Ramesh 1993

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Effect of crystallographic orientation on ferroelectric properties of

PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 thin films

R. Ramesh, T. Sands, and V. G. Keramidas

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 63, 731 (1993); doi: 10.1063/1.109943

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.109943
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Effect of crystallogra iic orientation on ferroelectric properties
of PbZrOJiOS803 thin films
R. Ramesh, T. Sands, and V. G. Keramidas
Bellcore, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
(Received 19 January 1993; accepted for publication 19 May 1993)
We report on the effect of cooling rate on the crystallographic orientation and ferroelectric
properties of PbZr,,,Ti,,O, (PZT) thin films grown on a lattice matched bottom electrode such
as c-axis oriented Y-Ba-Cu-0 (YBCO) . The cooling rate from deposition temperature influences
the crystallographic orientation of the ferroelectric c axis of the PZT film as well as the electrical
properties of the YBCO bottom electrode. As the volume fraction of the ferroelectric phase with
the c axis in the plane of the film becomes higher, the hysteresis loops become more rounded and
the polarization values become smaller. Highly c-axis oriented films, obtained by cooling from
the growth temperature at 20 “C/min, show an almost square hysteresis loop with the largest
polarization values.

With the advent of sophisticated thin-film deposition ented ferroelectric PbZr0.2Ti0,,0s layer was grown at
technologies, the field of ferroelectrics has attained re- 700 “C. It is important to note that during the deposition,
newed enthusiasm and attention. Research and develop- the YBCO layer is in the nominally tetragonal structure
ment efforts in many laboratories are focused on integrat- while the PZT layer grows in the cubic structure. Both the
ing submicron thin ferroelectric films of, for example, lead layers undergo structural phases transformations as they
zirconate titanate (PZT), with the mature silicon based are cooled to room temperature. In the case of YBCO the
memory technology to yield nonvolatile high speed, solid tetragonal-orthorhombic transition occurs in the tempera-
state ferroelectric random access memories (FRAMs). ture range of 400-600 “C!, while the cubic PZT layer be-
The status of this technology is reviewed in recent arti- comes tetragonal at approximately 390 “C!, which is the
cles. 1-5 curie temperature. Below this temperature the film is ferro-
In order to assess the influence of film crystallinity on electric.
the technologically relevant electrical properties, several Both these transformations are accompanied by twin-
research groups have initiated programs to grow and char- ning to accommodate the strain involved. In the case of
acterize epitaxial ferroelectric films (see Refs. 1 and 2). To PZT, one mode of twinning involves the formation of 90”
obtain such films, the bottom electrode should also be ep- twin boundaries, across which the c axis of the tetragonal
itaxial and single crystalline. More importantly, it is essen- structure is rotated by 90”. For example, in a PZT film with
tial that the crystalline lattices of the ferroelectric material the c axis normal to the substrate surface, one observes
and the bottom electrode have nearly identical dimensions twins with the c axis in the plane of the film, i.e., u-axis
and similar crystal chemistry. Such a materials combina- oriented normal to the surface. The control of the volume
tion is available in the form of the family of cuprate super- fraction of such a-axis oriented material and its effect on
conductors and related perovskite metallic oxides. These the ferroelectric properties is the focus of this letter.
compounds, for example, Y-Ba-Cu-0, have lattice param- There are many ways to control the volume fraction of
eters and structural chemistry that are very similar to that a-axis oriented material in the PZT Iilm. One of them is to
of the ferroelectric perovskites, specifically PZT. change the composition of the material (for example, by
Our basic approach in the fabrication of epitaxial lanthanum substitution at lead sites or the zirconium:tita-
ferroelectric thin films is outlined in earlier reports.6 nium ratio), when the bottom electrode is unchanged. The
Briefly, it consists of using the cuprate superconductors deposition temperature of the PZT layer also has an influ-
(which are metallic at room temperature) or other metal- ence on the relative fractions of the two orientations, as has
lic perovskites such as La-&-Co-O as bottom electrodes.‘-’ been demonstrated in an earlier publication. The in-plane
This gives us the opportunity to grow the ferroelectric film lattice parameters of the electrode material at deposition
with a specific crystallographic orientation and, under suit- temperature and, more importantly, during the phase
able conditions, induce epitaxy. Such heterostructures are transformation process, also affect the c/a volume fraction.
grown by in situ pulsed laser deposition, the details of The cooling rate from deposition temperature influences
which are described elsewhere.6 The heterostructures are the c/a fraction as does the thermal expansion mismatch
grown on single-crystal perovskite substrates such as between the substrate and the film. The effect of the cooling
LaAlOs, which provide the correct structural and chemi- rate is especially important in the case where the electrode
cal template for epitaxial growth. For example, the c-axis is also a perovskite material such as YBCO (which is con-
oriented bottom YBa,Cu307 (YBCO) electrode in this ex- ducting when fully oxidized), for which the amount of
periment was grown at a substrate heater temperature of oxygen incorporated will depend on the rate at which the
810 “C (the substrate surface temperature is typically film is cooled down to room temperature. Finally, the
-50 “C lower than this temperature), while the c-axis ori- amount of a-axis oriented material also depends upon

