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Translation of Cypher Questions - 2023

By: Ibraheem Sadiq, Ayed AlAhmadi, Mohammad Mutairi

1. Animal with 2 atria and 1 ventricle?

Answer: Frog

The frog of amphibians has a three-chambered heart, The falcon of birds has a four-
chambered heart, The crocodile of reptiles has a four-chambered heart, The bear of
mammals has a four-chambered heart

2. Which of the following has joints that do not move?

Answer: Skull

3. Which of the following molecules is found the most in meat?

Answer: Amino acids

Building block of protein

4. Which of the following compounds has the highest boiling point?

Answer: 1-iodopentane

one of the properties of halogens is that the boiling point and density increase with the
halogens. Order: F -> Cl -> Br -> I

5. ATP is stored in:

Answer: Cytoplasm

ATP is produced in the mitochondria and stored in the cytoplasm and is the energy

of the cell

6. Which of the following serve as bio-indicators?

Answer: Lichens

Lichens are sensitive to atmospheric pollution

7. Find: sin (-300):

360 – 300 = 60
sin (60) =
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8. In which of the following cases does the pendulum have the greatest potential

Answer: E, A

9. The oxidation number of neon is Ne10

Answer: 0

The oxidation number of the noble gases, including neon, is zero

10. At a constant temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the

Answer: Boyles Law

P1V1 = P2V2

11. Wild or Songbirds from descriptions of:

Answer: Birds (Passeriformes)

12. A group of fish that live and reproduce in the same place and time is called:
Answer: Vital Community

Group Individuals of the same species that share a geographical location

13. Which state represents an oxidation process?

Answer: Ag -> Ag+ + e

14. Diatoms have the ability to float above the surface of the water due to:
Answer: stored food surplus in the form of oils

15. A strong metal used in batteries and has a single oxidation state:
Answer: Lithium (Li +)

16. Which of the following distinguishes a salamander from a lizard?

Answer: Moist skin

Salamander has moist skin, Lizard has dry skin

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17. pH = 5, calculate the pOH:

Answer: 9

14 – pH = pOH

14 – 5 = 9

18. If we dissolve 0.5 moles of salt in 500 grams, the molality of the solution:
Answer: 1

Molality 0.5 (mol) ÷ 0.5 (kg of solution) = 1

19. When the temperature decreases for an endothermic reaction in equilibrium:

Answer: the concentration of the reactants increases

20. The field with the most electrons:

Answer: f

S = 2e, P = 6e, D = 10e, and F = 14e

21. If 12.2g of x interacts with 78.9g of y to produce 91.1g of xy, this supports the law:
Answer: Conservation of mass
masses of the reactants = the mass of the products

22. When comparing an electron to a proton in terms of the amount of charge and
the amount of mass, they are:
Answer: they are equal in charge and different in mass

23. Which of the following species does not have a urinary bladder?
Answer: Owl

Birds do not have a urinary bladder

24. The scientific term that represents a geometric arrangement of three-dimensional

particles is:
Answer: Crystal Lattice

25. An example is a physical change:

Answer: Glass break

A physical change that does not change the composition of the substance

26. A negative ion is formed when:

Answer: gaining electrons
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27. Which of the following is classified as a chemical change of matter?

Answer: Combustion

A chemical change is a change that changes the composition of matter

28. The temperature at which the spaces between molecules are virtually non-
Answer: absolute zero

29. Which of the following represents energy levels that have a spherical shape in
the structure of the atom?
Answer: 1s, 2s

30. The number of subdomains in the secondary domain p is:

Answer: 3

The secondary field contains three sub-fields: 3Px, 3Py, 3Pz

31. What happens to an atom when it is at its lowest level?

Answer: Ground State

32. Determine the direction of the parabola (5 - x) 8 = 2

Answer: right

Right when: c > 0, Left when c < 0

4c = 8


33. An atom becomes positive if:

Answer: Loses an electron

When an atom loses an electron it becomes electrically positive, if it gains an electron it

becomes electrically negative.

34. The mass of oxygen in H2O2 to its mass in H2O is represented by:
Answer: multiplied ratios
2:1 ratio
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35. Which of the following represents the cell potential:

Answer: Ecell = Ecathode – Eanode

36. The reduction potential of a material is:

Answer: To gain electrons

37. The oxidation number of sulfur in SO2:

Answer: +4

X + 2(-2) = 0


X = +4

38. Which value supports

Answer: 17

Solve for x

39. In the figure below, what is the range of the severally defined function
represented graphically?
Answer: {y | y ≤ 4}

40. In the following figure, ∠AB = 2∠BC, and ∠BC = ∠AD. Then, ∠AD is equal to:

Answer: 45°

∠ABCD is equal to 180°,

∠AB + ∠BC + ∠AD = 180°

2∠BC + ∠BC + ∠BC = 180°

4∠BC = 180°

∠BC = 45

∠BC = ∠AD

∠ AD = 45 °
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41. The death of the last creature of a species:

Answer: extinction

42. Coordinate form of AB whose starting points are A (-4,1) and end point B (2,-5)
Answer: (6, -6)

43. In the following figure, the angle of reflection is:

Answer: 30 °

60 + x = 90 °

x = 30 °

reflection = incidence

44. The following figure represents the movement of runners. Which of the statements
does not give the same answer?
Answer: At which point does a collision occur between the
runners F and E

45. Momentum in a system is conserved when:

Answer: The system is closed and isolated

46. A relationship that arises when more than one living creature uses the same
resources at the same time?
Answer: Competition

47. The flower in the figure is classified as:

Answer: imperfect

48. In the following figure, if the measure of angle 1 = 30, then the measure of angle
2 is:
Answer: 150
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49. Which of the following graphs represents an object traveling at a constant speed
and then starting to accelerate?


