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In reference to Project Management, particularly by using PERT- __________ was developed by the U.S.

the U.S. Navy in cooperation with _______ __________ refers to overlapping the design and build
CPM scheduling methodology __________ refers to the series of Booz Allen Hamilton and the Lockheed Corporation for the Polaris phases of a project. Because design is usually completed before
connected activities (or intermediate events) between any two missile/submarine project in 1958. construction starts, overlapping the two activities will result in
events in a network. shortening the project duration.
The allocation of time among project tasks, better known as
In Project Management, particularly in using PERT-CPM scheduling _____________. This should be evaluated not merely in terms of In resource scheduling, _______ _______ seek the best solutions
methodology, ___________ means or is defined as the result of meeting project milestones, but also in terms of the timing and but are far more limited in their ability to handle complex
completing one or more activities. An identifiable end state that use of scarce resources. situations and large problems.
occurs at a particular time.
In a Project Management this __________activity is a simulated _______ _______, often considered the most important of the
In a resource scheduling, _______ _______ employ rules of thumb activity of sorts, one that is of a zero duration and is made for the criteria, is the time past a project’s due date or delivery date when
that have been found to work reasonably well in similar situations. sole purpose of demonstrating a specific relationship and path of the project is completed. This may well result in penalty costs that
They seek better solutions. action on the arrow diagramming method. reduce profits.


When crashing a project, our first task is to develop a table or In Project Management, particularly in using PERT-CPM scheduling In reference to Project Management, particularly by using PERT-
graph of the cost of a project as a function of the project’s various methodology, a project’s __________ is understood to mean that CPM scheduling methodology This arrangement defines the
possible completion dates. Starting with the normal schedule for sequence of critical activities that connects the project’s start project and the activity precedence relationships. ________ are
all project activities, _______ selected activities, one at a time, to event to its finish event and which cannot be delayed without usually drawn starting on the left and proceeding to the right.
decrease project duration at the minimum additional cost. delaying the project.
In PERT/CPM, It is the tasks that logically follow a particular task is
In a project environment, the __________ function is more _______ _____ gives a general understanding of the demands a __________.
important than it would be in an ongoing operation because project or set of projects will make on a firm’s resources. It is an
projects lack the continuity of day-today operations and often excellent guide for early, rough project planning. - FOLLOWERS
present much more complex problems of coordination. Indeed,
this is so important that a details of the project is sometimes a - RESOURCE LOADING In Project Management, there are several resources that may
customer-specified requirement. need to be considered when scheduling. __________ __________
In Project Management, particularly in using PERT-CPM scheduling is the amount of resources of each kind that are to be devoted to
- SCHEDULING methodology, ___________ means or is defined as a specific task a specific activity in a certain time period.
or set of tasks that are required by the project, use up resources,
A _____ _____ is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project and take time to complete. - RESOURCE LOADING
schedule, named after its popularizer, This was designed around
the years 1910–1915. Modern design also show the dependency - ACTIVITY In Project Management, scheduling is particularly important to
relationships between activities and the current schedule status. projects because of _______ coordination problems.
__________ is an obvious way to check the nature and impacts of
- GANTT CHART interactions between probabilistic paths in a network. While this - COMPLEX
used to be difficult and time consuming, software has now been
The basic approach of all scheduling techniques is to form a developed which simplifies matters greatly. In PERT/CPM, It is the tasks that logically precede a particular task
__________ of activity and event relationships that graphically is __________.
portrays the sequential relations between the tasks in a project. - SIMULATION
- NETWORK Tasks that must precede or follow other tasks are then clearly
identified, in time as well as function. Such a network is a For multiproject scheduling, three important measures of
The _________ scheduling method was developed by DuPont, powerful tool for planning and controlling a project, and has the effectiveness are schedule slippage, resource utilization, and
Inc., during the early 1960. This was designed for construction many benefits except: _______ of in-process inventory.
projects and has been generally embraced by the construction
- d. It determines the networks on which tasks may be - LEVEL
This phrase is Goldratt’s name for his view that students always __________ is when an activity has slack, we can move that In Project Management which among these given statements is
want more time to complete a project. Given more time, they activity to shift its resource usage. May also be possible to alter not one of the responsibility of Project Auditor?
delay starting the project until the last possible moment. One of the sequence of activities to levelize resources.
the common occurrences is for activities with high slack to be - DETERMINE THE PROJECT’S MATERIAL REQUIREMENT
delayed and ignored until the slack is gone. - RESOURCE LEVELING ON SITE

- STUDENT SYNDROME Networks are usually constructed from left to right, indicating The project audit studies the financial, managerial, and technical
activity precedence and event times as the network is aspects of the project as an integrated set applied to a specific
When discussing project _______ _____ with senior management, constructed. Through use of the network, critical activities and project in a specific organizational environment started
the PM should try to determine the probability that a project will events are __________ early and late activity start times are appropriately
be completed by the suggested deadline—or find the completion found, available slacks for each activity are determined, and
time associated with a predetermined level of risk. probabilities of project completion by various times are - PROJECT AUDIT
- COMPLETION DATE Management audits are primarily aimed at ensuring that the
- IDENTIFIED organization’s management systems are in place and operative.
This may cause penalties. This is when time past a project’s due The project audit goes beyond this. Among other things, it is
date when the project is completed. The two fundamental purposes of project control are: 1)The meant to ensure that the project is being _______ _______.
regulation of results through the alteration of activities. 2. The
- SCHEDULE SLIPPAGE stewardship of organizational assets - APPROPRIATELY MANAGE

A Network is A combination of interrelated activities and events - FALSE The _____ _____ is a thorough examination of the management
depicted with arcs and nodes. However, A manner of illustrating of a project, its methodology and procedures, its records, its
multiple, time-based activities on a horizontal time scale is Cybernetic control system that acts to reduce deviations from properties, its budgets and expenditures, and its degree of
___________ __. standard is called a negative feedback loop. If the system output completion.
moves away from standard in one direction, the control
- PATH mechanism acts to move it in the opposite direction. - PROJECT AUDIT

This is possibly the most common cause of late projects. It is - NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LOOP This may cause penalties. This is when time past a project’s due
certainly a major cause of frustration for anyone involved in a date when the project is completed.
project. Senior managers, firm in the belief that project workers Most projects are “in-house,” that is, carried out by the project
add extra time and resources to activity time and budget team for use in the parent organization. If a project is a major - SCHEDULE SLIPPAGE
estimates in order to insure a safe and peaceful life on their success, it may be terminated by institutionalizing it as a formal
portion of a project, routinely cut schedules and budgets. part of the parent organization. Which among the choices
appropriately corresponds to the statement.
_________ ______An approach, such as linear programming that
yields the one best solution This method of terminating a project is the most common way of
dealing with successful projects, and the most complex. The
- OPTIMIZATION APPROACH property, equipment, material, personnel, and functions of the
project are distributed among the existing elementcs of the
An approach, such as a rule of thumb, that yields a good solution parent organization. Which among the choices appropriately
that may not be optimal. corresponds to the statement.
Critical is an activity or event that, if delayed, will delay project The project is stopped. It may end because it has been successful
completion. On the other hand,in CPM, is an activity can be and achieved its goals: The new product has been developed and
conducted at a normal pace or at an expedited pace, known as handed over to the client, or the software has been installed and
rash In CPM, an activity can be conducted at a normal pace or at is running. Which among the choices appropriately corresponds to
an expedited pace, known as __________, at a greater cost the statement.

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