves through an organization.

a. Work shadowing

b. Workflow analysis

c. Organizational design

d. Organizational behavior

9. _____ refers to organizing tasks, duties, responsibilities, and other elements into a productive unit of

a. Job shadowing

b. Job analysis

c. Job design
d. Job wrapping

10. _____ involves changing existing jobs in different ways to improve them.

a. Job shadowing

b. Job analysis

c. Job design

d. Job redesign

11. _____ play a significant role in job design because they are commonly the people who establish jobs
and their design components.

a. Managers

b. Employees

c. Human resource personnel

d. Business consultants

12. Which of the following is true of managers’ influence on and control over job characteristics and the
characteristics of the people in an organization?

a. Managers can influence or control both job characteristics and the basic characteristics of people.

b. Managers can influence or control job characteristics, but they usually cannot control the basic
characteristics of people.

c. Managers can influence or control the basic characteristics of people, but they usually

cannot control job characteristics.

d.Managers can neither influence or control job characteristics nor can they control the

basic characteristics of people.

13. _____ involves broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of different tasks that are

a. Job rotation

b. Job shadowing

c. Job enlargement
d. Job wrapping

14. _____ involves increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibility for planning, organizing,
controlling, and/or

evaluating the job.

a. Job rotation

b. Job wrapping

c. Job enlargement

d. Job enrichment

15. _____ is the process of shifting a person from job to job.

a. Job rotation

b. Job shadowing

c. Job enlargement

d. Job enrichment

16. In the context of the job characteristics model, _____ is the extent to which a job requires several
activities for successful completion.

a. content validity

b. skill variety

c. task identity

d. task significance

17. In the context of the job characteristics model, _____ is the extent to which a job includes a
recognizable unit of work that is carried out from start to finish and results in a known consequence.

a. content validity

b. skill variety

c. task identity

d. task significance
18. _____ is the impact a job has on other people and the organization as a whole.

a. Content validity

b. Skill variety

c. Task identity

d. Task significance

19. _____ is the extent of individual freedom and discretion in work and its scheduling.

a. Autonomy

b. Reliability

c. Validity

d. Onboarding

20. Which of the following statements is true of special-purpose teams?

a. They are formed exclusively to connect individuals who are separated geographically.

b. They are formed to address specific problems, improve work processes, and enhance

the overall quality of products and services.

c. They are permanent teams that fit the underlying culture of an organization.

d.They become entities that use regular internal decision-making processes of

an organization.

21. Which of the following statements is true of self-directed teams?

a. They are formed exclusively to address specific problems and improve work


b. They are formed exclusively to connect individuals who are separated geographically.

c. They are composed of individuals who are assigned a cluster of tasks, duties, and

responsibilities to be accomplished.

d.They are temporary entities that rarely use the internal decision-making processes of

an organization.
22. The term _____ is used to refer to teams that are composed of individuals who are separated
geographically but who are linked by communications technology.

a. vertical team

b. special-purpose


c. self-directed team

d. virtual team

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Chapter 04 - Workforce, Jobs, and Job Analysis

23. Which of the following is an example of a compressed workweek in the United States?

a. Employees working for 10 hours, four days a week

b. Employees working for 10 hours, three days a week

c. Employees working for seven hours, six days a week

d. Employees working for eight hours, seven days a


24. Part-time jobs are used when less than _____ hours per week are required to do a job.

a. 40

b. 50

c. 60
d. 70

25. In the context of job analysis responsibilities, which of the following is typically a responsibility of the
HR unit?

a. Providing information to outside experts

b. Seeking assistance from outside experts for difficult analyses

c. Using job analysis information to identify performance standards

d. Requesting new analyses as jobs change

26. In the context of job analysis responsibilities, which of the following is typically a responsibility of

a. Seeking assistance from outside experts for unusual


b. Coordinating job analysis

c. Helping complete job analysis information

d. Writing job descriptions and specifications

27. A _____ is defined as a distinct, identifiable work activity comprised of motions that employees

a. duty

b. responsibility

c. competency

d. task

28. A(n) _____ is defined as a large work segment comprised of several tasks that are performed by

a. duty

b. obligation

c. competency

d. responsibility
29. Which of the following steps is typically performed first in the job analysis process?

a. Preparing for and introducing job analysis

b. Planning the job analysis

c. Reviewing existing job documentation

d. Developing job descriptions and job specifications

30. Which of the following is typically the last step in the job analysis process?

a. Developing job descriptions and job specifications

b. Reviewing and compiling job analysis data

c. Maintaining and updating job descriptions and job


d. Reviewing existing job documentation

31. In the context of the job analysis process, identifying jobs and methodology is a subtask of _____.

a. developing job descriptions and job specifications

b. conducting the job analysis

c. planning the job analysis

d. preparing for and introducing job analysis

32. In the context of the job analysis process, gathering job analysis data is a subtask of _____.

a. developing job descriptions and job specifications

b. conducting the job analysis

c. planning the job analysis

d. preparing for and introducing job analysis

33. In the context of the job analysis process, reviewing drafts of job descriptions with managers and
employees is a

subtask of _____.
a. developing job descriptions and job specifications

b. conducting the job analysis

c. planning the job analysis

d. preparing for and introducing job descriptions

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Chapter 04 - Workforce, Jobs, and Job Analysis

34. In the context of the job analysis process, periodically reviewing all jobs is a subtask of _____.

a. developing job descriptions and job specifications

b. conducting the job analysis

c. maintaining and updating job descriptions and job


d. preparing for and introducing job analysis

35. Samuel, an employee at BluClu LLC, is responsible for performing the job analysis process in his
organization. He has introduced and communicated the job analysis process to all his managers. Which
of the following will typically be

Samuel's next step?

a. Developing job descriptions and job specifications

b. Maintaining and updating job descriptions and job

c. Planning the job analysis

d. Conducting the job analysis

36. Cho, an employee at SunFun LLC, is responsible for handling the job analysis process in her
organization. She has developed job descriptions and job specifications. Which of the following will
typically be Cho's next step?

a. Preparing for and introducing job analysis

b. Maintaining and updating job descriptions and job


c. Planning the job analysis

d. Conducting the job analysis

37. Max, an employee at HiFi LLC, is responsible for performing the job analysis process in her
organization. She is currently planning the job analysis. Which of the following should typically be Max's
next step?

a. Preparing for and introducing job analysis

b. Conducting the job analysis

c. Developing job descriptions and job


d. Gathering job analysis data

38. Dave, an HR Manager at GoPhone LLC, is responsible for performing the job analysis process in his
organization. He is currently gathering, reviewing, and compiling job analysis data. Which of the
following should typically be Dave's next


a. Preparing for and introducing job analysis

b. Conducting the job analysis

c. Developing job descriptions and job specifications

d. Planning the job analysis

39. In the context of job analysis methods and sources, which of the following statements is true of the
work sampling method?

a. It requires a job analyst to determine the content and pace of a typical workday

through continuous observation.

b. It requires a job analyst to attend to each detailed action throughout an entire work


c. It assumes that employees can accurately analyze and communicate information about

their jobs.

d. It is particularly useful for routine and repetitive jobs.

40. In the context of job analysis methods, which of the following is a difference between the
observation method and the interview method?

a. The observation method is used to collect data about many jobs, while the interview

method can only be used to collect data about a single job.

b. The observation method is used to analyze jobs with long work hours, while the

interview method is used to analyze jobs with short work hours.

c. The observation method is best suited for repetitive jobs with short cycle times, while

the interview method is best suited for technical or complicated jobs.

d.The observation method requires frequent communication between employees and

managers, while the interview method requires minimal communication between

employees and managers.

41. In the context of job analysis methods, which of the following is a disadvantage of the questionnaire
or survey method?

a. The distribution of survey instruments to a large number of employees is an expensive


b. Collecting information about a large number of jobs through questionnaires is a timeconsuming


c. Survey instruments that are developed ahead of time fail to identify job factors

relevant to employees and managers.

d. Employees may not accurately analyze and communicate information about their jobs.

42. Which of the following statements is true of the Americans with Disabilities Act?

a. It requires that organizations identify the essential job functions of a job.

b. It establishes minimum wage, overtime, and child labor standards.

c. It prohibits employers from discriminating against pregnant employees.

d. It requires employers to provide a maximum of 12 weeks of unpaid leave to

employees in certain situations.

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Chapter 04 - Workforce, Jobs, and Job Analysis

43. _____ identifies a job's tasks, duties, and responsibilities.

a. Organizational design

b. A job description

c. A job specification

d. Organizational architecture

44. _____ list the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) an individual needs to perform a job

a. Job references

b. Job descriptions
c. Job specifications

d. Job referrals

45. Which of the following is typically the first section of a job description?

a. The essential job functions and duties section

b. The job specifications section

c. The identification section

d. The general summary section

46. Job code and pay grade are job description components noted in the _____ section.

a. job specifications

b. essential job functions and


c. general summary

d. identification

47. Which of the following sections of a job description is a concise statement of the typical
responsibilities and components that make the job different from others?

a. The job specifications section

b. The essential job functions section

c. The general summary section

d. The identification section

48. Which of the following sections of a job description includes the job title, department, reporting
relationships, location, and date of analysis?

a. The job specification section

b. The identification section

c. The general summary section

d. The disclaimers and

approvals section

49. A prospective candidate's educational details are noted in the _____ section of a job description.

a. job specifications

b. job disclaimers

c. general summary

d. identification

50. _____ flow directly from a job description and indicate what the job accomplishes and how
performance is measured in key areas of the job description.

a. Job specifications

b. Performance appraisals

c. Disclaimers and approvals

d. Performance standards

Chapter 06 - Recruiting High-Quality Talent

1. The process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational jobs is called _____.

a. requisitioning

b. pre-screening

c. recruiting

d. summoning

2. Hugo Gonzalez, the CEO at Hugo Tech Inc., believes that male employees are likely to switch jobs more
frequently than female employees. He instructs his HR team to favor female candidates over male
candidates in the recruitment and selection process. Which of the following is most likely true of the
recruitment practice at Hugo Tech?

a. It motivates the female employees at Hugo Tech to work hard.

b. It is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

c. It reduces political infighting within the company.

d. It tends to reduce the attrition rate among male employees.

3. Which of the following is a major reason why employers use independent contractors?

a. Employers obtain significant savings because benefits are not provided to independent


b. Independent contractors are highly motivated and tend to perform better than full-time


c. Independent contractors strive hard to move into a full-time position.

d. Employers can easily train and develop independent contractors for future projects.

4. The _____ includes all individuals available for selection if all possible recruitment strategies are used.

a. labor force population

b. external labor market

c. recruitment pool

d. internal labor market

5. Priam Designs Inc. is recruiting fashion designers through LinkedIn. This recruiting approach typically
provides direct access to the _____.

a. applicant pool

b. entire pool of eligible candidates

c. entire labor market

d. applicant population

6. Stacy, an HR Manager at Stack Bank, posts a job advertisement for the position of loan officer on the
website of the American Bankers Association. This will allow Stacy to determine the _____ for the role of
a loan officer.

a. applicant population

b. labor force population

c. applicant pool

d. entire labor market

7. In the context of labor markets, _____ consists of all persons who are actually evaluated for selection.

a. the applicant pool

b. a collared-worker group

c. the contingent workforce

d. a self-directed team

8. Colette Value Inc., a game development firm, has received a new project that involves the
development of a mobile game. The project must be completed within a year. The company, however, is
facing a shortage of mobile game developers and must hire 50 developers to ensure the timely
completion of the project. As a result, the firm decides to take part in a job-related event that would give
the firm access to a large pool of applicants at the same time. Which of the following recruitment
options has Colette Value decided to use to find a large number of suitable candidates in a short


a. Alumni networks

b. Job posting systems

c. Employee referrals

d. Job fairs

9. Which of the following performance criteria is a quantitative measure of a recruitment process

outsourcing firm?

a. Hiring manager satisfaction

b. New-hire retention rate at six months

c. Time to fill

d. Interview-to-offer ratio

10. A(n) _____ typically hires the staff of an employer and writes paychecks, pays taxes, prepares and
implements HR policies, keeps all the required HR records for the employer, and bears legal liability for a

a. employment agency

b. payroll vendor

c. professional employer organization

d. seed investor

11. One advantage of leasing employees is that:

a. they can receive better benefits than they otherwise would get in many small


b. employers can hire permanent employees.

c. it reduces total payroll costs for employers.

d. they are protected from wage discrimination since employers are legally liable for any

discrimination against them.

12. Which of the following statements is true of employee leasing firms?

a. They are not legally liable for any discrimination against employees leased to client


b. They screen temporary workers who wish to move to full-time positions within a


c. They often charge client companies between 4 percent and 6 percent of employees'

monthly salaries.

d. They usually provide employees with lesser benefits than they would have received in

small companies.

