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T1 for VIP Day

Subj: RSVP
UNOPENS: Serious question from FIRST NAME…

I don’t know if you’d be willing to jump on a plane and fly out to CALIFORNIA to work with me
for a day?

I suppose it might make sense if you’re spending more than $1,000 a day on Facebook,
Adwords or any other ad network?

It might make a whole lot of sense?

...if you’re at a stage in your business where some days are excitingly profitable and other days
plunge you deep into the red like a roller coaster ride...and you don’t know WHY!

… if your lead costs are rising faster than your health care premiums.

…your margins are getting gobbled up faster than brains at a zombie convention.

...and you’re watching more freaking competitors march into YOUR marketplace and your need
to find fertile soil and fresh angles your competitors haven’t discovered grows every day.

It would completely make sense…

... if you know these are problems you want to fix, but don’t have time to sit through a damned
12-week course…

...or get stroked along for a year in some “mastermind” program.

...and you’d much rather, even though it’s a pain in the ass to jump on a plane, come out to visit
me and knock it all out and SOLVE these problems in just ONE VIP DAY.

I don’t know?

Takes a strong person to brave schlepping to the airport, contorting themselves up on a plane
seat and listening to the pre-flight instructions for the fifty-eleventh time.

Those little bottles of liquor are nice though:-)

If you CAN steel yourself up for the plane trip over to my neck of the woods...

I’ll have my driver holding up a sign with your name on it when you arrive, then he’ll whisk your
flight weary bones away in a limo.

He’ll drop you off at a posh hotel, where you and I will meet up early the next morning have a
nice hot breakfast and begin our VIP DAY together.

Just you and me.

Then, shoulder to shoulder, you and I will lay out a plan to solve all these problems for you in
one powerful day.

I’ve solved these problems so many times, for so many medium to large companies…

I won’t say I can do it in my sleep, but I do dream about it:-)

So, my simple question for you is...

Would you like to fly over here for a VIP DAY and have me help solve these problems for you
and your company?


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