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1. Justify five distinction between public Administration and Private

2. According to Por. Peter self and others, give five ways in which luther Gollick
Function of Administration was criticized.

Different Scholars have provided different definitions of public administration. For

example, Woodrow Wilson defined H as “the detailed and systematic execution of
public law” whereas, Herbert Simon defined it as “the design, implementation and
monitoring of government policy”. Meanwhile, Dwight Waldo described it as “the
making and implementing of public policy”.

There are also different definitions of private administration depending on the

scholar. For example, chester Barnard defined it as the process of getting things
done in organization”. On the other hand, Henri fayol defined it as “Hie art of
coordinating human efforts towards Hei accomplishment of Hie objectives”.

Finally, Peter Drucker defined it as “managing a business to achieve resuits”.

In private Sector:

i. Finding:- Comes from the owner, through loans, issuing shares or debentures
ii. Job security:- The job security is low as owner may die, debits may be
incurred and the reed for the business might run out, higher risks of
termination due to cost-cutting or non-performance.
iii. decisions:- are often made by small group of people, such as the board of
directors or top executives, They may consider input or ideas from
customers or employees but the final decision is made by few people at the
iv. Ownership :- Private sector entities are owned and managed by private
individual or entities with no government interference.
v. Structure:- Is often flatter with fewer layers of management due to fewer
member in public sector.
In Public Sector

i. Finding:- Funded by tax prayer, duties, bonds and trasing bills through
government polities, government schools, government parks, government
hospital e.t.c.
ii. Job security:- There is job stability with low risk of termination due to non-
iii. decisions:- decision is made through a democratic process for example,
elected officials may make decisions based on public input and will of
iv. Ownership :- public sectors are owned, controlled and managed by the
v. Structure:- There is hierachial structure with many layer of management.
This is because public agencies tends to be large and complex with many
different departments and programs.

According to luther Gulick, public administration is the art and science of

management as applied to the affairs of the state”. In other words, it’s the process
of managing government organizations and programs. Gulick believed that public
administration should be guilded by the same principles as private administration,
but with some modification to account for the unique challenges of working in the
public sector.

Functions according of luther Gulick

There are Six care functions of public administration

i. Planning:- refers to the process of identifying Hie goals of the organization

and developing a plan to achieve his goals.
ii. Organization:- refers to the process of dividing the work of the organization
into different departments and tasks.
iii. Staffing:- refers to the process of hiring and traning employees to carryout
the the work of the organization.
iv. Direction:- refers to the process of providing direction and guidance to
v. Coordination:- refers to the process of ensuring that the different
departments and tasks.
vi. Control:- refers to the process of monitoring the progress of the
organization and making adjustments as needed.
vii. Reporting:- refers to the process of providing information about the
organization’s progress to key stakeholders such as the government or the

Professor Peter self (a professor in public administration) critized gullicks

theory according to the following.

1. Theory focused on internal operations and did not focus on the external
environment. The external environment has a significant impact on an
organization. This include things like economic conditions government policies,
technological changes and social trends. Orgainzations need to be aware of the
external factors and adapt accordingly. This means that gullick’s theory was not a
complete picture of how organizations work in real world.

2. Theory did not address the importance of accountability in administration, He

further explained that accountability is the process by which organizations are held
responsible for their actions and decisions. The gullicks theory focused on
efficiency and effectiveness but not consider how accountability plays a role in the
success of an organizations. This can lead to lack of transparency and lack of trust
between the organization and it’s stakeholders. Peter self argued that it should be a
key consideration in any theory of administration.

3. Theory did not account for the role of individuals and their behaviour in the
administration. He explained that in real world, organizations are made up of
individuals with their own unique personalities, motivations and bahaviours. The
gullicks theory focused on the organization as a whole and not considering people
within it, this can lead to a disconnect between the theory and the reality of how
organizations operate.

4. Theory did not consider the importance of values and ethics. He explained the
gullick’s theory did not fully consider the role of values and ethics in
administration. According to self values and ethics are an important part of any
organization and they should be taken into account when making decisions that
may be unethical.

5. Theory did not account for the political environment in which an organization
operates in real fact, organizations are constantly interacting with a rancty of
external stakeholders, including the government, the media and the general public.
These interactions can have a significant impact on an organizations ability to
achieve it’s goals. The gullicks theory however did not consider these external
factors and their impact on administration.
Five ways in which luther gullicks function was criticized.

Luther gullick

1. The critics agrued that gullick’s theory was too simplistic and did not take
account the complexities of modern organizations. i.e complex structures of
the government polities and government hierarchy.
2. Some critics also said that the functions were not applicable to all types of
organization for example, the way public organizations operates is different
from the of private administrations.
3. Some critic also argued that gullick’s theory did not account for the
importance of leadership and motivation in administration.
4. Some critic also argued that gullick’s theory were too focused on efficiency
and did not consider other factors such as effectiveness or equity.
5. Some critic that the functions were too focused on the technical aspects of
administration and did not consider the human aspects.

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