Chip NCP

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A bill introduced by Mirô of the National Conservative Party of Nyrmod and proposed as a governmental bill

A Bill
To ensure childcare of infants from low-income families

Be it enacted by the Parliament of the Nyrmod Republic assembled that:

SECTION 1. This bill may be cited as

“CHIP Bill – Children Health Insurance Program Bill”.
SECTION 2. Findings and Purpose:
A. Findings. — The Parliament finds the following:
1) A lot of children from low-income families suffer from
preventable diseases
2) It is our moral duty to help and secure health coverage for them
3) Lots of children die annually due to lack of health insurance and
4) There are still cases of young women (21 years and younger) that
get pregnant, but do not have money to cover the childbirth
B. Purpose. — It is the purpose of this bill to rightfully, lawfully and
adequately secure that all children have the right to access healthcare
and medicines to cure their diseases as well as ensure that parents do
not have to choose between ending up in poverty and their child´s
health status.
SECTION 3. Create a special health insurance coverage called CHIP
(Children Health Insurance Plan) for infants that, by their parents or
caretaker, apply.
A. For this policy can apply individuals that meet following conditions:
1) the infant must be a resident of Nyrmod republic
2) the infant must be under the age of 22
3) the infant must be uninsured
4) parents of an infant must have together month salary of a
minimum wage or lower
a. this condition does not apply when the child has different
site of permanent residence than his/her parent(s) or
caretaker i.e. an applier no longer lives with his/her
B. CHIP will include coverage/full reimbursement of following* at any
1) Laboratory and scan services
2) Physicians' surgical and medical services
3) Birth delivery costs
4) Specialist´s visit cost
5) Drugs and medical tools for chronically-ill patients
6) Chemotherapy
7) Rehabilitation therapies in Nyrmod spas
8) Reproductive and maternity care
9) Long-term care (up to 4 months long stay in hospital)
10) Palliative care

SECTION 4. This legislation proposal shall take effect on the day of its signature. All
previous laws in conflict with this legislation proposal are hereby declared annulled.
His Honorable,
President Rhys

*Dental, hearing, vision, mental health and substance

abuse treatment is already covered

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