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Fhaneis bacon
Comnet on franis bacon as an
Qus:Comnent eayut.
Fhancis bacon, aidely hegandd as bme flle gealit
Englisk itealua, let
keen sbaewatinn, and elegand psoL slfe Baceni

helanee and enduing isdom ne sf bacens mat

oetable contibuten ta la eay fon u io ensphau

bluang pollcs, etbuis, educaten, and hunan

at Bacena
Baceni agmati asoach to lilaseply
gounded in emjisial ohscsmaton and natenl ingiy,
Baceni esaya ae mnaskd by hu athonaii dlyle
aueeinlly Caplisig Conaplen ida ia concian and
epigams leds hin stilasg aa diatnclot andsnamsable
aasibl o headu sfal backguaund
qualiy, making it liutill.
Bacent abilit to tuthe ino
ahetoical skill
ate chaacteuyd by tlhei inediciplinaay
histoy, kiteialise, seinee, and

pesspeclaris and che-culhual hefesenee

hconclusÝn, Baconh eKsay enhibst a kuflacli
lhe hunan Conlilton end thei place hni ut
exploses uniesal lhemes suel as ambiln, ienolip
alk, and mestalitk beting lhe depdk of luman
erpenee slk nigt and senitinty Bacons euay ene
as misseu o lhe soul, bserplug heades to engag
self- eaaminalioi andl mesal keclin
Ques Cenment on Bacons fhi laseplical idoas and liteasy
Esameis aecen,
kenaisance,u celebatil fo his esay, wtich hemai
tuental for thui fsatound inuiglk into buan nate
Gacsn aodhesues a ide hange sf topes, tinllucling hulk
deals, fsindship, and abiticn, ifeing citcal salateiu
Laetouleus ebsenation and keen tonalleet, Bacen pLscnb his
iclaas ill clasilg, brevily, an deplk, eaining liw a

asestig lkat beehs psenideaces to e aceumulitd
Makelh a full man, contunce aa keady Reading
an eaet nan? Hese be higllgl lau hiee Csenlal

f sehelaslip ini heading, cemesalon,
Can culhvate a hen acliihes nd'vidual
well-hounded intellect and acquue
laulk ad he obtaclu that
hindesii peusit He
bener lat taulk iu sten abscued
pAsjudices, and sulf-decpten Bacen byauet,"
buman pawions,

bacen sugguk lhat lbe pusiut of tulk Hees

sincue and easnest hequis a
ness to tenfsont ncemfostabll well as ke willing
healihes. He arasns
against lte damgus s intelletal dishenesty anl uges
hedesto embsace

ia human life
He diutnguisku betasen ginuine tiendlslup baicd
|alliances fosmed fos pessonal gain. Bacen Ghsesnta,
lhe fullnes and relings lke heast xbick pasiena
of all kinds oo cawe and induee euu, be higi'ghl
kesayeuti vabu
be fsonde bsevde emauinal suppot and solae
celebatu he
and indsceu lhu nposlanee h tultivalig

ambiten and ii polBintal for bolk geatnes and hwin

individual to pusue loty gsal and achiene qreatnes.
Hawevee, bacen a lso asms
uneheckud ambilon, which can lead to mmesal ssuplien
and pessonal dusucto He cautiená, Ambilao u lite
chote, shick is an humos hat makelk men actne,
lasnest, ful f alascil and stsing, lit be mat stogpd"
Hese, acin Cempas ambiton to e ielati humes hat
Lust be tenpesadl anol bontiald te adisu headeu te
cbannel thui anbiten teusaso neble pussuit Qudguad
Lagaingt la templatens of geed and sulfaggandizmint.
diisins He asge'hat nilg in heligien eental foe
tielal stabilily and sogiea Bacan lstata Iki
concept by citing kiteueal exampls sf selioas tentlicla
and thu dwastatng cenugancu. Fo enaml, be nutnee
AAS ihe Prancee amd he Sclisn t he West
La cauhonasyy talu against lke baligieu dicesd hreug
is analy, bacon nbasiga a ned fee tolsance
land cenpsemise in mattu of failk to ensuse social
Ashesin and beaca
n "0 one bacen eapleu le multifacu ta nalase
e loe ad it intlene on hman bebais. He examins
difesent fms yleve, includng homantc loe, plalonuc
leve, and self- loe, and thui hspecleve manifestaleis.
Bacen ackncledgs la pouee of leve te tispie and.
leleuala inoividual , hut also ans against lke botinlal
tor manipulatn and deceplon He cautons against
exessine pasion and adrscala foe moduaton ia

