B21ME052 B21ME055 Tidal Power Plant

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Tidal Power Plant

A project of
Thermofluids Engineering
Made by
Riya Pankaj (B21ME055), Rishika Bera (B21ME052)

Abstract:This report explores the viability and technology behind tidal power plants, a
promising source of renewable energy. Tidal power, generated from the natural rise and fall of
Ocean tides are a predictable and environmentally friendly energy source. The report delves into
various aspects including the characteristics, working principles, types of tides, and
thermodynamic analysis of existing tidal power plants such as the La Rance in France and
Sihwa Lake in South Korea. Additionally, it discusses technological advancements in turbine
designs and the economic implications of tidal power. It also assesses the environmental impacts
and the integration of tidal power into the existing power grids. The findings suggest that despite
high initial costs, tidal power offers substantial long-term benefits due to its reliability,
predictability, and minimal environmental impact. This report aims to inform stakeholders and
contribute to the advancement of tidal power as a major component of the global renewable
energy portfolio


Ocean energy represents a new opportunity to increase the supply of electricity without leading to
a rise in CO2 emissions. Its total theoretical potential is estimated at approximately 2,000,000
TWh/year, while the annual global electricity consumption in 2010 was 19,730 TWh. This
theoretical potential cannot be fully realized for logistical, environmental, and technological
reasons. Technologies for harnessing this potential have only recently been designed and many of
them are still in the developmental phase.
Tidal power generation is the type of power obtained from the movement of tides in the oceans
and already involves advanced technology for use on a commercial scale. The technology used in
this case is similar to that of conventional hydro-electric schemes. The La Rance tidal power plant
(France, 240 MW) and Sihwa plant (South Korea, 254 MW) are examples of the large-scale
commercial use of this form of power generation.
2. Working Principle
2.1 Basic Working Principle-

► Tide or wave is a periodic rise and fall of the water level of the sea. Tides occur due to the
attraction of seawater by the moon. Tides contain a large amount of potential energy which is
used for power generation. When the water is above the mean sea level, it is called flood tide.
When the water level is below the mean level it is called ebb tide.
► The arrangement of this system is shown in figure. The ocean tides rise and fall and water can
be stored during the rise period and it can be discharged during fall. A dam is constructed
separating the tidal basin from the sea and a difference in water level is obtained between the
basin and sea.
► During the high tide period, water flows from the sea into the tidal basin through the water
turbine. The height of the tide is above that of the tidal basin. Hence the turbine unit operates
and generates power, as it is directly coupled to a generator.
► During the low tide period, water flows from tidal basin to sea, as the water level in the basin
is more than that of the tide in the sea. During this period also, the flowing water rotates the
turbine and generator power.
► The generation of power stops only when the sea level and the tidal basin level are equal. For
the generation of power economically using this source of energy requires some minimum tide
height and suitable site. Kislaya power plant of 250 MW capacity in Russia and Rance power
plant in France are the only examples of this type of power plant.

2.2 Physics Of Tidal Power

Tidal energy is derived from the gravitational forces of attraction that operate between the earth
and moon, and between the earth and sun. It is known that the gravitational force that mutually
attracts any two bodies is directly proportional to the product of their masses and is inversely
proportional to the square of the distance that separates the masses. The attractive force exerted by
the moon on a molecule of water is given by:

𝑓 = 𝐾𝑀𝑚/𝑑2 -(6)

M the mass of moon
m the mass of molecule of water
d the distance of the water molecule from the moon;
K the universal constant of gravitation

The attractive force exerted by the sun obeys the same law. but the effect (M/d^2) is about 2.17
times less due to the mass and the much greater distance that separates the earth and sun. As the
earth rotates, the distance between the molecule and the moon will vary. When the molecule is
on the dayside of the earth relative to the moon or sun, the distance between the molecule and the
attracting body is less than when the molecule is on the horizon, and the molecule will have a
tendency to move away from the earth. Conversely, when the molecule is on the night side

of the earth, the distance is greater and the molecule will again have a tendency to move away
from the earth. The separating force therefore experiences two maxima each day due to the
attracting body. It is also necessary to take into account the beating effect caused firstly by
difference in the fundamental periods of the moon- and sun-related gravitational effects, which
creates the so-called spring and neap tides, and secondly the different types of oscillatory
response affecting different seas. If the sea surface were in static equilibrium with no oscillatory
effects, lunar forces, which are stronger than solar forces, would produce tidal range that would
be approximately only 5.34 cm high.
2.3 Types Of Tides
Tidal phenomena are periodic. The exact nature of periodic response varies according to the
interaction between lunar and solar gravitation effects, respective movements of the moon and sun,
and other geographical peculiarities. There are three main types of tide phenomena at different
locations on the earth.

I) Semidiurnal Tides with Monthly Variation:

This type of tide has a period that matches the fundamental period of the moon (1 2 hr 25 min) and
is dominated by lunar behavior. The amplitude of the tide varies through the lunar month, with
tidal range being greatest at full moon or new moon (spring tides) when moon, earth, and sun are
aligned. At full moon, when the moon and sun have diametrically opposite positions, the tides are
highest. This is because the resultant center of gravity of the moon and earth results in the earth
being closer to the sun. This gives a higher gravity effect due to the sun. At the new moon, the
maximum tidal range is less.

Minimum tides (neap tides) occur between the two maxima and correspond to the half-moon when
the pull of the moon and sun is in quadrature, i.e The resultant pull is the vector sum of the pull
due to the moon and sun. respectively. In this case the resultant gravitational pull is a minimum.
As energy imparted to an oscillating sea level is proportional to resultant gravitational force and
to amplitude of the sea level oscillation, minimum tides will result from this situation. Resonance
phenomena in relation to the 12-hr-25-min period characterizes tidal range.
II) Diurnal Tides with Monthly, Variation:
This type of tide is found in the China Sea and at Tahiti. . Semidiurnal tides are subject to variations
arising from the axis of rotation of the earth being inclined to the planes of orbit of the moon
around the earth and the earth around The sun. The lunar equilibrium tide is aligned with the (orbit
of the moon, and this is inclined at between 18.3" north and 28.6" south of the equator. Similarly.
The sun's Declination varies between 23.5' north and south of the [equator, these angles of latitude
defining the tropics. During leach rotation of the earth, a point on the earth's surface ,will pass
through different parts of the equilibrium tide envelope and therefore experience a diurnal variation

III)Mixed tides:
Mixed tides combine the characteristics of semidiurnal and diurnal tides. They may also display
monthly and bimonthly variation. Examples of mixed tides are those observed in the
Mediterranean and at Saigon. The laws governing sea level variation in mixed tide areas can be
highly complex.

