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Impact of Lived Experiences on People’s Worldview in Terms

of Devotion
Devotees’ lived experiences significantly influence

their worldview, particularly in relation to their spiritual

devotion. These events serve as affirmations of their pre-

existing beliefs in Señor San Roque as a healing saint,

thereby intensifying their faith in him. The occurrences

encountered by the devotees related to Señor San Roque acts

as a cornerstone, enhancing the devotees’ reliance and trust

in the saint as guided by David Herman’s Cognitive

Narratology in which their storytelling is anchored on their

experiences. The devotees’ narratives do not just reflect

their worldviews, but also shape them. By repeatedly

narrating their experiences in certain ways, the devotees

reinforce their own beliefs and perspectives. This can

strengthen their devotion to Señor San Roque and influence

how they interpret their experiences.

Engaging in prayer is an expression of their devotion,

bringing a sense of tranquility and protection as they

perform their religious practices, which underscores their

commitment. The lived experiences of the devotees not only

fortify their faith but also motivate a deeper devotion as

an expression of gratitude. Consequently, this engenders a


recurring cycle of prayer and devotion, seeking the saint’s

assistance whenever it is needed. Mainampoun is a practice

of praying particularly to God and Saints highlighting the

part they play as role models and sources of inspiration.

These experiences have profoundly affected the individuals

involved, leading to life-changing beliefs. This finding is

confirmed by the article of Darrel Pinckney entitled Relics

and Icons: Their Role in Healing, Conversions, and Miracles

in which the exploration focuses on assertions and

encounters of healings, miracles, and religious conversions

in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches situated

in northeastern Pennsylvania. These encounters have had a

profound impact on the individuals involved, resulting in

significant changes in their beliefs. Pinckney examines the

significant role that prayer, relics, and icons play in

these transformative encounters. This investigation confirms

the researchers' findings that prayer provides protection

and guidance, and most importantly, leads to the experience

attributed to Senor San Roque. These experiences serve as

proof of the individuals' devotion and greatly impact their

worldview, fostering a belief that truly change their

behaviors, actions and worldview.

Keenan, E. (2024, January 2). Explaining why catholics pray to saints. Saint Paul Seminary.

Furthermore, their devotion deepens due to putting more

time and effort when devoting as stated by key informant


“Oo mao man iton akon. Ngan sugad siton gihapon

kada gab-I pangadyi gihapon tala digtoy, mao man iton

an nakakasulbar saak pamilya nga pag ampo, kay di ka

ngani mag ampo saim kalugaringon parte ngadto sa Ginoo

siguro ko an tawo madali madisgrasya o makadisgrasya

kay nasapi man san imo isip an diri maupay na panhuna-

huna nadadara ka man saim kuan tungod sa diri ka man

nag aampo sa Ginoo ngan diri ka nagkapot kan Señor San

Roque sugad siton.”

[That’s my way of practice like praying every night

because that’s what help my family survive. When you

don’t pray towards God and Señor San Roque probably you

can easily get into an accident or you will be the one

causing it because you get easily swayed by evil

thoughts just like that.]

Additionaly, the narrative of key informant no. 29

exemplifies the essence of faith and devotion towards the

saint. The devotees believed that their faith and devotion


to the saint is a factor in protection and guidance in their

daily decisions and interaction with others.

“Kay an ak debosyon pagsimba, pag too sa Ginoo,

iginagawas ak sa magraot sin yana na ak edad

magsisitinta na ak waray pa ak giaaway, dara san ak

pagtoo san Ginoo, kalikyan ko an maraot. Waray ak

ambisyon sin mga karat-an san igkasi tawo.”

[Because my devotion is worshipping God, I am free from

evil because at my current age of 70 years old, I don’t

have any quarrel with someone due to my faith in God, I

evade all evil thoughts and I don’t have bad intention

to other people.]

Pagserbe sa Milagroso nga Santo

Devotion to Señor San Roque significantly impacts the

devotees' worldview, as it embodies a profound sense of

spiritual duty and purpose. Serving the saint is not merely

a religious obligation; it is a way of life that permeates

every aspect of their existence as justified in the

narrative of key informant no.6.

“Oo, kay ini nga aton kinabuhi—nga talento

naton, an naghatag sini an Ginoo. Sanglit dapat iton e

balik sa iya kun nano imo talento, pinaagi san pag


serve. Pag serbe sa Ginoo, labi na ka Señor San Roque.