13. Which of the following candidates has the highest probability of being rejected by a U.S. organization
that follows ethical HR practices and recruits nontraditional diverse workers?

a. A 40-year-old African American who was unemployed for 15 years

b. A 30-year-old woman with a hearing impairment

c. A 45-year-old single mother

d. A 24-year-old Danish woman without a U.S. visa

14. Patricia was placed at Oliver & Co. through a temporary service firm for two months. Because of her
outstanding performance, Oliver & Co. wants to hire Patricia for a full-time position. Given this scenario,
which of the following statements is most likely to be true?
a. The temporary service firm can bill a placement charge to Oliver & Co.

b. Oliver & Co. will not be liable for Patricia's safety even after hiring her permanently

because of the previously signed employee leasing agreement.

c. Patricia's wages will reduce by about 5 percent.

d.Patricia can claim stock option compensation from Oliver and Co. on joining the firm


15. Train Tax, a tax preparation company, has identified that the total cost of its employee benefits
contributes to 30 percent of the company's expenses. Which of the following should be incorporated by
Train Tax to reduce its cost associated with employee benefits?

a. It should partner with employment agencies to recruit core


b. It should rerecruit retired employees on a permanent basis.

c. It should employ temporary workers.

d. It should adopt job posting systems.

16. Angela is a self-employed graphic artist. She is usually hired by companies for special projects that
last from a week to six months. Angela can be best described as a(n) _____.

a. independent


b. core worker

c. regular employee

d. full-time employee

17. Studies have shown that women are more likely to apply for a job when the job ad contains the word

a. determined

b. responsible

c. assertive

d. aggressive
18. The designation EEO/M-F/AA/ADA in the employment advertisements of an employer indicates that:

a. the employer will hire only minorities and disabled persons.

b. the employer has been found liable in a discrimination lawsuit.

c. the employer has a policy of complying with equal employment regulations.

d. the employer encourages disparity in its workforce.

19. Paul, the Director of Recruitment at an insurance company, finds that the company has a disparate
impact on the proportion of Hispanic employees compared to the proportion of Hispanics in the labor
market. Which of the following steps should Paul take to solve the problem most efficiently?

a. He should lower the job specifications for Hispanic applicants.

b.He should start advertising for job openings on the local Spanish radio station.

c. He should continue using the current recruiting practices because only organizations

with affirmative action plans are required to meet EEO guidelines.

d.He should freeze the hiring process until qualified Hispanics apply for vacant


20. Which of the following is an example of good recruiting efforts in an organization?

a. Taking steps to attract minority applicants in case of disparate impact

b. Advertising job openings for individuals with specific religious values to improve

ethical practices within the organization

c. Using terminologies such as young and enthusiastic for candidate requirements in job


d.Avoiding specific designations such as EEO/M-F/AA/ADA in job advertisements

21. Which of the following performance criteria is a qualitative measure of a recruitment process
outsourcing firm?

a. Number of new hires

b. Time to fill

c. Applicant

d. Cost to fill

22. Edison Inc., an electrical utility company, is venturing into a business in which electricity is generated
through solar and wind energy. Which of the following job recruitment strategies should be incorporated
by the HR Director at Edison to reduce the existing disparate impact in the company?

a. Avoiding specific designations such as EEO/M-F/AA/ADA in job advertisements

b. Highlighting terms such as young and enthusiastic and journeyman lineman in job


c. Focusing on the training and development of existing employees to meet the

technological demands of the new business venture

d.Emphasizing external recruiting methods to attract skilled minority applicants

23. Which of the following is a characteristic of flexible staffing?

a. It helps employers avoid some of the costs of full-time benefits.

b. It increases the time spent on recruiting efforts such as screening and initial training of


c. It is used exclusively when core workers lack motivation and perform ineffectively.

d. It increases an organization's legal compliance requirements.

24. A _____ is a qualified individual who is not actively looking for work but might be interested if the
right job comes along.

a. job shadower

b. contingent worker

c. passive job candidate

d. boomerang employee

25. Which of the following statements is true of Internet job boards?

a. They enable job seekers to submit résumés to many employers simultaneously.

b. Much of the information provided by employers on Internet job boards is intended to mislead

c. The performance levels of applicants hired through Internet job boards are lower than the
performance levels of applicants hired through traditional recruitment methods.

d.Individuals recruited through Internet job boards are mandated by law to pay a service

charge to their respective job boards.

26. John's Hospital is recruiting for the post of oncology nurse practitioner. Which of the following will
most likely help the hospital target qualified applicants?

a. Advertising about nursing on a microblogging site such as Twitter

b. Posting online recruitment videos on a general job board such as Monster or


c. Advertising on a niche website that targets occupations in nursing

d. Advertising on a social networking site such as Facebook

27. Which of the following is a feature of Internet recruiting?

a. It requires employers to track applicants and file EEO reports.

b. It requires the entire selection process to be conducted virtually.

c. It makes recruiting local talent difficult for employers.

d. It cannot be used to target specific audiences.

28. Which of the following recruitment options is most likely to target applicants specifically interested in
the job field and reduce the number of less-qualified applicants?

a. Internet job boards

b. Social media and networking

c. Professional/career websites

d. Job fairs

29. Which of the following is an advantage of using technology in recruiting?

a. Technology-enhanced recruiting methods identify passive job seekers and thus save
time for HR staff members.

b. Applicants can respond quickly to job postings by sending electronic responses.

c. Employers receive less applications when recruiting online than when recruiting

through traditional methods.

d. Technology-enhanced recruiting methods such as web postings need not be updated


30. Internet recruiting can limit the fairness in hiring because:

a. certain employers use designations such as EEO/M-F/AA/ADA in their job


b. individuals from lower socioeconomic groups mostly have limited access to the


c. the use of terminology such as young and enthusiastic is restricted.

d. it excludes retirees who are interested in seeking new employment opportunities.

31. Which of the following is likely to be the least important topic of training for a recruiter who
conducts on-campus interviews?

a. EEO regulations

b. Details of the jobs and job


c. The company's desired image and brand

d. The company's job posting software

32. Compared to internal recruiting, an advantage of external recruiting is that:

a. external hires tend to perform better than internal


b. it takes less time and resources.

c. recruited employees require lesser orientation efforts.

d. it has the potential to generate larger applicant pools.

33. Which of the following is an example of an external source of recruitment?

a. A veterinarian selects one of her interns as her assistant.

b. A software engineer refers his friend for a job position in his company.

c. An assistant librarian is shortlisted for the post of head librarian in the same library.

d. A salon moves from Boston to New York and employs a new cashier through Internet


34. Which of the following is the easiest way for recruiters to easily and accurately track responses to
advertisements in various media while maintaining a large applicant population?

a. Using only a few media sources for recruiting

b. Asking applicants where they learned of the job opening

c. Asking applicants about their experience with various media sources

d. Using different contact names, e-mail addresses, or phone number codes in each


35. One of the best ways to analyze the effectiveness of a media advertisement is to:

a. analyze the total cost of the advertisement posted through a specific media source.

b. identify the total number of organizational citizenship behaviors generated by the


c. determine the ratio of the hired number of applicants to the total number of applicants.

d. conduct a follow-up to see which media sources produced longer-lasting and better performing

36. Cullen & Associates uses a private employment agency to hire engineering staff. The company pays a
fee to the employment agency every time it hires a candidate provided by the employment agency. In
this scenario, Cullen &

Associates is most likely using the services of a _____.

a. contingency

b. retainer firm

c. craft union

d. labor union

37. In the context of the types of executive search firms, _____ charge a client a set fee whether or not
the contracted

search is successful.

a. craft unions

b. labor unions

c. contingency firms

d. retainer firms

38. In the context of the types of executive search firms, _____ charge a fee only after a candidate is
hired by a client


a. craft unions

b. labor unions

c. contingency firms

d. retainer firms

39. Labor unions can benefit employers by:

a. implementing apprenticeship and cooperative staffing programs.

b. giving the employers the power to decertify the unions.

c. giving the employers freedom from the legal liability of


d. providing enhanced flexibility in recruitment decisions.

40. Job fairs are primarily useful for _____.

a. rapid hiring of a large number of candidates

b. recruiting temporary workers

c. hiring ethnocentric workers

d. avoiding unsuitable applicants

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Chapter 06 - Recruiting High-Quality Talent

41. Which of the following is true of school recruiting and college recruiting?

a. Cooperative programs with employers generate qualified future applicants for fulltime positions.

b. College recruiting is one of the least expensive recruitment methods.

c. Companies that target minority students before they graduate are likely to be violating

EEO laws.

d. School recruiting and college recruiting are types of internal recruitment.

42. Which of the following is true of internal recruitment?

a. It leads to a more diverse workforce than external recruitment.

b. It facilitates succession planning, future promotions, and career development of


c. It brings new perspectives into an organization that can be applied to business

opportunities and challenges.

d. It is especially useful when organizations face rapidly changing competitive

environments and conditions.

43. Which of the following organizations is most likely to benefit from external sources of recruitment?

a. An organization that emphasizes promotion and career development of employees

b. An organization that faces rapidly changing competitive environments and conditions

c. An organization that emphasizes reducing recruitment costs

d. An organization that focuses on reducing recruitment time and resources

44. Which of the following is an advantage of internal recruitment?

a. It leads to the generation of new ideas through tunnel vision thinking.

b. It reduces competition among employees and political infighting for promotions.

c. It improves organization fit because current employees understand the company's


d. It saves time and effort on training employees for the new role.

45. Which of the following is a feature of job posting?

a. It gives existing employees the first chance at job openings before external candidates

are considered.

b.It reduces the threat of organizational inbreeding because the posting crosses

divisional and departmental boundaries in search for new talent.

c. It significantly hinders an employee's chances of promotion within an organization.

d.It is a reliable source of external recruitment.

46. Calculating the average amount of time it takes from contact to hire for each source of applicants
allows a firm to most accurately:

a. determine yield ratios for all steps of the recruitment


b. determine the application drop off rate.

c. estimate the time efficiency of hired applicants.

d. identify the most time-efficient recruiting sources.

47. _____ compare the number of applicants at one stage of the recruiting process with the number at
the next stage.

a. Requisition cancellation


b. Yield ratios

c. Success base rates

d. Selection ratios

48. The percentage hired from a given group of candidates is called the _____.

a. selection rate

b. success base rate

c. yield ratio

d. acceptance rate

49. The percentage of applicants hired divided by the total number of applicants offered jobs is called
the _____.

a. selection rate

b. success base rate

c. acceptance rate

d. fill rate

50. The rejection rate of a company explains:

a. the competitiveness of the company compared with other


b. the satisfaction level of its existing employees.

c. the efficiency of the existing recruiting methods of the company.

d. the performance levels of the company's recruiters.

1. _____ provides employees with specific, identifiable knowledge and skills for use in their present jobs.

a. Prescreening

b. Recruiting

c. Networking

d. Training

2. Henry, a trainer at MyChem Inc., schedules training on handling hazardous chemicals for a group of
newly hired employees. The training complies with OSHA regulations and is given to all employees upon
hire along with periodic refreshers. The type of training described in this scenario is _____.

a. interpersonal training

b. legally required training

c. emergency training

d. problem-solving training

3. Mybody Fit, a fitness center, is planning to invest in specialized exercise equipment. The equipment is
highly effective, but it is also dangerous if not used properly. The fitness center sends its team of
instructors to a certified training program to learn how to handle the equipment. The type of training
described in the scenario is _____.

a. soft skills training

b. job and technical


c. problem-solving training

d. interpersonal training

4. Training programs can be a strategic investment for an organization when:

a. they align with the organization's goals and produce positive results.

b. employees are interested and engaged in the training program.

c. training costs do not exceed the organization's planned budget.

d. they are organized by the junior-level employees of the organization.

5. Which of the following statements is true of training?

a. It is illegal to ask part-time employees to receive work-related training after work.

b. Nonexempt employees who are training outside normal working hours must be

compensated for their time.

c. Employees are exempted from signing training contracts with employers.

d.An employer is required to pay part-time employees only for the training they receive

at a work location or a training facility and not for the training they receive through

web-based classes.

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Chapter 08 - Training Human Resources

6. Organizations must continually train their employees because:

a. employees' productivity decreases with time.

b. the legislation on providing ethnocentric training to workers has become


c. the importance of satisfying certification requirements has increased.

d. organizational training has a positive relationship with employee turnover rates.

7. Organizations in many industries create value by using the organizations' intellectual capital. This is
called _____.

a. quality management
b. knowledge management

c. technology management

d. creativity management

8. A(n) _____ is defined as a work environment that encourages employees to share their individual
knowledge, skills, and experiences with their coworkers.

a. education system

b. learning culture

c. xenophobic environment

d. ethnocentric culture

9. Which of the following statements is true of investments in training?

a. Instructors, both full-time staff members and individuals hired on a contract basis,

typically represent the biggest cost of training.

b. The average training investment per employee in the manufacturing industry is greater

than the average training investment per employee in the information and software


c. More than half of the training cost in companies is spent on external training efforts.

d.Companies with more than 500 employees invest more in training per employee than

do smaller companies.

