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PSYCH-FP4600 Creating a Complete

Research Proposal PSYCH-F


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PSYCH-FP4600 Creating a Complete Research Proposal PSYCH-FP4600 - Research

Methods in Psychology Assessment 5 Capella University Abstract The amount of parents and
guardians that elect to homeschool the children, instead of having them attend private or
public school, has continuously increased throughout the past years. Though, many
investigations have confirmed that homeschooled pupils score equally or better than
traditional school students that are the same grade level or age. There is small amounts of
research concerning the long term interpersonal and social effect. This paper evaluations
current literature on the matter and the addresses research methodology to provide an answer
to a research interrogation; œWhat are the commonalities and differences of social and
interpersonal skills between homeschooled and traditionally educated students? In
conclusion, a qualitive

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