Jhe "Of Smulalon and Diuiulabe"ajlbg
Aumaninteacten bacon enaminu he mealimblicato

disimulatoi Cceneealins onstu intntens) ltin la

entat a poltissoial iniaclins and beusnal
kelatenskips. bacn bgins by anestng lkat inulaton
endl duinulaten aE inkuunt aseit o buman malisey
daisea by a deie fou slf- psesewadon and aaanciment.
He suggeli hat indiiduals st heuost o deeitsul taatei
Haxeue, acen alo bislslk la ausal ambigaile
useunding iue braclies Cautiening Lginst la petntal
bacam bsoiau
thust in soeielg. Saeugheut lha elsay, anal ktesalusa
examplu and aneedelu em butesy tnulation and disi
to llukak lhe censeouinau and
alab te Aefeseneu Machiaielltz e Pic'mainlaia
by sules e
lte elitoal sliatgems ensloyedl
alo dans dypen biblicalsteses, duch as
peares- lbaen

auutng lhat humai matuu à inkuntly land

to Various ricee ancl wtakneses
and fene teuad
that incdividual beses inah inclinaten
self inteat, ambion, and duise fox peue

gta leod to discosdl, cenliot, ano mosl slapsadly

duch as denbassion empaly anol alfauism to manifest
in buman natase udu le tiugt ciumdancu Yn lee
hee essag, bacen pseidu inaighs into la diveu
manifestatiins sf human halae aaui acoss dileunt indiniduals
Land ssciehies. tiHe dhawss LpOn hiutical erampls and
chsewatons fom bi sa
Burn tne to illuiat la variabilili
and ensimanental factes on indiidal
insliddual dkepmnt
discslie, andl meal guidanes in tenpesing anl afining
buman natse He agus ihat threugh 2sstu wraatrratig
upbsinging and Cultialan sf vistieus habit. inciicluatl
|an eecemme thei bau instnot and asbiue tawasds
Laneal eneclenca. Bacená adheeacy feu meal eclucatai
and wisdom to upit and ennete auman chasact.

and thui bisping eramining lka hesponsibilities, vituet

land chalmgu iakent in pasentheel ntis essay,
bacen hufleti en hu dutes s aent towaidh theui
uptinging and chaiactu dlopnent. Jaueugkeut ka
lekéay, biccon oteu practcal adiie cad tlesephical
nigt nto de axt of baanty He adscala fe a
Lcluiphine aih loe, and inutueten il eaamtl acen
enhasi hu nud for pasens to lead hy pasiaui enample

He explesa lhe hecibsecal natue 64 lia basent- teaskn.

child' kelalenslip, hát
and hesbonsibilitiu hihlightig lia mutiol olzatens
eut behwech basent and
tsping He asguu that jut a basenthane a

ue lhui pasnt seupect, ehedience , amd gatudu

foa la daesificas au quiclanee tiy bane keceived
Bacen alo heflect om he cemplxihes and chalurge
e basentng ia an eiee- thamging aold te acknealedes
childsen iaa cocisly fiaugt dk
MAal dlleminas, KAcial sesuse, aaal sulisal
Linlluencs. Bacen ans against lhe olangu bf idulgne
Lnigleel, and oyebeasing denliel ia pa[entig.
aoreeatag instaad to'a balaneed and mutis
aspeakl that heseot lhe indiaduaklqand autorany
comleaihe and halengu auciatd aik toeilans of
esay, weget inhk snto bacon viesGn. adebip,
gouemence, and he moal hestensi bilch'es of ok in
tat thae utho
ecpy badtis autbeily ae suseepti ble ta tattesy

andl inligsili in leadship He contind Bat ug t

andkeyensibll tei

istaus cunselou, to sesk cownal kan oliese pesspesus,

and to tenje thuu actains wlk psudence and fouigkt.

hat ontinue to esenat ailk seades acsss Cenluws.

oenane semaia heleant ia dentemeSAsy slicsuste
isbitatian Jrugh bis mtiealeus analysis and astut
Renaisane eia, whea dntelletual ligacå endisesto

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