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(006)YSCO 0.3 pm


0.1 pm

ii,i-, 20Wmin.

Virtunl Ground Made I
1. \ “i-Savyer-T”wer Made

i%cl x-axis : Electric Field : t di” = ,!I0 kV / Ern
y-lx!3 : Polnrbnli‘,” : I *iv =.3x.5 pc I cnl~


0.0 -“r”-“---, I , , 1 , , I , I

& I I J
43 44 45 46 47 FIG. 2. Ferroelectric hysteresis loops for the samples cooled at different
rates. Note the systematic change in the squareness of the hysteresis loop
Angle, 26, degrees
and the magnitude of the polarization as a function of cooling rate. The
inset shows a schematic diagram of the heterostructure and the measure-
ment method.
FIG. 1. A small angular section of x-ray diffraction patterns for epitaxial
heterostructures deposited under identical conditions, but cooled to room
temperature at different rates. Note the systematic difference in the rela-
tive intensities of the (200),, and (002),z, Bragg peaks and the c-axis lattice parameter of the YBCO layer also increases,
(O06)vaco peak position and intensity. as evidenced by the shift of the (006)YBC0 peak to lower
28 values. The decrease in diffraction intensity of the
(006)YBCO peak with cooling rate correlates with incom-
whether there are any constraints on the film during the plete incorporation of oxygen into the YBCO lattice. The
transformation, i.e., whether there is an epitaxial top elec- oxygen-deficient YBCO structure, as is well known, also
trode or not. This letter addresses the effect of cooling rate has a larger lattice parameter compared to the completely
from deposition temperature on the electrical properties of oxygenated structure. lo The most important inference from
PZT/YBCO heterostructures grown on single crystal the x-ray diffraction patterns is that as the cooling rate is
LaA103. Under these growth conditions, the PZT film on increased, the YBCO layer becomes less conducting (since
top is free to relax during cooldown to room temperature, it is not fully oxygenated).
without the constraint of the top electrode. The top elec- These changes in structure have a direct influence on
trodes in this case are Pt/Au pads that are evaporated the polarization properties of the capacitor, which is illus-
through a shadow mask after the deposition process. trated in the series of hysteresis loops in Fig. 2. This figure
Rutherford backscattering spectrometry was used to also shows schematically the measurement method. As de-
confirm that the compositions of the two layers were com- scribed earlier, the top electrodes are Pt/Au dots that are
mensurate with that of the targets, while x-ray diffraction evaporated through a shadow mask. The right-hand side of
was used to study the crystallographic quality of the two this figure shows hysteresis loops measured at 5 V using a
layers. Ferroelectric hysteresis loops were obtained using Sawyer-Tower setup. The loops are measured at 506 Hz
both pulsed testing as well as resistance compensated. and are resistance compensated. The film cooled at 5 “C/
Sawyer-Tower measurements, capable of measuring over a min shows a low polarization value, consistent with the
continuous range of frequencies from 0.01 Hz to 1 MHz in fact that a significant part of the c axis (the polarization
the voltage range of O-l 5 V. Fatigue and aging experiments direction) is in the plane of the film. The highest value of
were carried out using the Radiant Technologies RT66A polarization is obtained for the film cooled at 20-25 “C/
pulsed testing apparatus. min, which shows almost no u-axis oriented material.
Planar section transmission electron micrographs of all From the x-ray diffraction patterns in Fig. 1 one would be
the samples indicate that the ferroelectric film does not led to think that increasing the cooling rate would also
have large angle grain boundaries in it. The effect of the increase the polarization. However, there is actually a de-
cooling rate on the structural evolution is illustrated in the crease in polarization for the samples cooled at higher
set of x-ray diffraction patterns in Fig. 1 which shows a rates. We attribute this to the fact that as the cooling rate
small angular section of the 19-20 scan from the samples is increased, the bottom YBCO electrode becomes less me-
cooled at different rates. There are two important features tallic (i.e., more semiconducting). This conclusion is fur-
that draw attention. The first is the effect of the cooling ther supported by comparing the fatigue and aging behav-
rate on the relative fractions of the (002)PZT and ior of the films cooled at 100 “C/min with films grown on
(200)PZT peaks. When the sample is cooled at 5 “C/min, PrBCO as the bottom electrode instead of YBCO. It is well
there is a significant fraction of a-axis oriented material, known that when fully oxidized, PrBCO behaves like a
which decreases to a very small value when the cooling rate semiconductor with a room-temperature resistivity that is
is increased to 20-25 “C/min. Further increases in the cool- approximately 50 times larger than that of optimally oxi-
ing rate do not affect the amount of a-axis oriented mate- dized YBCO.”
rial. The second point of interest is that as the cooling rate Figure 3 shows data on the aging behavior of the films
is increased to above 20 “C/min, the intensity of the cooled at different rates in comparison with a PZT film
(006)YBC0 peak drops dramatically. Concurrently, the grown on c-axis oriented PrBCO that was grown at the

