Business Intelligence vs. Predictive Analysis How Do They Differ

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By Liz Ticong April 19, 2024

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Business intelligence (BI) refers to the processes, strategies, and tools used to convert raw enterprise
data into information that is easier to interpret and use to understand business performance better.
Using data mining, data visualization, data tools, business analytics, and descriptive analytics, BI
provides valuable insights that can help you make data-driven decisions that can boost revenue and
increase business ef�ciency.

Predictive analytics, on the other hand, is the use of historical and current data to predict future
scenarios and outcomes. It involves examining past data trends and patterns to forecast the
likelihood of those patterns repeating, giving you the opportunity to anticipate future events and
prepare strategically.

• Business Intelligence: Best for when you want a deeper understanding of your past performance
and current operations or to make your enterprise data more understandable for everyone.

• Predictive Analytics: Best for forecasting future trends and making proactive decisions to re�ne
operations, boost revenue, or mitigate risks based on past data patterns.

By understanding the differences between business intelligence and predictive analytics, the pros
and cons of each, and their uses, you can make better decisions about which tool to use for the
speci�c needs of your business.

Table of Contents

Predictive Analytics Vs. Business Intelligence At A Glance

The table below gives an overview of the primary differences between BI and predictive analytics in
terms of features, usage, and drawbacks.

Features When to Use Main Drawbacks

• Data integrity issues

Involves gathering, • Complicated BI tools

For understanding
storing, and
performance and • Expensive setup
Business Intelligence interpreting of
assessing past
historical and current
strategies • Data overload

• IT dependence

• Data quality

• Inherent bias
Uses statistical
modeling and machine For forecasting future • Security and privacy
Predictive Analytics learning to predict outcomes based on concerns
future outcomes based past trends
on historical data • Model maintenance

• Costly
What Is Business Intelligence?
Business intelligence is a broad term that covers the gathering, storing, and interpreting of data
generated within your organization. It employs a variety of strategies, systems, and tools for data
analytics to facilitate business decision-making processes.

BI focuses on analyzing both historical and present data to understand previous performance and
assess past strategies with the goal of enhancing future performance. Simply put, BI mainly
concentrates on retrospective analysis.

BI tools allow you to analyze data sets through reports, summaries, dashboards, graphs, charts, and
maps. These tools offer immediate, easy-to-understand insights about your organization’s current

Advantages Of Business Intelligence

BI is a powerful tool that can help businesses make better decisions. If used correctly, it can provide
real-time analytics and promote understanding of complex business processes. Here are some of the
key advantages of BI:
• Data-Driven Decision-Making: Equips your organization with a wealth of data and insights so you
can make decisions based on facts and �gures and move away from relying solely on gut instinct.

• Real-Time Analytics: Gives you access to real-time data so you can respond quickly to market
changes and make timely decisions.

• Promotes Understanding: Tools offer advanced visualization capabilities that present data in an
easy-to-understand and visually appealing format, making it simpler to identify trends, patterns,
and areas for improvement.

• Quicker Problem Identi�cation: Can help detect problems in business processes and identify ways
to streamline them.

• Supports Business Functions: Supports numerous functions across an organization, from

recruitment and hiring to training and compliance, as well as marketing and sales.

Disadvantages Of Business Intelligence

While using BI can be highly advantageous, it also comes with certain drawbacks to consider. Here
are some of the most common:
• Data Integrity Issues: Inaccurate data can lead to misinterpretations of the actual business status.
This could prompt ineffective business strategies and missed opportunities.

• Complicated Tools: BI tools can be complex to set up and manage, particularly if you don’t have a
technical background. Mastering BI software and data analysis can have a steep learning curve.

• Expensive Setup: Setting up a BI system can be complex and costly. It involves not just the
purchase of BI software but also infrastructure setup, integration, and employee training.

• Data Overload: While BI provides access to a wealth of data, it can also lead to an overload of
information. Without proper data governance and �ltering mechanisms, businesses may �nd
themselves awash in data but starved of actionable insights.

• IT Dependence: BI systems typically require IT support and expertise for implementation and
maintenance. This can build a reliance on IT teams, potentially leading to delays in data access
and analysis.

5 Business Intelligence Use Cases

BI has a wide range of applications and use cases across different industries. Businesses in various
sectors can use it for in-depth reporting to evaluate their enterprise data and �nd areas of
Business intelligence has several use cases across different industries.

Sales And Marketing

BI tools are used to analyze customer behavior, track sales performance, and �ne-tune marketing
campaigns. They process customer data to pinpoint target segments, personalize marketing
messages, and boost customer acquisition and retention.