50. Marine ecosystems have an important impact on our planet today because it:
Answer: Contains algae which produce the largest amount of oxygen

51. Which processes would you expect to slow down in a cell with fewer ribosomes?
Answer: Building proteins

52. It is not possible to accurately know the speed and location of the electron at
the same time.
Answer: Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle

53. When fires and volcanoes occur in a vital community, it is replaced by another
vital community. This change is called:
Answer: Environmental Succession

54. For a crow to throw the nuts under the wheels of cars to break them, and then
pick them up after that is considered:
Answer: Cognitive

55. If we add a drop of blood to two strips, the first containing antigen A and the
second containing antigen B, and no clotting occurred, then the blood type is:

Answer: O

56. To which of the following groups does a kangaroo belong to:

Answer: Marsupials

57. Two rabbits mated and produced two sons, one black (bb) and the other white
(Bb). What is the genotype of the parents?
Answer: Bb and bb
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58. The distribution of camels in the figure:

Answer: Clumped

59. Which of the following properties is intensive?

Answer: Density

60. Which of the following plants are classified as seedless vascular plants?
Answer: Ferns (Pteridophyta)

61. Monkeys howl very loudly:

Answer: Determine its area of influence

62. In the figure, which of the following numbers represents the critical angle?
Answer: 3

63. A group of biomes:

Answer: Biosphere

64. A mass of 1 kg is suspended in a simple pendulum, so the period is 3 s. If we

substitute this mass once for a mass of 2 kg and once for a mass of 3 kg, then the
period is in seconds for both times.
Answer: 3 seconds, 3 seconds

Mass has no effect on pendulum period

65. If (5, ) is the polar coordinate of point P, what is the rectangular form of it?

5 5√3
Answer: (2 , 2
𝜋 𝜋
(x, y) = (5cos3 , 5sin3 )

66. Which of the following animals doesn’t have an antenna?

Answer: Spider
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67. The flower that has stamens and carpels at the same time:
Answer: Perfect

68. In DNA, if the order of the bases in the complementary strand is (5'TGAAGTTA3'),
then the order of the template strand is:
Answer: 3’ACTTCAAT5’

69. The symmetry of an octopus is:

Answer: bilateral symmetry

70. When the cell cycle quality control checkpoint system fails and cells do not
respond to the mechanisms that control the cell cycle, a defect called:
Answer: Cancer

71. What type of behaviour does bird song represent?

Answer: Communication

72. What is the correct scientific name for orange?

Answer: Citrus sinesis

73. The person got pain after eating unwashed vegetables, it is possible that these
vegetables were contaminated with worms:
Answer: Ascaris

74. The number of individuals who join a population:

Answer: Immigration

75. Haemoglobin is a protein that is used for:

Answer: transfer of oxygen

76. Which number refers to the alveoli in a human being:

Answer: 3
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77. In the virtual pyramid next door, what will happen to the living creatures?
Answer: Living creatures die

78. When dissecting one of the reptiles, it was found that its heart consists of four
chambers. This type is classified within the order:
Answer: crocodilians

10𝑥 3 −12𝑥
79. Solve: lim (5+3𝑥 2 −2𝑥3 )

Answer: -5

80. Where does the concentration of auxin increase?

Answer: 2

81. Find the value of X in the figure:

Answer: 8√2

82. A social study whose results are explained as follows:

If one person is selected at random, what is the probability that he is
unemployed, given that he is single?
Answer: 75%

83. When finding the four roots of 1, the result of the third root is equal to
Answer: 1
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84. What is the range of the function: f(x) = |x – 1| + 3

Answer: [3, + ∞)

85. The points where the graph becomes discontinued in the function: 𝑥 2 −4𝑥+3

Answer: {1, 3}

86. When finding the four roots of 1, the result of the third root is equal to:
Answer: 1

87. What is the center of the following circle whose equation is (x-2) ²+(y+1) ² = 4
Answer: (2, -1)

88. The goalkeeper throws the ball upwards, if the vertical distance it travels is (t),
given by: 𝑠(𝑡) = 20𝑡 − 2𝑡 2 + 3 what is the maximum height of the ball in meters?
Answer: 53

89. What is the image of point (4,1) resulting from a reflection about the line y = x?
Answer: (1, 4)

90. If the two angles ∠2 and ∠1 are supplementary and ∠1 = 120°, then ∠2 =?

Answer: 60°

91. The coordinate image of vector <7, 4> = AB, and B is <4, 5> and A is <d, 1> find d:
Answer: -3

92. If log 3 (𝑥 + 6) = 2, what is the value of x?

Answer: 3

93. What stage of meiosis is this?

Answer: Anaphase 1

94. Fahad went on a trip with his family and wanted to pitch a square tent ABCD in
the following coordinates A (-4, 4), B (6, 4), C (6, -6), and D (-4,-6). Where is the
midpoint of the tent?
Answer: (1, -1)
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95. What is the energy in joules of a photon if its frequency is 1 × 1015 (h =

6.62 × 10−34 𝐽/𝐻𝑧)
Answer: 6.62 × 10−19

96. To cure near-sightedness, we use:

Answer: Concave lens

97. A concave mirror magnifies an object at a distance of 40 cm from it 3.5 times If

an imaginary image is formed of it, what is the focal length of the mirror in cm?

