Module 2 Self Awareness and Values Devt 1

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Module 2 : Self - Awareness and Values Development



The National Service Training Program-

Literacy Training Service 1 (NSTP - LTS 1) is a
course for both male and female students in
any baccalaureate degree or in at least two
year’s technical/vocational courses in both
public and private educational institutions.
Purposely, the NSTP - LTS 1, as a service
program intended for the youth, is designed to
train students to teach literacy and numeracy
skills to school children, out -of-school youth
and other segments of society in need of their
service. It is composed of lessons which focus
on training the students for good and
responsible citizenship invoking ethics of
service, altruism, patriotism, and nationalism
with the end in view of empowering them to
assume community leadership toward national
development through local initiatives.
It covers programs and activities of the
dimension of development namely education,
environment, health and safety, livelihood,
moral development and citizenry for the
purpose of empowering them in becoming a
potent resource for community development.
Unit 1: Self - Awareness and Values Development

Self-awareness and values development deals with the reformation of the

youth as part of the nation building. In order to better understand self-awareness and
values development, this module will introduce you to the concept of self and its
aspects, self awareness theory, and the Filipino core value system. In this module,
you will have the opportunity to assess your self-awareness through questionnaires.
There are also learning activities that will help you understand the lessons better.


1. Describe the different aspects of self to fully understand an individual's

human behavior.
2. Evaluate one’s self using self-awareness theory.
3. Express commitment to uphold the Filipino core values in supporting NSTP
activities and in performing their roles as individuals.

Pre - assessment:

Answer the question below:

What is your idea or understanding of the “self”? Please write a brief answer
on the space provided.


Learning Activity:

A. Self - Awareness

According to, self is a person or thing referred to with
respect to complete individuality. In psychology, the notion of the self refers to
a person’s experience as a single, unitary, autonomous being that is separate
from others, experienced with continuity through time and place. The
experience of the self includes consciousness of one’s physicality as well as
one’s inner character and emotional life.
One common way of dealing with the self is to consider its aspects. It
should be remembered that the self is more than the sum of its parts; it is
easier to discuss its sections rather than to discuss it as a whole. Burnard
(1992) provides the following aspects of the self:
1. Physical self
2. Spiritual self
3. Darker self
4. Social self
5. Private self

The Four Aspects of the Self: The Quadrinity

To help understand the complexity of the self, its development and the
problems resulting from the adoption of Negative Love - a condition which,
according to the Hoffman Quadrinity Process, is a constellation of attitudes,
behaviors, emotions and moods central to neuroses, consisting of negativity,
low-esteem and inability to love, we use three distinct combinations of
aspects of the self: the Duality, Trinity, and the Quadrinity.
1. Duality
Consists of the two negatively programmed mental aspects of
self: the emotional self and the intellectual self are combined as one
entity, yet they can also be visualized separately.
2. Trinity
The three aspects of our minds as the mind: the emotional,
intellectual, and the spiritual self. They can be visualized as
one entity although each aspect can be visualized separately.
3. Quadrinity
This is the framework, a model for understanding ourselves
and our behavior that includes all four aspects of self: body, emotions,
intellect, and spiritual self. The quadrinity is our whole, integrated,
balanced self, embodying all four aspects. These four aspects are
interrelated and form a complex interactive system.

a. Physical
The body is a biological system. The body, including the brain,
is the physical dwelling place for the three other aspects of the self.
Through the body we act out and manifest the feelings of the
emotional self, the thoughts of the intellect, and the presence of the
spiritual self.

Characteristics of the Physical self:

1. Carrier of genetic information.
2. Interconnected with the mind through neurological and
biochemical feedback.
3. Functions in the domains of sensing, action, and
4. Behaviorally expresses thoughts and feelings.
5. Repository for the memories of all experiences, including
thoughts and feelings.
6. Manifests physical symptoms of unresolved conflicts between
intellects and emotions.

b. Emotional self
The emotional self expresses the full range of feelings and
emotions through the physical body. It is where Negative Love
patterns first show up developmentally and, along with the Intellect
and Physical Body, where these patterns exist. The negative
emotional self is defined as “childish”. It has no sense of time or
space. It regresses readily.

+ (positive response) - (negative patterns)

Relational Defensive
Curious Rebellious
Playful Withdrawn/Stubborn
Joyful Shame/guilt
Sense of Humor Anger/Anxiety
Spontaneous Rigid
Adventurous Fearful/Cautious
Appreciative of self/others Unlovable/Unworthy
Feels grief/sadness Depressed

c. Intellectual Self
The Intellectual self is our logical and problem solving thought-
processor. It includes what and how we think, our world-views, and
beliefs. Along with the emotional self and physical body, the
intellectual self is where negative love patterns exist. Shoulds,
shouldn’ts, do’s , don’ts, can’ts, etc., exist in the intellect and can be
either positive or negative. They are negative when they are
compulsive. The following are some qualities of the Intellectual self:

+ (positive) - (negative)
Rational Critical
Understanding Rationalizes
Knowledgeable Judgmental
Creative Defensive
Logical/Synthesizes Argumentative/deceptive
Analyzes Justifies
Evaluates Admonishes

d. Spiritual Self
The spiritual self is the pure non-programmed, non-mediated
aspect of self that is positive, pure, open presence - which means
being just lightly aware of whatever you’re experiencing - internally or
externally, yearning to embody our larger, true nature in this world.
Our spiritual self is resonating in harmony with the Universe.

