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Unit I: Entrepreneurship
1. Explain the meaning of entrepreneurship and discuss the various types of
entrepreneurship. How do these types differ in their approach to innovation
and risk-taking?
2. Identify and analyze the key traits of successful entrepreneurs. How do these
traits contribute to their ability to identify and exploit opportunities in the
3. Discuss the factors that promote entrepreneurship in a society. How do
cultural, economic, and institutional factors influence the prevalence of
entrepreneurial activity?
4. What are the main barriers to entrepreneurship? How can aspiring
entrepreneurs overcome these barriers to successfully start and grow their
5. Evaluate the role of entrepreneurial culture in fostering innovation and
economic growth. Provide examples of countries or regions where a strong
entrepreneurial culture has led to significant economic development.
Unit II: Developing Successful Business Ideas
1. Describe the process of recognizing opportunities in the market. How can
trend analysis and market research techniques such as focus groups and
surveys aid in identifying viable business ideas?
2. Explain the importance of creativity in generating business ideas. How can
organizations create an environment that encourages creativity and
innovation among employees?
3. Discuss the various methods for protecting business ideas from being lost or
stolen. What are the advantages and limitations of patents and intellectual
property rights (IPR) in safeguarding intellectual assets?
4. How can entrepreneurs evaluate the feasibility of business ideas? Discuss
the role of market analysis, technical analysis, and cost-benefit analysis in
assessing the viability of potential ventures.
5. Explore the concept of a "day in the life" research approach for
understanding customer needs and preferences. How can this method help
entrepreneurs develop products or services that meet the demands of their
target market?
Unit III: Opportunity Identification and Evaluation
1. Explain the process of opportunity identification and selection. How can
entrepreneurs effectively generate and screen project ideas to identify the
most promising opportunities?
2. Discuss the importance of market analysis in evaluating business
opportunities. How can entrepreneurs assess market demand, competition,
and potential risks before launching a new venture?
3. Evaluate the significance of technical analysis in assessing the feasibility of
business ideas. How can entrepreneurs leverage technical expertise to
develop innovative products or services?
4. Describe the steps involved in project formulation for new ventures. What
are the key components of a comprehensive project plan?
5. Discuss the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the initial stages of setting
up a business. How can entrepreneurs effectively deal with these challenges
to ensure the success of their ventures?
Unit IV: Business Planning Process
1. Define the concept of a business plan and its significance for entrepreneurial
ventures. How does a well-developed business plan contribute to the success
of a new venture?
2. Outline the key steps involved in the business planning process. How can
entrepreneurs effectively gather and analyze information to develop a
comprehensive business plan?
3. Discuss the advantages of business planning for entrepreneurs. How can a
well-defined business plan help entrepreneurs mitigate risks and make
informed decisions?
4. Explain the process of preparing a model project report for starting a new
venture. What are the essential elements that should be included in a project
5. How can team-based project work facilitate the development of a business
plan? Discuss the benefits of collaboration and teamwork in the
entrepreneurial context.
Unit V: Funding
1. Identify the various sources of finance available to entrepreneurs. Compare
and contrast the advantages and limitations of venture capital, business
angels, commercial banks, and government grants.
2. Describe the venture capital process and the criteria that venture capitalists
use to evaluate investment opportunities. How can entrepreneurs attract
venture capital funding for their ventures?
3. Discuss the role of business angels in providing financial support to early-
stage ventures. What are the key factors that business angels consider when
deciding to invest in a startup?
4. Evaluate the importance of commercial banks as a source of financing for
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). How can entrepreneurs
effectively secure bank loans and credit facilities for their ventures?
5. Explore the various government grants and schemes available to support
entrepreneurial activities. How can entrepreneurs navigate the process of
applying for government funding and leverage these resources to fuel
business growth?

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