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Student Chauke S. Student

surname and number 218031165
Name of Phomolong Secondary School. Name of Mr Lepelesane
school class

1. Grade (Who are the learners – a full description of your learners): Learners are from Phomolong secondary school in
grade 10 H. They range from the ages of 15-18. The class has 48 learners both boys and girls. No learner identifies with
the LGBTI community however, we recognise and respect everyone regardless of their sexual orientation. Learners are
from 4 cultural groups, Zulu, Xhosa, Tsonga and SePedi speakers. All learners fall under the Christian belief. There is a
pregnant learner in the classroom who is still acceptable to be at school. Two learners have visual difficulties but it is not
severe so they sit in front to view the board. The school is located next to informal settlements and disadvantaged
backgrounds and most of them fall under the working class.
The school is situated in Tembisa township, Phomolong Section, not far from the main road that is not busy at all. The
area is not one of the safest areas because there are several robbery incidents monthly. The school is equipped with
securities that keep the gates locked at all times to ensure learner’s safety. The school is made of containers and newly
developed buildings are build with bricks. The school starts from grade 8 to grade 12. The school has a feeding scheme
and tuck-shops. Not far from the school, there is a huge library the learner’s can use for different academic reasons. The
classroom is newly built with bricks and it is fully installed with a smart board and a white board that is not installed on the
wall and can sometimes compromise the safety of learners should it fall. The class is small to facilitate effective group
activities because the school has an issue of overcrowding. The furniture is movable and those that do not have chairs
share with others. Grade 10s are the most unruly learners, the teacher has to expect disturbances here and there but
because the period is early in the morning, learners are still energetic. Some learners will arrive late and periods are 1
hour long, for this reason, by the end of the lesson learners’ will have exhausted their attention span. Interactive activities
help them to engage better till the end of the lesson.

2. Subject area: History FET

3. Topic from CAPS: The South African war and Union

4. Content Strand: Background to the South African war: Mining Capitalism

5. Is this lesson part of a series? Yes, this topic leads up to the South African war. It is a foundation of why the war emerged.

The key question that this lesson addresses is:

 Describe the discovery of gold and diamond in South Africa?
 What led to the need for capital and development of mining companies in the Rand?

 Thematic Concept: Capitalism
 Cause and effect– Learners will learn about the cause of the South African war, this particular lesson will enlighten them
on the cause of the war that will be taught on other lessons.
 Time and Chronology – Learners should be able to know the sequence of the discovery of gold and diamond in South
Africa, leading up to the British interference on the Rand Mines.
Specific aim –
 An interest in and enjoyment of the study of the past
 Knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the past and forces that shaped it

Specific skills –
 Engage critically with the issues of heritage and public representations of the past and conservation.

The aim of the lesson (links to the key question):

 To teach learners how gold and diamonds where discovered in South Africa
 To teach learners about what led to need for capital and the development of gold mining companies in South Africa.

The aim of the lesson in relation to competencies for a changing world:

 To infuse the skill of evoking prior knowledge to the learners.
The objectives of the lesson are:
 Learners should describe the discovery of gold and diamond in South Africa.
 Learners should explain what led to the need for capital and the development of the mining companies.
Phases of the lesson (Indicate Teaching practices to elicit and Principles invoked - Explain Competencies2
time allocated to each phase and support learner engagement the rationale for using addressed and an
the resources1 that will be used) specific teaching practices explanation of how
10 minutes: Case study drawing on the principles these will be infused.
20 minutes: Content Indicate teaching practice(s) related to the learning (IN RELATION TO THE
15 minutes: class activity (Pair (including learning tasks/ process and the TEACHING PRACTICE
activity) & grading the activity assessment for learning tasks) implications for classroom USED).
10 minutes: Notes taking & and how the teaching practice(s) practice
Conclusion of lesson engage learners.
Indicate how the teaching
Initiation/Introduction  Learners are going to practice(s) connect to the Indicate competency
 The teacher will greet the listen to the Instructions of principle invoked. that is addressed and
class. the teacher by carefully how the competency is
 The teacher will present listening to the questions addressed via the
visual representations on asked. teaching practice used.
the smart board.  Learners will be selected  Learners understand REFER TO CAPS
 The teacher will ask to answer the questions things better when the PAGE 9 FOR
learners what they see and individually. teacher relates them GUDANCE UNDER
how could they interpret with something they SKILLS – HOW SKILLS
The resources that will be used throughout the lesson should be outlined in relation to the teaching practices
Competence refers to an individual's capacity to perform actions or responsibilities. Competency focuses on an individual's actual performance in a particular situation.
the pictures. know, in this case INDICATORS
 Learners will be further learners are going to
asked why they think be asked why they  Communication:
Johannesburg is the city of think Gold reef city is When t he
gold & why they think Gold called Gold Reef city. teacher asks
reef city is called that way This place is week questions,
know and can spark learners are going
curiosity on the to be
learner’s strengthening
.  The teacher will grade communication
Indicate the main ideas/main learners ‘task and skills
points of the learning content encourage them to do
1. Discover of gold and diamond better next time if there
2. Mineral Revolution are those that did not
3. Development of the mines do well. Praising those
4. Need for capital for the that did not do well first
development of the mines. will help them get a
sense of belonging.
Indicate the resources,
 Whiteboard
 Smart board
 Whiteboard marker

Engaging with new content  Learners are going to write

a class activity based on  The activity will  . Critical thinking
the lesson in pairs. encourage peer & Collaboration:
Resources support Learners are
 Whiteboard going to
 Smart board collaborate with
 Papers their peers and

 White board marker gain peer support.

 The teacher will deliver the

content using the key
points on the smart board

 The teacher will explain

the discovery of gold and
diamond in South Africa,
the development of the
mines and the need for
capital to keep the
companies operating

 The teacher will pay more

attention to the years of
each discovery to create a
timeline in the learner’s

 After delivery of the

content, the teacher will
instruct learners to be
grouped into 6 groups to
prepare for a class activity.

 The teacher will give

learners the task and
explain the Instructions.

 The teacher will give

learners an opportunity to
write the class activity.

 After writing the class

activity, the teacher will
mark the task with the

Consolidation/ CONCLUSIO/
SUMMARY (closure)  Learners will answer the  The teacher is going  Communication:
• The teacher will ask questions individually. ask learners to Learners are
what did learners  Learners will receive a elaborate on the going be
learn from the home activity lesson. reflecting on the
lesson of the day. lesson and talking
about what they
• The teacher will learnt today.
give learners a
home activity

REFLECTION : The lesson was a success. This was evident by the task we had whereby learners got exceptional marks. Next time I could instill discipline to those that
are always late to class.

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