Personality Development

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Personality Development

1. What type of questions give knowledge of real ability of students of secondary and high classes?

(a) Analytic questions (b) Detailed essay type questions

(c) Objective type questions (d) Easy questions

2. The least hindrance in the way of the optimum development of child's personality is

(a) Mad scramble among various social groups for getting as much of the goods of education as

(b) Limited economic surplus that could be spent on education

(c) Free education for all and equal opportunity.

(d) Incompetent teachers.

3. Education should aim at provision of vocational training for students, at the

(a) Tertiary stage (b) Secondary stage

(c) Primary stage (d) University stage

4. The whole approach to education will undergo a rapid transformation by the inclusion of vocational
training in the education of the

(a) Adult education (b) Indian student

(c) Children education (d) All of the above

5. On whose leadership is founded the University at Pondicherry?

(a) Gandhi (b) Vivekananda

(c) Tagore (d) Sri Aurobindo

6. The nature of the differences in socioeconomic strata of the society such as the wealthy, middle class
and the poor is that it

(a) Runs quite frequently, at cross purposes in the demands they make on education

(b) Affects adversely the quality of education

(c) Vitiates the socio-emotional climate of the schools

(d) Affects negatively the morale of the teachers.

7. With which aspect of education deals the educational sociology?

(a) Social (b) Psychological

(c) Economic (d) Political

8. The aims of Indian education should be

(a) To accelerate the process of modernization (b) To increase productivity

(c) To bring about social and national integration (d) All of the above

9. The Wardha Scheme in the 1930's was modern as it is

(a) Topical (b) Revolutionary

(c) Both a & b (d) None of the above

10. The difference between the social groups, in the degree of cultural development; or the degree of
antipathy manifested by individuals belonging to one group towards individuals belonging to the other
in known as social:

(a) Apathy (b) Selection

(c) Distance (d) Disorder

11. While according to Samkhya Philosophy effect in the real modification of cause, according to Samkara
it is

(a) Indescribable (b) Unreal

(c) Real (d) None of the above

12. The relationship of the ultimate reality with the world in Indian philosophy has been explained by the
theory of

(a) Falsehood (b) Error

(c) Reality (d) All the above

13. Who was the founder of Santi Niketan?

(a) Tagore (b) Sri Aurobindo

(c) Gandhi (d) Vivekananda

14. The theory of causation advanced by Samkara has been proved by

(a) Scriptures (b) Logic

(c) Experience (d) All the above

15. The relation between the Jiva and Brahm an according to Samkara can be explained as

(a) Emanation (b) Reflection

(c) Identity (d) Evolution

16. Examples of illusion in Indian philosophy have been utilized to explain the nature of

(a) Brahman (b) Atman

(c) Maya (d) All the above

17. The nature of world as illusion has been accepted in Indian Philosophy by

(a) Vishishitadvaita (b) Mimamsa

(c) Advaita Vedanta (d) All the above

18. Knowledge according to Mimamsa philosophy is

(a) Real (b) Unreal

(c) Both (d) Neither

19. The Rammurti Report of 1990 laid down the goals or aims in education is/are

(a) Education must be techno-informative (b) Sound knowledge base

(c) Both can be say (d) Nothing can say

20. The educational process is set into motion towards its aim through the

(a) Culture (b) Course

(c) Curriculum (d) Both a & b

21. It is industrial rather than other types of economy which most enhances the regard for education,

(a) Industrialization has led to the production of a huge wealth

(b) Each country has had tremendous development of industry

(c) Modern industry has become extremely technical, science based, knowledge- based and scientific
and technical knowledge is gained only through education.

(d) the industrialists belong to the upper class of the society

22. Illusion in Indian philosophy has been explained by the example of

(a) The sky flower (b) Silver in nacre

(c) Snake in rope (d) All the above

23. On whose philosophy is based the current primary education in India?

(a) Tagore (b) Sri Aurobindo

(c) Gandhi (d) Vivekananda

24. To contribute to India's national integration education should

(a) Make children familiarwith all the various aspects of national life.

(b) Be free and compulsory

(c) Reach each and every child of the country

(d) Be of high quality.

25. According to the theory known as Avacchedavada causation means:

(a) Reflection (b) Annihilation

(c) Destruction (d) None of above

26. Indian education can promote national consciousness by

(a) Establishing more and more and more all India institutions which will admit students form different
parts of the country

(b) Breaking down regional and linguistic barriers

(c) Understanding and re-evaluating of India's cultural heritage

(d) All of these.

27. Education is two fold process and

(a) Teacher and text books are its two elements (b) Teacher and student are its two elements

(c) Aim and technique (d) Education centres and environment are its two elements

28. Which one of the following statement is correct?

(a) Education is a science (b) Education is an art

(c) It is neither an art nor science (d) To some extent it is art and to some extent it is science

29. Which system of education was propounded by Mahatma Gandhi?

(a) Teaching through music (b) Teaching by activities

(c) Teaching through listening meditation etc. (d) All of the above

30. Which one of the following education systems supports scientific progress?

(a) Realistic Education (b) Naturalistic Education

(c) Idealistic Education (d) None of the above

31. "Education is a process of man's adjustment to nature to his fellows and the environment the definition

(a) A Naturalist (b) An Idealist

(c) A Pragmatist (d) A Realist

32. The view point of progressive educators regarding the issue of liberal vs. vocational education is that

(a) vocational ends load one to degrade learning

(b) liberal arts subject should proceed vocational training

(c) all subjects should have a vocational purpose

(d) vocational and liberal education should not be separated.

33. Education in ancient India also means

(a) The established customs of caste (b) Moral rectitude

(c) Establishment of community (d) All of the above

34. The aim to train the Sparatan youth as soldier to make them ready for

(a) Obey (b) Labour and fight

(c) Both a & b (d) Better leadership

35. Ancient education enjoined on the pupils the tenets of dharma which implied the ideas of

(a) Justice (b) Duty

(c) Sacred law (d) All of the above

36. The aim of Buddhist education was the

(a) Religious development (b) Scientific development

(c) Cultural development (d) All of the above

37. In ancient India when the caste system became rigid, a vocational aim was also added. Vocational
training is

(a) Same for all castes (b) Different for different castes

(c) For lower classes only (d) Depends upon class of society

38. Buddhist education was primarily monastic in its

(a) Outlook (b) Nature

(c) Both a & b (d) Content

39. Real life problems in science and technology will be solved in the

(a) School lab (b) College lab

(c) Both of the above (d) Any of the above

40. The Kothari Commission's report was published in

(a)1966 (b)1976

(c) 1986 (d) 1996

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