3. Thermodynamic Analysis Of Tidal Power

Tidal power generation depends on the rise and fall of sea and ocean waters. About 4–12 m range
spring and neap tides have an estimated potential of 1–10 MW/km along the seashores. Terrestrial
and celestial gravitational variations predictably affect power generation capacities. Spring tides
(high tides) occur on new as well as full moons and neap tides (low tides) occur in waxing or
waning half moons due to misalignment of the earth with the moon and the sun. The Earth rotates
on its axis at a speed of 16,500 km/h and revolves around the sun at a speed of 107,000 km/y.
Earth completes one rotation in one day (24 h) but the moon completes one revolution around the
earth in 29.53 days.

A solar month has 30 days in a month, whereas the lunar month has 29 days and 10 min, so the
solar month is 50 min longer than lunar month. In a solar month earth and moon twice become
aligned to exert a maximum gravity pull on ocean waters to create spring tides. A range of water
springs may be as high as 11.4 m (Penzhinsk, Russia) to 12.4 m (Cobequid, Canada). Ocean waters
bulge out by lunar and solar gravitational forces at the new moon and full moon . Tidal power
generation potential may be estimated by considering an estuary on sea shore. If the spring tide
water level is R meters over the sea datum line, then energy potential is given by

ℎ= 𝑅
𝐸 = 𝜌𝑔 ∫ℎ=0 ℎ𝐴𝑑ℎ (7)

where ρ is sea water density (kg/m2 ) and g is gravitational constant (9.81 m/s2 ). The energy
associated with a fixed area estuary may be given by
E = (½)*𝜌𝑔𝐴𝑅2 (8)

Taking P=E/t, the average power (in kW) comes out to be

𝑃 = 1/2𝜌𝑔𝑅2 /𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 = 1025 × 9. 81 × A × 𝑅2 /44700 = 225A*R^2 (9)

Where 44,700 are seconds in 6 h and 12.5 min. In case of a double cycle tidal station producing
electricity in forward and reverse directions of water flows then the power potential increases to
450AR2 kW twice of the single cycle station. If the tidal range equal to difference of maximum
and minimum levels in the basin, then at an average water discharge rate (Q =AH/t) through the
turbine the work done by falling water through h height is given by

P = 𝜌𝑄ℎ (10)

Power generation potential for 705 tidal cycles by an ηefficiency turbine in a year is

𝑡 𝑡
𝑃𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 = ∫0 𝑃𝑑𝑡 = ∫0 𝜌𝜂𝑄ℎ/75 × 0.736 × 705𝑑𝑡𝑃𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 = 7092.3 ∗
𝜂 ∫0 𝑄ℎ𝑑𝑡
3.1 Wave Energy Converters:
Winds generate water waves on the ocean surface. These water waves are 1.3 -- 2.86 m high near
seashore several meters high in deep oceans. Water wave height depends on the depth of the ocean.
Huge energy fluxes are available along the sea coastlines. Wind energy is converted into water
waves thinly distributed in all directions over the oceans.

Wave farms energy density is 2–3 kW/m2 which is higher than solar parks (0.1–0.2 kW/m2 ) and
wind farms (0.4–0.6 kW/m2 ). Ocean waves have both potential and kinetic energies. Wave
amplitude 2a from crest to trough in vertical direction varies in a sinusoidal manner. The amplitude
of a point on wave may be expressed by

𝑦 = 𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛(2𝜋𝑥/𝜆 + 2𝜋𝑡/𝑇) (12)

Assuming 2π/λ=M and 2π/T= N we can rewrite
y = asin (Mx -Nt)

Where λ is wavelength, T is period and t is time in seconds. Potential energy of the wave may be
given by
PE = ½ *(g × 𝜌 × 𝐵 × 𝑦 2 𝑑𝑥 ) (13)
PE = ½ 𝑔𝜌𝐵 ∫0 𝑎2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 (𝑀𝑥 − 𝑁𝑡)𝑑𝑥 (14)

Integrating Eq. 14) at t=0 and applying Area of the wave A=λB, (14) can be written as

PE = (¼)*gρa^2 A (15)

Water waves have kinetic energy due to wind flows over the ocean surface. The kinetic energy of
a water wave may be given by
KE = (¼) gρB𝑎2 λ = (¼) gρ𝑎2 A (16)

Water wave energy is sum of potential and kinetic energies which can be extracted by oscillating
and the pitching wave energy converter (WEC) devices

E= (¼) gρB𝑎2 λ = (¼) gρ𝑎2 A (17)

Wind wave power (P=E/t=Ef)) may be given by

P = (½)gρ𝑎2 Af (18)

Wave height in terms of wind speed (U) may be given by the Scripps formula

H = 0.085𝑈 2 (19)
The wave height is related to ocean depth (D), the angle between the wind and fetch (θ),
unobstructed fetch (F) and the constant K (=6.08×10−3 ) by the Zuider Zee formula

H =k𝑈 2 Fcosθ/ D (20)

The general behavior of ocean waves can be studied under the small amplitude wave theory. The
Ocean wave can be defined as λ= CT, where λ is wavelength, C is the speed of the wave (celerity).
Considering the small amplitude wave theory, for deep water waves, the wave celerity will be
√𝑔𝜆 /2𝜋

λ = CT = 1.56T^2 (21)

Wave power intensity (kW/m) transferred at right angle is given by

P = 0.96𝐻 2 T (22)

Wave energy is available 90% of the time, whereas availability of solar and wind power are hardly
20–30% times. Water waves can travel long distances with little energy loss.

3.2 Current Tidal Power

Tidal power generation capacity increases with tidal range and minimum barrage, dam or dyke. A
suitable storage may be achieved with an estuary, creek, channel, rut or runnel close to sea shore.
Important components of tidal power stations are barrage to form a basin or estuary, sluice gates
to fill or empty basins, turbines to convert kinetic energy into mechanical energy which can be
converted to electricity by coupling generators. The dyke crest and slopes are constructed of rock
filling to withstand water waves.