10. In the context of training categories, which of the following is an example of soft skills training?

a. Training on harassment prevention

b. Training on the English language and grammar

c. Training on product details

d. Training on interpersonal communication

11. The production team at Tessing Inc. performed poorly in the first fiscal quarter of 2018 because of
internal politics and lack of cooperation among the team members. As a result, the company requested
all the members of the production team to attend a training program on conflict management. In this
scenario, the type of training program offered by Tessing Inc.

to its production team can be classified as _____.

a. soft skills training

b. legally required training

c. job and technical training

d. basic and remedial skills


12. The planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, coworkers, and the organization is referred
to as _____.

a. orientation

b. broadbanding

c. socialization

d. delayering

13. _____ is defined as a step-by-step process to ensure that the right learning materials are provided to
the right people at the right time.

a. Instructional systems design

b. Organizational design

c. Blended learning

d. Cross-training

14. Attitude survey data are typically used in _____ analysis of training needs.

a. individual

b. organizational

c. task

d. job
15. The loan review department of a major regional bank has an exceptionally high turnover of both
administrative assistants and analysts. Several analysts have quit within six months of taking the job. As a
result, the management of the bank decides to conduct attitude surveys, review customer complaints,
and conduct exit interviews to assess the training needs of this department. In this scenario, the
management is most likely conducting a(n) _____ analysis to determine

training needs.

a. job/task

b. organizational

c. individual

d. productivity

16. The most common approach for conducting individual analysis is to _____.

a. analyze organizational outcomes

b. use data from attitude surveys

c. use performance appraisal data

d. review the jobs involved

17. Once training requirements have been identified using needs analyses, training objectives and
priorities can be established by conducting _____.

a. orientation


b. exit interviews

c. a SWOT analysis

d. a gap analysis

18. In the context of training, self-efficacy refers to:

a. a person's desire to learn the training program content independently.

b. a trainer’s belief that learners possess the basic skills required to learn new tasks.

c. an instructor's ability to transfer his or her knowledge to learners.

d. a person's belief that he or she can successfully learn the training program

19. Jeanne, a 54-year-old woman, worked as a medical research librarian for 10 years before quitting in
her late forties. She later applies for an open position at the same library but is concerned about the
major technological changes that have occurred over the past few years. She also feels intimidated by
computers and believes that she will not be able to learn how to use a computer at her age. However,
when she confides her misgivings about computer technology to the recruiter, the recruiter replies that
Jeanne is highly qualified for the position and will eventually master the use of computers. In this

scenario, which of the following is the most likely barrier to Jeanne learning the job tasks?

a. Jeanne's inability to learn how to use the library's computer system even with training

b. Jeanne's failure to see the benefits of learning how to use the library's computer


c. Jeanne's low motivation level as she wants to pursue a new career

d. Jeanne’s low sense of self-efficacy regarding the use of computer technology

20. Active practice occurs when:

a. trainees perform job-related tasks and duties during


b. off-the-job training is provided to new employees at a job.

c. trainees are shown how to actively multitask.

d. e-learning tools are used to deliver training.

21. At Plantsman's Eden Nursery, new workers are trained in the proper techniques of planting rooted
cuttings. As part of the training, after being given basic instructions regarding planting, each worker is
given 10 seedlings to plant. Their planting techniques are then evaluated by the trainer. In the context of
instructional strategies, this scenario best

exemplifies _____.

a. active practice

b. behavior modeling

c. cross-training

d. conference training
22. A group of supervisors from an oil corporation in the United States attend a class every Thursday
afternoon to learn Spanish. The supervisors learn by repeating Spanish words and phrases while the
instructor corrects their pronunciation. After each correction, the supervisors repeat the word or phrase
with the correct pronunciation before focusing on the next word. In the context of instructional
strategies, this scenario is most likely an example of _____.

a. blended learning

b. overlearning

c. immediate confirmation

d. after-action review

23. Cole, the Director of Training for a manufacturer of heavy equipment, designed a training program
for the newly hired sales representatives of the company. As part of the training, the sales
representatives were required to perform job duties and job-related tasks. This involved memorizing and
recalling details from the company catalog regarding the types of equipment, their functions, their
appropriate and inappropriate uses, pricing, and financing packages. In this scenario,

Cole most likely incorporated _____ in his training program.

a. active practice

b. soft skills training

c. legally required


d. passive listening

24. Despite having mastered the skills and processes related to their day-to-day jobs, the firefighters of
the Lake Hogan

Fire Department train constantly to increase their muscle memory and to keep their skills honed so that
they can respond

quickly in emergency situations. This best exemplifies _____.

a. behavioral modeling

b. overlearning

c. immediate


d. passive learning
25. _____ is an instructional strategy that involves copying someone else's behavior.

a. Behavioral


b. Behavioral modeling

c. Cognitive practice

d. Positive reinforcement

26. Molly, a Customer Service Representative for an insurance company, was rude to one of her
customers. The customer immediately contacted Molly's supervisor and lodged a complaint against
Molly. Molly's supervisor then reprimanded her and recorded the incident in her file. Molly has made a
conscious effort ever since not to repeat the same mistake. Which

of the following instructional strategies is illustrated in this scenario?

a. Reinforcement

b. Passive learning

c. Overlearning

d. Behavioral


27. Soltura Products Inc. has a training program for its customer service representatives that tests
trainees' abilities to interact with customers through role-playing exercises. Every time a trainee enacts a
situation, he or she receives instantaneous feedback about the task and a specific type of reinforcement
to either encourage or criticize their responses

during the enactment. In the context of instructional strategies, this is most likely an example of _____.

a. behavior modeling

b. overlearning

c. immediate


d. active practice

28. One way to aid the transfer of training to job situations is to ensure that:
a. the training avoids repeated practice, which may lead to


b. trainees are not troubled with follow-up exercises.

c. trainers focus primarily on informal training.

d. the training mirrors the job context as much as possible.

29. The most common method of delivering training at all levels in an organization is _____.

a. on-the-job training

b. cross-training

c. web-based


d. informal training

30. Which of the following is true about on-the-job training (OJT)?

a. It can disrupt regular work in an organization.

b. It is the least flexible of all the available training


c. It is more expensive than classroom training.

d. It is a type of informal training and occurs spontaneously.

31. Which of the following is a feature of on-the-job training (OJT)?

a. It is the least common method of training delivery.

b. It is flexible and relevant to what employees do.

c. It is more expensive than classroom training.

d. It is spontaneous and need not be planned.

32. Which of the following is a disadvantage of on-the-job training (OJT)?

a. It may facilitate the transfer of incorrect information from supervisors to trainees.

b. It is the least flexible training method among all the methods of employee

c. It is more expensive than classroom training.

d. It may not be relevant to employees' work.

33. Dr. Smith, a veterinarian, has hired Carlos as an assistant. On Carlos's first day at work, when the first
client comes in with her sick cat, Dr. Smith shows Carlos the technique of holding a cat for its vaccination.
First, Dr. Smith describes the technique, and then she demonstrates the process of vaccination. Later,
when another client comes in with his cat, Dr.

Smith asks Carlos to hold the cat and corrects his mistakes. This is an example of _____.

a. cross-training

b. e-learning

c. simulation-based


d. on-the-job training

34. For employers, an advantage of cross-training employees is that:

a. it motivates employees because of reduced job duties.

b. it reduces the attrition rate in an organization.

c. it offers better union relations.

d. it offers more flexibility in assigning workers to tasks.

35. A company is most likely to outsource training when:

a. there is a need to teach employees while they are performing live


b. the company emphasizes informal training.

c. the company has sufficient time to develop internal training materials.

d. there is a preference for new ideas and thinking.

36. Cross-training occurs:

a. when people are trained to do more than one job.

b. when the training takes place outside the employing organization.

c. when e-learning is used as the primary mode for delivering the content of a training


d. when employers need to enhance the effectiveness of training by reducing employees'

job duties.

37. Unions view cross-training unfavorably because it:

a. threatens job jurisdiction.

b. eliminates the supervisory tasks associated with part-time employees'


c. reduces effective wages per hour.

d. minimizes the job duties of employees.

38. Which of the following best exemplifies cooperative training?

a. A medical school using simulations where the students can perform operations without

harming real patients

b.An e-learning program on corporate leadership in which trainees interact with the

trainer and other trainees through a blog

c. A training program in an IT firm wherein employees learn exclusively through

informal interactions with their peers

d.A community college program on solar panel installation partnering with a solar panel

installation company that provides internships

39. Which of the following statements is true of internships?

a. They are an expensive source of labor for employers.

b. They are exclusively government-sponsored job training


c. They usually combine job training and classroom instruction.

d. They typically benefit the employer but not the intern.

40. Which of the following statements is true about e-learning?

a. It is not suitable for the delivery of brief training sessions.

b. It is not flexible enough to be used for off-the-job training.

c. It provides better access to more employees than does conventional training.

d. It is relatively more expensive per trainee than conventional training


41. Andrew is enrolled in a university course on project management. His class meets at the local
community college, and the instructors present their lectures from universities in other cities using an
interactive two-way television. This scenario

best exemplifies _____.

a. simulation training

b. distance learning

c. cross-training

d. cooperative


42. An artificial surgical environment in which a surgeon could practice a new type of operation without
harming a human

being or sacrificing a laboratory animal would be called _____.

a. a simulation

b. blended learning

c. cross-training

d. a massive open online course

43. A learning approach that combines short, fast-paced, interactive computer-based lessons and
teleconferencing with

traditional classroom instruction and simulation is called _____.

a. job shadowing
b. associative


c. blended learning

d. cross-training

44. In her evaluation sheet, Theresa, a soft skills trainer at Wren's Academy, receives high ratings in the
areas of class enjoyability and trainee willingness to take the program again. This evaluation best
exemplifies a _____ measure of training evaluation.

a. reaction-level

b. learning-level

c. behavior-level

d. results-level

45. To qualify as a tax preparer for a seasonal job at a tax preparation company, Martin must answer
questions on tax terminology covered in the web-based training course provided by the company. This
evaluation best exemplifies a _____ measure of training evaluation.

a. results-level

b. learning-level

c. reaction-level

d. survey-level

46. GetHelp Inc., a business processing company, trains all of its employees in handling customer calls.
After the completion of the training, the company monitors the phone calls of the employees to
determine the effect of the training.

This evaluation best exemplifies a _____ measure of training evaluation.

a. reaction-level

b. learning-level

c. survey-level

d. behavior-level
47. Divya, the Director of Training at Q Make Inc., must demonstrate to the top management the
financial benefits the company has realized from the expenditures on the mechanics training program. In
this case, she should:

a. prepare a return-on-investment analysis.

b. calculate the net gain of the company.

c. prepare an actual versus proposed budget comparison.

d. evaluate the training program using the reaction-level measure of


48. When using _____ to evaluate training, HR professionals gather data on training in their organization
and compare them with data on training at other organizations of similar size in their industry.

a. the results approach

b. benchmarking

c. cost–benefit analysis

d. the return-on-investment analysis


49. An effective way to determine if a change in performance resulted from training or from other
factors is to use a

control group combined with _____.

a. pre- and post-measures

b. a comparison of the costs and benefits associated with the training

c. benchmarking

d. a calculation of the return on investment from the training

50. A problem with the pre-/post-measure of training evaluation is _____.

a. the difficulty of constructing a good test

b. the difficulty of determining whether employees were randomly assigned to the

control group

c. determining the level of trainee competence at only one point in time

d. determining if the training was responsible for any changes in performance

1. _____ is a series of activities designed to align and improve individual performance to drive
organizational results.

a. Performance management

b. Organizational performance

c. Organizational behavior

d. Performance modelling

2. Which of the following is true of performance appraisal?

a. Performance management is a part of performance appraisal.

b. Performance appraisal is the process of determining how well employees do their jobs

relative to a standard and communicating that information to them.

c. Performance appraisal provides a link between employee performance and power


d.Performance appraisal refers to the entire series of activities designed to ensure that

the organization gets the performance it needs from its employees.

3. Which of the following statements is true of organizations that practice the entitlement approach?

a. Employee rewards are determined only on the basis of employee performance.

b. Employee rewards vary little from person to person and have little to do with

differences in individual performance.

c. Employee rewards are determined on the basis of results and contributions made by


d. Employee rewards vary significantly from person to person because of managers'


4. Which of the following is true of organizations that practice a performance-driven approach?

a. Employee rewards vary significantly from person to person and are not based on
individual performance.

b.Performance appraisal activities are not valued by managers and employees and are

often viewed as a bureaucratic exercise.

c. Employee rewards are standardized irrespective of job duties.

d.Performance evaluations link results to employee compensation and development.

5. Which of the following is a criticism of a pay-for-performance approach?

a. It prevents teamwork in the workplace.

b. It offers equal rewards for all employees.

c. It fails to establish a clear set of goals for


d. It discourages individual employee contribution.

6. In the context of performance information, which of the following is an example of trait-based


a. Verbal persuasion

b. Teamwork

c. Timeliness of response

d. Citizenship

7. In the context of performance information, which of the following is an example of behavior-based


a. Improved quality

b. Sales volume

c. Timeliness of response

d. Cost reduction

8. In the context of performance information, which of the following is an example of results-based


a. Teamwork
b. Initiative

c. Customer satisfaction

d. Sales volume

9. Which of the following is an objective measure of performance?

a. The total number of washing machines sold by an employee

b. A supervisor’s rating of an employee’s integrity

c. An employee’s attitude toward customers

d. An organization’s perceptions of an employee’s values

10. Which of the following is a subjective measure of performance?

a. The total number of cars sold by an employee

b. A supervisor’s rating of an employee’s integrity

c. The number of hours worked by an employee

d. The revenue an employee has brought in for the organization

11. Which of the following statements is true of objective and subjective measures of performance

a. Subjective measures can be observed, and objective measures require judgment on the

part of the evaluator.

b. Both subjective and objective measures require judgment on the part of the evaluator

and cannot be observed.

c. Objective measures can be observed, and subjective measures require judgment on the

part of the evaluator.

d. Both subjective and objective measures can be observed and do not require judgment

on the part of the evaluator.