Maiton kay milagroso ini nga amon Patrono didi, damo

sin nagka hiupay. Diri la taga dinhi, iba iba pa nga

mga lugar, nagtutuyo gud sira didi pag debosyon ka

Señor San Roque.”

[Yes, because this life of ours—our talents, they were

given to us by God. So it is only right that we give

them back to Him by serving Him. Serving God,

especially Señor San Roque. He truly is miraculous

here; he has healed many. Not just the locals, but

people from various places, they really come here to

pay devotion to Señor San Roque.]

This service, whether through prayer, participation in

rituals, or acts of charity, reinforces their belief in the

saint's power and benevolence. It shapes their understanding

of suffering and healing, positioning Señor San Roque as a

compassionate intermediary who offers solace and hope. The

devotees' unwavering service to the saint fosters a life

oriented towards spiritual growth and communal harmony.

Moreover, this devotion instills a moral compass that

guides the devotees in their daily interactions and

decisions. By serving Señor San Roque, they are constantly

reminded of the virtues of humility, patience, and kindness.


These values become ingrained in their character,

influencing how they approach challenges and relate to

others. The impact of this devotion is thus twofold: it

deepens the devotees' spiritual connection to the divine and

simultaneously molds their ethical framework, ensuring that

their actions reflect the teachings and spirit of Señor San

Roque. In essence, their service to the saint is a testament

to their faith and a defining element of their identity.

Impact of Lived Experiences on People’s Worldview in Terms

of Extant Belief
The lived experiences of the devotees’ have a profound

impact on the extant beliefs attributed to Señor San Roque.

These extraordinary occurrences such as him known for being

a healing saint and his sacred water serves as tangible

affirmations of the saint’s intercessory power and

benevolence, reinforcing the faith of individuals and the

community at large. For believers, their lived experiences

are not mere coincidences but are perceived as divine

interventions that validate their religious practices and

the efficacy of their prayers. This strengthens their

conviction in the presence and influence of the divine in

their daily lives, encouraging a deeper engagement with

their faith and a more fervent practice of their devotion.


Mananambal nga Santos

The observation of a miracle by Señor San Roque

profoundly influences a devotee’s perception, particularly

reinforcing their conviction in his curative abilities. This

ingrained belief is cultivated through a tapestry of

religious instruction, and personal testimony. Señor San

Roque is known to be a Mananambal nga Santos since San

Roque is venerated as the patron saint against communicable

diseases, epidemic, and the plague.

The narratives that depict Señor San Roque as a healing

saint are inherited through cultural traditions, where

familial lineage plays a pivotal role in transmitting these

beliefs and associated religious practices, as guided by the

experiences and teachings of preceding generations.

The devotees' mental construction of Señor San Roque as

a healing saint is derived from the narrative of their

collective experiences such as key informant no.31 in which

being helped by the saint whenever she is in dire situation.

“Baba, buligi gad ak” mao iton di ba? Mao iton a ako

hibaro man didi tapos kun nano man ak inbabati siya la

gud an ak in uugupan…

Faithful urged to follow example of San roque. (2022, May 4). Manila Bulletin.

[Señor San Roque was given a miracle by God to help us

when we need it right? Baba help me. If I am unwell, I

would only go to him because I trust him since he was

also asked by God to heal those who are sick just like

Jesus Christ whom I also have faith.]

And Cultural inheritance caused by their families and

personal experiences as stated by key informant no. 25 in

which she stated the advice she would give to her family

just like what her ancestor did to her.

“Kay ako nasugad la ak sa ira, ay kam pagbulag sa

Ginoo, ayaw kam pagbulag sa patrono kay iton si Señor

San Roque mao gud iton siya… dihan man sa Makiwalo

siya gud an magtarambal kay kada man Santos mayda man

siya sakop o baryo na kanya man gin aatuparan…”

[I would advise them not to let go of God or let go of

our patron saint Señor San Roque because he is best

known here in Makiwalo as a healing saint and every

Saint has their place to take care of]

Within this narrative, they recount seeking Señor San

Roque’s aid during times of crisis and receiving subsequent

healing, thereby affirming his identity as a healer.

Nonetheless, the consistency of this narrative varies among

the devotees, attributed to their individual experiences.


These variations include perceptions of Señor San Roque as

not only a healer of ailments but also as one who endows

devotees with the ability to heal others. Additionally, some

narratives extend his assistance to encompass support in

personal adversities, not limited to physical illnesses.