Answer: 56

98. A body of weight W and mass M at the surface of the earth, when it is very high
above the surface of the earth:
Answer: M stays the same, W decreases

99. Which of the following temperature conversions is incorrect?

Answer: 298K = 571°C

100. It is impossible to accurately know the speed and location of the electron at
the same time. This is represented by:
Answer: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

101. Reason for clothes absorbing water:

Answer: Capillary action

102. A box of mass 3kg is affected by a force of 30N to the east. Calculate the
force of friction if the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.2 (g = 10m/s²):

Answer: 6N

103. A sound wave of frequency 200Hz travels a distance of 100m in 0.5s, its
wavelength is:
Answer: 1m

104. Ultraviolet rays are emitted by a hydrogen atom as its electrons transition from
upper levels to lower levels:
Answer: first energy level
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105. A bicycle starts from rest and moves downhill with a constant acceleration of
5 m/s2 and after 5s it reaches the bottom of the slope and its speed in m/s is
equal to:
Answer: 25 m/s

106. A diode made of germanium, its voltage drop is 0.5 when an electric current
of 10mA passes through it, what is the required battery voltage per unit volt if the
diode is connected to a 400Ω resistor in series?
Answer: 4.5 volts

107. The measure of angle A in the following figure is equal to:

Answer: 65

108. What particles are inside the nucleus?

Answer: Protons and Neutrons

109. If a person stands on a scale inside an elevator, his apparent weight will be
less than his real weight:
Answer: When the elevator descends

110. Which of the following is not present in an animal cell?

Answer: Plastids

111. Klinefelter’s syndrome is represented by:

Answer: XXY

112. What distinguishes a salamander from a lizard:

Answer: moist skin

113. Which genotype causes death:

Answer: OY

114. The genotype XXY represents:

Answer: Klinefelter’s Syndrome
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115. Which of the following represents Turners syndrome:

Answer: XO

116. Who was the first to discover DNA as genetic material:

Answer: Griffith

117. Photosynthesis converts energy:

Answer: Light energy to Chemical energy

118. Which of the following chlorophyll absorbs the most light energy:
Answer: B

119. In which of the following do light based reactions occur:

Answer: 2 (the thylakoid)

120. Which of the following organelle is responsible for the production of energy in
a cell:
Answer: Mitochondria

121. The magnitude of the current I in the circuit:

Answer: 4 A

122. Is one of the main components of feathers in birds:

Answer: Keratin

123. Worms that are classified as ringworms and help maintain blood flow after
Answer: leeches

124. Amphibians that have no limbs and bury themselves in soil:

Answer: Cecilia
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125. Scorpions exchange gases using:

Answer: Book Lungs

126. While the child was playing barefoot on contaminated soil, he was infected
with a type of worm that is expected to be worms:
Answer: Hookworm

127. In the de Broglie equation, represents:

Answer: Wavelength

128. X-Rays are:

Answer: High frequency and Low wavelength

129. A device with the ability to convert thermal energy into mechanical energy in
a continuous form:
Answer: Heat engine

130. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but is transformed from one form to
Answer: Scientific Law

131. Band gap magnitudes for three subjects (C.B.A) What do each C.B.A
represent, in order?

Answer: (C) Insulator, (B) semi-conductor, (A) Conductor

132. Consider: P is the luminous flux of a source, and r is the distance between the
source and the surface. The luminous intensity E is:
Answer: directly proportional to P and inversely proportional to the square of r

133. If you know that (10m/s2) then the energy required in units of joules to lift a
ball of mass 2Kg from the ground to a height of 3m above the ground is equal
Answer: 60 J

134. It is impossible to see the wave nature of cars because:

Answer: The wavelength is very small
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135. “The direction of the induced current is opposite to the change in the
magnetic field that causes that induced current.” The above definition is:
Answer: Lenz law

136. When a displacement of an object cuts an angle of 3𝜋, it is:

Answer: 540°

137. How much work is done moving a charge of 5 C through a difference 2.5V
Answer: 12.5 J

138. The momentum of a two-ball system is constant and conserved when the
system is:

Answer: Closed and isolated

139. The area under a force-time graph represents the:

Answer: Impulse

140. If a bicycle accelerates uniformly from rest at a rate of 4m/s2, after how many
seconds does it take to reach a speed of 24m/s?
Answer: 6 seconds

141. Calculate the acceleration as 2 m/s knowing that the curve represents
(velocity - time):
Answer: 2 m/s2

142. To prove a hypothesis, we need to:

Answer: Experiment

143. Ohm’s law states:

Answer: V ∝ I

144. Type of emission formed with a negative charge:

Answer: Beta
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145. A force of the same magnitude acts on a free-rotating door. In which of the
following cases does the torque not exist?


146. Produce light that oscillates in one plane:

Answer: Polarization

147. A photon of energy 13.9ev falls on the surface of a metal whose work
coupling function is 7e.v. the kinetic energy of the ejected electron is equal to
the same unit:
Answer: 6.9 ev

ΔE = Ef – Ei = 13.9 – 7 = 6.9 ev

148. Saad listened to a radio with a frequency of 4.5 megahertz. This means that
the frequency in hertz is equal to?
Answer: 4.5 × 106 𝐻𝑧

149. Which of the following forces represents a field force:

Answer: Gravity

150. Three forces of magnitudes 2N, 3N, and 5N act simultaneously on a physical
body. In which of the following conditions does the body not accelerate:


151. During the acceleration of an object whose velocity changes by 30m/s in 2s

time, calculate its acceleration:
Answer: 15 m/s2

152. A car is accelerated from rest with a constant acceleration of 3 m/s2, how
does it take for the velocity to become 33 m/s:

Answer: 11 seconds
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153. Which of the following quantities is a vector quantity?