12. Which of the following is true of performance standards?

a. Performance standards must be based only on qualitative criteria.

b. Performance standards should be established while the work is being


c. Performance standards must be based only on quantitative criteria.

d. Performance standards should be established before the work is performed.

13. Which of the following is most likely to help retain employees who are in high demand and improve
their performance?

a. Conducting accelerated appraisals for these employees

b. Emphasizing informal appraisals over systematic appraisals

c. Emphasizing the negative aspects of performance during appraisal


d. Conducting peer evaluations for these employees

14. Which of the following uses of performance appraisals looks within the organization to provide
consistency between individual and organization performance?

a. An administrative


b. A strategic use

c. A developmental use

d. A training use

15. When conducting performance appraisals, Steve, an Operations Manager at Pucoy Inc., provides his
team members with feedback about their work and discusses areas of improvement for their future
growth in the company. In this scenario, Steve demonstrates a(n) _____ use of performance appraisal.

a. administrative

b. strategic

c. developmenta

d. associative
16. _____ are the most widely used means of rating employees.

a. Employee ratings of managers

b. Self-ratings

c. Peer ratings

d. Supervisory ratings of


17. Which of the following is most likely to make managers more responsive toward employees?

a. Supervisory ratings of


b. Self-rating

c. Peer rating

d. Employee ratings of managers

18. _____ is especially useful when supervisors do not have the opportunity to observe each employee's

a. Outsider rating

b. Self-rating

c. Peer rating

d. Employees rating managers

19. Employees working in isolation or possessing unique skills may be particularly suited for _____.

a. outsider ratings

b. self-ratings

c. peer ratings

d. multisource

20. A panel of division managers evaluating a supervisor's potential for advancement in the organization
is an example of


a. outsider ratings

b. self-ratings

c. peer ratings

d. multisource


21. _____ recognizes that for many jobs, employee performance is multidimensional and crosses
departmental, organizational, and even national boundaries.

a. Outsider rating

b. Self-rating

c. Peer rating

d. 360-degree rating

22. In the context of peer ratings, employees are most likely to distinguish between good and poor
performers when:

a. they fear reprisals from their peers.

b. their peers are not working in the same place.

c. their peers belong to the same ethnicity.

d. they establish performance standards based on their own


23. The _____ allows the rater to mark an employee’s performance on a continuum indicating low to
high levels of a particular characteristic.

a. graphic rating scale

b. category scaling


c. comparative method
d. behavioral rating scale

24. In the context of graphic rating scales, which of the following belongs to the descriptive category?

a. Decision making

b. Employee development

c. Quantity of work

d. Communication effectiveness

25. In the context of graphic rating scales, which of the following is a behavioral dimension?

a. Attendance

b. Dependability

c. Quantity of work

d. Communication effectiveness

26. The use of _____ can cause rater error because it might not accurately reflect the relative
importance of certain job characteristics.

a. graphic rating scales

b. critical incident


c. comparative methods

d. essay methods

27. _____ require managers to differentiate the performance levels of their employees using techniques
such as ranking and forced distribution.

a. Graphic rating scales

b. Category scaling

c. Comparative methods

d. Narrative methods
28. Which of the following is a comparative method of performance appraisals?

a. The graphic rating scale

b. The critical incident method

c. The essay method

d. The forced distribution


29. The _____ method lists the individuals being rated from highest to lowest based on their
performance levels and relative contributions.

a. ranking

b. critical incident

c. essay

d. forced


30. _____ is a technique for distributing ratings that are generated with any of the other appraisal
methods and comparing the ratings of people in a work group.

a. Behavioral rating


b. Forced distribution

c. Peer distribution

d. Critical incident

31. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using comparative methods for performance appraisal?

a. The performance of employees working in the same jobs cannot be measured using

comparative methods.

b. These methods fail to help managers identify good and poor performers within their


c. These methods reduce the level of cooperation and citizenship within the organization.
d. Compensation is spread equally among employees rather than being based on


32. Which of the following is included in the narrative method of performance appraisals?

a. The graphic rating scale

b. The critical incident method

c. The ranking method

d. The forced distribution


33. In the _____ method, the manager keeps a written record of both favorable and unfavorable actions
performed by an

employee during the entire rating period.

a. forced


b. ranking

c. essay

d. critical incident

34. The _____ method requires a manager to prepare a written statement describing each employee's
performance during

the rating period.

a. forced


b. ranking

c. essay

d. critical incident

35. Which of the following is typically the first stage in implementing a guided self-appraisal system using
management by objectives (MBO)?
a. Frequent performance discussions

b. Development of performance standards

c. Setting of objectives

d. Job review and agreement

36. Which of the following is typically the last stage in implementing a guided self-appraisal system using

by objectives (MBO)?

a. Frequent performance discussions

b. Development of performance standards

c. Setting of objectives

d. Job review and agreement

37. Josh is an HR Manager at RoxCom LLC. He is responsible for conducting performance appraisals for all
entry-level employees in his organization. He implements a guided self-appraisal system using
management by objectives (MBO). As part of the process, he reviews the job description and the key
activities that constitute each employee's job. Which of the

following is most likely to be Josh's next step?

a. Frequent performance discussions

b. Development of performance standards

c. Setting of objectives

d. Implementation of performance


38. Zara, an HR Manager at Fluxin LLC, is responsible for implementing a guided self-appraisal system
using management by objectives (MBO) in her organization. She starts by developing specific standards
for employee performance. Which of the following is most likely to be Zara's next step?

a. Frequent performance discussions

b. Implementation of the performance


c. Setting of objectives
d. Job review and agreement

39. Raul, an HR Manager at Rexi LLC, is responsible for implementing a guided self-appraisal system using
management by objectives (MBO) in his organization. He starts by establishing objectives that are
realistically attainable. Which of the

following is most likely to be Raul's next step?

a. Frequent performance discussions

b. Development of performance standards

c. Determining a satisfactory level of


d. Job review and agreement

40. _____ occurs when an evaluator's values or prejudices distort the rating.

a. The leniency error

b. Rater bias

c. The halo effect

d. A sampling error

41. The _____ occurs when a rater gives greater weight to information received first when appraising an


a. leniency error

b. recency effect

c. primacy effect

d. central tendency


42. The _____ occurs when a rater gives all employees a score within a narrow range in the middle of the

a. similar-to-me error
b. recency effect

c. primacy effect

d. central

tendency error

43. The _____ occurs when ratings of all employees fall at the high end of the scale.

a. leniency error

b. recency effect

c. primacy effect

d. central

tendency error

44. The _____ occurs when a manager uses only the lower end of the scale to rate employees.

a. leniency error

b. recency effect

c. primacy effect

d. strictness


45. The _____ occurs when a rater scores an employee high on all job criteria because of performance in
one area of the

assigned work responsibilities.

a. halo effect

b. horns effect

c. contrast error

d. similar-to-me error

46. The _____ occurs when a low rating on one characteristic leads to an overall low rating.

a. halo effect
b. horns effect

c. contrast error

d. similar-to-me error

47. The _____ is the tendency to rate people relative to others rather than against performance

a. halo effect

b. horns effect

c. contrast error

d. strictness

48. If a rater has seen only a small specimen of an employee's work, the appraisal may be subject to

a. the halo effect

b. the horns effect

c. rater bias

d. a sampling


49. The appraisal discussion is an emotional experience for managers because:

a. managers must frequently communicate both praise and constructive criticism to


b. managers must emphasize only the positive aspects of employees' performance.

c. managers must overlook the positive aspects of employees' performance and

emphasize their negative aspects.

d. managers must avoid communicating the results of appraisals to employees.

50. An effective performance management system should:

a. be used only as an administrative tool.

b. be effective in documenting employee performance.

c. provide equal rewards to all employees.

d. avoid categorizing employees as high, average, and low


1. Payments calculated directly on the basis of the time worked by employees are called _____.

a. benefits

b. commission

c. salaries

d. wages

2. According to the Fair Labor Standards Act, if a state's minimum wage is higher than the federal
minimum wage, _____.

a. employers must pay the higher wage

b. employers must pay the lower wage

c. employers are free to choose between either of the two

d. employers must pay the difference as employee benefits

3. The FLSA established overtime pay requirements for nonexempt employees at 1.5 times the regular
pay rate for all hours worked over _____.

a. 50 in a week

b. 45 in a week

c. 40 in a week

d. 35 in a week

4. The act that does not require employers to pay overtime for salaried exempt jobs is the _____.

a. Employment Non-Discrimination Act

b. Equal Pay Act

c. Fair Labor Standards Act

d. Civil Rights Act

5. The rate paid for a job by a majority of the employers in the appropriate geographic area determines

a. commission

b. gainsharing

c. monetary incentives

d. prevailing wages

6. Most federal and state entities rely on the criteria for independent contractor status identified by the

a. National Labor Relations Board

b. Internal Revenue Service

c. Department of Labor

d. U.S. Treasury Department

7. A court order that directs an employer to set aside a portion of an employee's wages to pay a debt
owed to a creditor is

known as _____.

a. liquidation

b. sequestratio

c. garnishment

d. distraint

8. The right of employers to terminate employees whose pay is subject to a single garnishment order is
restricted by the


a. Davis-Bacon Act
b. Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act

c. McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act

d. Consumer Credit Protection Act

9. Which of the following is typical of the entitlement philosophy of compensation?

a. Pay and raises based on length of service

b. No raises for poor-performing employees

c. Market-adjusted pay scales

d. Industry comparisons of total rewards

10. Which of the following is typical of the performance philosophy of compensation?

a. Pay and raises based on length of service

b. No raises for poorly performing


c. Across-the-board raises

d. Pay scales increased annually

11. In the context of worker motivation, which of the following is classified as an input in equity theory?

a. Job security

b. Praise

c. Loyalty

d. Vacation

12. In the context of worker motivation, which of the following is classified as an outcome in equity

a. Loyalt

b. Time

c. Effort

d. Praise
13. Which of the following is true of an employer who uses the first-quartile strategy of compensation?

a. The employer pays the employees above market levels.

b. The employer determines the pay independent of the market


c. The employer pays the employees below market levels.

d. The employer pays the employees on par with the market levels.

14. Which of the following is true of an employer who uses the second-quartile strategy of

a. The employer pays the employees above market levels.

b. The employer determines the pay independent of the market


c. The employer pays the employees below market levels.

d. The employer pays the employees on par with the market levels.

15. Which of the following is true of an employer who uses the third-quartile strategy of compensation?

a. The employer pays the employees above market levels.

b. The employer determines the pay irrespective of the market


c. The employer pays the employees below market levels.

d. The employer pays the employees on par with the market levels.

16. Which of the following is true of the point factor method of job evaluation?

a. In this method, descriptions of job classes are written and then each job is put into a

grade according to the class it best matches.

b.It is a complex quantitative method that combines the ranking and classification


c. It looks at compensable factors in a group of similar jobs and assigns weights to them.
d.It is a simple system that places jobs in order, from highest to lowest, by their value to

the organization.

17. In the context of job evaluation, external pay data are used to identify the relative value of jobs
based on what other employers pay for similar jobs in the _____.

a. factor-comparison method

b. ranking method

c. point factor method

d. market pricing method

18. A collection of data on compensation rates for workers performing similar jobs in other organizations
is known as a


a. pay survey

b. pay analysis

c. pay scale

d. pay grade

19. Groupings of individual jobs that have approximately the same value to the organization, used when
establishing a paystructure, are called _____.

a. pay scales

b. pay grades

c. pay compressions

d. pay expansions

20. The relationship between job value as determined by job evaluation points and job value as
determined by pay survey

rates is shown by a _____.

a. market

b. market band

c. market line

d. market scale

21. Grouping jobs into pay grades based on similar market survey amounts is known as _____.

a. market scaling

b. market pegging

c. market lining

d. market banding

22. Which of the following is true of red-circled employees?

a. They are paid above the range set for a job.

b. They are paid below the range set for a job.

c. They are paid on par with the range set for a job.

d. Their pay is not determined by the ranges set for a


23. Which of the following is true of green-circled employees?

a. They are paid above the range set for a job.

b. They are paid below the range set for a job.

c. They are paid on par with the range set for a job.

d. Their pay is not determined by the ranges set for a


24. Which of the following is true of pay compression?

a. It is the phenomenon by which all employees' pay decreases significantly in an

economic downturn.

b.It occurs when the employer groups employees with different pay grades together.

c. It is frequently a result of labor market pay levels increasing faster than current
employees' pay adjustments.

d.It occurs when pay differences among individuals with different levels of experience

and performance become large.

25. Which of the following is true of a pay adjustment matrix?

a. It reflects an employee's horizontal movement in an organization.

b. It is used to determine the compensation benchmark in a specific industry.

c. It is used to determine the compensation benchmark in a specific organization.

d. It reflects an employee's eligibility for pay increase based on merit.

26. Compa-ratio = _____.

a. total pay divided by the total number of employees

b. pay level divided by the midpoint of the pay range

c. total pay divided by the midpoint of the pay range

d. pay level divided by the total number of


56. AirCar LLC, a producer of consumer electronics, used gainsharing to compensate its employees.
However, after a change in management, the company decides to replace gainsharing with a stock
option plan. Which of the following statements is true of AirCar LLC?

a. It used to provide individual incentives, but now it provides organizational incentives.

b. It used to provide individual incentives, but now it provides team incentives.

c. It used to provide team incentives, but now it provides organizational incentives.

d. It used to provide organizational incentives, but now it provides individual incentives.

