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Leadership plays a critical role in our society.

The question of gender is integral in the society

especially when it comes to taking up leadership positions. Therefore, there has been debate on

who makes a better leader when it comes to comparing between males or females. In my

opinion, I would say that men make better leaders than women. This is mainly because of the

difference in leadership traits, which in turn influences the way they execute their roles as


Men make better leaders that women because they have control and command style. This is

important in providing good leadership because men tend to have control of things and as such,

they have the ability to lead. On the contrary, women tend to be cooperative and this is not a

good leadership trait since they can be easily compromised. Men make better leaders because

they are strict. Strictness is an important leadership trait because it helps people to be focused

and follow the policies that have been set up at the organizational level. Women on the other

hand tend to be compassionate and this affects the way they lead, which can be taken advantage

of by people.

Men make better leaders because they tend to take an inclusive approach, which means they

would bring people together to work for the common good rather than segregating. Whereas

women tend to influence, men make better leaders because they coach and when doing this, it

can contribute to passing on motivation and skills to the junior employees. The other thing that I

tend to think make men to be better leaders is because they tend to focus on experience of the

people they lead. When this is done, it contributes to growth and motivating people to achieve

the desired results. The most important thing is to offer leadership by bringing people to work

together for the common good of all that are involved.

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