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Year 7 Biology Baseline Test

1. Draw a line from each organ to its function.

heart Take in oxygen from the air.

lungs Pumps blood around the body.

uterus Digests food.

stomach Where the baby develops during pregnancy.


(Q1 Total marks = 2)

2. (a) Below is a diagram of the human heart. Label parts A, B, C and D using words from the list below;
ventricle, atrium, valve, aorta






(b) Describe the function of red blood cells.


(c) Blood returns to the heart via veins. Why do veins have valves?


(Q2 Total marks = 6)

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Year 7 Biology Baseline Test

3. (a) Below is a diagram of the human skeleton.

Identify and describe the function of the parts labelled A and B.

A. Name: 

B. Name: 

(b) Complete the following sentences using words from the list.
rigid legs muscles support straight contract

We can move because that are connected to our bones can

and relax. The bones in our skeleton are , so that they can the

rest of the body.


(Q3 Total marks = 8)

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