Answer: A stone falling vertically down with a velocity of 9m/s

154. The magnitude of the electric force, in newtons, acting on an electron of

charge in an electric field of 200 N/C is:
Answer: 3.2 × 10−17

155. From the graph, what is the time required for Saeed to move from the 60m
site to the 90m:
Answer: 3 seconds

156. A black horse, genotype Rr, married another horse, blond, genotype rr What
is the genotype ratio of the offspring?
Answer: 1 blonde:1 black

157. What process represents a heat-producing reaction?

Answer: Combustion

158. The shorter the time required to complete the work, the power:
Answer: Increases

159. An alkene can be obtained from the compound CH3CH2OH if:

Answer: remove H2O molecule

160. Which of the following factors increases the value of the equilibrium constant
according to Le Ch atelier’s principle?
Answer: Temperature increase

161. The hybridization of H2O is:

Answer: sp3

162. A solution that resists change to its pH:

Answer: buffer solution
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163. In a zinc-carbon battery, the cathode is:

Answer: Carbon

164. What worm has a mosquito host?

Answer: Filarial worms

165. The plane area bounded by the curve 𝑦 = 4 − 3𝑥 2 between the interval [0, 1]
Answer: 3

166. Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria and prevents oxygen
from reaching the lungs?
Answer: Tuberculosis

167. Which of the following vitamins does the skin get from the sun?
Answer: D

168. Which blood types do not contain an antigen?

Answer: O

169. Worms are classified as ringworms and help maintain blood flow after
Answer: Leeches

170. Which of the following is a quantitative property?

Answer: Solution concentration of 1 Molar

171. Which of the following is an innate behaviour?

Answer: Baby turtles walk in the water immediately after hatching

172. Biomolecules that are included in the cell walls of plants are classified as:
Answer: Carbohydrates

173. Which of the following distinguishes stem cells from other cells?
Answer: unspecialized

174. Which of the following living creatures has a segmented body?

Answer: Spider
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175. In the following table, which material has the lowest speed of light:
Answer: D

176. During fertilization, the ovary of a flower turns into a:

Answer: Fruit

177. On a school trip for children, they went to a forest, saw sick frogs and
compared them to healthy frogs, then they got to know the living creatures in
them. What they did is called:
Answer: Observation

178. The function of cholesterol in the plasma membrane?

Answer: Fluidity

179. What is the absolute maximum of 𝑓(𝑥) = 6𝑥 2 − 𝑥 3 on interval [0, 3]:

Answer: 27

180. If a person stands on a scale inside an elevator, his apparent weight will be
less than his real weight as:
Answer: elevator descends

181. Genes and of blood groups are an example of?

Answer: Codominance

182. Which of the following is a salt:

Answer: CaCO3

183. When dissecting one of the reptiles, it was found that its heart consists of four
chambers. This type is classified within the order:
Answer: Crocodilians

184. When a medical report indicates irregular bone fractures, is it expected that
they are bones?
Answer: Back bone
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185. When the eight levels of classification are arranged from largest to smallest,
the classifier representing the third level:
Answer: Class

186. Which of the following hormones causes tropism in plants?

Answer: Auxins

187. Find the error in the picture:

Answer: position of critical angle

188. You were ill and you went to a pharmacist and he prescribed a treatment
with a substance contained in one of the following plants:

Answer: nitrophyte

189. The following processes increase genetic diversity except:

Answer: Mitosis

190. Which of the following organelles is surrounded by a membrane and provides

energy to the cell?
Answer: Mitochondria

191. A group of groupers competing for food represents:

Answer: vital system

192. What blood type is most important in a hospital emergency department?

Answer: O

193. What is the vascular tissue that transports food in a plant?

Answer: Bark

194. What is the value of ∑17

𝑛=3(2𝑛 − 1)

Answer: 285
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195. Value of x that makes the m || L

Answer: 25

196. One of the following methods is used to prevent corrosion:

Answer: Galvanization

197. The house cat not escaping when children approach it is an example of:
Answer: Habituation

198. What type of blood type?

Answer: B

199. Where is the urine stored:

Answer: 3 (bladder)

200. In a state of fear, your heartbeat quickens and your breathing rate increases,
the hormone responsible for this case it is:
Answer: Epinephrine

201. Solutions for 𝑥 5 − 625𝑥

Answer: ±5𝑖, ±5, 0

202. There are frequent campaigns to eradicate mosquitoes in African countries,

with the aim of reducing mosquitos’ disease spread:
Answer: Malaria

203. An element in group 15 of the modern periodic table that can form a bond
Answer: triple

Group 15 elements have 5 valence electrons and can form triple covalent bonds
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204. One of the countries introduced and settled Indian mynah birds. They are
Answer: Introduced species

205. Heart valves work in one direction and allow blood to pass:
Answer: Atrium to ventricle

206. Phloem cells in plants contain a large number of:

Answer: Mitochondria

207. A wire of length 2m is affected by a magnetic force of 10N because it is

placed vertically in a magnetic field of 5T. What is the current in the wire in units
Answer: 1 A

208. Protein is produced in the cell by organelles called:

Answer: Ribosomes

209. The following figure represents two mirrors that were parallel and opposite, if
mirror B deviates by an angle of 15 clockwise, what is the value of angle Θ?
Answer: 75

210. Which of the following worms infect people who live in hot areas when they
walk barefoot on contaminated soil?
Answer: Hookworms

