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The name of the church shall be True of God Apostolic Church.


(a) Founder

(b) Arch Bishop

(c) Bishop -Pastor

(d) Reverend

(e) Evangelist

(f) Preacher

(g) Secretary

(h) Treasurer

(i) Church elders


(a) To unite people in the home of Jesus Christ by preaching the word

of God to the world. ( Matthew 28 v19, Mark 16 v 15 )

(b) To convert people into Christianity.

(c) To build Churches and characters of people.

(d) To do some self reliant projects.

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a) Membership of the Church shall be open to all races who believe in

Jesus Christ.

b) On the enrolment, each person joins freely by repenting and

accepting that Jesus Christ as the Saviour.

c) No payment for joining or repenting.

d) When a person is converted in the Church, he or she is welcome by

other members by handshake.

e) All people attending this church become members on the day of


f) All members of the church shall be baptized in the name of the

Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ( Acts 8 v 12 )

g) All Church members must have certificates certifying that they are


h) Members must have certificates which a post that they hold in the

Church (certificates to be paid for by the holder thereof )

i) Membership may be lost due to the following reasons, resignation

or expulsion.

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Men: white garments, green belt

Ladies: white garments, white glory, green belt

The church is allowed to form some committees like Disciplinary

Committee, Development Committee that will build the church.


a) We pray for the sick, we lay hands on the sick and pray.( Mark 16 v17)

b) We use the Holy Spirit and water to heal the sick.

c) We also use concoction for destroying diseases.

d) Prophets are allowed to predict physically for the people as long as

prophesies build the character of the church.

e) To avoid problems and misunderstandings, when praying for

people or healing the sick, no members is allowed to touch a member

of the opposite sex on any part of the body other than the head, ‘e.g’

a man shall not touch a woman on the shoulders, breasts, stomach,

back or any other parts of the body except the head only.

f) A man shall not cleanse the woman for evil spirits or heal her in the

bush alone, instead he must do this in the presence of other members

of the church or request a member of the same sex as the woman to

do the activity for him.

g) No one is allowed to cause grievous bodily harm to any member of

the church

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The Church shall have a committee which includes the chairperson,

vice chairperson, committee members and treasurer.


a) We baptize in lakes, dams, rivers, swimming pools (Mark 1 v9-11,

Acts 8 v12)
b) We baptize by immersing in water in the name of the Father, the

Son and the Holy Spirit

c) Baptism certificates are issued.


i. The Church shall have a burial society to bury its members.

ii. Members shall gather to mourn and comfort the bereaved family

( Thess 4 v 13 ).

iii) We shall bury the dead ( 1 Cor 15 v 45 - 58 ).

iv) all church members are advised and encouraged to join the church

burial group.


i. the Church shall raise funds by contribution from its members

who will contribute voluntarily ( 2 Cor 8 v 2 - 5 ), ( 1 Cor 16 v 1- 3), ( Duet 16

v16 )

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ii. By requesting funds from well wishers or appeal to other

institution or donors, fundraising, tithes and offerings as well as


iii. For the efficient running of the church, funds shall be banked with

either a commercial bank or a building society.

iv. Banking, all monies of the church shall be kept in the bank.

Nobody shall be allowed to keep Church funds anywhere else except

the bank, unless authorized by the executive committee for a certain

period of time as advised by the same committee.

v. The Church shall also seek for loans from banks or building


vi. The signatories of the bank account shall comprise of the

chairperson, secretary, treasurer and one of the committee members.

Withdrawals shall include the chairperson and any of the three.


a) The Church does not allow its members to marry more than one


b) We do not allow polygamy, any member who simply marries a

second wife, shall be brought to the disciplinary committee.

c) The Church will be free to accept members who repent with more

than one wife, i.e, those who come to the church already married.

d) If any member simply marries a second wife, he shall not be

allowed to carry out all church duties, i.e, baptizing to give the holy

communion to worshipers.

e) He can not either be promoted to a senior position of the Church.

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f) Prostitution and divorce is not allowed by the Church ( Matt 9 v4 - 9),
( Duet 24 v 1 )
g) No one will be allowed to be a leader if not married. If a man

impregnates a woman or church mate, the church decides on the

measures to take towards that man. If found guilty of the crime, the

committee shall approach that individual and discuss the matter with

him, the individual can be made to pay.

h) If any one breaks his or her marriage with no valid reason or

tangible evidence, he or she shall be removed from the Church

garments for a certain period of time and shall be forbidden from all

church duties. If the man is found guilty he may be punished by

removing the church garments for a certain period of time and made

to stop activities of the Church, e.g, preaching, laying hands or

praying for the sick or expelled from the church depending on the

crime committed.

i) All crimes committed are dealt with through the Church Committee,

but if the Church fails that crime is referred to the headquarters of

the Church.

j) The police or the chiefs and the head kraal heads where the Church

is located interfere only if the church headquarters fails.

k) The Church has the right and power to deal with a member who

does not follow Church rules.

l) Nobody within the Church is above the law. If more than half of the

Church votes for something no one has to oppose even the

Archbishop or founder of the Church.

m) If a member commits a crime and is approached by the

committee but still continues, he or she must be given a warning,

twice or three time, failure to that the member will be expelled from

the Church.

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n) The committee will or shall make by-laws and internal laws to build

the character of members. These will be passed by more than half or

majority of the Church.


a) The executive committee can have emergency meetings of the

Church if any matter arises.

b) The chairperson controls meetings and motions during the


c) Meeting of the Church shall be held at least once every first week

of every month.

d) There shall be general meetings that shall be held at least after

every three months.


i. The politburo of the Church consists of the Archbishop, Bishop,

Pastor, and Reverend, Deacons, Evangelist and Church elders.

ii. The politburo has the power and authority to call any meetings

within the Church.

iii. The politburo can sit with the Chairperson of the Church for every

emergency meeting.


The amendment of the Church constitution shall be by two thirds

majority of those members present at the Church.


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The Church may by resolution passed by two thirds majority members

at a special conference called specifically for that purpose; resolve

that the Church be dissolved. All properties and funds of the

association after meeting all liabilities shall be determined by that

conference. The Church shall be a non-profit organization and none of

its income shall be distributed to its members.

I make the above statement consciously believing the same to be true.


Other Signatories

1. Archbishop……………………………………………………………………

2. Pastor………………………………………………………………………….

3. General………………………………………………………………………..

Signed before me this…………………day of…………………20…………


Sunday service : 11.00 - 16.00hrs

Tuesday evening prayer : 17.30 - 19.30hrs

Thursday afternoon: Women’s Congregation : 13.00 - 15.00hrs

Fridays Evening prayers : 17.30 -19.30hrs

Saturday All night Service 18.00 -06.00hrs

NOTE : All night services shall be conducted once after 3 months.

Easter Holidays for Passover.

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