The sluices are equipped with local as well as remote controlled gates. Sluice gates may be
fabricated out of steel to withstand salty water. Akin to run of river and damned hydropower plants
the ocean tidal power stations may be categorized as tidal range and tidal current stations.
Depending upon the situation the tidal power stations are classified as single basin single operation,
single basin double operation, double basin with the link's basin operation and double basin with
paired basin operation Single operation sluice opens during high tides, but remains closed during
the emptying process.
Tidal power turbines function only during the emptying process. Single operation turbine
generation period is 3.5 h. Double operation reversible turbine and sluice function during high tide,
but sluice remains closed during emptying process. Output of the double operation tidal plant is
not twice, instead just 15% more than the single operation turbine. Typical example of a double
operation turbine is 240 MW tidal station La Rance (France). Sluice of the high basin linked
barrage opens during high tide for filling and low basin sluice opens during the emptying process.
The turbine is placed on a Tied barrage. In the case of double paired barrages upper sluice opens
during filling and lower sluice during emptying process. The tidal power stations are suitable for
intermediate demands between base and peak loads.

Tidal current turbines may be horizontal or vertical axis types like horizontal (HAWT) and vertical
(VAWT) axis wind turbines. Horizontal axis turbines were installed in the Bristol Channel
between England and Wales, and vertical axis turbines are installed in the Strait of Messina
between Sicily and Italy. Marine current horizontal axis turbines include 1–2 MW Tidal Stream,
Lunar energy, TidEL, Hydrovision, Sea Flow and Seagen (UK), 0.75 -- 1 MW Blue Tide (Norway)
and 1 MW HydroHelix (France). Vertical axis marine current
turbines include 20 kW Enermar (Italy), 200 kW Blue Energy (Canada), 180–1 MW Gorlov
Helical (USA), 90–250 kW Stingray (UK) and OpenCentre (Ireland) [5]. Tidal barrage design
depends on tidal ebb and flow of range greater than 5 m like conventional low head hydropower
stations. Tidal current design depends on greater than 1.5 m water waves.

Tidal currents flow in horizontal as well as vertical directions. Marine current designs are similar
to tidal currents caused by the trade winds. Tidal power costs 165,000£/MW whereas wave power
costs 175,000£/MW [20,19]. Tidal and wave power farms provide both electricity and jobs.

4. Construction Of Tidal Power Plant

4.1 Proposed Conception Of the plant:

The proposed tidal power plant will take advantage of the existing components, such as the
barrage, sluice opening and other facilities, to which will be added a water-intake system and
turbines for power generation. The basic mode of operation will be to generate power on both ebb
tide and flood tide, that is to say, there will be energy production in both reservoir–sea and sea–
reservoir directions. In relation to the electro-mechanical equipment, one of the alternatives will
be to adapt a vertical-axis propeller to the minimum head and high outflow conditions
characteristic of tidal power tapping. To ensure longer generation time and a greater amount of
energy, the operational mode adopted is that of the double-effect single basin scheme.
Due to land occupation bordering the reservoir and other uses, such as fishing, and the local
housing conditions, the variation in the water level will be limited, although sufficient to produce
the volume of water to be used in activating the turbines in the reservoir-sea direction, ebb or
outflow generation. On the external side of the barrage, the water level will remain free to vary
according to the tide and, in this way, the differences in level to generate electricity will be obtained

In order to generate energy in the sea–reservoir direction, inflow generation, a series of turbines
fixed above the level of the reservoir will be utilized, which will have a limited variation during
the cycle. On the external side of the barrage, a series of mobile turbines will be employed,
arranged on a floating platform equipped with guides, which will accompany the variation in the
tidal level. There will be no electricity generation in the periods close to the change in tidal
direction, as there will not be a sufficient head between the sea and the reservoir.

The operation consists of four differentiated stages which repeat themselves in each tidal cycle, as
shown in The first stage occurs when the sea is at its lowest level (low tide) and the reservoir is at
a higher level, when generation takes place by conveying water to the fixed turbine in the reservoir-
sea direction. The second stage occurs when the difference in level between the sea and the
reservoir is less than that required by the turbine, there being no energy generation in this stage.

In the third stage, the difference between the sea level (high tide) and the reservoir level allows
energy generation, and this occurs in the sea-reservoir direction through the mobile turbine. In the
fourth stage, the sea level is at a maximum (high tide) and the turbine reaches its final position,
and generation continues in the sea-reservoir direction. From that point on, one repeats the four
stages in the opposite direction, i.e. from fourth to first.available for energy generation. In
accordance with the results obtained, a value of 5.7 106 m3 , considered sufficient so as not to
interfere with the other reservoir uses. The tidal data from a nearby station with recorded tide
readings were obtained from DHN-Brazilian Navy. The tidal records were for the Ponta da
Madeira terminal and were used to make the tidal prediction. Through the harmonic analysis, 59
harmonic components of the tide in Ponta da Madeira were obtained. Next, a record of predicted
tides was elaborated which could serve as an input factor in the hydrodynamic and energy
generation models.

A statistical approach was used to determine the frequency of the tidal heights and to describe the
permanence curve. The results of the energy generation model point to a theoretical average power
output of 3.14 MW for the Bacanga tidal power plant, taking into account the tapping proposal
and the restrictions on the use of the reservoir. The theoretical energy produced through this plant
concept lies in the 7000–47,000 kWh/day range, depending on the prevailing tide, the allowed
outflow and the efficiency of the electro-mechanical equipment. The annual generated electricity
in the proposed alternative scheme was estimated in 14,000 MWh/year, considering 100%
efficiency, which represents the consumption of 2000–10,000 local homes outside peak hours

4.2 Construction
The construction of a Tidal Power Plant (TPP) requires temporary circular cell cofferdams to
enable dry work. The TPP construction on Lake Sihwa is similar to the conventional La Rance
project except that there is no precast concrete caisson structure. The Lake Sihwa cofferdams were
built without supporting rangers, and their stability is provided solely by the cell filling. While the
standard length of a circular cell cofferdam is 28 m, the required length is up to 31.5 m for the
Sihwa project due to the water depth and ground conditions. The circular cell cofferdam at Sihwa
consists of 29 primary cells and 28 spandrel walls; welded distribution piles connect the primary
cells and spandrel walls.

