OCR A Level Mathematics A - 2024 Predicted Paper 1 Set A

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OCR A Practice Papers

A Level Mathematics
Paper 1 Pure Mathematics
Time allowed: 2 hours

You must have:

the answer booklet
a scientific or graphical calculator

Use black ink. You can use an HB pencil, but only for graphs and diagrams.
Write your answer to each question in the space provided in the Answer Booklet. If
you need extra space use the lined pages at the end of the Answer Booklet. The
question numbers must be clearly shown.
Fill in the boxes on the front of the Printed Answer Booklet.
Answer all the questions.
Where appropriate, your answer should be supported with working. Marks might be
given for using a correct method, even if your answer is wrong.
Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures unless a different
degree of accuracy is specified in the question.
The acceleration due to gravity is denoted by g ms-2. When a numerical value is
needed use g = 9.8 unless a different value is specified in the question.

• The total mark for this paper is 100.
• The marks for each question are shown in brackets [ ].

• Read each question carefully before you start your answer.

Turn over
Answer all the questions.
l Find the coordinates and the nature of the stationary points of the function,
f (x) = 2x 3 - 3x 2 - 36x + 2, x E IR [7]

2 Given that angle x is small and is measured in radians, use the small angle
approximations to find an approximate value of
sin x cos 2x - sinx
x 2 tan4x
Express your answer in its simplest form. [4)

3 The diagram shows a circle with a centre O and radius r cm.

The angle in the shaded sector AOB shown is 0.

Not drawn

(a) The length of the chord AB = 1.Sr

Find angle 0 in radians.
Give your answer to 3 decimal places. [3)
(b) The area of the sector is 16rr cm 2
Find the perimeter of the shaded sector.
Give your answer to 2 decimal places. [4)
4 A curve C has the parametric equations,
x = 2 sin t -1, y = 4 + 2cos 2t, 0::; t S 2rr
(a) Show that the cartesian equation ofC is:
y = 6 - (x + 1)2 [3]
(b) The line y = ½ x + k, where k is a constant, crosses the curve C at two distinct points.

Find the range of possible values ofk. [5)

5 (a) Using binomial expansion, show that:


(b) Hence, or otherwise show that an approximation for -f3 can be written as _..!5_, where k
is an integer to be found. [3)

(c) Explain why x =�and the binomial expansion above, should not be used to find an
approxima;ion for,J½

6 In this question you must show detailed reasoning.

(a) Find the values of 0 for which,
-rr ::; 0 ::;; rr
Give your solution to 2 decimal places. [2]
(b) Solve the equation,
4 cos 2 t = 3 - sin t, 0 St S 2n

Give your solution to 2 decimal places. 141

7 Lewis is training for a half-marathon, which takes place in just over 3 weeks time. He is
going to follow a training plan where he increases the distance by 4% each day.
The first day he runs 10 miles.

(a ) How far will Lewis run on the 7 th day? (3)

(b) Over the 21 days of the plan how far will Lewis have run altogether?
Give your answer to the nearest mile. 141

Turn over
8 The diagram shows a sketch of the curve C with equation y = xe x ,

Not drawn

The line l is the nmmal to C at the point (1, e).

(a) Find the equation of the normal, l, in the form y = mx + c. 15]
(b) Find the area of the region, R, enclosed by the curve C, the line land the x-axis. (5]

9 The number of bacteria, 8, in a petri dish after, t minutes, can be modelled by the
following exponential equation,
B = ae kt

where a and k are constants.

At the stat1 of the experiment, there are 20 bacteria in the petri dish.
After one hour there are 54 bacteria in the petri dish.
(a) Calculate the value of k to 2 significant figures. [2]
(b) The petri dish is left on the side in the lab at 15: 00, what time, to the nearest minute,
does the number of bacteria in the dish exceed 3000? [31
10 The circle, C, has centre at 0, (3,5)

Not drawn

The line between O and the point P on the circle has the equation,
3 11
4 4
At P, x =7
(a) Show that the tangent to C at the point P has equation,
4 52
y = --x+-
3 3 (3]
(b) Find the equation ofthe circle, C. 131
(c) Find the equation of the second tangent of the circle with the same gradient in the fonn:
y = - 34 x + k where -,...
k _,_
3 (31

11 Prime integers, Pi , are labelled in ascending order such that,

P1 = 2 , P2 = 3 , ··· Ps = 11 ..·
Show that there is no largest prime number. [61

Turn over
12 Show that,
sin 0 cos 0
--+--= 2cosec20
cos 0 sin 0 [4]

13 (a) Show that (2x + 1) is a factor off (x) = 2x 3 - 3x 2 + 4x + 3 [3]

(b) Express (x 3
- 3x 2
- 7x + 2) in the fonn (x + 2)(Ax +Bx+ C)
Where A, B, C and Rare integer constants to be detennined [4]

14 Consider the graph off(x) = x 2 sinx

Find the area of the region, R, enclosed between f (x) and the x axis for
0 :S X :S 7r (9]


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