57. Group Viewer LLC, a software company, used to provide profit sharing plans for its employees. After
organizational restructuring, the management decides to replace the profit sharing plans with
commissions for each employee. Which of the following is true of Group Viewer LLC?

a. It used to provide individual incentives, but now it provides team incentives.

b. It used to provide individual incentives, but now it provides organizational incentives.

c. It used to provide team incentives, but now it provides individual incentives.

d. It used to provide organizational incentives, but now it provides individual incentives.

58. Hikoma LLC, a toy manufacturer, provides employees with incentives depending on their individual
performances. This best exemplifies _____.

a. an employee stock


b. a commission

c. gainsharing

d. deferred compensation

59. Leah LLC, a producer of sporting goods, used to provide its employees with a stock option plan. After
organizational restructuring, the management decides to replace the stock option plan with profit
sharing. Which of the following is true of Leah LLC?

a. It used to provide organizational incentives, but now it provides individual incentives.

b. It used to provide organizational incentives, but now it provides team incentives.

c. It used to provide organizational incentives, but now it provides the same.

d. It used to provide individual incentives, but now it provides the same.

60. Team Spark LLC, a producer of consumer goods, used to practice gainsharing. After organizational
restructuring, the management decides to replace its gainsharing plans with a piece-rate system. Which
of the following is true of Team Spark LLC?

a. It used to provide team incentives, but now it provides individual incentives.

b. It used to provide individual incentives, but now it provides team incentives.

c. It used to provide team incentives, but now it provides organizational incentives.

d. It used to provide individual incentives, but now it provides organizational incentives.

61. RedCat LLC, a footwear manufacturing company, used to practice gainsharing. After organizational
restructuring, the management decides to replace gainsharing with profit sharing. Which of the
following is true of RedCat LLC?

a. It used to provide individual incentives, but now it provides team incentives.

b. It used to provide organizational incentives, but now it provides individual incentives.

c. It used to provide individual incentives, but now it provides organizational incentives.

d. It used to provide team incentives, but now it provides organizational incentives.

63. In the context of incentives, an example of gainsharing is _____.

a. using employee committees to calculate and pass on savings to employees

b. distributing surplus yields among employees when their performance improves above

the baseline

c. identifying favorable employee behavior and rewarding employees who adhere to the

set standards

d. using employee unions to encourage and promote a positive environment in


64. Which of the following is a disadvantage of profit sharing plans?

a. Employees must trust that management will accurately disclose financial and profit


b. Employees are taxed heavily on the income that they generate from profit sharing


c. Employees cannot access the funds that they receive from profit sharing plans for up

to three years.

d. Employers get little or no rebate on income tax for choosing profit sharing plans.

65. Stock option plans give employees the right to purchase a(n) _____.

a. unlimited number of shares of company stock at a specified exercise price for a

limited period of time

b. unlimited number of shares of company stock at a specified exercise price for an

unlimited period of time

c. fixed number of shares of company stock at a specified exercise price for a limited

period of time

d. fixed number of shares of company stock at a specified exercise price for an unlimited
period of time

66. Which of the following is the most accurate metric of organizational performance in variable pay

a. Customer satisfaction

b. Accident rates

c. Revenue growth

d. Employee


67. Which of the following is a metric of sales programs in variable pay plans?

a. Return on investment

b. Turnover costs

c. Accident rates

d. Increase in market


68. Which of the following statements is true of the salary-only approach?

a. The salary-only approach is useful when an organization emphasizes serving and

retaining existing accounts.

b. The salary-only approach is useful when an organization emphasizes generating new

sales and accounts.

c. The salary-only approach is useful only when an organization is compensating

experienced sales executives.

d. The salary-only approach is not useful in compensating sales representatives who are

new to the job.

69. A percentage of the revenue generated by sales that is given to an agent or salesperson is called
a. severance pay

b. wage

c. basic salary

d. commission

70. Executive compensation in public corporations is subject to shareholder approval via a "say-on-pay"
provision in the


a. Sarbanes-Oxley Act

b. Dodd-Frank Act

c. Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

d. Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act

71. A provision that permits an organization to require an employee to return rewards obtained through
unethical or

negligent actions is known as a(n) _____.

a. say-on-pay provision

b. clawback provision

c. double jeopardy provision

d. excessive fines provision

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Chapter 11 - Total Rewards and Compensation

72. Special benefits—usually noncash items—for executives are termed _____.

a. executive salaries

b. base salaries

c. perquisites

d. golden


73. Which of the following statements is true of a discretionary system of determining bonuses?

a. The federal and state governments decide the bonuses.

b. All the shareholders of the company decide the bonuses.

c. The labor unions and employees decide the bonuses.

d. The CEO and the board of directors decide the bonuses.

1. Rights are offset by _____, which are obligations to perform certain tasks and duties.

a. policies

b. responsibilities

c. procedures

d. patents

2. In the context of guidelines used by the courts to determine whether noncompete agreements are
legally acceptable, a noncompete agreement should:

a. have a duration of three years or more.

b. prohibit employees from working in new fields of employment.

c. allow employees to work within the current area of specialization.

d. grant employees additional "consideration" beyond regular

3. Which of the following is a primary objective of using employment contracts that are created for
protecting trade


a. To encourage employees' discussion of competitive actions

b. To indicate that employees who make innovations while on the job have the right to

own and copyright those works

c. To notify employees that they will be privy to sensitive information on the job

d. To bar former employees from soliciting business from former customers and clients

for a specified period of time

4. Companies are more likely to use a formal employment contract when:

a. the employment situation is stable and secure.

b. compensation is below industry standards.

c. employees are hired from outside the organization.

d. employees are internally promoted.

5. Roger is hired by an international HR consulting firm as its Outplacement Counselor. Prior to receiving

training on the company's copyrighted techniques and programs, Roger is asked to agree in his
employment contract that

he will not work as a trainer for a rival outplacement company in a specified list of states for a period of
one year from the

time he quits or his employment will be terminated. This best exemplifies a _____.

a. nonpiracy agreement

b. noncompete agreement

c. clawback agreement

d. separation agreement
6. _____ bar former employees from soliciting business from former customers and clients for a
specified period of time.

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a. Clawback agreements

b. Separation agreements

c. Nonpiracy agreements

d. Confidentiality


7. Matt accepts a job offer as a Chemical Engineer in the Research and Development department of Tulip
Inc., a paint

manufacturing company. After accepting the job offer, he signs an employment contract stating that the
results of his

research would be the sole property of the company. Matt comes up with an innovative paint formula
that can withstand

extreme temperatures. He receives a promotion and a handsome package for his work. However, he is
annoyed that the

formula was not patented in his name. In the context of the given scenario, which of the following
statements is true?

a. The innovation made by Matt on the job falls under the management and control of the


b.Matt's formula is his own intellectual property, and he has the right to use it as he sees

c. Since the formula can be patented only by Matt, the company is legally required to pay

him 30 percent of the total profits gained.

d.A heavy fine can be imposed on the company for drawing a contract that is


8. Claudia is hired as a Senior Engineer by Hexagon Inc. Allen, the HR Manager of the company, promises
her that she

will start working on live projects within three months from joining. He also tells her that she is expected
to give three

months' notice before quitting the job. Which of the following statements is true of the given scenario?

a. Claudia is an at-will employee.

b. Allen has violated an employment law by making a promise.

c. Claudia has an implied contract with the company.

d. Hexagon Inc. cannot be challenged in a court even when it fails to follow up on its


9. Employment at will is a common-law doctrine stating that _____.

a. an employee must provide a minimum of two weeks' notice before quitting a job

b. employees can be asked to leave a company only if they are willing to do so

c. employees are free agents, but employers must have just cause for terminating


d. an employer has the right to hire, fire, demote, or promote whomever it chooses

10. Which of the following exceptions to employment at will holds that employees should not be fired
from an

organization as long as they perform their jobs?

a. Public policy exception

b. Implied contract exception

c. Good-faith and fair-dealing exception

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Chapter 14 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities

d. Statutory exception

11. Grace is asked by her employer to quit her job on the grounds that she is not punctual. Considering
that the commonlaw doctrine of employment at will holds in the given scenario, which of the following
statements is true?

a. Grace can get her job back using the implied contract exception to employment at


b. Grace has to give in to her employer's demands and quit her job.

c. Grace can get her job back using the public policy exception to employment at will.

d. Grace's employer is committing a very common federal crime.

12. The statutory exception to employment at will indicates that:

a. employees can sue their employers if fired for a reason that violates public policy.

b. a covenant of good faith and fair dealing exists between employers and at-will


c. protected class characteristics cannot be used as a reason to terminate employees.

d. employees should not be fired as long as they perform their jobs.

13. _____ involves the termination of an individual's employment for reasons that are illegal or
a. Wrongful discharge

b. Dysfunctional turnover

c. Voluntary turnover

d. Deconstructive discharge

14. The process of deliberately making conditions intolerable to get an employee to quit is referred to as

a. dysfunctional


b. wrongful discharge

c. constructive discharge

d. voluntary turnover

15. After a personality conflict with his manager, Will is asked to work extra hours every day. Will is given
the toughest

assignments and is often ignored and even insulted during team meetings and discussions. Will considers
quitting the job

owing to the intolerable work conditions. Will's manager can be held responsible for _____.

a. wrongful discharge

b. dysfunctional


c. constructive discharge

d. voluntary turnover

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Chapter 14 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities

16. _____ is reasonable justification for taking employment-related action.

a. Benchmarking

b. Impeachment

c. Constructive discharge

d. Just cause

17. Amber worked as a Sales Associate in a department store. When a few high-priced products were
found missing from

the store, Amber was accused of theft and fired from the job. No investigation was conducted, and
Amber was not allowed

to explain herself. Which of the following is true of the given scenario?

a. Amber's employer had enforced a noncompete


b. Amber's employer did not follow due process.

c. Amber's statutory rights were upheld.

d. Amber was not given the option of involuntary turnover.

18. In the context of organizational justice, which of the following is true of distributive justice?

a. It is the perceived fairness of the processes used to make decisions about employees.

b. It is the perceived fairness in the allocation of outcomes among employees.

c. It is the extent to which a person affected by an employment decision feels treated

with dignity and respect.

d. It is the extent to which good faith and fair dealing exist between employers and atwill employees.

19. Ramona manages a team of 10 designers at Purple Inc. She encourages all her subordinates to
directly approach her
and speak with her at any time of the day regarding issues they may be facing at work. Given this
information, it can be

said that _____.

a. the company encourages functional turnover

b. the company follows an arbitration system

c. Ramona acts as an ombudsman in the


d. the company practices an open-door policy

20. Individuals outside the normal chain of command who act as independent problem solvers for both
the management

and employees of an organization are called _____.

a. ombuds

b. whistleblowers

c. union stewards

d. shareholders

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Chapter 14 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities

21. The Privacy Act of 1974, which includes provisions affecting HR recordkeeping systems, applies only
to _____.

a. companies operating in the business sector

b. companies operating in the private sector

c. nongovernmental organizations and charities

d. federal agencies and organizations supplying services to the federal government

22. Which of the following statements is true of the Data Protection Act?

a. It forbids employers from storing sensitive employee information.

b. It authorizes employers to release employee information without employee consent.

c. It requires employers to keep personnel records up to date and keep only the details

that are needed.

d. It mandates employers to maintain personnel files and records for a minimum of 10


23. According to the Data Protection Act, personnel files and records are usually maintained by
employers for _____.

a. one year

b. two years

c. three


d. five years

24. Individuals who report real or perceived wrongs committed by their coworkers or employers are
called _____.

a. whistleblowers

b. ombuds

c. union stewards

d. arbitrators

25. Ken works in a pharmaceutical company that sells antibiotics at a low cost to several African
countries. He later learns
that most of these drugs are expired antibiotics that have been repackaged by the company. Ken
immediately informs one

of his friends, a federal agent, of his company's illegal activities. Which of the following statements is
true of the given


a. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act would protect Ken from retaliation by his employer.

b.Ken's constitutional right to freedom of speech would protect him from any form of

retaliation by his employer.

c. Ken would receive no protection since no comprehensive whistle-blowing law protects

the right to free speech.

d.The Data Protection Act would give the company the power to terminate Ken, and the

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Chapter 14 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities

company may or may not face legal action.

26. _____ protects employees from unjust or arbitrary discipline or termination.

a. Due process

b. Constructive discharge

c. Impeachment

d. Functional turnover
27. In the United States, the right of protection from unreasonable search and seizure _____.

a. protects an individual only against unreasonable search and seizure by government


b. has been eliminated by the USA PATRIOT Act

c. protects all employees from unreasonable search and seizure by employers in the


d. protects only those individuals employed in the private sector

28. Organizations monitor electronic communications of their employees because:

a. they want to keep track of all employee interactions to obtain information on their

feelings and perceptions regarding the workplace.

b.they want to protect corporate resources, prevent hacking and virus attacks, and ensure


c. they want to identify the whistle-blowers among the employees and keep track of their


d.they want to read through employee e-mails for signs of dissatisfaction among

employees that could lead to high attrition rates.