1. Wise, ever unfolding and growing, moving towards wholeness.
2. Intuitive, responsive and unconditioned, connected
3. Intentional, courageous
4. Creative
5. All-loving, compassionate, and forgiving
6. Peaceful, grounded and centered
7. Aspires to goodness, truth and justice
8. Mediator, Integrator
9. Integrity, completely ethical (knows right from wrong)
10. Source of strength
Self-awareness is having a clear perception of your personality,
including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions.
Self-awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive
you, your attitude and your responses to them in the moment.

Self- Awareness Theory

Self- Awareness Theory states that when we focus our attention on
ourselves, we evaluate and compare our current behavior to our internal
standards and values. We become self-conscious as objective evaluators of
ourselves. However, self-awareness is not to be confused with self-
consciousness. Self consciousness is consciousness of what happens within
oneself. It is an adaptive personality process that entails the natural human
disposition of becoming an object of ones’ own consciousness (Duval and
Wicklund, 1972; Wiley, 1994).

Developing Self-Awareness
As you develop self awareness you are able to make changes in the
thoughts and interpretations you make in your mind. Changing the
interpretations in your mind allows you to change your emotions. Self-
awareness is one of the attributes of emotional intelligence and an important
factor in achieving success.
Self-awareness is the first step in creating what you want and
mastering your abilities. Where you focus your attention, your emotions,
reactions, personality, and behavior, determine where you go in life.
Self-awareness is developed through practice by focusing your
attention on the details of your personality and behavior. It isn’t learned just
by reading a book.

Activity 1: Discover Yourself!

Instruction: The following 10 questions will assess how well you know yourself. You
should answer each question honestly. After answering the 10 questions, try to
answer next the processing questions.

1. What does your ideal “YOU” look like?


2. What kind of dreams and goals do you have?


3. Why are these dreams or goals important?


4. Now think about the proportion of time you dedicate to each of these things.
Which of the 10 important things take most of your time?
5. Describe yourself in three words.

6. What qualities do you most admire in yourself?


7. What is/are your biggest weakness/es?


8. What is/are your biggest strength/s?


9. Who would you call if you only had a few minutes to live? What would you

10. Ask yourself if you have treated yourself better than others? Yes No


Processing Questions:
1. How did you feel about your answers?
2. Did the activity help you become aware of yourself?

3. What are the things that you realized when you answered the questions?

4. Based on your realizations, what do you want to say to yourself?

B. Values Development

Values are deeply held beliefs that path our daily decisions. They are found
within the subconscious and are tightly woven into the fabric of everyday life. We
make decisions and choose our behaviors, close friends, professional employment,
and entertainment based on our values. We follow this code to live our lives and we
raise our children with these values hoping they will follow in our footsteps.

Activity 2: Write Me a Caption!

a. Identify the Filipino core values shown in the picture.
b. Write your one-sentence caption on the space provided.

1. ____________________________ 2. ______________________________
____________________________ ______________________________
____________________________ ______________________________
____________________________ ______________________________

3. ____________________________ 4. ______________________________
____________________________ ______________________________
____________________________ ______________________________
____________________________ ______________________________
The Filipino Core Values

“Your personal codes of values are what are important to you, not something
you want or would like to have, but something you literally need in your life to be
happy. A value is a principle or quality intrinsically valuable or desirable to you.
Values are personal. They are your convictions, your beliefs, and your ethics rolled
into one. Your personal code of values may be identical to your family’s values. Or
they may be dramatically different”. (Lopper, 2007)

The Filipino core values refers to the set of values that a majority of the
Filipino have historically held important in their lives. It includes its own unique
assemblage of consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette and
cultural and personal values that are promoted by the society. However, the values
that an individual holds can differ on the basis of religion, upbringing and other
factors. As a general description, the distinct value system of Filipinos is rooted
primarily in personal alliance systems, especially those based in kinship, obligation,
friendship, religion and commercial relationships.

The core values of Filipinos specifically upholds the following items:

solidarity of the family unit, security of the Philippine economy, orientation to
small-groups, personalism, the concepts of “loob” or “kalooban” (meaning “what’s
inside the self”, the “inner-self”, or the actual personal feelings of the self”),
existence and maintenance of smooth interpersonal relationships, and the sensing
of the feelings or needs of others (known as pakikiramdam). These values are
grouped into general clusters or “macroclusters”: namely,

● Relationship cluster
● Social cluster
● Livelihood cluster
● Inwardness cluster
● Optimism cluster

The promotion of the Filipino Values is embodied in the Preamble of the 1987

1. MAKA-DIYOS - Faith in the Almighty, respect for life, order, integrity,

concern for family and future generations.
2. MAKA-TAO - Focuses on truth, justice, freedom, love equality and
3. MAKA-BAYAN- Includes respect for law, the government of the
Republic of the Philippines and its instruments, patriotism, promotion
of the common good and building a just and humane society.
4. MAKA-KALIKASAN - Involves in the conservation and development
of our patrimony.
Activity 3: Assess Yourself!