211. What is the original function of 𝑓(𝑥) = 3𝑥 2 − 1

Answer: 𝐹(𝑥) = 𝑥 3 − 𝑥 + 𝑐

212. What is the relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is
harmed is called?
Answer: Parasitism

4𝑥 2 𝑦 2 2𝑦
213. Simplify the equation: ÷
𝑥𝑦 2 2𝑥𝑦

Answer: 4𝑥 2
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214. In the following figure ABCD is a parallelogram its perimeter = 42, AB = 6, then
BC is equal to:
Answer: 15

215. If the area of the triangle in the figure is 27cm2 and AB = 6cm, what is the
value of tanΘ?
Answer: 3

8𝑥 2 +𝑥−12
216. lim ( )
𝑥→∞ 4𝑥 3 −13

Answer: 0

217. The measure of the interior angle of a regular octagon

Answer: 135

218. The integral of ∫2 (4𝑥 + 1) is equal to:

Answer: 11

219. What type of function is in the following figure?

Answer: quadratic

220. Which of the following operations is performed by skeletal muscle:

Answer: arm contraction

221. In the figure below, the behaviour represents:

Answer: Classical conditioning
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222. The distance between 2 parallel lines at points y = -2 and y = 4 is equal to:
Answer: 6

223. If ∠ A and ∠B are complementary angles and ∠A, ∠C are complementary

angles, which of the following is true?
Answer: ∠B = ∠C

224. What is the value of 𝑖 16

Answer: 1

225. Which of the following isn’t found on red blood cells:

Answer: nucleus

226. Which of the following is a similarity between Protozoa and bacteria:

Answer: nucleus does not have a nuclear membrane.

227. All of the following are related to reflex arc except:

Answer: The Brain

228. In the figure, if the value of vector A=5 and vector B=6. What is the value of
the resultant r?

Answer: √61

229. If 360 > Θ > 270, 𝑐𝑜𝑠Θ = 2
Then what is the value of 𝑠𝑖𝑛Θ ?

Answer: − 2

230. If the weights of the female students in high school is distributed normally, so
that 95% of the female students weigh between 68 and 52 in kilograms, then their
average weight is equal to:
Answer: 60
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231. In the figure below, the graph of the f(x). What is the range of the f(x)?
Answer: {3} ∪ (−1, −∞)

232. 16(3)2𝑥 = 81 , solve for x

Answer: -2

233. If log 4 (2𝑥 + 8) = 2
then what is the value of x?

Answer: -3

234. Which of the following diseases are caused by bacteria?

Answer: Tooth decay

235. Vector AB where A(-2, 7) and B(6, 3) written in terms of 2 unite vectors:
Answer: 8i – 4j

236. How many real roots does the function 𝑥 4 − 16 have?

Answer: 2

237. An arithmetic sequence with a1 = 3 and d = 5, what is the value of a21?

Answer: 103

238. Find the absolute maximum of the function 𝑓(𝑥) = 2𝑥 2 − 4 over the interval
[1, 5]:
Answer: 46

239. Find the area of triangle ABC

Answer: (x-2)(x+3)
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240. When you dissected a vertebrate animal, you find a muscle separating the
thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity, into what class would you classify it?
Answer: mammals

241. Find the perimeter of the triangle:

Answer: 19

242. The worm that infects a person when swimming in contaminated water?
Answer: Schistosomiasis worm

243. In the figure, a box of mass 10 kg is pulled to the right with a force of 100 N
and to the left with a force of 150 N. What is its acceleration in m/s2?
Answer: 5 m/s2

244. The pine plant is similar to the juniper plant in the following characteristics:
Answer: Reproduction by cones

245. A unit vector that has the same direction: (√2, √2)
√2 √2
Answer: ( 2 ,2

246. If the frog excretes a poison and the cat does not eat it again in order not to
be poisoned, what kind of behaviour?
Answer: Operant Conditioning

247. Yeast fungus reproduces by:

Answer: Budding

248. Which of the following is considered a salt:

Answer: NaCl
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249. The processed semiconductor is of the negative type if it is the donor material
for a valence electron:
Answer: quintuple

250. What is the angular velocity, in rads per hour, of a celestial body that rotates
on its axis every 20 hours?
Answer: 20

251. In the figure below, inhalation and exhalation take place when the structure
is contracting or expanding
Answer: 4

252. The figure shows the velocity-time curve of a plane's motion. Find the plane's
displacement after 6s has passed

Answer: 12m

253. The slope of the tangent to a (velocity-time) curve is:

Answer: instantaneous acceleration

254. Find the inverse function: log 4 (𝑥 + 1)

Answer: 4𝑥 − 1

255. Solve: lim (3𝑥−1)

256. The female structures in flowers:

Answer: Pistol

257. Which statement correctly describes the movement of the carriers in the
following figure?
Answer: Their angular velocity is different and the linear velocity is the same
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258. In the following figure, the area under a curve is the magnitude of:
Answer: Impulse

259. The figure represents:

Answer: RNA

260. The multiplicative counterpart of the number (-4):

Answer: − 4

261. In the table below, which object has the most potential energy?
Answer: 2

262. Rids locusts of insects from their droppings and helps to stabilize the water
balance in their bodies:
Answer: Malpighian tubes

263. One of the behaviours that is an example of pheromones

Answer: Cheetah pee around the trees

264. Find the value of x:

Answer: 50
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265. Students wanted to study a sample of echinoderms, where do they get them
Answer: sea

