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Can you find a better sport competition for teachers and students than
basketball? Last year I had a competition for teachers and students of basketball,
and I think is the best option.

On one hand, in my point of view it’s the best option because it's easier to
organise than swimming, because in football you only need a flat land and two
baskets and in swimming you need a swimming pool that is not accessible in all
the schools. Also, it is the most popular sport since it's internationally known.
Apart from that, it is the most enjoyable because It is a team sport to do with the
students and teachers. Furthermore, this is the best option for the students and
teachers since, like I wrote before, it is a team sport and this makes it more
enjoyable .

On the other hand, I’mm he less keen in tennis because is very complicated to
play. Also, it’s not a good option to do it in a teachers and students competition
because it isn’t a team sport and that can be a bit boring. Besides, it isn’t the
easiest sport to organise since the rackets and the tennis net is not usual in a

To sum up, if you are going to organise a students and teachers competition. It is
the easiest to play and the most enjoyable. Clearly, then, the football competition
be the most popular choice. Who could fail to enjoy it?

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