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The key summary statistics for the customer satisfaction score variable are as follows:

- Minimum score: ***

- Maximum score: ***

- Mean score: ***

- Median score: ***

- Standard deviation: ***

- Variance: ***

These summary statistics provide important information about the distribution of customer
satisfaction scores In the dataset. The minimum and maximum scores indicate the range of
scores observed, while the mean and median scores provide information about the central
tendency of the data. The standard deviation and variance provide information about the
variability of the scores around the mean. These summary statistics can be used to assess the
overall level of customer satisfaction and to identify any potential outliers or unusual
patterns in the data.

By analyzing how sales performance varies across different regions businesses can identify
areas for improvement and make informed decisions about resource allocation and
marketing strategies. For example, if sales are consistently low in a particular region,
businesses may need to adjust their pricing strategy or marketing approach to better target
customers in that region.

By analyzing how sales performance varies across different regions businesses can identify
areas for improvement and make informed decisions about resource allocation and
marketing strategies. For example, if sales are consistently low in a particular region,
businesses may need to adjust their pricing strategy or marketing approach to better target
customers in that region.

The age distribution of customers is an important factor to consider when analyzing

customer behavior and preferences. Understanding the age distribution can help businesses
identify target demographics and tailor their marketing strategies to better appeal to specific
age groups.
To analyze the age distribution of customers, we can use descriptive statistics and data
visualization techniques. For example, we can calculate summary statistics such as the mean,
median, standard deviation, and range of ages for the customer population. We can also
create a histogram or box plot to show the distribution of ages.

By analyzing the age distribution of customers, businesses can gain insights into customer
behavior and preferences. For example, if the majority of customers are in a younger age
group, businesses may need to focus on social media and online advertising to reach this
demographic. On the other hand, if the majority of customers are in an older age group,
businesses may need to focus on traditional marketing channels such as print media and
television advertising.

Additionally, analyzing the age distribution of customers can help businesses identify
potential gaps or opportunities in the market. For example, if there is a large population of
customers in a particular age group that is not currently being targeted by competitors,
businesses may be able to gain a competitive advantage by tailoring their products and
services to better meet the needs of this demographic.

In summary, analyzing the age distribution of customers can provide valuable insights into
customer behavior and preferences, and help businesses make informed decisions about
their marketing strategies and product offerings.

If all males and females have the same ratio in the dataset, this means that we have a
balanced sample that allows for a fair comparison of customer satisfaction levels between
the two groups.

If all males and females have the same ratio in the dataset, this means that we have a
balanced sample that allows for a fair comparison of customer satisfaction levels between
the two groups.

Based on the information provided, we can see that the income data is positively skewed,
with a skewness value of 0.552. This indicates that the tail of the distribution is skewed
towards higher values, and that there are some relatively high incomes in the dataset.
Additionally, the difference between the mean and median suggests that there may be some
outliers towards the higher end of the income range.

Given the positively skewed distribution, the median would be a more appropriate measure
of the average monthly income. This is because the median is less affected by extreme values
and is a better representation of the typical value in a skewed distribution.
Therefore, in this case, the median of 3200 would be a more appropriate measure of the
average monthly income than the mean of 3401.41. It is important to note that while the
mean can still provide valuable information about the income distribution, it may not
accurately represent the typical income for the majority of individuals in the dataset due to
the presence of outliers and skewness.

If the relationship between customer satisfaction and sales performance is positive from low
to high, this suggests that there is a strong correlation between the two variables. This
means that as customer satisfaction levels increase, sales performance tends to increase
proportionally. For example, if a business consistently receives high customer satisfaction
scores this may lead to increased customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-
mouth marketing, which can all contribute to higher sales performance.

If the relationship between customer satisfaction and sales performance is positive from low
to high, this suggests that there is a strong correlation between the two variables. This
means that as customer satisfaction levels increase, sales performance tends to increase
proportionally. For example, if a business consistently receives high customer satisfaction
scores this may lead to increased customer loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-
mouth marketing, which can all contribute to higher sales performance.


Even if the differences in age distribution across different regions are very small in
proportions, it is still important to investigate them through statistical analysis techniques
and data visualization This can help businesses identify any potential differences in customer
behavior or preferences between regions, and make informed decisions about their
marketing strategies and product offerings.


To calculate the range of sales performance, we need to find the difference between the
highest and lowest sales performance values in the dataset. The formula for calculating the
range is: Range = Maximum Sales Performance – Minimum Sales Performance

Based on the information provided, the gender distribution among customers is nearly
balanced, with 49.3% male and 50.7% female This means that there are roughly equal
numbers of male and female customers in the dataset.


If the mean score is greater than the median score in a left-skewed distribution, it means
that the distribution is not only left-skewed but also has some outliers towards the higher
end of the score range The presence of these outliers can pull the mean score upwards, even
though the majority of the scores are clustered towards the lower end of the range

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