732 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 63, No. 6, 9 August 1993 Rqmesh, Sands, and Keramidas 732
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% 100 fatigue performance. We point out that the fatigue proper-
Y ties of these capacitors are much inferior to those grown
Y 80 with symmetric oxide electrodes, since the top electrode in
s this case is Pt. However, these data along with the aging
d 60 behavior, serves to illustrate that the electrode conductivity
'5 is an important parameter, in addition to the nature of the
a 40 electrode-film interface, in determining the ferroelectric
ELi -If- YBCO-25”C/min
3 -.- PrBCO performance. Since the conductivity of metallic perovskite
3 + YBCO-lOO”C/min oxides is sensitive to the degree of oxygenation, it is im-
t8 o i_.,.,.,.....,.,,..“--.-.., portant to optimize the oxygen content of the films during
t# lo” 100 IO’ 102 ld IO’ 105 106 the deposition and subsequent cooldown process. Conse-
Aging Time, seconds quently, the cooling rate from deposition temperature be-
comes an important variable in optimizing the ferroelectric
FIG. 3. A plot of remnant polarization (normalized with respect to that properties.
at the beginning of the experiment) as a function of aging time for a write In conclusion, a clear effect of the ferroelectric prop-
voltage of - 4 V and a read voltage of + 3 V. The capacitor cooled at
lOO’C!/min behaves very similarly to a capacitor with PrBCO bottom erties on the cooling rate from the deposition temperature
electrode, indicating the effect of electrode conductivity. has been demonstrated. The cooling rate from the deposi-
tion temperature is one of the variables that can be used to
same temperature as YBCO (i.e., 810 “C). This hetero- control the c/a fraction in the ferroelectric film. The opti-
structure was cooled at 20 “Urnin (i.e., similar to the best mum cooling rate for PZT films of this composition is in
film on YBCO). The aging experiment was carried out the range of about 20 “C/min. The effect of the cooling rate
with a write voltage of -4 .V followed by a read at + 3 V. on fatigue and aging is due to the change in the conduc-
The films cooled at 5 and 20 “C/niin show very similar tivity of the YBCO electrode with oxygen incorporation.
aging behavior, characterized by a small log-linear de- We acknowledge many stimulating discussions
crease in the remnant polarization with aging time. On the with and the technical assistance of W. K. Chan and
other hand, the film cooled at 100 “C/min shows a dra- B. Wilkens.
matic log-linear drop in the remnant polarization after
about 30 s of aging, with a slope that is much larger than
that of the slowly cooled samples. The most interesting
point is that the aging behavior is very similar to that of a
film grown on PrBCO, indicating that the aging behavior is ’See for example, Proceedings of Materials Research Society Fall Meeting
