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75 marks importance

30 marks criminal jurisprudence

70 marks law of crimes

1)Discuss culpable homicide and murder?

2)Discuss fully false evidence and offences against public justice ?
3)Discuss fully offences against public tranquility?(public peace Unlawful assembly )
4)What is the purpose of criminal justice or what is meant by theories of punishment
5)What are various kinds of punishments
6)Discuss fully exceptions under ipc
7)Discuss any seven general explanations under ipc (13 marks)
8)Discuss fully right of private defence under ipc
9)What are the various offences the property (any 8)
10)Discuss fully offences effecting human body (any 6)
11)Discuss fully offences related to marriage

Short notes

1) Abetment
2) Criminal Conspiracy
3) Criminal intimidation
4) Mischief
5) Being a thug
6) Mens rea actus reas
7) Wrongful gain and wrongful loss
8) Four stages of committing a crime
9) Just necessitates
10) Subjective and objective theory of negligence
11) Offences against religion
12) False evidence
13) Offences against election
14) Valuable security
15) Difference between kidnapping and abduction

Environmental Law (75 marks)

1) discuss fully sustainable development (case laws)

2) Discuss fully legal provisions of environmental law with reference to constitutional law
3) Discuss fully ipc and crpc with environmental law (no case laws)
4) Discuss fully law of torts
5) Discuss fully powers and functions of state and central board under water act ?
6) Discuss fully the WPA Act 1972?
7) Discuss fully PIL with Case laws
8) Discuss fully remedies available under environmental law (PIL,writs etc)
9) How are the central and state board constituted under the AIR Act ?
10) What are the penalties and procedures to be followed under the water act ?
11) Discuss fully powers and functions of NGT?

Short notes

1) pollutant paid principle

2) Bio medical waste
3) Hazardous waste
4) Environmental impact assessment
5) Eco system and Eco mark
6) Judicial activism
7) Hunting
8) Costal Regulation Zone
9) Rio Declaration
10) Ozone depletion
11) Stockholm conference
12) 42nd Amendment
13) National Park,Sanctuary,Zoo
14) Protected Areas

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