Finance And Accounting

With BI solutions, organizations can monitor �nancial performance, track cash �ows, and generate
�nancial reports. Since they deliver real-time access to �nancial data, businesses can make informed
decisions about budgeting and risk management.

Supply Chain Management

For the supply chain management �eld, BI processes involve collecting and analyzing data related to
inventory levels, production rates, and supplier performance. As a result, companies can optimize
their supply chain operations, reduce costs, and increase their overall operational ef�ciency.

Human Resource Management

BI solutions aid HR in talent management, workforce planning, and employee performance analysis.
HR professionals can access, analyze, and interpret HR data easily using BI tools. This data includes
employee demographics, performance metrics, and recruitment statistics, which can reveal issues
such as low productivity, staf�ng needs, or training gaps.


Schools and other educational institutions employ BI to tailor learning experiences and meet
individual student requirements. BI analyzes student data to detect trends, patterns, and correlations.
Additionally, this enables real-time tracking of student progress.

What Is Predictive Analytics?

Predictive analytics is an advanced form of data analytics that leverages past and current data, along
with statistical and machine learning (ML) methods, to forecast future events. Unlike BI, which
primarily looks at past and current occurrences, predictive analytics has a strong focus on the future,
delivering insights into what could likely happen next.

Predictive analytics entails examining data patterns and unveiling correlations to construct models
that can predict future outcomes. It handles vast amounts of data from diverse sources, offering a
holistic view of factors that could impact future results.

Advantages Of Predictive Analytics

By making use of historical data and statistical models, predictive analytics can help your business
detect trends, forecast outcomes, and plan ahead. Here are some speci�c examples of how predictive
analytics can be used to boost your business performance:
• Planning and Optimization: It can predict future trends, such as call volumes in contact centers or
customer buying patterns, allowing businesses to modify resource allocation and drive growth.

• Outlier Detection: It can use outlier models to �nd unusual patterns, like a sudden increase in
customer support calls or product returns. This can serve as an early warning system for larger
problems, including product failures or fraud.

• Production Ef�ciency: Predictive analytics can forecast inventory needs and production rates,
estimate potential production failures, and address supply chain disruptions, raising production

• Risk Reduction: It helps screen individuals and businesses, form reliable interpretations, and
develop risk mitigation strategies for organizations in the �nancial services sector.

• Streamlined Sales and Marketing: It simpli�es marketing strategies by allowing you to evaluate
consumer data, craft more targeted campaigns, determine cross-selling opportunities, and
segment customers.

Disadvantages Of Predictive Analytics

While predictive analytics offers undeniable bene�ts that can greatly enhance decision-making and
outcomes, it’s crucial to acknowledge and understand its potential disadvantages before
implementation. This awareness enables you to proactively address and mitigate any challenges that
may arise. Here are some of the potential disadvantages of predictive analytics:
• Data Quality Limitation: It depends on data quality; therefore, inaccurate or inconsistent input
data yields subpar output. Data from different sources may vary in accuracy and format, leading to
incompatibilities and issues.

• Inherent Bias: Unintentional biases during model con�guration can result in biased data and
unfair outcomes.

• Security and Privacy Concerns: Big data analysis increases breach risk, demanding robust security
and compliance with data protection laws to protect privacy and maintain stakeholder trust.

• Model maintenance: Predictive models call for consistent updates and tuning to ensure the
accuracy of their results. Neglecting this maintenance can lead to outdated parameters and
inaccurate reports.

• Costly implementation: Similar to BI, the initial setup of predictive analytics can be expensive.
Implementation includes costs related to data collection, storage, and maintenance, as well as
expenses for hiring specialists and purchasing data analytics tools.

5 Predictive Analytics Use Cases

Predictive analytics spans various sectors and has a multitude of practical applications. It empowers
businesses to anticipate trends, make informed decisions, and adjust processes through predictive
models and data-driven insights.
Predictive analytics has various use cases across different sectors.


Businesses can use predictive analytics to pinpoint customers who are likely to churn. By analyzing
historical data such as customer behavior, interactions, and demographics, companies can proactively
take measures to retain at-risk customers.

In banking, predictive analytics revolutionizes risk management, fraud detection, and customer
service. By analyzing vast datasets including transaction history, credit scores, and market trends,
predictive models forecast credit risk, spot fraudulent activities in real-time, and personalize
customer experiences.


Predictive analytics aid sales teams in foreseeing customer needs by analyzing purchase history,
browsing behavior, social media interactions, and demographics. It supports customization of
strategies and offerings, leading to timely engagement, upselling and cross-selling opportunities for
revenue maximization, and long-term customer relationships.