The Filipino Core Values: ASSESS YOURSELF!

Direction: Analyze the following statements below. Put a check before each
indicator/manifestation if the statement applies to you.
Engages oneself in worthwhile spiritual activities

Member of any religious groups that is organized in the school

Prepares a prayer well when assigned to lead.

Actively participates in any religious or spiritual activities held in


Uses any things in the school including religious symbols properly


Upholds and respects the dignity and equality of all including those
with special needs

Recognizes and respects people from different economic, social and

cultural backgrounds

Helps or assists classmates on their missed activities/assignments

and helps teachers without being asked

Avoids name calling to his peers especially those who are physically

Recognizes and accepts the contribution of others toward a goal


Identifies oneself as a Filipino

Respects the flag and the national anthem

Promotes the appreciation and enhancement of Filipino languages

Abides by the rules of the school, community, and country

Enables others to develop interest and pride in being a Filipino


Joins in the annual clean and green program of the school

Follow signage/rules posted around the environment like “No Picking

of Flowers”.

Follows the waste segregation program

Practices the concept of “clean as you go”.

Keeps one’s work neat and clean
Activity 4: Ask and Tell!

Direction: Interview a friend and be guided with the following questions below.
Summarize the answers and write them on the space provided.

1. As a Filipino, what is your perspective about being:

a. Maka-Diyos?

b. Maka-Tao?

c. Maka-Bayan?

d. Maka-Kalikasan?

2. As a student, why is it important to practice these core values?



Self concept refers to our conscious or unconscious exceptions and
feeling about ourselves with regards to our as a person. Self concept begins
during our early development. Not being able to develop self concept will
eventually lead to devaluing one’s self and others. Whereas, Values are
deeply held beliefs that path our daily decisions. Under Philippine Core
Values (Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Maka-Bayan, at Maka-Kalikasan) lies the
values of family, politeness, hospitality, gratitude, shame, flexibility-
adaptability - creativity, loyalty, hard-work and industry, and resignation,
which influence a person’s growth.
The purpose of this chapter is to help us understand our Filipino
values to enable us to put the positive side of it, in use, and to disregard the
negative ones. The shaping of the Philippine society into a successful and
progressive nation would depend on understanding and appreciating the
positive side of the Filipino values and how they are applied to achieve such

Part I: Multiple Choice

Read the following questions and circle the letter of the correct answer.

Part I: Multiple Choice

Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer before each number.

_________ 1. A person with HIGH SELF-ESTEEM has a positive view of oneself

which leads to the following EXCEPT ____________.

a. Optimism c. Wanting to look something else.

b. Self Acceptance d. Confidence in oneself

_________2. A person with LOW SELF-ESTEEM has a negative view of onelself

which leads to _______________.

a. Optimism c. Not worrying about what other think

b. Worries d. Confidence in Oneself

________3. The following are the characteristics of self actualizing people

EXCEPT ____________.

a. Like privacy c. Rely on other for their growth

b. Inventive and Original d. Deeply Romantic

________4. It is the aspect of self that is logical and a problem solving thought

a. Intellectual Self c.Physical Self

b. Emotion Self d.Spiritual Self

________5. This is the most basic part of the self scheme or self concept; the sense
of being separate and distinct from others and awareness of the
constancy of the self.

a. Categorical Self c. Both A and B

b. Existential Self d.None of the Above

Part II: Modified True or False

Instruction: Write true if the statement is true. If not, write the correct word/words to
replace the underlined and make the statement true.

____________1. THE PHYSICAL SELF is the aspect involved in the investment of

the meaning into what we do as humans.

____________2. THE DARKER SELF covers our perception our; the images we
have of our body - how fat, thin, muscular and so forth.

____________3. THE PRIVATE SELF is an aspect that we are aware of but do not
show to others.
____________4. Quadrinity describes the FIVE aspects of self.

____________5. The INTELLECTUAL SELF is our logical and problem solving

thought-processor. It includes what and how we think, our world
views, values, and beliefs.

____________6. Illustrates INTELLECTUAL SELF.

____________7. SELF-IMAGE is how we think about and evaluate ourselves.

____________8. SELF-IMAGE refers to the extent to which we like, accept or

approve of ourselves or how much we values ourselves.

____________9. SELF-AWARENESS is having a clear perception of your

personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs,
motivation, and emotions.

___________10. Key areas for IDEAL SELF include our personality traits, personal
values, habits, emotions, and the psychological needs that drive our

Part III. Reflection

1. Write a 500-word reflection about yourself. Answer the questions below:
A. Who are you?
B. How do you value yourself?

2. Write a 300-word essay about how you will express commitment to uphold the
Filipino core values in supporting the NSTP activities and in performing your role as
an individual. Use the space provided below.


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