This diversity in experiences contributes to the complex

portrayal of Señor San Roque’s intercessory capabilities and

underscores the personalized nature of devotional


Milagroso Nga Pariguan

Devotees believe that Señor San Roque's waters have

exceptional therapeutic properties and can cure any illness.

This conviction is formed by a combination of cultural

narratives, religious beliefs, and personal experiences.

This belief instills a sense of hope and a positive outlook

among those in search of healing, especially for those

afflicted with chronic or otherwise incurable conditions.

This conviction may shape devotees' actions, prompting them

to undertake pilgrimages to the sacred bath, partake in

associated practices such as saad or making a vow or

promise to the saint that they must fulfill and tadok or

religious candle lighting, and advocate for others to


experience its purported restorative benefits as stated by

key informant no.12 about the sacred bathing place that can


“Doon siton nag-umpisa an kan San Roque—nga an

mga tawo mag-aram na nga siya nakabulong. Pag-ukad

siton may gud man bukal nga nagguwa tubig. Ako nanay

diri magkuan, magkuha kay nariringbit, baa kay lubog.

Sagdi la kuno iton bisan lubog kay mau iton an una nga


[That’s where it all started with San Roque—that people

knew he could heal. As soon as the ground was dug up,

water suddenly emerged. At first, my mother didn’t want

to take it because it was submerged. But they said to

let it be, even if it’s submerged, because it truly


Key Informant No. 2 amplifies the impact of the sacred

bathing place to their worldview in which they were aided by

it leading their experience a cornerstone of this belief.

Thus, it affects their decisions and actions.

“…ako na mismo an nangako nga makadi ak sini nga

pariguan. Mao itun, naka-survive man gihapon…”


[I am the one who made a vow to visit this sacred

place. That's why, I was cured.]

Impact of Lived Experiences on People’s Worldview in Terms

of Values
Values play a crucial role in shaping the worldview of

devotees of Señor San Roque. They serve as the foundation

upon which their faith is built and expressed. For instance,

values such as, altruistic, caring and religious are not

just abstract concepts but are manifested through concrete

actions like being selfless when helping, offerings, and

prayers. These values guide the devotees' behavior and

interactions, both within their community and in their

personal lives. They create a lens through which the world

is interpreted, and any event or challenge is met with a

response that is in harmony with these deeply held beliefs.

The findings showcase the impact of these values on the

devotees' worldview through the usage of Nussbaum’s

Narrative Ethics. The narratives of the devotees provided

insights into their emotions and the ethical values

associated with their devotion. These narratives can reveal

how their devotion to Señor San Roque has shaped their moral

values and worldview. One can see how they function as both

a compass and a source of strength. They provide direction,


helping devotees navigate life's complexities with a sense

of purpose and moral clarity. Moreover, these values instill

a sense of resilience, enabling individuals to endure

hardships with grace and hope. The significance of these

values is most evident in times of crisis or illness, where

the devotees' commitment to Señor San Roque is reaffirmed,

and their faith is put into action, seeking his divine

intervention and support. Thus, values are not only

significant in shaping the devotees' worldview but are also

functional in sustaining their spiritual journey and coping


Gratitude for divine intervention inspires devotees to

extend help to others, following the example of Señor San

Roque’s perceived generosity. 3The Waray term "mabinuligon"

which means to "helpful" or "generous" with a specific

connotation in some religious contexts. It can refer to

devotees who actively assist those in need, particularly

within a religious community.

Devotees who experience aid from the intervention of

the Saint to their lives are likely to also help from others

for they already knew the feeling of being helped and

Mabuligon in English - Waray (Philippines)-English dictionary | Glosbe. (n.d.). Glosbe Dictionary - All
Languages of the World in One Place.

helping. Further they instilled an ideal attitude which is

to always help someone whenever capable of doing since it is

the divine will and considered as righteous. The narrative

of key informant no. 7 justifies the essence of helping

others whenever they can just like what the saint would do

to their personal lives.

“…kun mayaon ak, mahatag ak saak mga ig kasi kay

ako man ngani nangangaro sa mga santos, nahatag sira…”

[If I have something, I will give it to my companions

because I also ask the saints for help, and they have

granted it to me...]

