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These are follow up “taps” (emails) after the T2, T3 and I’m Ins

I’m in

I’m thrilled to have you join us/own this special


Thank you!

We aren’t officially enrolling/shipping/registering,

yet, but if you’re ready I can sneak you in to the head
of the line.

May we go ahead and get you enrolled?/registered/shipping


Thank you,
Your Name



Casey here again:-)

I'm so excited for you!

I’ll let Chad know you’re joining.

May I go ahead and send you the link

to take care of the investment, so we can
100% lock-in your spot in the program?


After permission:
Payment Tap:

Thank you! I’m thrilled to have you

1. Please take care of payment by

using this fancy link😊

===>Hyperlink the link to shopping cart

(NO SALES PAGES, don’t unsell it.)

2. You’ll get full access to the course

as well as all the bonuses so you can
get started ASAP. (Tell them what will happen next.)

3. We’ll get you added to our private

Facebook Mastermind Group.

I’m so excited for you.

It’s a rare opportunity to have access

to Chad and excited to see you get

Thanks again,
Casey (for Chad)

Goes silent after T3:


We haven’t heard back from you?

(I know you’re super busy.)

Have you decided to put THEIR CURRENCY

on the back burner?

No worries if that’s the case! :-)


Goes silent after I’m In...


We haven’t heard back from you?

(I know you’re super busy.)

I was so excited when I told

Chad you were joining us.
Have you decided to put THEIR CURRENCY
on the back burner?


IN no payment, softer response

subj: Uh oh, plz open

I was so excited to see you

join us/reserve your for PROGRAM/PRODUCT NAME

Thank you, again:-)

I haven't heard back from you

though and I don't know if
alligators ate my last note to

or you just got busy?

Please respond back ASAP and

let me know if I should send out
a search party:-)


IMIN#2 - [Sent email addie for billing]


I’m thrilled and honored to have you join

us in the program/special edition

1. I’ll send you the invoice ASAP, then I’ll

send you all the details you’ll need to start.

2. You’ll get all your log-ins so you can get

dig in and get started right away.

3. And you’ll be able to get access to our

private FB Mastermind group, where we
cover everything
I’m excited!

Looking forward to supporting you in

getting you’re THEIR CURRENCY

Thanks again,

General Follow Up Taps after T3 Silence.

Subj: uh oh, sorry?

Apologies. Was there a question you had

I didn’t cover about _______program/product/service?



Things are moving along now in the program.

Did you decide to put THEIR CURRENCY on the backburner?

-Your name


IN, but didn’t send payment and goes quiet

Subj: Not sure what to do with you??


Haven’t heard anything from you?

Should I just close the file on you?



Subj: status?

(No body copy.)

If they say "I NEED MORE INFO"


Please forgive me, I'm not following?

"I'd love to learn more?"

This is all we've got:-)

If you're saying it's not enough for you to

make a commitment, I totally understand.

I'll take that to mean you're "out" at this time.

If I'm not understanding correctly, please let me





We're opening up official enrollment

for PROGRAM tomorrow at 6pm.

So, I just wanted reach out and see if

you'd like to join us, so that you can
ADD THEIR CURRENCY in 2018. Time frame

Would you like one of the spots

before we fill up?

Thank You,

P.S. We have a payment program if

it would make it easier for you.
Closing official enrollment (Note: this is a MONEY MAKER)


Just wanted to let you know we're closing enrollment for PROGRAM, promptly at noon

We've got one VIP DAY where Chad and you could [THEIR CURRENCY] in February...

Would you like it? or should we just close the file on you for this?

All you need to do for now is let me know you're "in" before noon tomorrow, then we'll handle
the rest of the details.


Can’t make the dates
Hi Rob,

I make most of my money doing this stuff and

teach because I love it, so I just do 'em when
I feel like it.

I usually do 3 or 4 a year.

I've got an idea?

If you want to roll in now, I've got the online version

you can get started with right away...then you could come
out to my home anytime in the next year.

I'll likely have the next workshop in July. It's a bit sticky out
here then, but we've got AC and a pool:-)

If that sounds good, let me know and we can

make it happen.


Request Phone Call
Hi Nigel,
I can sense your commitment.

It’s crazy over here. We’ve got over 100 people with interest and only 10 openings.

People need leads more than ever.

Your request to get on the phone is perfectly reasonable.

At this point, we are filling the 10 spots with people ready to reserve their funnel without a
phone call and then if there are any openings left, we’ll swing back around for any phone calls.

As we mentioned in the details there will be an INTENSIVE interview process in person before
work is started on the funnels, multiple check-ins during the process and 90 days of support after
your funnel is delivering leads for you.

We’d love to help you keep that #1 spot, but I understand if this doesn’t suit your needs and
means you’re out for us driving leads for your business.

If you would kindly let us know what you decide so we can get the ball rolling or close the file
for you.

-Casey (for Sharon)

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