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertisers harness predictive analytics to forecast audience behavior, adjust targeting,
and upgrade campaign performance. By analyzing historical data and trends, predictive models
anticipate future user actions, allowing advertisers to strategically allocate resources, tailor content,
and adjust strategies for maximum impact and ROI.


Predictive analytics leverages patient data to forecast disease risk, predict outcomes, and develop
better treatment plans. It enables proactive interventions, ef�cient resource allocation, and
personalized care, leading to improved outcomes and reduced costs. In addition, it facilitates
population health management, helping healthcare organizations recognize at-risk populations and
implement preventive measures.

4 Top Software Tools To Consider

Both business intelligence and predictive analytics tools can provide major bene�ts to your business,
depending on your goals. There is a wide range of reliable tools for BI and predictive analytics to
meet a wide range of enterprise needs and budgets. Here are our recommendations.

Power BI

Microsoft’s Power BI is a leading platform that stands out because of its

array of features such as real-time analytics and dashboards, data
compression, and smooth integration with other popular Microsoft
products. It aids businesses in monitoring their operations in real time—
this feature is particularly useful if your organization requires up-to-the-
minute information to make critical business decisions.

Power BI’s data compression capabilities enable it to handle large datasets, allowing you to analyze
and visualize vast amounts of data with ease. Its seamless integration with other Microsoft products,
including Excel and Azure, lets you import data directly into Power BI, increasing its versatility.

However, it’s important to note that Power BI can be resource-intensive, particularly when dealing
with large datasets or complex data models. Its wide range of features and capabilities can mean a
steep learning curve for new users. But the comprehensive features of Power BI outweigh the cons,
making it an incredibly powerful tool for any organization’s data analysis needs.

Visit Microsoft Power BI

Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense is a powerful BI tool known for its interactive data visualization
capabilities that enable you to create personalized, interactive data
visualizations, reports, and dashboards from multiple data sources. Qlik
Sense also has an associative data indexing engine that supports
exploring all possible associations in the data, not just pre-de�ned hierarchies. This gives you a more
in-depth understanding of your data. The software also comes with self-service analytics that let you
build your own dashboards and reports without needing extensive technical skills.

Qlik Sense does have drawbacks—setup can be complex, particularly for those without a technical
background. Aside from that, the tool can be expensive, with separate costs for different capabilities.
But with the right setup and investment, this BI software can add signi�cant value to any
organization looking to maximize their data for insights and decision-making.
Visit Qlik Sense

SAP Analytics Cloud

SAP Analytics Cloud is a premier choice in the predictive analytics �eld

due to its extensive range of features and capabilities. Its AI-driven natural
language queries and AI-powered augmented analytics let you engage
with the tool conversationally and get automated insights for quicker,
more assured decision-making.

SAP Analytics Cloud can also be deployed as an on-premise, cloud-based, or hybrid platform,
showcasing its �exibility and integrability. It has enterprise planning features and uni�es �nancial,
supply chain, and operational planning within a single solution. This level of integration and the
capacity to deliver mission-critical analytics make it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

Even though SAP Analytics Cloud has a steep learning curve and complex third-party integration, its
advanced features and all-inclusive analytics solutions make it a strong contender in the industry.

Visit SAP Analytics Cloud

Alteryx AI Platform

The Alteryx AI Platform is a feature-rich predictive analytics tool designed

to handle complex predictive modeling tasks, making it suitable for
businesses of varying sizes and sectors. The platform has built-in
automated feature selection and engineering features that simplify
identifying important data features for predictive modeling. Its enterprise-
grade AI lets you develop and deploy ML models with ease, even without extensive coding expertise.

Alteryx’s limited visualization options and occasional slow response times from customer support are
shortcomings to consider. However, its advanced, user-friendly features and powerful AI capabilities
make it a valuable asset for predictive analytics, outweighing the minor drawbacks.

Visit Alteryx AI Platform

Bottom Line: Is Business Intelligence Or Predictive Analytics

While distinct in their functions, BI and predictive analytics work hand in hand to serve businesses. BI
is instrumental in dissecting past events and trends, empowering organizations to make decisions
rooted in historical data. In contrast, predictive analytics offers a glimpse into the future, equipping
your business with the ability to foresee changes and strategize accordingly.

In short, it’s not a matter of deciding which is better between BI and predictive analytics—rather, it’s
about how these two complementary tools can be integrated to serve businesses more effectively.
When used together, they create an all-encompassing analytical framework that ranges from
deciphering historical patterns to predicting and preparing for future trends. This combination
unlocks a comprehensive understanding, empowering strategic decision-making and ensuring a
competitive advantage.

Read our full list of best predictive analytics software for 2024 and �nd out what these tools can do
to help you prepare your business for the future.

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