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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
REGION VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Bago City


S.Y. 2023-2024

Multiple choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number.

______1. What component of attraction refer to when people tend to be influenced by what they see?
A. physical appearance B. proximity C. reciprocity D. similarity
______2. It is considered as the first form of love
A. husband and wife B. mother and child
C. relationship with friends D. teacher and students
______3. Which component of love consists affective variables like emotional support and caring?
A. romantic love B. commitment C. intimacy D. passion
______4. A type of love which comprises the 3 components of love
A. liking B. fatuous C. empty love D. consummate love
______5. _____________ is an attachment style wherein a child is too dependent to the parents and seeks more attention
from them
A. anxious/ambivalent attachment style B. romantic love style
C. secure attachment style D. avoidance attachment style
______6. Which among the choices below is NOT considered as one of the ways in expressing commitment with others?
A. empathy B. trust C. respect D. secrecy
______7. What component of attraction is being described when people usually tend to choose others to be with them
because they have things in common?
A. physical appearance B. proximity C. similarity D. reciprocity
______What do you call a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties?
A. love B. respect C. commitment D. attraction
______9. Which of the following is NOT one of the types of love according to R. Sternberg?
A. infatuation B. reciprocity C. companionate D. fatuous
______10.This refers to a more complex long-term relationship.
A. commitment B. intimacy C. proximity D. passion
______11.He proposed the Triangular Model of Love.
A. J. Brannan B. H. Fisher C. C.Strangor D. R. Sternberg
______12. What theory focuses on the human needs?
A. Big five personality Theory B. Rokeach Values Theory
C. Maslow’ Hierarchy of Needs D. Holland Theory of Career Choice
______13. Which of the following statement is FALSE?
A. Career planning is important to assess the skills, interest, and personality
B. Career paths are small actions or jobs that contribute to the development of career goal.
C. Personal goal can be achieved through short- and long-term goals
D. Personal traits are not much important to career.
______14. These are individual beliefs that serve as a guide of a person throughout his life.
A. Career concepts B. Personalities C. Values D. Self-Concepts
______15. This is the combination of different characteristics in one person.
A. Career concept B. Values C. Self-Concept D. Personality
______16. It develops and changes through time as a result of experiences and discovery of sense of self.
A. Career concept B. Values C. Self-Concept D. Personality
______17. There are situations that we think it’s impossible to achieve our goals, but if we have the desire in our heart to
achieve it, we would. What kind characteristic is illustrated?
A. Self-concept B. Self-determination
C. Self-monitoring D. Self-achievement
______18. Which of the following actions showed a low sensitive monitor?
A. Become more responsible to their action
B. Create positive environment
C. Greater ability to modify their behavior
D. React using their feelings
______19. Which of the following statements shows a proactive personality?
A. Actively initiating a project for their class
B. Doing an activity in expense of others
C. Deciding to leave if dissatisfied
D. Being ethical and honest
______20. Amy was assigned to be a leader in their group, but she thinks that her classmate is much better than her and
feels that her groupmates will not listen to her. What is the problem with Amy?
A. She has a high self-esteem B. She has a low self-esteem
C. She is highly sensitive monitor D. She is low sensitive monitor