The construction of a circular cell was performed offshore with the aid of a control desk. The flat
sections were lifted by crane from a pontoon and driven to the required depth at the site with the
aid of a vibrating hammer. Fig. 4 shows the major stages of the construction project. First, the silt
protection, cellular cofferdam and diversion roads were constructed. Then dewatering and
excavation were performed for dry work, and the main concrete structures for power plants and
sluices were constructed. Then the turbogenerators and sluice gates were installed after unloading
from a temporary wharf to the erection bay.

These machines were then transported by a special carrier to a gantry crane and a hydraulic crane.
This construction schedule was necessary considering the nonuniform settlement of the railway
foundation and to ensure that the gantry crane would be installed by July 2009. After a new road
is constructed over the sluice gates, the diversion roads will be detached. Then the cellular
cofferdam will be removed, and the turbo-generators will be tested for normal TPP operation.

The construction of the circular cell cofferdam has been completed. Immediately after dewatering
and excavation in October 2007, concrete structures were also constructed to house the turbines
and gates inside the cofferdam. It shows the photographs of the construction through December
2008. It is expected that the Sihwa project will be completed in 2010. The cofferdam will be
maintained during the next two years or so, and the real-time tide prediction for the localized TPP
construction site will be able to predict the electricity that can be generated and the tidal level at
the outside and inside of the dike wall.

5. Turbines In Tidal Power Plants

5.1 working of turbines

Tidal Stream turbines operate on the same principles that wind turbines use. A flow of water moves
a set of blades creating mechanical energy which is then converted to electrical energy by the
generator. Tidal stream generators (or TSGs) make use of the kinetic energy of moving water to
power turbines, in a similar way to wind turbines that use wind to power turbines. Some tidal
generators can be built into the structures of existing bridges, involving virtually no aesthetic

The Tidal Stream turbine uses underwater spinning blades to turn a generator. Underwater turbines
rely on tides to push water against angled blades, causing them to spin. As the blades spin, a
gearbox turns an induction generator, which produces an electric current. These turbines must be
able to swivel 180 degrees to accommodate the ebb and flow of tides. These turbines can be placed
in natural bodies of water, such as harbors and lagoons that naturally feature fast-moving flows of

5.2 Construction Of Turbines

The technology consists of rotors mounted on steel piles (tubular steel columns) set into a socket
drilled in the seabed. A key requirement for tidal stream devices is the support structure concepts
to hold them in place. Currently there are three options under consideration: Gravity Structure,
Piled Structure, and Floating Structure.

(A) Gravity Structure:

Gravity Structures are massive steel or concrete structures attached to the base of the units to
achieve stability by their own inertia.

(B) Piled Structure:

Piled Structures are pinned to the seabed by one or more steel or concrete piles. The piles are fixed
to the seabed by hammering if the ground conditions are sufficiently soft or by pre-drilling,
positioning and grouting if the rock is harder.

5.3 Types Of Tidal Turbines:

(A) Horizontal Axis Turbine:

Horizontal axis turbines work much the same as a conventional wind turbine and some look very
similar in design. A turbine is placed in a tidal stream which causes the turbine to rotate and
produce power . A prototype of a 300 KW horizontal axis turbine was installed in Kvalsund, south
of Hammerfest, Norway (penman, 2009) and connected to the grid on 13 Nov. 2003. A 300 KW
horizontal axis turbine, also known as seaflow, was installed by marine current turbines off the
coast of Lynmouth, Devon, England, in 2003. A prototype project was installed in the East River
between Queens and Roosevelt Island in New York. City in the United States in April 2007. A
prototype, called SeaGen, was installed by Marine Current Turbines in Strangford Lough in
Northern Ireland in April 2008

(B) Vertical Axis Turbine:

Vertical Axis Turbine Vertical axis turbines use the same principle as the horizontal axis turbines
only with a different direction of rotation . The Enermar Project developed the Kobold turbine. A
pilot plant of is moored in the Strait of Messina, close to the Sicilian shore in Italy, in an average
sea tidal current of about 2 m/sec

(C). Reciprocating Devices (Oscillating Hydrofoils)

These have hydrofoils which move back and forth in a plane normal to the tidal stream, instead of
rotating blades. The oscillation motion used to produce power is due to the lift created by the tidal
stream flowing in either side of the wing . During 2003, a 150 KW Stingray was tested off the
Scottish coast, including a flexible control system to allow the performance of the generator to be
accurately controlled and recorded over a longer period.

(D). Venturi Effect Tidal Stream Devices

The tidal flow is directed through a duct, which concentrates the flow and produces a pressure
difference. This causes a secondary fluid flow through a turbine. The resultant flow can drive a
turbine directly or the induced pressure differential in the system can drive an air-turbine. Tidal
Energy installed and tested such shrouded tidal turbines on the Gold coast, Queensland in 2002.
Another turbine is planned for deployment as a tidal powered desalination showcase near Brisbane
Australia in October 2008. Another device, the hydro Venturi, is to be tested in San Francisco Bay.

6.2.2 Special Turbine: Kaplan

One of the biggest challenges in projected schemes of tidal power plants is how to design turbines
that are capable of operating in a satisfactory manner at very low heads. Kaplan turbines can
achieve high efficiency through a wide variation of heads and flow. This feature is important in
low head applications, as is the case of tidal power plants.

This work uses a Kaplan turbine with double regulation and its hill chart was provided by
Andritz Hydro

The information in the hill chart is represented in units of quantities. Thus, the relationship between
head, flow, and rotation can be obtained from Eqs. (23) and (24).

𝑛11 = 𝑛 (23)

𝑄11 = (24)
𝐷 2 √𝐻

here n11 [m1/2 /min] is the unit speed for the model, n [rpm] is the speed of the turbine, D [m] is
the rotor diameter, H [m] is the head, Q11 [m1/2 /s] is the unit flow rate of the model and Q [m3/s]
is the flow rate of the turbine. Owing to the intermittent nature of tidal power generation, it is
assumed that in every generation cycle the turbines must operate in such a way that their generation
is at a maximum rate. Hence, the turbines must operate at their maximum power. In this case, the
maximum power curve of the turbine can be approximately represented by Eq. (25).

