Anantapur Booking Offfice Inspn On 29.12.23

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CCI/ATP/Inspn/BO/ATP Office of Chief Commercial Inspector,

Anantapur, Dt : 30.12.2023


1 S Rasheeda begum, Ch.CCRC was on duty from 7-13 hrs. She is CBSR/ATP
advised to display her name plate in front of the counter.
CBSR to ensure
2 Checked Counter cash Rs.46800 and found correct. Has issued
136 tickets from 7-13 hrs.
3 Login Logout Register : CBSR signature is not available from CBSR/ATP
24.12.2023. Advised CBSR to daily check the records and sign
without fail
4 Non Issued Ticket Register : CBSR/ATP
In the month of Nov-23 , 10 tickets are Non Issued in which
IDs with YSL and KAS have done NI of MRs issued for high
value. CBSR to counsel the staff in this regard and take a
explanation from the staff.
5 Commercial Circulars updated upto CC No. 198. CBSR to CBSR/ATP
ensure all the staff signatures are available in the register.
6 It is observed that 18 tickets are issued as BPTs in the system. CBSR/ATP
But the register is not properly maintained with the details.
CBSR to submit the details of the stations to Database and get
it fed in the system.
7 Special Cancellation register : Last special cancellation was on CBSR/ATP
19.11.23. On 07.11.23 ID with YSL has special cancelled a
ticket bearing No 82227243 and fresh ticket was 82227247
and the special CC ticket was 82227252. The employee has
not mentioned the details of station to which the ticket is
issued and the reason for special cancellation mentioned is
printing error. CBSR to counsel the staff to avoid these type of
8 CBSR is advised to maintain the Staff Biodata Register and all CBSR/ATP
the staff details like address, Phone number, aadhaar number,
Details of Training programmes attended, Joining date at the
station, Previously working station etc., should be entered in
the register
9 One Fire extinguisher was available at booking Office . CBSR/ATP
No 416 – Date of Refiiling – 27/10/23 and Due date is –
10 Traffic Analysis record to be maintained in the office and a CBSR/ATP
report to be sent to SrDCM office monthly without fail
11 Outsourcing enquiry counter : CBSR/ATP
- P Viswa Kumar , Outsourcing employee was on duty.
He was not wearing proper uniform. Instructed him to
wear proper uniform with neatness. CBSR to ensure.
- CBSR is advised to countersign the attendance register
of the outsourcing employees register along with
- CBSR is advised to maintain a record of Outsourcing
employees, agreement, complaint letters etc
12 CBSR is advised to submit the station master certificate of CBSR/ATP
door step banking by 3rd of every month without fail
13 Graphs and Comparative statements are updated upto Nov-23
14 Traffic advise of internal check is available upto Nov-23 CBSR/ATP
Col A – 4645
Col B – NIL, Col C- NIL, Col D - NIL
15 Outstanding Register : CBSR/ATP
Nov-23 :
Admitted debit – NIL
Disputed debit – 4645 ( as per the traffic advice of internal
check dt 10.02.2023)
Floating Balance – 500
CBSR is advised to put efforts in clearance of the outstanding
amount as early as possible.

Copy to : SrDCM/GTL for kind information

Chief Commercial Inspector


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