29. _____ is the extent to which a person affected by an employment decision feels treated with dignity
and respect.

a. Restorative justice

b. Distributive justice

c. Interactional justice

d. Procedural justice

30. In the context of conducting workplace investigations, which of the following statements is true of
the Fair and

Accurate Credit Transactions (FACT) Act?

a. It allows employers to hire outside investigators without first notifying the individuals
under investigation.

b.It prohibits employers from hiring outside investigators when investigating an


c. It requires employers to get permission from the individuals under investigation before

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Chapter 14 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities

hiring outside investigators.

d.It allows employers to hire outside investigators only if the individuals under

investigation have access to sensitive employer data.

31. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a pharmaceutical company suspects that one of the senior
scientists in the

company has been selling confidential information to a competitor. The CEO asks the scientist to take a
polygraph test. In

the context of the Employee Polygraph Protection Act, which of the following is true of the given

a. The CEO can fire the scientist for refusing to take the polygraph test.

b. The scientist cannot refuse to take the polygraph test.

c. The scientist cannot be terminated for refusing to take the polygraph test.

d. The scientist can sue the firm for illegally attempting to conduct the polygraph

32. Which of the following statements is true of the Employee Polygraph Protection Act?

a. It allows employers to terminate an employee accused of a crime in the workplace if

the employee refuses to take a polygraph exam.

b.It requires that employees must be advised of their rights to refuse to take a polygraph


c. It allows the use of polygraphs for most pre-employment screening.

d.It requires law enforcement personnel to be present when a polygraph test is being

administered in the workplace.

33. Which of the following is true of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988?

a. It covers all intoxicating substances, including alcohol.

b. It requires government contractors to take steps to eliminate employee drug


c. It covers the use of illegal substances both on and off the job.

d. It applies only to private-sector employers.

34. Which of the following is a drug-testing policy that employers follow when testing current

a. Testing the employees only in cases of substance abuse

b. Testing the employees only in cases of probable cause

c. Testing the employees only when they are not on duty

d. Testing the employees only after getting consent from their immediate family


35. _____ provide customary methods of handling activities and are more specific than policies.

a. Procedure

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Chapter 14 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities

b. Petitions

c. Rights

d. Patents

36. The employee contract of Uranus Inc. clearly states that "every employee in the company must avoid
smoking within

the company premises." This best exemplifies a _____.

a. patent

b. writ

c. rule

d. petitio

37. Which of the following is typically a responsibility of the HR unit for ensuring that policies,
procedures, and rules are

effectively followed in a company?

a. Reviewing HR policies and rules with all employees

b. Applying HR policies, procedures, and rules

c. Giving feedback on the effectiveness of HR policies and rules

d. Designing formal mechanisms for coordinating HR policies

38. Which of the following is typically a responsibility of operating managers for ensuring that policies,
procedures, and

rules are effectively followed in a company?

a. Training other managers to administer policies, procedures, and rules

b. Providing information on application of HR policies, procedures, and


c. Giving feedback on the effectiveness of HR policies and rules

d. Designing formal mechanisms for coordinating HR policies

39. Which of the following statements is true of employee handbooks?

a. The courts have used employee handbooks against employers in lawsuits by charging

a broken "implied" contract.

b.Employee handbooks are usually generalized so that the content matches the general

policies followed in a specific industry.

c. Employee handbooks do not include content that would require constant revision

because revision can be very expensive.

d.Employee handbooks are always written in a formal legalistic fashion for


40. _____ is defined in legal terms as an individual's freedom from unauthorized and unreasonable
intrusion into personal


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Chapter 14 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities

a. Just cause

b. Due process

c. The right to dissent

d. The right to


41. Which of the following approaches to discipline builds on the philosophy that violations are actions
that usually can

be corrected constructively without penalty?

a. The authoritative discipline


b. The positive discipline approach

c. The progressive discipline approach

d. The dictatorial discipline approach

42. The goal of the _____ phase of the positive discipline approach to discipline is to heighten employee
awareness of

organizational policies and rules.

a. written documentation

b. final warning

c. discharge

d. counseling

43. Jennifer has been highly unproductive at work for the last few weeks and is counseled regarding

policies and rules by her supervisor. She is then asked to identify solutions to prevent further problems
and write them
down. When her supervisor feels that these activities are not helping her, she is given a paid day off to
prepare an action

plan that will help her work on her productivity issues. This best exemplifies the _____.

a. dictatorial discipline approach

b. positive discipline approach

c. progressive discipline approach

d. authoritative discipline


44. The greatest difficulty with the positive approach to discipline is that _____.

a. employees do not take the process seriously until they reach the final warning


b. it needs the managers to take an authoritative approach

c. managers have to be trained extensively to become effective counselors

d. it typically increases the rate of voluntary turnover

45. In the context of approaches to discipline, the _____ incorporates steps that become increasingly
more severe and are

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Chapter 14 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities

designed to change an employee's inappropriate behavior.

a. progressive discipline approach

b. constructive discharge approach

c. functional turnover approach

d. voluntary dismissal approach

46. A(n) _____ is a physical or electronic manual that explains a company's essential policies,
procedures, and worker


a. noncompete agreement

b. employer memorandum

c. employee handbook

d. yellow-dog contract

47. In the context of a typical progressive discipline process, a second offense requires the employer to

a. give a verbal caution to the offender

b. give a written reprimand to the offender

c. terminate the offender

d. suspend the offender for a small period of time

48. Chu, an Operating Manager, needs to terminate one of his subordinates, who works on the same
floor. The employee,

even after several warnings, has been poorly executing work-related duties. Which of the following is the

appropriate medium for dealing with the termination?

a. A face-to-face meeting

b. A video conference

c. A telephonic conversation

d. An e-mail

49. A _____ is an agreement in which a terminated employee agrees not to sue the employer in
exchange for specified

benefits, such as additional severance pay or other consideration.

a. clawback agreement

b. separation agreement

c. noncompete agreement

d. nonpiracy agreement

50. Claudette is being terminated from her position as the Chief Financial Officer of a private university.
She has signed

an agreement in which she has agreed not to sue the employer in return for certain benefits. The
agreement best

exemplifies a _____.

a. separation agreement

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Chapter 14 - Employee Rights and Responsibilities

b. noncompete agreement

c. nonpiracy agreement

d. clawback agreement
1. The paid employees insurance by employers is the futile part of ..
a. non direct financial paymentchi trả không trực tiếp bằng tiền
b. salary increments
c. direct financial payments
d. paid counseling

2. In the new approach of jobs pay rates, the employers are focusing on Human
resource management is the process of..
Trong cách tiếp cận mới về mức lương việc làm, người sử dụng lao động đang
tập trung vào Quản lý nguồn nhân lực là quá trình
a. Acquiring employees tuyển dụng nhân viên
b. Training employees đào tạo nhân viên
c. Appraising and compensating employees Đánh giá và khen thưởng nhân viên
d. all of correct

3. The personal qualities(phẩm chất) and traits (đặc điểm) required for job is
stated in..cần thiết cho công việc bắt đầu với
a. job analysis
b. job descriptions
c. all of incorrect
d. job specification

4. Company’s paying strategies for employee’s learning organizational skills,

included Chiến lược trả lương của công ty cho việc học tập các kỹ năng tổ chức
của nhân viên, bao gồm
A. pay for knowledge
B. skill-based pay
C. time based pay
D. Both A and B
5. The ‘educational level’ of executive is classified as
“Trình độ học vấn” của người điều hành được phân loại là
a. working
b. human capital (physycal assets, financial assets, intellectual property, human
c. compensation capital
d. size of working capital

6. Which of the following factors is related to internal environment of an

a. Social factors
b. Political changes
c. Economic climate
d. Organisational culture

7. The first step in establishing pay rates is to

a. conduct salary survey
b. group similar jobs
c. price each pay grade
d. fine-time pay rates

8. Concurrent validity is measured when ....thoả thuận giá trị được đo khi
a. There is a consistency across different interviewers
b. An employer tests current employees and correlates the scores with
their performance ratings Một nhà tuyển dụng thử nghiệm nhân viên hiện tại và
tương quan các điểm số với đánh giá hiệu suất của họ
c. Test results of applicants are compared with subsequent job performance
d. There is a consistency within one interviewers
9. Determining duties and characteristics of positions in staffing, known as Xác
định nhiệm vụ và đặc điểm của các vị trí trong việc điều nhân sự được gọi là:
A. job descriptions
B. job analysis
C. job specifications
D. both A and C
10. The qualitative or quantitative information for maintaining or changing
performance is the part of?
Thông tin định tính hoặc định lượng để duy trì hoặc thay đổi hiệu suất là một
phần của
A. performance feedback
B. performance appraisal
C. appraisal system
D. appraisal feedback
11. While writing job description, major functions or activities are written in
A. job summary
B. responsibilities and duties
C. job identification
D. both B and C

12. A rating scale which enlists traits and performance values is called
Thang đánh giá bao gồm các đặc điểm và giá trị hiệu suất được gọi là
A. graphic rating scale method
B. management by objectives
C. alternation ranking method
D. in-house development

13. Preparing for future means .......

a. Collecting and analyzing information about what has happened to prepare for the
b. Collecting and analyzing information about what has happening and what has
happened to produce reports
c. Collecting and analyzing information about what has happening and
what has happened to prepare for the future
d. Collecting and analyzing information about what has happening to make plans for
the future
14. The total profit and rate of return is classified as
Tổng lợi nhuận và tỷ suất lợi nhuận được phân loại là
a. ability of employer to pay
khả năng chi trả của người sử dụng lao động
b. ability of employer to hire
c. ability of employer to grow
d. ability of employer to train employees

15. Objectives of HRM include. . .

a. Employee satisfaction enhancement.nâng cao sự hài lòng nv
b. All are correct.
c. Generation of positive motivation.tạo động lực tích cực
d. Effective use of HR. sử dụng hiệu quả nguồn nhân lực

16. Career planning and development is an example of

Lập kế hoạch và phát triển nghề nghiệp là một ví dụ về
a. Human process intervention
b. HRM intervention can thiệp nhân sự
c. Techno structural intervention
d. Strategic intervention
17. The ‘effective negotiation’ is included in
Việc đàm phán hiệu quả được bao gồm trong....
A. personal competencies
B. interpersonal competencies (năng lực cá nhân)
C. business management
D. A&C
18. In new approach of jobs pay rates, employers are focusing on
A. employee’s family name
B. employee’s competency (năng lực của nhân viên)
C. employee’s performance
D. employee’s equity

19. An advantage of alternation ranking method is that it

Ưu điểm của phương pháp xếp hạng luân phiên là nó
a. avoids central tendency and biases (tránh xu hướng trung tâm và thành kiến)
b. is simple to use
c. provides behavior anchors
d. ends up with predetermined rating figures

20. A method for HR forecasting which involves the collection of experts opinions
is. . .
a. Regression analysis.
b. Nominal group technique.
c. Delphi technique.
d. Simulation modeling.

21. The performance management is always việc quản trị hiệu suất luôn
Select one:
a. goal oriented hướng tới mục tiêu
b. sales oriented
c. performance oriented
d. all of incorrect

22. An enterprise Incentive Management systems include

Hệ thống quản lý khuyến khích doanh nghiệp bao gồm
a. all of correct
b. analyzing compensation
c. managing compensation
d. planning compensation
23. Factors that affect the effectiveness of recruitment include. . .
a. All are correct.
b. Labor force population.số lượng lao động
c. Business strategies.chiến lược kd
d. Recruitment responsibilities and goals. tn và mục tiêu td

24. The workflow detailed picture is called

Hình ảnh chi tiết của quy trình làm việc được gọi là
a. process management
b. Process chart Sơ đồ quá trình
c. production unit
d. Organization chart

25. In performance management, the main feature of performance management is to

Trong quản lý hiệu suất, đặc điểm chính của quản lý hiệu suất là
a. comparing sales figures from last year
b. increase salary
c. planning incentives
d. comparing performance with goals so sánh hiệu suất với mục tiêu

26. Which recommendations should be considered when there is excess

Cần cân nhắc những khuyến nghị nào khi dư thừa nhân lực?
a. Hire third party employees
b. Use temporary manpower
c. Do not recruit new employees không tuyển nv mới
d. Increase working hours

27. The quantitative process of job evaluation does not include

Quá trình định lượng của đánh giá công việc không bao gồm
a. ranking jobs
b. grading jobs
c. non of above k có ở trên
d. classifying jobs

28. Adding Incentives to the job is included in

Thêm ưu đãi cho công việc được bao gồm trong
a. extrinsic motivation động lực bên ngoài
b. intrinsic motivation
c. outsourced motivation
d. in-house motivation

29. The reporting relationship and working conditions related to a job is stated
Mối quan hệ báo cáo và điều kiện làm việc liên quan đến công việc được nêu trong..
a. all of correct
b. Job specification
c. Job description mô tả cv
d. Job analysis

30. Current challengs facing human resources management (HRM) include.

Các thách thức hiện tại đối diện với quản lý nhân sự (HRM) bao gồm:
a. Globalization.
b. All are correct.
c. Technological innovation.đổi mới cn
d. Workforce diversity. Đa dạng lực lượng lao động
31. One of the advantages of internal recruiting is that:
a. Individuals not promoted may experience morale problems.
b. The process can motivate employees for greater performance.
c. All are correct
d. Some managers may resist having employees promoted into their departments.