Furthermore, the narrative of key informant no. 8

emphasizes the act of caring, aligning with the belief that

aiding others is a righteous act and reflective of divine


“Kay kuan, ako para la saak nakukuan ko man nga

basta magbuhat kala sin tama, nasubay sa kaburut-on sa

Diyos mau la iton ako. Diri ka magkuan sa kanya.

Magbulig ka saim igkasitawo, makahatag kalipay sa imo

igkasitawo. Mau la iton sa ak habubo nga pagsabot kay

di man maaram diba? Mau man la iton.”


[For me, I believe we should just do good, what is

acceptable in the eyes of the Lord, that’s it. Help

those in need, bring joy and happiness to others.

That’s all from my humble understanding.]

The occurrence of events associated with Señor San

Roque can profoundly influence the worldviews of devotees,

particularly in relation to values such as altruism.

"Mapinaíron" signifies a characteristic of selflessness and

generosity. It describes individuals who prioritize the

well-being of others and readily offer their assistance or

resources without expecting anything in return.

Experiencing such events can reinforce the belief in

divine providence, enhancing faith and the efficacy of

prayer. This leads to an increased sense of thankfulness and

a moral obligation, which can inspire acts of kindness and

charity towards others. Devotees are motivated to engage in

benevolent activities, volunteer their services, or exhibit

compassion, in the hope that such deeds align with Señor San

Roque’s virtues and invite blessings for themselves and the


SEAlang library Waray lexicography. (n.d.). In SEAlang projects.

However, interpretations of miracles can differ widely.

Some individuals might interpret these events as a call for

intensified personal devotion, which could inadvertently

overshadow the imperative of aiding others. Despite this,

the prevalent inclination among many devotees is that

experiences of Señor San Roque’s miracles tend to bolster

their dedication to the principles of care and compassion.

The narratives of key informant no. 23 exemplify the


“Diri ak nanlalabot sa iba nga tawo, Ako lugod

nagpapaid ak sa iba nga tawo halimbawa yaon saak

nakadi, nagpapahilot, nagpapahi-ugmad.Ginaakseptar ko

man sira. Kay gintagan ka san Ginoo sin gamhanan basi

magpa-id ka sa igkasi tawo di ba? Mao la iton akon


[I do not meddle with other people rather I am fond of

helping those in need for example “nagpapahilot” or

giving a massage “nagpapahi-ugmad” or a process of

lifting overwhelming fear of babies or children through

oration. Because if you are given a privilege by God to

help others then by all means do it. That’s what I



Experiencing miracles from Senor San Roque can

undoubtedly impact devotees’ worldviews in terms of

compassion and their perception of divine intervention. “

Maluluúyon” signifies a person who is charitable,

compassionate, and considerate.

Personally experiencing a miraculous act can instill a

sense of awe and gratitude towards the divine, potentially

leading devotees to extend that same compassion to others.

They may feel a sense of obligation to emulate the merciful

nature of Senor San Roque by offering aid or assistance to

those who needed it, believing that they themselves have

been shown similar kindness by the saint. This can cultivate

humility and a willingness to see the world from a less

self-centered perspective just like key informant no. 17.

“Paghigugma sa tawo, didi gud tikang. Bisan ka wara

basta importante la nga may ka Paghigugma sa imo ig kasi


SEAlang library Waray lexicography. (n.d.). In SEAlang projects.

[The love for people starts from here. Even if you have

nothing, what's important is that you have love for


Key Informant no. 30 is also compassionate to other people

and her good intention still prevails even if she is

targeted by ill gossips.

“Ay ak batasan basta ak pagkuan sa mga tawo nga maupay

man lat sa akon maupay man liwat ak pero kun yaon diba

tawo nga gin aawaan ka, Ako man Kay makitawo gud ak…

bagaw ko kamo na ak inbuligan nga mga sugad siton Ako

lugod an ginmamaraot nga nakakabulig man ak kunta, ako

lugod an maraot pero nasuko man ta sira saak Kay

maupay man ak sa kanra, Kay saak pamatasan maupay ak

sa maupay ak magdara…”

[My attitude is I am good with those who are good in me

but there are people that despite offering them help I

still turned out to be a bad person. I pity people

because I am fond of people but oftentimes, I receive

ill gossips despite helping them but they gave up on

that idea the moment I confront them that it is not

good right?]

Devotees of Senor San Roque who attribute miraculous

experiences to their faith are likely to exhibit a

strengthened worldview emphasizing resilience.