266. Find the acceleration

Answer: 0 m/s2

267. The distance between the two parallel lines is y=5 and y=-3:
Answer: 8

268. Which of the following is correct:


269. We notice by watching snakes that they stick out their tongue, so what is the
point of that?
Answer: smelling

270. A 300m3 cargo ship is traveling at a speed of 30km/h toward the northeast,
carrying 4 similar cars, each of which has a mass of 1500kg, and is subjected to
an air force of 3 × 103 Newtons. Which of the quantities mentioned in the
previous text is a vector quantity?
Answer: Speed and Force

271. A monkey jumped from a banana tree with a horizontal speed equal to m/s,
and at the same moment and from the same height a banana fell from the
same tree. If the height of the tree was 4.9m, the monkey would reach the
ground after:

Answer: 1s and banana 1s

272. Algae, after their death, turn to a metallic luster:

Answer: Diatoms
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273. In figure, B is equal to:

Answer: 2C

274. Which structure helps paramecium to maintain water balance and expel
excess water?
Answer: contractile vacuole

275. Sponge feeding by?

Answer: Filtration and intracellular digestion

276. The following figure represents:

Answer: resistor

277. From the figure below the distance between A, B is represented as:
Answer: λ

278. Reproduction in which females produce eggs that become individuals

without fertilization occurring:
Answer: Parthenogenesis

279. What is the name of the compound in the following figure?

Answer: 1,4 - dimethyl cyclohexane

280. Determine the symmetry of both the butterfly and the jellyfish:
Answer: butterfly has bilateral symmetry and jellyfish has radial symmetry

log 6 √36
Answer: 3
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282. What is happening in the figure:

Answer: increase frequency and decrease wavelength

283. The formula for nitric acid:

Answer: HNO3

284. Which stage of meiosis is shown in the figure?

Answer: Anaphase 1

285. Which of the following animals does not lay eggs?

Answer: Bats

286. Which of the following contains chewing devices?

Answer: sea urchin

287. What helps the frog to breathe while it is underground?

Answer: The Skin

288. A player was injured during a football match If there was a tear in the tissue
that connects bones and muscles, which of the following would you do you think
was injured?
Answer: Tendons

289. Digestion in the stomach is a reaction:

Answer: combustion

290. Where is excess calcium stored in the body?

Answer: Bones

291. Which of the following equations represents the cell potential law?
Answer: Ecell = Ecathode - Eanode

292. Which of the following contributes to genetic diversity in an organism?

Answer: meiosis
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293. If we add a drop to two types of blood, the first contains anti-A and the
second contains anti-B, if the first is inactivated, then the blood is:
Answer: B

294. Examples of omnivorous creatures?

Answer: bear

295. Creatures get their body heat from the external environment?
Answer: Exotherms

296. What do aldehydes and ketones have in common?

Answer: carbonyl group

297. The real chemical formula for reactions:

Answer: Molecular formula

298. Which of the following lineage diagrams is correct?


299. Which of the following symbols represents the reaction activation energy in
the energy diagram?
Answer: 1

300. Acid, in Arrhenius' theory, is a substance containing…….. it ionizes producing

its ions:
Answer: Hydrogen

301. In the figure below, an insect's mouth is adapted to perform a function

Answer: Piercing and sucking
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302. A cylinder has a volume of 𝜋(𝑥 3 − 2𝑥 2 − 7𝑥 − 4)if its height is (x-4), then the
area of its base is:
Answer: 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥 + 1

303. Which of the following represents the number of unpaired bonds in the
ammonia molecule, NH3? Note that N = 7, H = 1
Answer: 1

304. How can Snakes hear?

Answer: Jaw bones

305. Worms are classified as ringworms and help maintain blood flow after

Answer: Leeches

306. What is produced from the reaction of an acid and a base?

Answer: Salt

307. Which of the following options is common to frogs and turtles?

Answer: Exotherms

308. Type of symmetry in jellyfish:

Answer: radial

309. Which of the following is used in alternative medicine for blood clotting:
Answer: leeches

310. To reduce the spread of malaria, we:

Answer: kill mosquitoes

311. 𝑐𝑜𝑠Θ
Answer: 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃

312. In the following figure, what is the equivalent resistance of the following
Answer: 18Ω
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313. The visible Balmer chain is formed if an electron moves from higher energy
orbital to the orbital:
Answer: n =2

314. Momentum is equal to the mass of the body multiplied by:

Answer: velocity

315. What type of bird's beak sucks nectar?

Answer: Long and thin

316. A particle that has the same mass as a proton but has the opposite charge:
Answer: anti-proton

317. If a planet rotates every 18 hours, what is its speed in radians?


318. X rays are:

Answer: High Frequency and Small Wavelength

319. To generate high energy electromagnetic waves, we use an inductor

connected to:
Answer: capacitor in series

320. When an electric current passes through a resistance, it heats up because of:
Answer: Electrons collide

321. Wind-pollinated flowers differ from those pollinated by animals in:

Answer: The stamens hang below the level of the petals

322. A sound wave of frequency 200 Hz has travelled a distance of 100 m in 0.5s,
its wavelength is:

Answer: 1m

323. The figure represents the blood type of the donor, and accordingly it must be
the blood type of the recipient:
Answer: AB
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324. Which of the following represents the effect of a force field?