𝑄11 = {0.0164𝑛11 + 0.542𝑛11 , 𝑛11 < 255}

𝑄11 = {4.73 , 𝑛11 ≥ 255} (25)

Through the hill chart available , it is possible to estimate the relationship between turbine
efficiency and its unit speed through the points in the efficiency contour lines that intersect the
maximum power curve. This relationship is shown in Fig. 14. From Eqs. (3)–(5), and the
relationship between the unit speed of the turbine and efficiency, it is possible to calculate the
power generated by the turbine through Eq. (26).

P = ηρgHQ (26)
where P [kW] is the power generated by a turbine, η is the turbine efficiency. The total energy
generated by the turbine at a given time will be:

𝐸𝑇 = ∫𝑡 𝑃𝑑𝑡 (27)
where ET [kWh] is the energy generated by the turbine in the time interval t0 to t. Although it is
desirable for turbines to operate at their maximum output power during the entire generation
period, this regime is not able to guarantee the synchronous operation of the turbines, especially
at the instants near the beginning and end of generation, when the head becomes smaller. To avoid
this problem, we decided to use electronic converters for grid connection. This will ensure control
of voltage, frequency and angle on the network side, while allowing the turbine to operate at
variable speed, and tracking the maximum power generation at each instant. This solution allows
not only the maximum power operation of the turbines, but also the energy exploration of smaller

6. Power Take-Off (PTO) Systems

A Power Take-Off (PTO) system in the context of tidal power generation is a mechanism that
converts the mechanical energy generated by the movement of tidal flows into electrical energy.
This system is crucial for the functioning of tidal power plants because it bridges the gap between
the mechanical motion produced by tidal turbines and the electrical grid.

6.1 Types Of PTO Systems:

(A) Hydraulic Convertors

Hydraulic Power Take-Off (PTO) systems are critical in the operation of wave energy converters
(WECs), particularly effective in configurations where the direct motion of a solid body by
waves is utilized. These systems are essential because conventional rotary generators are not
directly compatible with the linear motion produced by waves. Hydraulic converters are
particularly effective in environments with low-frequency, high-force impacts, converting the
mechanical energy of wave-driven bodies into hydraulic pressure. This pressure then powers a
hydraulic motor connected to an electric generator, efficiently converting wave energy into
In a typical hydraulic PTO system, a point absorber, like a buoy or float, is connected directly to
the piston of a hydraulic cylinder. The action of the waves causes the point absorber and the
piston to move reciprocally, driving the working fluid in a closed circuit from the hydraulic
cylinder to the hydraulic motor and back. The system includes high and low-pressure hydraulic
accumulators to mitigate the pressure fluctuations of the working fluid at the motor's inlet and
outlet. Rotary radial-piston hydraulic motors are commonly used due to their proven
performance in low-speed, high-load applications.
The design and implementation of hydraulic PTO systems require careful selection of
components to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. These systems face specific
challenges including the environmental impact of potential hydraulic fluid leaks and the
maintenance demands due to the many moving parts. Hydraulic PTO systems are favored in
many WEC designs due to their ability to efficiently handle both translational and rotational
wave energies. They are deployed in notable projects such as the Pelamis, Duck, and Wave
Roller, demonstrating success in generating usable electricity from wave energy. However, the
complexity of these systems necessitates well-maintained protection against extreme conditions
to prevent system overloads and potential failures.

(B) Direct Mechanical Converters

Direct mechanical drive PTO (Power Take-Off) systems convert the mechanical energy from
wave-driven oscillating bodies like buoys into electrical energy through mechanical fittings such
as gearboxes, reels, and pulleys that drive a rotary generator. The process involves three main
stages: converting wave energy to mechanical energy in the buoy, transferring that energy to a
rotating shaft, and finally converting it into electrical energy via the generator.
A key feature of these systems is the use of a flywheel which helps smooth out the variable power
output from inconsistent wave energy, ensuring a more stable electrical output. Although the
systems are efficient due to the limited number of conversion stages and their design is based on
well-understood engineering principles, they face challenges in terms of reliability. The
mechanical components are subject to continuous wear and tear from numerous load cycles, which
could lead to higher maintenance costs.
In essence, direct mechanical drive systems are effective for converting wave energy to electricity,
but their long-term reliability and maintenance requirements need careful consideration and
ongoing development to optimize their performance and durability.

(C) Direct Electrical Converters

Direct electrical drive PTO systems are a specialized type of technology where the mechanical
energy captured by the primary converter is directly coupled to the moving part of a linear
electrical generator. These systems are particularly appealing due to significant advancements in
the fields of permanent magnets and power electronics.
In these systems, a translator equipped with alternating polarity magnets is coupled to a buoy. The
ocean waves induce a heaving motion in this assembly relative to a stationary part outfitted with
coils, effectively inducing electrical current within these coils. The translator's movement
transforms the kinetic energy of waves directly into electrical energy.
The design features a rod attached to the bottom of the buoy, ending in a head with several
permanent magnets arranged in alternating polarities. As the waves create reciprocating motion,
the rod and the head move inside a stator, inducing an electric current.
Since the generated electric current varies in frequency and voltage, it must initially be converted
to direct current and then transformed back into alternating current at the required frequency and
voltage to be compatible with the electrical grid. This conversion process can be managed either
passively or actively.
The advances in permanent magnet technology and power electronics have not only enhanced the
efficiency of these systems but also streamlined the process of converting mechanical to electrical
energy, making direct electrical drive PTO systems a desirable option for harnessing wave energy.
7. Environmental Considerations in Tidal Power Plants

7.1 Impact on Marine Life:

Tidal power plants harness the kinetic energy of tidal currents or the potential energy of tidal height
differences to generate electricity. While offering a renewable energy source, these installations
can pose risks to marine life, primarily through physical presence and operational activities. Key
impacts include:

(A) Physical Interactions:

The movement of turbine blades can pose physical hazards to marine organisms, such as fish and
marine mammals. Collisions with these structures can result in injury or mortality, affecting local

(B) Noise Pollution:

The operation of turbines generates underwater noise, which can disturb the natural behavior of
marine animals, particularly those that rely on echolocation and sound for navigation,
communication, and feeding.

(C) Electromagnetic Fields:

Electrical transmission cables produce electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that could potentially affect
species sensitive to electromagnetic perception, such as sharks and rays.