“Mainantuson” signifies the concept of enduring which means

suffer for righteousness’ sake, and you will be blessed.

Personal encounters with the miraculous can be

interpreted as validation of their faith, fostering a belief

that San Roque’s intercession directly contributes to

overcoming hardships. Consequently, strengthens their

resolve and tenacity in the face of future trials such as

tolerating the damage caused by others without striking back

to prevent the devotees from committing a sin specifically

the attitude of key informant no. 22 who endure any

mistreatment and won’t fight back just to avoid creating


“Ahw kay Ako diri la ak naruruyag sa magpakasala sa

igkasi tawo. Mao iton akon ginhihinimo kay maghimo ka

sala gabay ako nala an paghimuan sala kay kaya ko pa


[I just don't like to cause other people problems or sin.

That is how I avoid making mistakes; instead, I let them

1 Peter 3:14. (n.d.).

bother me without attempting retaliation since I know how

to handle it.]

Same with key informant no.16 who also endure the mockery of

other people.

“Yana, ginkakarawat ko bisan ak duon pagtamaytamayon


[Now, I endure every belittlement they cast upon me.]

For devotees of Señor San Roque, the act of regularly

attending church is a profound demonstration of their faith

and devotion. It is a physical manifestation of their

spiritual commitment, where each visit serves as a

reaffirmation of their beliefs and a renewal of their

spiritual vows. “Masimbahon” is a regular service

attendance in the church that is associated with reduced

risk of mortality, while strength of religious affiliation,

prayer, and religious beliefs.

The church becomes a sacred space where they can

connect with the divine, seek solace, and find strength in

the presence of their patron saint. This ritualistic

Mitchell, T. (2020, July 27). Religion’s relationship to happiness, civic engagement and health around the
world. Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project.

practice is central to their identity as believers and is

seen as an essential part of maintaining a close

relationship with Señor San Roque whom they believed as a

heling saint.

Further, the narrative of key informant no. 11 implies

that due to her act of always attending the church her bad

habits is slowly fading it’s as if the saint is doing it on

purpose. Thus, the devotee interprets the experience of

churchgoing as a guidance of saint to exclude the self to

bad habits prevent wrongdoings.

“Dako an inbag-o saak kay diri naak na taya,

pagsiningba ko didi...”

[A lot of things has changed in me. I stopped gambling

since I started going to church.]

Key Informant no. 16 highlights strong will of going to

church in spite of adversity which showcase her devotion and

it gives her strength to continue.

“.. sigi situn ak simba bisan na man la makuri na ak

maka lakaw.”

[Even if it is difficult for me to walk, I can still

manage to visit the church.]


The consistent practice of attending church, akin to the

experience of Key Informant no. 26, fosters a profound

spiritual connection with saints. Within the sacred confines

of the church, devotees seek solace—a refuge from life’s

trials. Guided by the divine will of these revered saint,

they consciously avoid causing harm to others. This devotion

transcends the personal realm, emphasizing communal

responsibility and adherence to righteous principles.

“Para sa akon manla, sa akon pagbatasan mali ngani ak

huna huna kan Baba Roque mayumhok an akon huna huna

kay sige ngadi ak Simba, diri ak mahilig magpara

panumbalay, diri ak mahilig magpara panlibak, sugad

siton kay nagsisinimba ak didi, adto gudla kami sa

sulod sa balay niya nga duwa, katurog, suso man siya.”

[For me, my attitude is like a light weight sensation

in my chest since I always go to church, and I dislike

the concept of going to other people's houses and

gossiping because I am always going to church. We are

always at home, taking care of my granddaughter.]

The study of Reynaldo Inocian entitled Devotees'

Testimonies of Faith of Señor Santo Niño De Cebu confirms

the findings of this study in which through always going to

church strengthened the devotees’ faith and became better


individuals. Further, study on the devotees of the

miraculous Señor Santo Niño de Cebu revealed that their

faith was both tested and strengthened through adversities.

Miraculous healings transcended human struggles and brought

them closer to their saint, mirroring the researchers'

discovery that the saints' healing miracles led devotees to

deepen their connection through unwavering devotion and

regular church attendance. The worship of Señor Santo Niño

inspired devotees to strive for personal growth, fostering a

stronger bond with God, just as the researchers’ findings

that the devotees' resilience in the face of life's

challenges was bolstered by the saint's assistance,

reinforcing their faith in Senor San Roque through prayer

and churchgoing.

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