Answer: a book falling

325. In one of the criminal cases, the investigators found parts of the hair of one of
the criminals at the scene of the crime, which helped to provide the amount of
DNA for the analysis of the DNA, and compared it to the DNA of the number of
criminals according to the figure below. Which suspects committed the crime?
Answer: 3

326. In an experiment on two plants (A) and (B), plant (A) was covered with a
black bag and the other (B) was left uncovered and the two plants were given
the same conditions. After several days, plant (a) grew weaker and plant (b)
grew well. Which of the following statements represents the independent
Answer: Sunlight

327. If n = 3, what is the highest energy level?

Answer: d

328. A reaction in which there is only one reactant is:

Answer: dissociation (decomposition)

329. Which of the following elements has the least chemical activity?
Answer: Ar18

330. A mixture of salt and sand can be separated by:

Answer: Purification

331. When the concentration of N2 is increased with enough oxygen, the reaction
is: N2(g) + 2O2(g) -> 2NO2(g)
Answer: activates towards the formation of NO2
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332. The following figure represents a person's blood pressure level, which of the
following hormones led to the sudden rise indicated by an arrow in the figure?
Answer: Adrenaline

333. pH of distilled water:

Answer: 7

334. If the pH value of the solution is 14, what is the hydroxide ion concentration?
Answer: 0

335. The following electronic notation expresses the main sub-energy levels of an
atom of an element of the periodic table found in period:

Answer: 2

336. The nitrogenous bases in RNA are associated with:

Answer: A with U double bonds

337. If the group exceeds the capacity, what happens?

Answer: The number of deaths is more than the number of births

338. The part responsible for balance in the body:

Answer: The cerebellum

339. When the reaction temperature is raised, this results in:

CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O + Δ

Answer: reduction of H2O

340. The IUPAC systematic name for the compound:

Answer: 1, 3 – dibromo benzene

341. What determines most of the mass of an atom?

Answer: Nucleus
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342. The molarity (M) of nitric acid of a volume of 10ml needed to neutralize with a
volume of 34ml of NaOH of a concentration of 0.1M is:
Answer: 0.34

343. A balloon filled with a gas of volume 2L at 300K what is its volume in litres at
Answer: 1L

344. What is the measure of the angle between the two vectors? <0,2>, <3, 3>
Answer: 45

345. Which of the following points lie on the circle? (x - 4) ²+(y-1) ² = 36

Answer: (-2,1)

346. A motion that represents a simple harmonic motion of the following is a

Answer: Simple pendulum

347. Monkeys howl very loudly:

Answer: Determine the area of influence

348. Multiple glucose molecules bonded:

Answer: Starch

349. The wavelength of a moving object:

Answer: de Broglie wavelength

350. Which of the following is not involved in making protein?

Answer: lysosomes

351. What is the vascular tissue that transports food in a plant?

Answer: bark

352. Which of the following has the greatest diversity among living creatures?
Answer: Phylum

353. What part generates and accelerates the charge in the following figure:
Answer: Elevator and Landing Area
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354. Example of monosaccharides:

Answer: glucose

355. The bond between H2O molecules:

Answer: Hydrogen

356. The mass of oxygen in H2O2 to its mass in H2O is given by:
Answer: multiplied ratios

357. The systematic name (IUPAC) for the following compound:

Answer: 1, 2 – dimethyl cyclopentene

358. Zn(s) + Cu+2(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)

Answer: Cu2+ is the oxidizing agent

359. Where are the photosynthetic reactions located in the chloroplast?

Answer: thylakoid

360. During your visit to the zoo, you found a male peacock displaying its feathers
in front of the female. You can interpret this behaviour as:
Answer: Courting behaviour

361. Scorpions exchange gases by:

Answer: book lungs

362. The name of the compound is in the following figure:

Answer: 1, 2 – dibromo – 3 -chlorobenzene

363. Oil does not dissolve in water because:

Answer: Oil is nonpolar

364. Sea water is classified as:

Answer: Liquid - gas
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365. The force acting between protons and neutrons in the nucleus is called the
Answer: nuclear force

366. In the de Broglie equation 𝜆 = 𝑚𝑣
what does 𝜆 represent:

Answer: Wavelength

367. What behaviour is associated with pheromones?

Answer: Communication

368. In a reaction, if its rate law is: 𝑅 = 𝑘 [𝐴]𝑚 [𝐵]² and the order of the reaction is
the third, then the value of m is:
Answer: 1

369. Which of the following is the mantel:

Answer: 2

370. Hormone whose presence causes the dominance of the developing apex in
the plant:
Answer: Auxin

371. If the cathode potential of a cell = 0.8 and the anode voltage -0.74, what is
the cell voltage?
Answer: 1.54

372. When the concentration of N2 is increased with enough oxygen, the reaction
is: N2(g) + 2O2(g) → 2NO2

Answer: activates towards the formation of NO2

373. Which of the following cells does not have a nuclear membrane visible when
examined under a microscope:
Answer: bacteria

374. When the dog is panting on hot days, it helps him:

Answer: Maintaining body temperature (internal equilibrium)
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375. A bicycle starts from rest and moves downhill with a constant acceleration of
5 m/s2 and after 5 it reaches the bottom of the ramp and its speed in m/s is
Answer: 25m/s

376. In the middle of the nineteenth century, wild rabbits were introduced to the
continent of Australia and settled there. In light of biodiversity, this type of
creature is called:
Answer: Introduced species

377. Which of the following is considered non-renewable material?

Answer: irradiated uranium

378. A diode made of germanium; its voltage drop is 0.5 when an electric current
of 10mA passes through it. What is the required battery voltage per unit volt if the
diode is connected to a resistance of 400 in series?
Answer: 4.5