32. Which functions are performed by HR deparment?

a. HR strategic planning
b. Talent management
c. Benefits package Gói lợi ích
d. All are correct

33. In big five models, extraversion is tendency to be ...

Trong mô hình Big Five, tính cách hướng ngoại là xu hướng để...
a. assertive tự tin, quả quyết
b. achievement thành tựu
c. autonomous tự chủ
d. unconventional không truyền thống, độc đáo

34. Realistic job preview is viewed as. . . Bản xem trước công việc thực tế được
xem là
a. A balanced view of advantages, demands, expectations, and challenges in a job.
b. A balanced view of advantages, demands, expectations, and challenges in an
organization or a job.
Một cái nhìn cân đối về ưu điểm, yêu cầu, kỳ vọng và thách thức trong một tổ chức
hoặc một công việc.
c. All are incorrect.
d. A balanced view of advantages, demands, expectations, and challenges in an
35. Analyzing and identifying specific skills, needed for specific job is called
a. need analysis competency model
b. competency model
c. all of correct
d. task analysis phân tích công việc

36. Which factor among the followings is considered as a weakness of internal

Yếu tố nào sau đây được coi là điểm yếu của lực lượng lao động nội bộ?
a. Global expansion
b. Economic uncertainty
c. Technological advances
d. Lack of talent pipeline Thiếu nguồn nhân tài

37. The steps involves in movement of employer for performance management is

Các bước liên quan đến việc di chuyển người sử dụng lao động để quản lý hiệu suất là
a. strategic planning
b. total quality chất lượng tổng
c. all of correct
d. appraisal issues các vấn đề đánh giá
38. A list, consisting of job duties and responsibilities, part of
Một danh sách, bao gồm các nhiệm vụ và trách nhiệm công việc, một phần của
a. all of correct
b. Job specification
c. Job analysis
d. Job descriptions mô tả cv: identifies a job’s tasks, duties, and responsibilities

39. In big five model, conscientiousness (sự tận tâm) is tendency to be ...
Select one:
a. unconventional
b. autonomous
c. assertive
d. achievement thành tựu

40. The Job rotation means..luân chuyển công việc

Select one:
a. redesigning jobs of workers
b. all of incorrect
c. assigning additional activities to workers
d. moving workers from one job to the other Di chuyển công nhân từ một công việc
sang công việc khác

41. Each unit made by a worker to be paid is considered as

Mỗi đơn vị sản phẩm mà một công nhân tạo ra để được thanh toán được coi là
a. salary increments
b. promotion
c. performance based pay (lương dựa trên hiệu suất)
d. time based pay

42. The ranking of all the employees, measuring a specific trait such as
communication is measured in
Thứ hạng của tất cả nhân viên, đo lường một đặc điểm cụ thể như giao tiếp được đo
a. graphic rating scale method
b. paired comparison method
c. alternation ranking method (phương pháp xếp hạng luân phiên)
d. management by objectives

43. The compensation for top executive job is largely based on

Việc trả lương cho công việc điều hành cấp cao chủ yếu dựa vào
a. human capital executive điều hành vốn nhân lực
b. ability of employer to pay khả năng chi trả của người sử dụng lao động
c. all of correct
d. job complexity

44. A job analysis consists of..

Select one:
a. job description mô tả cv
b. Job specification đặc điểm cv
c. all of incorrect
d. all of correct

45. One of the positive views about HR deparment is that. . .

a. HR deparment is too bureaucratic, detail-oriented, and costly and comprised of
b. HR deparment protects corporate assets against the many legal issues.
Bộ phận nhân sự bảo vệ tài sản của doanh nghiệp khỏi nhiều vấn đề pháp lý.
c. All are correct.
d. HR deparment is more concerned about activities than results.
46. The training effects that are to be measured consist of..
Training can be evaluated at four levels: reaction, learning, behaviour, results
a. all of correct
b. reaction phán ứng
c. learning học tập
d. behavior hành vi

47. The method in which problem to be solved is described for employees is called
Phương pháp mô tả vấn đề cần giải quyết cho nhân viên được gọi là
a. job rotation
b. case study method
c. action learning
d. lifelong learning

48. Responsibilities of functional departments in recruitment include. . .

a. Check resume information and references. Kiểm tra thông tin và nguồn tham
khảo từ hồ sơ.
b. Organize a health check program.
c. Welcome the candidate.
d. Make the final decision based on the advice of the human resources department.
49. Human resources (HR) as a core competency (năng lực cốt lõi) means . . .
a. The differentiation between an organisation and its competitors.
b. The unique capability that creates high value in which an organization excels.
Khả năng đặc biệt tạo ra giá trị cao mà một tổ chức vượt trội
c. All are correct.
d. The key determinant of competitive advantage.

50. The public recognition (sự công nhận của mn) such as an award (giải thưởng)
in organized function is the best classified as an example of
a. fixed award
b. non-financial awards
c. proportional award
d. financial awards

51. Advantages of online training include. . .

a. Time and cost saving.
b. High flexibility.
c. All are correct
d. Frequently updated training content.
52. re-designing a business process, in getting more efficient and effective result,
known as
thiết kế lại quy trình kinh doanh để đạt được kết quả hiệu quả hơn, được gọi là
a. redesigning jobs of workers
b. assigning additional activities to workers
c. moving workers from one job to the other
d. reengineering tái cơ cấu

53. Job enrichment means that. . .

a. Employees are rotated to different positions.( job rotation:
Process of shifting a person from job to job)
b. All are correct
c. The scope of work is expanded by increasing the number of tasks in the job. (Job
enlargement: Broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of different
tasks that are performed)
d. Job enrichment: Increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibility for
planning, organizing, controlling, and/or evaluating the job (Tăng chiều sâu của công
việc bằng cách bổ sung thêm trách nhiệm lập kế hoạch, tổ chức, kiểm soát và/hoặc
đánh giá công việc)

54. The PIECEWORK pay plan is often called

a. extrinsic rewards
b. individual pay plan kế hoạch trả lương theo sản lượng cá nhân
c. intrinsic rewards
d. group pay plan

55. In 360-degree feedback, the ratings are collected from

a. subordinates cấp dưới
b. all of correct
c. supervisors cấp trên
d. peers đồng nghiệp

56. The package of salary, incentives and figure benefits designed in a way to
motived the employees is known as
Gói lương, trả khuyến khích và phúc lợi được thiết kế theo cách nhằm tạo động lực
cho nhân viên
a. performance appraisal
b. aligned compensation strategy
c. HR strategy
d. aligned reward strategy chiến lược khen thưởng phù hợp

57. The second step in the HR planning process is. . .

a. HR forecasting.
b. Evaluation of internal and external workforce.
c. Formulation of HR strategies and plans.

58. Job analysis is must for employees..

a. training
b. performance appraisal
c. all of correct
d. compensations

59. The evaluation of trainee reaction to a training program is classified as

a. measuring learning
b. measuring reaction
c. measuring behavior
d. measuring results

60. The validity test that focused on comparing test scores of ready existing
employees to measure of their job performance, is
Bài kiểm tra tính hợp lệ tập trung vào việc so sánh điểm kiểm tra của những nhân viên
hiện có để đo lường hiệu suất công việc của họ, là
a. content validity
b. predictive validity
c. criterion validity
d. concurrent validity
61. The technique, involving the trainees to act on role of specific person in real
situation is
Kỹ thuật yêu cầu học viên đóng vai một người cụ thể trong tình huống thực tế là
a. behavior modeling
b. role playing đóng vai
c. all of correct
d. in-house development center

62. The competency-based job analysis means defining the job in terms of..
a. observable competency : năng lực quan sát đc
b. all of correct
c. measurable competency: có thể đo lường được
d. behavioral competency năng lực hành vi
63. The job analysis information can be collected through..
a. all of correct
b. observation
c. interviews
d. questionnaires
64. In big five models, agreeableness(sự dễ chịu) is the tendency to be ..
Select one:
a. sociable hoà đồng
b. all of correct
c. trusting tin cậy
d. complaint phàn nàn
65. The transformation (sự chuyển đổi) of human resources management (HRM)
since 1990s until now is that. . .
Select one:
a. HRM performs more professional tasks such as job design and employee
satisfaction research.
b. HRM acts as a support department for other departments in salary matters, record
keeping, organizing outdoor events, etc.
c. All are correct.
d. HRM plays a role in linking human resources with the organization's strategy.
66. Determining the duties and characteristics (nhiệm vụ và đặc điểm) of
positions in staffing, known as..
a. Job specification
b. Job analysis
c. Job descriptions
d. all of correct

67. In job classification the group that contains jobs with similar difficulty level is
Trong phân loại công việc, nhóm bao gồm các công việc có độ khó tương tự được gọi:
a. grades
b. classes
c. combine ratings
d. rank jobs

68. The personal qualities and traits required for job is stated in..
Các đặc điểm và phẩm chất cá nhân cần thiết cho công việc được nêu trong..
a. all of incorrect
b. job descriptions
c. job analysis
d. job specification

69. The expectancy chart is a graph to show relationship between

Biểu đồ kỳ vọng là biểu đồ thể hiện mối quan hệ giữa
a. tasks performance and time utilized
b. none of all
c. test scores and job performance
d. all of correct
70. Objectives of HRM include. . .
Select one:
a. Employee satisfaction enhancement.
b. Effective use of HR.
c. All are correct.
d. Generation of positive motivation. Tạo động lực tích cực.

71. The strategic role of HR focuses on. . .

a. Future business needs.
b. Implement needed programs.
c. Clerical administration and record keeping.
d. Legal paperwork and policy implementation.

72. The term job enlargement means: Thuật ngữ mở rộng công việc có nghĩa là
a. moving workers from one job to the other
b. redesigning jobs of workers
c. assigning additional activities to workers phân công các hoạt động bổ sung cho
người lao động
d. all of incorrect

73. Each band in broad banding contains

Mỗi nhóm trong hệ thống broad banding chứa
a. only one type of job
b. wide range of jobs (nhiều cv)
c. unspecified job description
d. lesser range of job

74. The importance of performance appraisal is expressed via some elements

such as. Sự quan trọng của đánh giá hiệu suất được thể hiện thông qua một số
yếu tố như.
a. All are correct.
b. Identifying the aspects that the employees need to improve.
c. Clarifying work results that the organization needs.
d. Providing feedback of work to employees.

75. Human resource management is the process of..

a. all of correct
b. Training employees
c. Acquiring employees
d. Appraising and compensating employees

76. From a negative view of HR department, effort HR is seen as. . .

Từ góc nhìn tiêu cực của bộ phận nhân sự, nỗ lực nhân sự được coi là.
a. Strongly linking employees, managers, and business performance.
b. Strongly linking employees and business performance.
c. Effectively linking employees, managers, and business performance.
d. Seldom linking employees, managers, and business performance.
Hiếm khi liên kết giữa nhân viên, quản lý và hiệu suất kinh doanh.

77. The first stage of the on-the-job training process is. . .

a. Presenting the information.
b. All are correct
c. Providing the trainees with practice.
d. Preparing the trainees. Chuẩn bị cho người học

78. Questions that can be used to identify challenges of training include some
examples such as. . .
Các câu hỏi có thể được sử dụng để xác định những thách thức trong đào tạo bao
gồm một số ví dụ như
Select one:
a. How to assess the effectiveness of training programs? Làm thế nào để đánh giá hiệu
quả của chương trình đào tạo
b. Is there a need for training? Có cần phải đào tạo không?
c. All are correct.
d. Who needs training? Ai cần đào tạo?
79. Sources of performance appraisal include. . .
Select one:
a. All are correct
b. Team members rating each other.
c. Employees rating themselves.
d. Supervisors rating their employees.

80. Which responsibility a line manager must be in charge of regarding

interviewing and selection?
Người quản lý trực tiếp phải chịu trách nhiệm gì về việc phỏng vấn và tuyển
Select one:
a. Develop legal and effective interview techniques
b. Train other managers in conducting selection interviews
c. Check references
d. Provide feedback to HR department on hiring/rejection decisions
Cung cấp phản hồi cho bộ phận nhân sự về các quyết định tuyển dụng/từ chối

81. The organizational development consists of …

Sự phát triển của tổ chức bao gồm…
Select one:
a. all of correct
b. applying behavioral knowledge
c. action search
d. change toward empowerment thay đổi theo hướng trao quyền

81. The pay strategies of company for learning organizational employee skills,
Not included Chiến lược trả lương của công ty để học các kỹ năng của nhân viên
trong tổ chức, Không bao gồm
a. skill-based pay
b. time based pay
c. all of correct
d. pay for knowledge
employee skills: knowledge, skills, abilities

82. The comparison of on the job behavior before and after training programs
can be classified as
Select one:
a. measuring reaction
b. measuring behavior
c. measuring results
d. measuring learning

83. Information that can be used to evaluate applicants for selection include. . .
a. All are correct.
b. Average length of time at old companies
c. Academic level.
d. Past achievements.

82. The roles of human resources management (HRM) are divided into the areas
Select one:
a. Operation and Employee Advocate.
b. Property management and Evidence-based management.
c. Administration, Operation, Employee Advocate and Strategic Management.
Quản lý, Vận hành, Hỗ trợ Nhân viên và Quản lý Chiến lược
d. Administration and Strategic Management.