(D) Barrier to Marine Life:

Tidal barrages, which work similarly to dams by capturing the potential energy of tides in a basin,
can act as barriers that restrict the natural movement of marine species across their traditional
migratory or feeding route

7.2 Sediment Transport:

The installation and operation of tidal power structures can significantly alter local hydrodynamics,
which in turn can affect sediment transport in the vicinity of the installation. This alteration can
have several ecological impacts:

(A) Changes in Habitat:

Alterations in sediment transport can lead to changes in the composition and distribution of seabed
habitats. For instance, sediment accumulation or erosion could affect the habitats of benthic
organisms, impacting species diversity and ecosystem functions.

(B) Water Turbidity:

Construction activities and ongoing operations might increase water turbidity, which can reduce
light penetration and affect photosynthesis in aquatic plants and the visual acuity of species that
rely on sight to feed.

7.3 Mitigation Measures:

To reduce the ecological impacts of tidal power plants, several mitigation strategies can be
implemented, focusing on design and operational adjustments:

(A) Turbine Design:

Developing and implementing turbine designs that minimize the risk of injury to marine life is
crucial. For example, slow-moving, large-bladed turbines can reduce collision risks, as they allow
marine animals more time to detect and avoid them.

(B) Environmental Monitoring:

Continuous monitoring of the environment before, during, and after the installation of tidal power
plants helps identify impacts on marine life and sediment transport. This data is vital for adjusting
operations to minimize ecological disruptions.

(C) Cable Shielding and Routing:

Shielding power cables and careful routing can minimize the electromagnetic output to levels that
are less likely to disturb marine wildlife. Additionally, burying cables can reduce physical and
electromagnetic impacts.

(D) Exclusion Zones and Timing Restrictions:

Implementing operational restrictions during critical periods, such as breeding seasons, and
establishing exclusion zones around key habitats can help protect sensitive species and ecosystems.

(E )Artificial Reefs:

Installing artificial reefs near tidal installations can provide new habitats for marine life, helping
to mitigate losses from habitat disruptions caused by the infrastructure

8. Comparison of Tidal Power with Other Renewable Energies

8.1 Solar Energy

(A) Environmental Impact:

Solar energy is one of the cleanest renewable energy sources available, but its environmental
footprint extends beyond its emission-free operation:

● Land Use: Large-scale solar installations, particularly solar farms, require significant land
areas, which can lead to habitat disruption, land degradation, or conflicts with agricultural
uses. However, integrating solar panels into buildings or using degraded lands can mitigate
these impacts.
● Resource Use: The production of photovoltaic (PV) cells involves the extraction of quartz
and metals like silver and aluminum, which have associated mining impacts including
habitat disruption and pollution.
● Manufacturing Processes: The production of solar panels involves energy-intensive
processes and the use of hazardous materials, such as hydrofluoric acid and sulfuric acid,
which need careful handling to avoid environmental contamination.
● End-of-Life Management: Solar panel disposal presents challenges due to the toxic
materials they contain, such as lead and cadmium. Recycling processes are improving but
are not yet widespread, presenting future waste management challenges.

(B) Sustainability:

Solar power's sustainability is bolstered by its scalability and the rapid technological advances that
are driving down costs and improving efficiencies:

● Scalability: Solar installations range from small, rooftop systems to large, utility-scale
solar farms, making solar energy accessible for individual residential applications up to
large power producers.
● Technological Advances: Innovations such as bifacial solar panels, solar tracking
systems, and improvements in photovoltaic efficiency continue to enhance the energy yield
and reduce the cost of solar installations.
● Energy Payback: Modern solar panels typically pay back the energy used in their
production within a few years of operation, depending on the location, which contributes
to their overall sustainability over their operational life of 25-30 years.
8.2 Wind Energy

(A) Environmental Impact:

Wind energy is favored for its low operational emissions and significant energy output, but it does
have notable environmental considerations:

● Wildlife Interactions: The most significant impact is on flying fauna, such as birds and
bats, which can collide with turbine blades. Migratory paths can be particularly sensitive
● Noise: Wind turbines generate noise, which can affect local communities and wildlife. The
visual impact of wind farms on landscapes is also a concern, particularly in scenic areas
which can be a point of contention for local communities and conservationists.
● Marine Impacts: Offshore wind farms affect marine ecosystems. The installation of
turbines can disrupt seabed habitats, and the operation can lead to noise that affects marine
life. However, these structures can also create artificial reefs that benefit marine

(B) Sustainability:

Wind energy is highly sustainable due to the abundant and inexhaustible nature of wind, with
significant strides being made in technology and operational efficiency:
● Improvements in Turbine Technology: Modern turbines are more efficient, capable of
generating more power at lower wind speeds, and have improved designs that reduce their
impact on wildlife and noise levels.
● Offshore Development: The expansion into offshore wind energy taps into stronger and
more consistent wind resources, significantly increasing energy generation potential while
reducing land use conflicts.
● Integration and Storage: Like other renewables, integrating wind energy into the power
grid often requires energy storage solutions or grid adaptations to manage its intermittent
nature. Innovations in battery technology and grid management are making this integration
more feasible and sustainable.

8.3 Tidal Energy:

(A) Sustainability:

Tidal energy stands out due to its predictability and the potential for minimal visual and
atmospheric impact, enhancing its sustainability profile:

● Predictability and Reliability: Unlike solar and wind, tidal movements are highly
predictable based on lunar cycles, offering a reliable schedule of energy production. This
predictability facilitates easier integration into energy systems with less need for storage
solutions compared to more variable renewable sources.
● Longevity and Durability: Tidal turbines are designed to be robust and durable, capable
of withstanding harsh marine environments. Modern designs aim for operational lives
comparable to traditional infrastructure, reducing the frequency and intensity of
maintenance and associated costs.
● Low Visual Impact: Tidal installations, particularly underwater turbines, have minimal
visual impact, which is often a significant concern in the deployment of wind turbines or
large solar farms. This feature makes tidal energy a more favorable option in visually
sensitive areas.
● Efficient Energy Density: Tidal energy has a higher energy density than wind or solar.
Water is 832 times denser than air, allowing tidal turbines to generate more power at lower
speeds and over smaller areas than wind turbines.

