Summative Grade 7 4TH Quarter

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Direction: Read each question carefully before selecting your answer.

Copy the letter and the word or

number of the chosen choice onto your answer sheet.

1. Statistic can be applied in the following fields EXCEPT.

A. Medicine and Physical Science B. Education C. Psychology D. Kitchen

2. It is a branch of mathematics that deals with; collecting,organizing, analyzing, interpreting DATA.

A. Physics B. Psychology C. Statistics D. Mathematics

3. This is a devices or tools used to gather data.

A. Physical Instrument B. Statistical instruments c. Educational Instrument D. Musical Instrument

4. what are the two types of questions?

A. Closed - format and Open - format question c. Side by side format question

B. Up format and down format Question D. None of the three choices

5. A question whose response is restricted and pre defined for the respondent to choose from; like
multiple choice, and alternative response such as true- or – false, yes or no, agree or dis agree.

A. Closed- format question B. Open-format question

C. side by side format D. up and down format

6. This method of collecting data is an oral or verbal communication where the interviewer asks
questions in any mode (face to face or virtual).

A. Conducting a survey B. Interview C. Experiment D. Questionnaire

7. The number of vehicles during the dismissal of classes. This is an example of what method used in
collecting data?

A. Conducting a survey B. Observation Method

c. Experiment Method D. Interview Method

8. What are the steps in constructing a frequency table for ungrouped data ?

I. Count the tallies then write the frequencies

II. Make a tally.

III. Make three columns. Arrange the data in order in the first column.

IV. Make three columns. Arrange the data in order in the first column.

A. I, III, and II only B. III, II, I, and IV C. III and II only D. I, II, III and IV

9. The ages of children at a summer camp are recorded as follows:

What type of data is this? A.

Average B. Normal C. Ungroup data D. Grouped data

10. Steven observed students enter a classroom for class, and recorded whether the students will sit in
front or not.

Experiment Method B. Interview Method

C. Observation Method D. Questionnaire Method

11. Marilyn searched the internet to find comments and reviews from people who owned the type of
laptop she was thinking of buying.

A. Experiment Method B. Interview Method

C. Observation Method D. Questionnaire Method

(12-14). The following are the weights (in lbs) of grade 7 Aquamarine. Construct a frequency table using
7 as the desired number of class interval. How many students weigh more than 100 lbs? (Grouped data)

12. Determine the range. ( refer the data above)

A. 38 B. 40 C. 28 D. 38.8

13. Determine the Class Width using this formula W = 𝑅 /𝐶𝐼

A. 6 B. 6.5 C. 5 D. 11

14. How many students weigh more than 100 lbs?

A. 15 B. 16 C. 17 D. 15.4

15 In a data analysis project, which type of graph would be most suitable for comparing the sales
performance of different products over a period of one year?

A. Pie Chart B. Line Graph C. Bar Graph D. Histogram.

16. In a survey conducted to gather information about the favorite colors of students in a class, which
type of graph would be most appropriate to represent the data?

A. Pie Chart B. Line Graph C. Bar Graph D. Histogram

17. A company conducted a survey to analyze the satisfaction levels of customers after implementing a
new service. The data collected includes customer ratings on a scale of 1 to 5. Which type of graph
would be most effective in representing this data to show the distribution of customer satisfaction

A. Pie Chart B. Line Graph C. Bar Graph D. Histogram

18. What are the two types of bar graph?

A. Vertical and horizontal bar graph B. line graph and bar graph

C. Histogram and Ogive graph D. Pie chart and Pie graph

19. It is used to show cumulative frequency for a frequency distribution.

A. Ogive B. Line graph C. Bar graph D. Histogram

(20-22) Use the graph below to answer the following question.

20. which age group has the most number of people?

A. 1-10 B. 11-12 C. 21-30 D. 31-40

21. How many People are older than 30?

A. 30 B. 35 C. 40 D. 25

22.Which age group has the least number of people?

A.1-10 B. 11-12 C. 21-30 D. 31-40

23.I am the most commonly used measure of central tendency.

A. Median B .Measures of Central Tendency C. Mode D. Mean

(24-26) Charlie got the following scores during their fourth quarter summative quizzes: 23, 26, 19, 25,
16, 23 and 21. What is the mean?

A. 21.86 B. 22 C. 23 D. 19.78

25. What is the median of the given score? (Refer from no.24)

A. 21.86 B. 26 C. 23 D. 25

26. what is the mode of the given score? (Refer from no. 24)

A. 21.86 B. 23 C. 19 D.21

For numbers 27 – 31, refer to the following frequency distribution table. The ages of 112 people in an
island are grouped as follows:

27. What is the class size of the given data?

A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10

28. What is the modal class?

A. 0 - 9 B. 10 - 19 C. 20 - 29 D. 40 – 49

29. What is the value of the median class?

A. 10 - 19 B. 20 - 29 C. 30 - 39 D. 46.5

30. What is the ΣfX?

A. 85 B. 112 C. 3304 D. 9520

31. What is the mean of the data?

A. 24.5 B. 29.50 C. 34.5 D. 40

32. What is the formula used to measures the central tendency of grouped data when we get its mean?

∑ ( fx ) ∑ fn
A. B. C. lbmc=¿ D. all of the choices
∑f n
33. The total frequencies in a frequency distribution table is called _______________.

A. lower class boundary B. frequency C. cumulative frequency D. Mean

34. The _____________ of a given class is obtained by averaging the upper limit of the previous class
and the lower limit of the given class.

A. lower class boundary B. frequency C. cumulative frequency D. Mean

35. The ____________ is the interval with the highest frequency.

A. Modal class B. Mode C. Median D. Median Class

36. It refers to the measure of the spread or dispersion of a data set.

A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Standard Deviation/ variance

37.It is the average squared distance of all scores that deviates from the mean.

A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Standard Deviation

38. The difference between the highest value and the lowest value in a data set.

A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Range

39. The scores of 20 students in a 30-item Science test has a mean of 25, a median of 25 and mode of
25. Which is TRUE about the data?

A. The average of scores of the students is 20.

B. Majority of the students got 25.

C. More students got 20 than 25.

D. All students got perfect score.

40. The mean score of 50 students in a quiz is 41.5. What does it mean when a student scored above

A. The student who scored above 41.5 did better than average.

B. The student who scored above 41.5 got a failing score.

C. The student who scored above 41.5 did not perform well

D. The student who scored above 41.5 cheated.

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