Symposium on Ferroelectric Thin Films II, edited by A. Kingon, E. R.
distinctly ini-luenced by the electrode conductivity. Myers, and B. Tuttle (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, P A
Finally, Fig. 4 compares the fatigue properties of films 1991); Proceedings of Third International Symposium on Integrated Fer-
cooled at different rates. Also shown are the c/a volume roelectrics, edited by C. A. Paz de Araujo, University of Colorado,
fractions and the remnant polarization for these samples. Colorado Springs, CO., April 1991; Proceedings of Fourth Interna-
The c/a volume fractions, were determined as the ratio of tional Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics, Monterey, CA, March
the x-ray peak intensities of the (002),, and ( 200)pzT *J. F. Scott and C. A. Paz de Araujo,- Science 246, 1400 (1989); M.
peaks. Fatigue data for a film grown on PrBCO and cooled Sayer and K. Sreenivas, Science 247, 1056 ( 1990); G. H. Haertling, J.
at 20 “C/min are also shown in this tigure for comparison. Vat. Sci. Technol. 9, 414 (1991).
Clearly, the film cooled at about 20 “C/min shows the best 3S. Sinharoy, H. Buhay, D. R. Lampe, and M. H. Francombe, J. Vat.
Sci. Technol. A 10, 1554 ( 1992).
‘J. T. Evans and R. D. Womack, IEEE J. Solid State Circuits 23, 1171
:: ‘S. K. Dey and R. Zuleeg, Ferroelectrics 108, 37 (1990).
0 bR. Ramesh, A. Inam, W. K. Chan, B. Wilkens, K. Myers, K. Rem-
s 100 108
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t Ramesh, W. K. Chan, B. Wilkens, H. Gilchrist, T. Sands, J. M. Taras=
; 80 + Remnant Polarization
con, V. G. Keramidas, D. K. Fork, J. Lee, and A. Safari, Appl. Phys.
b2 -a- fatigue life 10’ 2. Lett. 61, 1537 (1992). -.
; 60 ’R. M. Wolf, in Proceedings of Materials Research Society Fall Meeting
u Symposium on Ferroelectric Thin Films Il, edited by A. Kingon, E. R.
x PrBCO, fatigue life
Myers, and B. Tuttle (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA,
lo6 u” 1991).
2. 4o
20 *J. T. Cheung, P. E. D. Morgan, and R. R. Neurgaonkar, in Proceedings
z of Fourth International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics, C. A.
Paz de Araujo, Monterey, CA, March, 1992, pp. 158-170.
‘R. Ramesh, H. Gilchrist, T. Sands, V. G. Keramidas, R. Haakenaasen,
1. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Cooling rate, “C/min and D. K. Fork (unpublished).
‘“G. V. Subba Rao and U. V. Varadaraju, in Chemistry of High Temper-
FIG. 4. A comparison of the crystallographic perfection (i.e., c/a ratio), ature Superconductors, edited by C. N. R. Rao (World Scientific, River
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different rates. Also shown are the fatigue lifetime data for the capacitor “A. Matsuda, K. Kinoshita, T. Ishii, H. Shibata, T. Watanabe, and T.
grown on PrBCO bottom electrode and cooled at 20 ‘C/min. Yamada, Phys. Rev. B 38, 2910 (1988).

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