9. Economic Viability and Feasibility of Tidal Power

9.1 Cost Analysis:

Tidal power involves significant upfront investments, operational costs, and maintenance

(A) Capital Costs:

Tidal power plants require substantial initial capital for the design, manufacturing, and installation
of turbines and associated infrastructure. These costs are influenced by site-specific factors such
as water depth and seabed condition. For tidal power to be economically viable, the break-even
capital cost must be less than €510,000 per MW installed—a figure that remains challenging under
current economic conditions.

(B) Operation Costs:

The operation of tidal plants involves monitoring, management, and routine inspections. Due to
the marine environment, these activities often require specialized equipment and vessels,
contributing to higher operational costs.

(C) Maintenance Costs:

Maintenance in the challenging marine environment is costly, particularly due to issues like
biofouling, sediment handling, and potential ice interactions. The accessibility of turbines for
repairs and maintenance is also a significant factor that can drive up costs.
9.2 Economic Benefits:

The deployment of tidal power plants can stimulate local economies and contribute to energy
independence, albeit with certain conditions:

(A) Job Creation:

From construction through to ongoing operations, tidal power generation creates jobs in
engineering, construction, environmental monitoring, and maintenance sectors.

(B) Local Revenue Generation:

Tidal power projects can generate considerable local revenue, particularly through the
development of associated industries such as marine and environmental research.

(C) Energy Independence:

Tidal energy provides a stable and predictable source of power, enhancing the energy security of
coastal and island communities.

9.3 Comparison with Conventional Energy Sources:

Tidal energy's cost-effectiveness and sustainability need to be evaluated in the context of its long-
term operational parameters and environmental impacts:

(A) Cost-effectiveness:

Tidal power's predictability makes it a stable energy source. However, the economic feasibility
varies significantly based on geographical and technological factors. The economic viability of
tidal energy can improve with reductions in investment costs, improved capacity factors, and
favorable government policies. For instance, areas with maximum flow speeds greater than 2.5
m/s have been identified as economically feasible for tidal energy development.

(B) Sustainability vs. Fossil Fuels:

Unlike fossil fuels, tidal power is sustainable and has minimal environmental emissions. While the
initial costs and technological maturity are challenges, tidal energy does not involve fuel costs,
which can be volatile for fossil fuel-based systems. Additionally, the predictability of tidal energy
can make it a more reliable long-term investment compared to the unpredictability of fossil fuel
(C) Site Specificity and Technological Developments:

The success of tidal power significantly depends on choosing appropriate sites with adequate tidal
flows, as highlighted by studies across various global locations, including Japan and China.
Furthermore, technological advancements and economic strategies, such as government incentives
and tax benefits, are crucial for enhancing the viability of tidal energy projects.

10. Case Studies and Real-World Examples of Tidal Power

10.1 Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station, South Korea:

Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station, South Korea

(A) Overview

Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station is the world's largest tidal power plant, located near Seoul, South
Korea. Originally constructed as part of a sea wall for flood protection and agricultural use, the
area around Sihwa Lake had become heavily polluted due to restricted seawater circulation. The
conversion of this site into a tidal power facility has not only provided a substantial renewable
energy source but has also played a critical role in reviving the local marine environment.
(B) Capacity and Operation

● Capacity: The plant has a capacity of 254 MW, which makes it the largest of its kind
globally, surpassing the older La Rance facility in France. It produces enough energy to
power approximately 500,000 households.
● Annual Power Production: The station generates about 552 million kWh per year.

(C) Environmental and Technological Rebirth

● Water Quality Improvement: Following the construction of the tidal power station, the
water quality in Sihwa Lake improved dramatically. Regular water exchange facilitated by
the plant helped reduce the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) levels from over 4 ppm to
about 2 ppm, bringing it on par with the West Sea.
● Biodiversity Enhancement: The regular flushing of the lake with seawater has led to the
formation of new mudflats upstream, which now serve as habitats for various marine
organisms, transforming a once "dead lake" into a thriving ecological zone.

(D) Technological Advancements

● Utilization of Local Geography: The plant leverages the unique geographical features of
the Korean peninsula’s west coast, which is characterized by high tidal ranges that are ideal
for power generation.
● Innovative Design: The Shihwa facility utilizes a single-basin system that captures tidal
energy primarily during ebb tides. This design decision was influenced by the need to
prevent flooding of nearby areas, which could occur with a double-basin system.
● Eco-friendly Features: The turbines use biodegradable oils to minimize environmental
risks in case of leaks. This is crucial as the facility operates within a sensitive marine

(E) Challenges and Innovations

● Construction Challenges: The plant's construction involved complex engineering feats,

particularly in building on solid bedrock below the sea and managing the large tidal
● Economic and Environmental Synergy: The project highlights a successful synergy
between renewable energy production and environmental restoration, demonstrating
significant reductions in CO2 emissions and contributing to local biodiversity.

(F) Scalability and Replication:

The success of Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station illustrates the potential for scaling and replicating
similar projects in regions with favorable tidal conditions. The plant serves as a model for
integrating environmental restoration with renewable energy generation, offering lessons in both
technological innovation and ecological management.

10.2 La Rance Tidal Power Station, France:

La Rance Tidal Power Station, France

(A) Overview:

La Rance Tidal Power Station is located in Brittany, France, near the town of Saint-Malo. It was
the world's first large-scale tidal power plant and remains one of the most important operational
examples of tidal energy production today. Commissioned in 1966, it was a pioneering project that
demonstrated the feasibility of tidal power on a large scale.

(B) Capacity and Operation:

● Capacity: La Rance has an installed capacity of 240 MW.

● Annual Power Production: The station generates about 540 million kWh per year, which
is enough to power about 224,000 homes.
● Operation: The facility operates with a barrage system that includes 24 turbines. These
turbines generate power both during the incoming and outgoing tides, maximizing energy
production from the tidal flow.

(C) Environmental and Technological Impact:

● Ecosystem Changes: Initially, the construction of the barrage significantly altered the
local marine ecosystem, impacting marine flora and fauna due to changes in salinity and
● Biodiversity Recovery: Over the years, the ecosystem around La Rance has adapted and
now supports a diverse range of species, including worms, crustaceans, and fish. Bird
populations have also adjusted, with many species thriving in the new environment.