Address: Brgy. Sagasa, Bago City

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______21. Janet has an openness and extraversion personality. She always wants to have things that are new and “in” as
social standard. What kind of work do you recommend for her?
A. Marketing specialist B. The Caregiver
C. Pharmacist D. Life coach
______22. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Career decision making should be aligned with interests, skills, personality, and values.
B. It is important to assess the interest, skills, and abilities of others to form a solid foundation of self-
C. Time management is only the key in achieving career goal.
D. None of the above
______23. Luisa is a product of a broken family; her parents have an amicable separation when she was in high school,
but it did not affect her. She became more responsible to herself to fulfill her goal and doesn’t blame her parent. What
personality does Luisa show?
A. Self-Esteem B. Parental Autonomy C. Self-Efficacy D. Locus control
______24. What is the benefit of a person who is proactive and value high education and multiple skills?
A. Ability to change jobs when opportunities arise
B. Enhance skills and help to progress along the career path
C. Earning benefit is large
D. All of the above
______25. During adolescence stage, adolescents start to develop their self-concept, attitudes, needs, and interests. What
stage of the five career development theories are they categorized?
A. growth B. exploration C. establishment D. maintenance
______26. What influences in shaping one’s personality?
A. Biological characteristics coming from parents B. Environmental influences
C. Adversity in life D. A&B
______27. One of the reasons that students are guided in their career _________ in the secondary level is to ensure that
they would contribute to the employment force of the country later on.
A. mismatch B. unemployment C. goals D. underemployment
______28. It is a career development concept that discusses the relationship between a person’s view of his competence
towards the tasks given to him/her.
A. Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory
B. Super’s Career Development Theory
C. Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice
D. Roe’s Subsequent Development Theory
______29. It includes the skills of a person, which can be effectively used in identifying a career option.
A. aptitudes B. interests C. work values D. personality types
______30. When an employee is satisfied with his/her career, he/she is sooner frustrated in his/her career and finally lose
his/her motivation.
A. true B. false C. Either a or b D. Neither a nor b
______31. Which is not included in the familial factor in career development?
A. upbringing B. biases
C. educational background D. external influences
______31. In January 2020, there was a sudden elevation of employment rate in the country according to the Philippine
Statistics Authority.
A. true B. false C. Either a or b D. Neither a nor b
______32. In E-N-F-P Personality Type Code, N stands for:
A. notoriety B. introspection C. nuance D. intuition
______32. Turnover rate means:
A. the rate of employees staying in the company
B. the rate of employees growing in the company
C. the rate of employees enjoying in the company
D. the rate of employees leaving the company
______33. The following are sub-factors in work values except:
A. self-respect B. honesty C. service D. interests
______34. This refers to the internal influences a person might consider in choosing the desired career path.
A. spiritual B. academic C. familia D. personal
______35. DepED Memorandum No. 149, s. 2011 outlines the career pathways that students may take in secondary. If a
student is inclined in visual arts, music, media arts, theater arts, creative writing, and dance, which career pathway is
he/she probably taking in senior high school?
A. Special Program in Journalism C. Special Program in the Arts
B. Special Program in Foreign Language D. Special Program in Sports
______36. Identify one correct statement:
A. In order to choose the correct career, a student must consult personal considerations.
B. In order to choose the correct career, a student must not consult personal considerations.
C. In order to choose the correct career, a student must avoid personal considerations.
D. In order to choose the correct career, a student must must ignore personal considerations.
______37.Claring does not always see future events that may hinder her performance in her career. Most of the time, she
fails to plan ahead on how to deal with unfortunate circumstances that may come over. According to personality types
factors, what could be the strength of Claring in career development?
A. Claring may be spontaneous and flexible.
B. Claring may not quit his work.
C. Claring may be good in outlining.
D. Claring may be enthusiastic and energetic.
______38. Ruben has always been wanting to become a teacher since he was a child. Growing up, his interests, hobbies,
and experiences were all aligned to becoming a teacher. When Ruben went to college, he took Bachelor of Secondary
Education and eventually graduated. What may not happen to Ruben once he already taught in school?
A. Ruben may perform well in being a teacher.
B. Ruben may poorly perform in her chosen career.
C. Ruben may become an outstanding teacher.
D. Ruben may take being a teacher quite easily.
______39. Identify one correct statement:
A. The academe may not hone how the students choose their career paths.
B. Family is not a factor to consider in choosing career paths.
C. Personal strengths and weaknesses are not consulted in identifying career paths.
D. All statements are wrong
______40. Which of the following is the change in one’s behavior to adapt to the social demands?
A. Personal Relationship B. Social Relationship
C. Social Facilitation D. Social Influence
______41. Which of the following is the change in one’s behavior to be more like the others in the group?
A. Complement B. Compliance C. Conformity D. Obedience
______42 Which of the following is the change in one’s behavior by doing a request asked by other individuals in exchange
for reward or punishment?
A. Complement B. Complacent C. Compliance D. Conformity
______43. Which of the following is the change in one’s behavior by following the demand given by the individuals you
A. Compliance B. Conformity C. Obedience D. Objective
______44. Which of the following enables a person to perform better with others than working alone?
A. Social Facilitation B. Social Influence
C. Social Change D. Social Loafing
______45. Which of the following characterizes a conforming individual?
A. Accepts responsibility C. Gains approval
B. Fears punishment D. Likes reward
______46. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a conforming individual?
A. Accepts responsibility C. Accepts opinion
B. Avoids rejection D. Gains approval
______47. Which of the following characterizes a compliant individual?
A. Accepts responsibility C. Accepts opinions
B. Respects authority D. Likes reward
______48. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a compliant individual?
A. Fears punishment C. Avoids rejection
B. Follows request D. Likes reward
______49. Which of the following characterizes an obedient individual?
A. Respects authority C. Accepts opinion
B. Fears punishment D. Avoids rejection
______50.Which of the following is not a characteristic of an obedient individual?
A. Accepts responsibility C. Avoids rejection
B. Respects authority D. Follows order

Prepared by: Approved:


Subject Teacher Principal II

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