379. In the figure below, find the value of x:

Answer: 15

380. Where does phototrophic and phototrophic photosynthesis occur?

Answer: Chloroplast

381. Which of the following animals is omnivorous?

Answer: Raccoons

382. What type of scales in a shark?

Answer: Placoid

383. If 8J work is done to move a 4C charge from point A to point B, then the
potential difference between them is in volts:
Answer: 2v

384. Saturated carbohydrates, all of their bonds:

Answer: mono

385. The mass number of the atom is:

Answer: number of protons and neutrons
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386. Oxidation of alcohols produces:

Answer: Aldehydes or Ketones

387. The vector that is perpendicular to <4, -1>

Answer: <2, 8>

388. The line y = -2 passes through:

Answer: (4, -2); (-2, -2)

389. In the experiment of tossing a cube numbered 1 to 6 and a coin, what is the
probability that an even number will appear on the cube and landing heads on
the coin?
Answer: 1/4

390. A group in the periodic table that is capable of producing a negative ion:
Answer: Nonmetal

391. What term do scholars use in place of the term phylum:

Answer: division

392. The energy stored in the stretched spring:

Answer: elastic potential energy

393. A parabola whose equation is: (x − 2) ² = -6(y+1)

Answer: downwards

394. Which of the following values represents one of the solutions to:
2𝑚 4 4
− (𝑚+2) = 𝑚2 +3𝑚+2

Answer: 2

395. Which of the following points lie on the circle: 𝑥 2 + (𝑦 − 2)2 = 25

Answer: (0, 3)

396. What is the mass of water in grams in a sample of 10g of aqueous salt that has
been heated until it changes colour and has a mass of 9.2g?
Answer: 0.8

397. The direction of the induced current is opposite to the change in the
magnetic field that causes that induced current.” The above definition is:
Answer: Lenz Law
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398. Which of the following compounds is most soluble in water?

Answer: CH3CH2CH2OH

399. Type your fifth question here

Enter response to the fifth question

400. Which of the following compounds contain only sigma bonds?

Answer: C3H8

401. How much is 50C in Kelvin?

Answer: 323K

402. Ahmed has the skill of speaking in more than one language, and the reason
for that:
Answer: Brain

403. Oils dissolve in:

Answer: Ethers

404. Which of the following is passive immunity?

Answer: Antibodies to scorpion toxins

405. The volume of a solution is 2L and its molarity is 0.4. Calculate its molarity:
Answer: 0.2

406. Which of the following groups has the highest ionization energy?
Answer: Group 17

407. To separate ions of different masses, we must use a device

Answer: mass spectrometry

408. Which of the following plant compositions have been used by humans in the
manufacture of ropes and fabrics?
Answer: Fibres

409. The spaces between helium atoms vanish at a temperature of:

Answer: Absolute Zero
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410. Which branch of chemistry investigates the degradation of packaging

materials in the environment?
Answer: environmental chemistry

411. Which of the following protists have animal and plant characteristics:
Answer: Euglena

412. In a human female, the development of the placenta is completed during

pregnancy in a week:
Answer: Ten

413. The number of sub orbitals in the p orbitals is:

Answer: 3

414. Bread mold is a …. Fungus:

Answer: Conjugation

415. Elements of groups I and II of the periodic table belong to the elements:
Answer: representative elements

416. Name for CH3 - NH2:

Answer: methylamine

417. Photosynthesis converts energy to and from:

Answer: Light energy to chemical energy

418. It can be said that the body is in a state of acceleration if

Answer: its velocity is changing

419. When the Earth rotates around itself in 4 hours, its angular displacement in
radians is:
Answer: 3

420. The spider camera works in sports grounds by controlling the tensile forces of
four wires. If the tensile forces are as shown in the figure below, the camera will
move in the direction of:
Answer: Northeast
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421. Which of the following animals does not have antennae?

Answer: Spider

422. What is the largest source of energy in the body?

Answer: fats

423. Living creatures that feed on dead and dead creatures are called:
Answer: decomposer

424. In the following figure, the two alternate exterior angles are:
Answer: 1 and 8

425. Which of the following organs filter waste, water and salts from the blood:
Answer: The Bladder

426. Examples of omnivorous creatures?

Answer: Bears

427. Which of the following compounds has the highest lattice energy?
Answer: MgO

428. Which of the following substances causes a decrease in the ozone layer?
Answer: chlorofluorocarbon

429. Alpha rays are:

Answer: 𝐻𝑒2 4

430. The further we go down within the same group elements in the periodic table:
Answer: Atomic size increases

431. mass is neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction is an

example of a:
Answer: scientific law

432. An element whose valence electrons is equal to (2) is classified as:

Answer: metal
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433. A barometer is used to measure:

Answer: Atmospheric pressure

434. Which of the following represents molality?

Answer: mol/1000g

435. The noble gas calcium Ca20 electron configuration is similar to when:
Answer: Lose 2e

436. When you study the following chromosomal chart of an infected person, you
will confirm that he is affected with:
Answer: Down Syndrome

437. A person is affected Down syndrome if:

Answer: An increase in the 21st chromosome

438. The following function is undefined when x is equal to:

Answer: 2

439. In the following graph, the function f(x) has a local minimum at x equal to:
Answer: 1

440. Which capacitor has the largest capacitance?

Answer: 1
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441. Which capacitor has the smallest capacitance?

Answer: 4

442. What is the arrow pointing towards?

Answer: Sternum

443. What is the arrow pointing towards?

Answer: Ribcage

444. What blood type is most important in a hospital emergency department?

Answer: O

445. If we cut a starfish in the middle into two equal parts and leave them in the
sea, then each piece:

Answer: regenerate and cut piece becomes new starfish

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