(D) Technological Advancements:

● Turbine Technology: La Rance was a testbed for the bulb turbine technology, which has
been refined over the years and adopted in other tidal energy projects. These turbines are
particularly efficient at converting tidal flow into energy due to their ability to operate in
both directions.
● Operational Innovations: The plant has implemented advanced operational techniques to
enhance efficiency and minimize environmental impact. This includes optimizing turbine
operations to balance energy production with ecological considerations.

(E) Challenges and Innovations:

● Aging Infrastructure: Being over five decades old, La Rance faces challenges related to
aging infrastructure. Ongoing maintenance and upgrades are necessary to sustain its
operation and efficiency.
● Environmental Management: The initial environmental impact led to significant learning
about managing tidal installations, especially regarding their impact on estuarine
environments. This has helped shape subsequent projects to be more environmentally

(F) Scalability and Replication:

● Lessons for Future Projects: The operational history of La Rance provides valuable
insights into the long-term management of tidal power plants, from technological
maintenance to environmental adaptation.
● Global Influence: The technologies developed and lessons learned at La Rance have
informed newer tidal power technologies and influenced other projects worldwide,
demonstrating the potential for tidal energy to be a sustainable part of the global energy

11. Plants Future Outlook and Challenges of Tidal Energy

Ocean power generation scenario, 2000–2030

11.1 Emerging Trends:

The field of tidal energy is currently marked by significant technological advancements and
innovations, driven by ongoing research and development:

(A) Advanced Turbine Technologies:

There is ongoing research aimed at developing turbines that do not pose a threat to marine life.
These efforts include designing turbines with mechanisms to prevent marine creatures from
getting caught in them. This is a key area of focus to enhance the environmental sustainability of
tidal energy systems.

(B) Materials Science Breakthroughs:

Advances in materials science are leading to the development of more durable and efficient
turbines and structures that can withstand harsh marine environments. Innovations include
corrosion-resistant materials and improved designs that minimize maintenance needs.

(C) Energy Storage Integration:

The integration of tidal energy with advanced energy storage solutions is becoming increasingly
prevalent. This helps to stabilize the energy output from tidal systems, making it more consistent
and reliable, regardless of tidal cycles.

11.2 Regulatory and Policy Considerations:

The development and expansion of tidal energy are heavily influenced by regulatory and policy
frameworks, which can either accelerate or hinder progress:

(A) Environmental Regulations:

Stringent environmental regulations ensure that tidal energy projects minimize their impact on
marine ecosystems. Compliance with these regulations is essential for the approval and
continued operation of tidal facilities.

(B) Government Incentives :

Supportive government policies are crucial for advancing the development of tidal energy,
providing financial incentives that enhance economic viability and attract investment. In India,
for example, the government promotes tidal energy through several mechanisms:

● Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPOs) ensure a stable market for tidal energy by
mandating utilities to procure a certain percentage of their power from renewable
sources. This policy guarantees demand, encouraging developers to invest in tidal power
● Fiscal Incentives such as accelerated depreciation allow businesses to deduct a
significant portion of their investment in tidal energy from their taxable income early in
the project's life. This benefit improves cash flow and makes the initial high capital
investment more manageable.
● Capital Subsidy Schemes reduce the upfront costs associated with setting up tidal
energy facilities, lowering the financial barriers to entry for new projects.
● Preferential Tariffs are set for tidal energy, offering higher rates for the electricity
generated. This incentive ensures that tidal power remains a competitive and lucrative
option for energy producers, balancing the costs of technology and operation.
(C) International Collaboration and Standards:

International collaboration and standardization are key to advancing tidal energy globally. These
initiatives help streamline technology transfer, align regulatory standards, and reduce costs
through unified approaches to design and deployment. Some examples of International
Collaboration and Standards in Tidal Energy:

● IEA Ocean Energy Systems (OES): This intergovernmental collaboration enhances

global advancement in ocean energy, including tidal power, by facilitating information
exchange and coordinating research efforts across member countries.
● European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC): Located in Orkney, Scotland, EMEC
offers testing facilities for wave and tidal energy converters, allowing developers
worldwide to test their technology in actual sea conditions and advance standardization in
performance and safety.
● International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Technical Committee 114: This
committee develops international standards specifically for marine energy systems,
covering design, performance, and safety, simplifying global market entry for new
● Collaborative Research Projects: European initiatives like the Horizon 2020-funded
MegaRoller involve multiple countries working together to innovate and refine
technologies, contributing to the development of industry standards and efficiencies.
● Bilateral Agreements: Nations with advanced tidal technologies often engage in
bilateral partnerships to share knowledge and resources, facilitating joint research and
development projects and promoting technology exchange.

11.3 Challenges:

Despite the promising outlook, there are several challenges that need to be addressed to achieve
widespread adoption of tidal energy:

(A) Technological Challenges:

Developing technologies that can efficiently capture tidal energy without harming marine life
continues to be a significant challenge. The interaction of tidal systems with complex marine
environments requires ongoing innovation and research.

(B) High Capital Costs:

The capital costs associated with tidal energy projects are still relatively high compared to more
established renewable energies like wind and solar. This is due to the specialized equipment and
engineering required to exploit tidal energy effectively.

(C) Environmental and Social Impact:

Tidal energy projects can have significant ecological and social impacts, which must be
carefully managed to ensure local community support and ecological balance. This includes
ensuring that turbine designs do not harm marine life.

(D) Site Specificity:

The effectiveness of tidal energy systems is highly dependent on specific geographic and
oceanographic conditions, which limits the locations where these systems can be viably installed.

Challenges to the development of Tidal Power Energy

12. Conclusion

This project on tidal power plants suggests that despite challenges and the need for specific
geographic conditions, tidal power represents a viable and sustainable energy source. The project
emphasizes the predictability of tidal energy, which, unlike solar and wind energies, allows for a
reliable schedule of energy production. It also highlights the minimal visual impact and potential
for less environmental disruption compared to other renewable energy sources.

Innovations in turbine technology and improvements in energy conversion are continuously

enhancing the efficiency and environmental compatibility of tidal power systems. Moreover, the
project points out the long-term economic benefits of tidal energy, such as local job creation and
energy independence, particularly for coastal and island communities.

Overall, the tidal power projects discussed, such as the Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station in South
Korea and the La Rance Tidal Power Station in France, exemplify the successful integration of
renewable energy production with environmental management and technological innovation,
suggesting a promising future for the expansion of tidal power globally.

13. References

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