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COUN-5225 List the three most salient points

for you from t


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COUN-5225 List the three most salient points for you from the Behavioral Couples Therapy
video. 1) Therapeutic incompatibility--what types of people will not benefit from behavioral
therapy? 2) Old versus new behavioral therapy”what is the difference? 3) Perspective-taking
and the use of metaphor”why are these important for the therapist? Describe the systemic
issues that help explain the family and discuss how behavioral couples therapy is used to
address these issues. Stuart (2010) initially asserts that people fundamentally do not desire to
change their behaviors but rather expect others to do so. In the context of a couple or family,
this implies each member will see others as the source of their problems rather than
themselves. Therefore, the behavioral therapist must help clients take responsibility and
inspire exploration, reflection, experimentation, and action reg

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