83. One of the advantage of Management by Objectives (MBO) is that

Select one:
a. it provides ongoing basis evaluation
b. it provides behavioral anchors
c. it avoids central tendency and biases
d. it jointly agreed performance objectives Các mục tiêu hiệu suất được thống nhất

84. The HR plans of any organization does not include:

Select one:
a. compensation plans
b. training and development plans
c. personnel plans
d. production plans

85. The competency based pay plan is more Kế hoạch trả lương dựa trên năng
lực là nhiều hơn
a. evaluation oriented
b. person oriented
c. tenure oriented (định hướng nhiệm kỳ)
d. job oriented

86. Contingent workers are. . . Các công nhân tạm thời hoặc linh hoạt
Select one:
a. Full time workers
b. Full time employees as well as temporary or part-time workers for a specific period
of time and type of work.
c. Not full time employees, but temporary or part-time workers for a specific
period of time and type of work
d. Part-time workers who are employed permanently

87. Task is defined as. . .

Select one:
a. Work segment composed of several tasks that are performed by an
b. Distinct, identifiable work activity composed of motions. Hoạt động làm việc riêng
biệt, có thể nhận dạng được bao gồm các chuyển động.
c. Obligation to perform certain tasks and duties. (respomsibilities)
d. All are correct.
88. Bonuses are the part of
a. direct financial payment
b. indirect financial payments
c. payroll
d. counseling
(Benefits are indirect financial and nonfinancial payments employees receive for
continuing their employment with the company. Direct financial payments are salaries
and bonuses.)

89. Organisation culture has the influence on. . .

Select one:
a. Service quality.
b. HR strategic planning.
c. All are correct.

90. The term job enrichment means:

Select one:
a. reforming and analyzing the job
b. assigning additional activities to workers (Job enlargement)
c. redesigning jobs of workers
d. moving workers from one job to the other

Common approaches to job design: Job enrichment, Job enlargement, job rotation
Job enrichment: Increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibility for planning,
organizing, controlling, and/or evaluating the job.
Job enlargement: Broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of
different tasks that are performed
job rotation :Process of shifting a person from job to job
91. The basic approach in performance of employee compares with their
current performance to

a. performance in last job

b. set standards

c. performance in previous years

d. all of incorrect
92. Which kind of plans that forecast for the immediate HR needs of an
organization? Loại kế hoạch nào dự báo nhu cầu nhân sự trước mắt của một tổ

a. Intermediate-range plans

b. Short-range plans

c. Long-range plans

d. All are correct

-> HR forecasting should be done over three planning periods: short range,
intermediate range, and long range.

+ used planning period of six months to one year focuses on short-range forecasts
for the immediate HR needs of an organization.

+ Intermediate- and long-range forecasting are much more difficult processes.

+ Intermediate-range plans usually project one to three years into the future, and
long-range plans extend beyond three years.

93. The concession, employees gets in form of discounts in air ticket and bus
fares is an example of
Sự ưu đãi, nhân viên được hưởng dưới hình thức giảm giá vé máy bay, vé xe buýt
là một ví dụ về

a. non direct payments

b. incentives

c. direct payments

d. salary payments

94. The educational level of executive is classified as

Select one:

a. size of working capital

b. working capital

c. compensation capital

d. human capital

95. The ranging and grading salary into just few levels is called

Việc phân loại và phân loại lương thành một vài cấp độ được gọi là

Select one:

a. skill based pay model

b. competency model

c. broad banding

d. less branding

Broadbanding: Practice of using fewer pay grades with much broader ranges
than in traditional compensation systems (Băng thông rộng: Thực hành sử dụng ít
hơn số lượng bậc lương và có phạm vi rộng lớn hơn so với các hệ thống bồi dưỡng
truyền thống.)
96. The rates are places in percentages in performance categories is followed
in (Các tỷ lệ được đặt trong các phần trăm trong các danh mục hiệu suất
được áp dụng trong)

Select one:

a. alternation ranking method

b. graphic rating scale method

c. paired comparison method

d. forced distribution method phương pháp phân phối bắt buộc

97. Providing new employees with the basic information regarding

background is

Select one:

a. employee orientation

b. employee training

c. all of correct

d. all of incorrect

98. The process of identifying, assessing and developing leadership is called

Quá trình xác định, đánh giá và phát triển khả năng lãnh đạo được gọi là

Select one:

a. all of correct

b. Succession planning KH thành công

c. Human resource planning

d. Employment planning

99. The human resource department plays/serves as

Bộ phận nhân sự đóng vai trò

Select one:

a. advisory role vai trò cố vấn

b. training department only

c. hiring department only

d. line authority

100. When the rating of employee trait biases its performance on other traits, it is
called (Khi đánh giá đặc điểm của nhân viên làm thiên lệch hiệu suất của nó so
với các đặc điểm khác, nó được gọi là)

Select one:

a. halo effect: occurs when a rater scores an employee high on all job criteria
because of performance in one area of the assigned work responsibilities

b. all of incorrect

c. narrow effect

101. An evaluation process of employee performance, in comparison to set

standards is called

Select one:

a. design of evaluation

b. compensation

c. performance appraisal

d. counselling
102. The relationship between value of job and average salary paid the job is
called (Mối quan hệ giữa giá trị công việc và mức lương trung bình trả cho công
việc này được gọi là)

Select one:

a. salary curve

b. job description curve

c. wage curve đường cong tiền lương

d. job evaluation curve

103. All incentive plans focused on Mọi kế hoạch khuyến khích đều tập trung vào

Select one:

a. tenure

b. performance

c. skills

d. particular knowledge

104. A category, testing the learned skilled and principles, known as

Hạng mục bao gồm việc kiểm tra các kỹ năng và nguyên tắc đã học được phân loại là

Select one:

a. measuring results

b. Measuring reaction

c. measuring behavior

d. measuring learning
105. Providing continuous learning, training and help to employees for expansion
of horizon is

Cung cấp học tập và đào tạo liên tục và giúp nhân viên mở rộng tầm nhìn là

Select one:

a. job training

b. programmed learning

c. job rotation

d. lifelong learning

-The disadvantage of graphic rating scale is

Can cause rater error
+ Some factors might need to be added to the ratings, while others might need to be
+ separate traits of factors are often grouped, and the rater is given only one box to
+ Descriptive words have different meanings to different raters.
Có thể gây ra lỗi đánh giá
+ Một số yếu tố có thể cần được thêm vào xếp hạng, trong khi những yếu tố khác có
thể cần phải loại bỏ
+ những đặc điểm riêng biệt của các yếu tố thường được nhóm lại và người đánh giá
chỉ được chọn một ô để đánh dấu
+ Từ miêu tả có ý nghĩa khác nhau đối với những người đánh giá khác nhau.
106. The advantage of graphic rating scale method is that; it is
Select one:
a. ends up with predetermined rating figures
b. simple to use
c. avoids central tendency and biases
d. an ongoing basis evaluation
107.An alternation ranking method is often classified as

Một phương pháp xếp hạng thay thế thường được phân loại là

Select one:

a. how you are measuring performance

b. the rule of performance appraisals

c. what are the set standards

d. what you are measuring

108. An integral part of feedback process is

Một phần không thể thiếu của quá trình phản hồi là

Select one:

a. direction sharing

b. coach and development support hỗ trợ huấn luyện viên và phát triển

c. goal alignment

d. ongoing performance monitoring

109. Employees abroad supply services or having outside vendors that the
company of own employees previously did in-house is known as

Nhân viên ở nước ngoài cung cấp dịch vụ hoặc có nhà cung cấp bên ngoài mà
công ty của nhân viên đó trước đây đã thực hiện nội bộ được gọi là

Select one:

a. alternative staffing

b. outsourcing: Transferring the management and performance of a business

function to an external service provider (Chuyển giao việc quản lý và thực hiện
chức năng kinh doanh cho nhà cung cấp dịch vụ bên ngoài)
c. offshoring: A company’s relocation of a business process or operation from one
country to another (Việc một công ty di dời quy trình hoặc hoạt động kinh doanh
từ nước này sang nước khác)

d. all of correct

Offshoring means having outside vendors supply services that a firm's own
employees previously did in-house while outsourcing means having outside
vendors abroad provide services once performed in-house

110. The disadvantage of graphic rating scale is

Select one:

a. halo effect

b. bias

c. central tendency xu hướng tập trung

d. all of correct

111. Information about specific salary and wage rate for particular job is the
part of . . . Thông tin về mức lương cụ thể và mức lương cho công việc cụ thể
là một phần của

Select one:

a. market survey
b. equity survey

c. HR survey

d. salary survey

112. The importance of HR planning includes. . .

Select one:

a. Identifying human resource needs.

b. All are correct.

c. Assessing the current human resources.

d. Optimizing the efficiency of using human resources.

a. Xác định nhu cầu nguồn nhân lực. c. Đánh giá nguồn nhân lực hiện tại. d. Tối
ưu hóa hiệu quả sử dụng nguồn nhân lực.

113. An outline of chain of command and reporting relationships in the form

of chart, is stated in..

Việc phác thảo các mối quan hệ chuỗi chỉ huy và báo cáo dưới dạng biểu đồ được
nêu trong

Select one:

a. Organization chart

b. Process chart

c. process management

d. production unit

114. The evaluation of internal and external workforce in the HR planning

process helps to identify. . .

Select one:

a. Strengths, weaknesses and threats.

b. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

c. Strengths, opportunities, and threats.

d. Strengths, difficulties, conditions, and threats.

115. The role of human resources management in the current era can be
viewed as

Select one:

a. Data analyst.

b. Brand builder.

c. Collaborator.

d. All are correct.

116. The relationship section of job description defines whom would you

Select one:

a. supervise

b. report to

c. work with

d. all of correct

117. The contribution of human resource strategy to business strategy is

expressed via. . . Sự đóng góp của chiến lược nguồn nhân lực vào chiến lược
kinh doanh được thể hiện thông qua

Select one:

a. All are correct.

b. The organisational focus on important business objectives. Tổ chức tập trung

vào các mục tiêu kinh doanh quan trọng.
c. The effectiveness of performance measurement system Hiệu quả của hệ thống
đo lường hiệu suất

118. Which factor among the followings is an example of internal training?

Yếu tố nào sau đây là ví dụ về đào tạo nội bộ?

Select one:

a. All are correct

b. On-the-job training Đào tạo tại chỗ

c. Teleconferencing

d. Educational leave

119. While writing job description, the major functions or activities are
written in.. Select one:

a. job tiltle

b. Job summary

c. all of correct

d. responsibilities and duties

120. Unemployment rate is affected by. . .

Select one:

a. All are correct

b. Increased business competition.

c. Decreased consumer spending.

d. Decreased need for new employees due to developments in technology.

121. When the rating are collected from supervisors, customers and peers,
considered as

Select one:
a. 180-degree feedback

b. 240-degree feedback

c. 360-degree feedback

d. 350-degree feedback

122. While writing job description, the job title is written in the section of ..

Trong khi viết mô tả công việc, chức danh công việc được viết trong phần

Select one:

a. all of incorrect

b. job identification xác định công việc

c. job summary

d. responsibilities and duties

123. A plan, offering a 75% based salary along with 25% incentives is
classified as

Select one:

a. competitive plan

b. non commission plan

c. noncompetitive plan

d. combination plan

124. The process of classifying, ranking jobs and assigning points to jobs is
called Quá trình phân loại, xếp hạng công việc và chấm điểm cho công việc
được gọi là

Select one:

a. job ranking

b. job granding
c. pay grading

d. job evaluation

125. The HR department of company can create advisory relationship

through: Bộ phận nhân sự của công ty có thể tạo mối quan hệ tư vấn thông

Select one:

a. Line authority

b. Staff authority Quyền nhân viên

c. hiring authority

d. all of correct

126. The advantage of BARS system is

Select one:

a. providing behavior anchors cung cấp neo hành vi

b. ends up with predetermined rating figures

c. avoids central tendency biases

d. simple to use

127. The first step of the performance appraisal process is. . .

Select one:

a. Building performance criteria and standards for each position.

b. Forming the appraisal policy.

c. Measuring actual performance.

d. All are incorrect.

Job design approach

Job enlargement: Expand the scope of work by increasing the number of tasks in
the job

Job Enrichment: the job is expanded vertically; employees are given

responsibility that might have previously been part of a supervisor’s job (công việc
được mở rộng theo chiều dọc; nhân viên được giao trách nhiệm mà trước đây có
thể là một phần công việc của người giám sát)

Job rotation: Rotate to different positions

The importance of recruitment

• Attraction/Recruitment is the process of building a pool of qualified

applicants for the organization’s jobs

• Selection is the process of picking or choosing suitably qualified candidate to

perform the tasks of the organization

Labor Market

• External supply pool from which employers attract employees

• Components of labor market

• Labor force population: All individuals who are available for selection if all
possible recruitment strategies are used

• Applicant population: Subset of the labor force population that is available for
selection using a particular recruiting approach

• Realistic job preview: Process through which a job applicant receives an

accurate picture of a job
• Total rewards are the monetary and non-monetary rewards provided to
employees in order to attract, motivate, and retain them.
• Job satisfaction is a positive emotional state resulting from evaluating one’s
job experiences.
• Organizational commitment is the degree to which employees believe in and
accept organizational goals and desire to remain with the organization
• Employee discipline is the standards of employee behavior at work determined
by the organization. These standards were built on on the legal foundation and
ethical standards of society

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